Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 284 Do you still want to hide!Potential astronomers!

Shen Lian nodded slightly.

He looked at the person and asked, "I'll ask you a few questions, and you answer them truthfully."


"Does Wang Wenru have other scars?"

Wu Zuo nodded: "Yes, there are scars on the next door."

"Can you tell if you were hit by someone, or by yourself?"

"Can't tell."

Shen Lian was not too surprised.

After all, the scene was like this, and there was a message before he died. He believed that Wang Wenru could not be so stupid as to forget to leave marks on his body.

He continued to ask: "Can any signs of poisoning be found on the deceased?"

Wu Zuo shook his head: "Never, the deceased should not have been poisoned."

"Can it be found that the deceased was drugged or something?"

Wu Zuo still shook his head: "From the results of the autopsy, it has never been found."

"When the deceased was stabbed to death, was he in a coma or awake?"

Wu Zuo thought for a while and said: "It should be sober. His eyes were open when he died. According to the state of the deceased, it can be seen that he did not lose consciousness and was killed with consciousness."

Shen Lian nodded slightly: "Okay, you can go down."

Wu Zuo quickly bowed to Shen Lian, and then retreated obediently.

Shen Lian looked at the officials and said calmly, "Do you understand everything?"


These officials were taken aback.

Do you understand what?

Then they saw Shen Lian's disgusted look.

As if to say why are you so stupid?Why am I wasting so much time with you idiots?

Shen Lian said helplessly, "Use your brain!"

"Wu Zuo has already said that when the deceased died, he was not poisoned or comatose, and he was awake."

"And you have also seen the scene. There is no sign of rope restraint on the deceased."

"So, don't you understand?"

understand what?
These officials didn't dare to ask, they could only beep in their hearts.

Shen Lian rubbed his forehead, and said calmly: "Not bound, not poisoned, not unconscious, not comatose, completely free..."

"So, do you think that if there were other murderers, would Wang Wenru be so obedient? He is sober and not tied up, and since the murderer is arranged like this, he obviously doesn't want to stay here to be discovered, so... Do you think that the murderer is not here, he can move freely, is he stupid? Not to run away?"


These officials were stunned.

Some officials seemed to understand what Shen Lian meant.

And this thought made their faces change instantly, and everyone's expression was full of disbelief.

"This... this... is it the murderer, is it... the murderer, the murderer is..."

Shen Lian's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "You are right."

"When all the exclusions are eliminated, then the remaining one is the truth no matter how untrue it is!"

"This murder..."

Shen Lian paused, sneered, and said, "There is no murderer at all!"

"Or, to put it another way..."

Shen Lian suddenly raised his hand, pointed at Wang Wenru's corpse, and said, "He himself is the murderer!"

Wangfu, in the main hall.

It was silent, eerily quiet.

All eyes were on Wang Wenru's corpse, and the shock and disbelief on his face couldn't be hidden.

They really never thought that the murderer who killed Wang Wenru turned out to be Wang Wenru himself!
The murderer turned out to be the deceased himself.

This... This is really beyond their expectations.

No one thought of it.

And no one doubted whether Shen Lian's deduction was correct.

Although they didn't have Shen Lian's terrifying reasoning, they still didn't understand Shen Lian's tracing of the case, and the evidence and clues were right in front of them.

Therefore, even if they don't want to believe it subjectively, they still have to believe it.

Fact, that's it!
Shen Lian is not a murderer at all!

The murderer is Wang Wenru himself!
As for why Shen Lian was here, they immediately thought that Shen Lian was the murderer... They also understood almost at the same time - someone wanted to frame Shen Lian! !
All of them are pawns used to frame Shen Lian!
Those who can be officials in the imperial court, there is no one who is really simple-minded. Even if they are not good at these insidious tricks, they can still be judged.

So it makes them both angry to be exploited and nervous and fearful.

Because if Shen Lian hadn't solved the case, they would never have thought of this.

In other words, someone was using them behind their backs, using them as pawns, but they... didn't notice anything, didn't notice it at all, which made their hands and feet feel cold, as if behind them, there seemed to be a poisonous snake with a snake letter staring at them.

Being able to be used in this matter means that they can also be used in other matters, and if the person behind the scenes is malicious, then they... may not even know how to die.

How can this not surprise them?How not to be afraid?now
Sometimes the officialdom is more ruthless than the battlefield.

Because you died, you don't know how you died, and you don't know who did it.

The faces of these officials were pale, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. Everyone no longer had the courage to accuse Shen Lian just now.

Ah Bao was also a little confused at the moment.

Because the murderer Shen Lian said was completely different from the murderer he thought of.

He always thought that the butler was the murderer, so just now he used all kinds of connotations of the butler, and used all the curse words on the butler.

But who knows, what I thought was wrong.

The murderer was not the housekeeper!

So... you scolded the wrong person?Has the butler suffered an indiscriminate disaster?

This made Ah Bao a little tangled, he thought for a while, and suddenly walked up to the butler with an unpredictable expression.

Looking at the housekeeper, Ah Bao took a deep breath, and suddenly said, "Sorry."


The housekeeper was dumbfounded.

sorry for what?
Is there something wrong with this guy?

A Bao said seriously: "I just scolded the wrong person, you can scold me back, if you don't know how to scold, I have a manuscript, you can just read it."


Qin Wenyuan's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help shaking his head while touching his forehead.

"Abao, come back!"

He said helplessly: "You were not wrong just now. Although he is not the murderer, he is also with Wang Wenru. If it wasn't for him just now, I wouldn't be the biggest suspect."

Abao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then suddenly looked at the butler, under the inexplicable gaze of the butler, he knocked suddenly, and then "he! Tui!"

Spit directly at the housekeeper.

Cursing and cursing: "You still want to lie to me, but fortunately I am smart, or you will really be deceived, and you still want to scold me, go dreaming!"

The butler frowned: "...What's wrong with you? Who wants to scold you? I don't even know what you were talking about just now."

Even the insidious and cunning housekeeper was stunned by Ah Bao's operation at the moment.

Seeing this scene, Shen Lian just squinted his eyes and smiled. It's really like a scholar meets a soldier, a wise man meets a stubborn warrior, sometimes... there is nothing to do.

The housekeeper's face was a little gloomy, but he didn't pay attention to Abao. Instead, he turned his attention to Shen Lian and said in a deep voice, "Commander Shen, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

"Even if my master committed suicide, I don't know anything about it, and we didn't intend to frame you on purpose. After all, when we came over, we happened to see you here. If you want to say can only blame my master. What does this have to do with me?"

He looked at the officials and said, "Everyone, you can testify for me. When you said that you heard the screams, I was already waiting for you at the door, so in terms of time, it is impossible for you to see me."

"From here to the gate, we just walked around, around the garden, and through the rockery. It took less than half an hour, so you said I would bring you here, and then disappeared suddenly, and appeared at the gate. It's absolutely impossible!"

The butler laughed, looked at Shen Lian, his eyes flickered, and said: "Commander Shen, you just said that I am just a servant, so why do you frame me as a servant with such a high status? I just told the truth. Could it be that because I didn't speak for you or tell lies for you, did you hold grudges?"

"If this is the case, then I think that Commander Shen, who is so narrow-minded, may not be worthy of the position of being the head of the Wanbang Dynasty. What do you think?"

The butler's voice was neither humble nor overbearing, and his tone was neither urgent nor panic, but he used his words instead to defeat Shen Lian.

A group of officials, also persuaded by the housekeeper at this moment, felt that Shen Lian was really going too far and wronged such a small person.

As for Shen Lian, his expression remained unchanged. No matter what the housekeeper said, he didn't seem to care.

He chuckled and sat back on the chair.

Flicking the chess piece lightly with his fingers, he said calmly: "At first I thought you were Wang Wenru's confidant, and you acted according to Wang Wenru's orders."

"But based on your performance just now and your attitude towards Wang Wenru, I just realized that you are not Wang Wenru's confidant at all. Maybe you and Wang Wenru are at the same level."

"so you….…"

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled, and said, " least, you should be a fill-in, right? are one of the stars, right?"

The housekeeper's eyes changed slightly, but soon, he sneered, "What stars, Commander Shen, I don't understand what you are talking about."

And other officials who didn't know about the Big Dipper Society didn't understand what Shen Lian meant.

Shen Lian smiled and said, "Do you not admit it?"

"Forget it, then I will solve the mystery of your instant disappearance first, and then reveal your true face. If you want to play, then I will have fun with you."

The butler frowned slightly, staring at Shen Lian, but did not reply.

Shen Lian didn't care either, he looked at the butler, and suddenly took out a bamboo tube from his arms slowly.

At the same time, he said: "All schools of thought are really treasures. Needless to say, their theories of governing the country, their academics are enough to shine through the ages."

"I was fortunate to have nothing to do during this period of time. I studied some secretaries of various schools of thought in my Chu Palace, and then acquired some special skills."

"For example, the farmhouse... As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people, and food is the main thing for the farmhouse. Not only are there researches on various crops, but also on all edible things. At the same time, there are researches on some insects that are beneficial to food."

"During their research on honey, they developed a spice that has a very mild smell, which is difficult to smell for a normal human sense of smell ... but for the bees, it's the opposite."

"As long as the spices are scattered, the bees can find them... Therefore, the predecessors of the farm sometimes used this method to use the bees to find their nests, to attract the bees to collect honey, and so on."

"And I, by chance, got some of these spices, and it just so happened..."

Shen Lian raised his eyelids, looked at the housekeeper, and said with a smile, "Just now, I accidentally sprinkled some of this special spice on your clothes."

"So, if you really came just now, then the bees... will help us find the way for you to leave."

When the butler heard Shen Lian's words, his pupils shrank slightly.

There was a sudden change in his face: "Commander Shen... When did you sprinkle some spice on me? Why didn't I know?"

Shen Lian opened the lid of the bamboo tube, and there was a buzzing sound, and soon... some bees flew out of the bamboo tube.

Shen Lian raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a faint smile: "It's so hard that your master never told you, how terrible are the people in Chu Palace? How dare you walk in front of me when you walk, how dare you..."

Facing the steward's unsightly gaze, Shen Lian smiled and said, "You're really daring!"

The butler frowned completely.

He didn't know if Shen Lian was fooling him, deliberately letting him be exposed, or if he really did these things.

But he really didn't know.

And at that time, Shen Lian didn't even know what was going to happen.

So, what's wrong with Shen Lian?
Nothing happened, so why start digging?
The butler looked very bad.

And everyone was attracted by those bees at this time, so no one paid attention to the housekeeper.

The bees flapped their wings and made a constant buzzing sound.

These bees did not gather together, because the butler had already walked around, so wherever the butler walked, there were bees flying, which made everyone believe Shen Lian's words.

Shen Lian tapped his knees lightly with his fingers, with a calm expression.

Ah Bao was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

If the bee finds the way that no one left, then even if Shen Lian solves the case, the situation is not optimistic.

After all, framing a small person... This is really not a good word, far more important in the hearts of the people than framing an official.

After all, people sympathize with the weak.

There is no doubt that at this time, the butler is the weak one.

The housekeeper stared at Shen Lian, seeing that Shen Lian was not in a hurry, frowning, and then looked at the flying bees.

He couldn't believe it anymore, his foolproof plan could be destroyed by a swarm of bees?

Finally, at this moment, Shen Lian, whose expression remained unchanged, suddenly flew out of the chess piece in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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