Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 287 From the Dragon's Merit!It's you!

Shen Lian's eyes flashed brightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Based on the feedback from the person in front of him, it seemed that he was in the right direction.

Although Shen Lian didn't have any clues or evidence of the person in front of him beforehand, and today was the first time they met, and they had never fought before, and they were very strange to each other... But this did not prevent Shen Lian from looking for clues and reasoning on the spot.Ninetowns Literature

On the spot, with Shen Lian's wisdom, it was enough for anyone to believe that he was confident and prepared enough.

But how did they know that what Shen Lian had mastered now was the same as theirs?

It's just that Shen Lian's demeanor was too calm and confident, so that everyone held Shen Lian in their hearts and raised it a lot. They unconsciously thought that Shen Lian had already known everything.

Even the mysterious butler in front of him is the same.

He didn't notice Shen Lian at all. In fact, he was completely blind, and he was looking for feedback from him by the way.

Shen Lian looked at the butler whose expression changed drastically, even though he didn't know anything, he still acted extremely strong and confident.

It makes people feel that he already knows this: "I have disguised myself a few times before."

"So, I, Shen Lian, still have some understanding of the way of disguise."

"In disguise, the easiest thing is the appearance, but the most difficult thing is the temperament and demeanor, so that people will not notice any incongruity when they look at it."

"Just like the steward of the palace."

Shen Lian said calmly: "Although I have never met the butler of the Wangfu, I have heard that the butler of the Wangfu came out of the Wang family following Wang Wenru, and followed Wang Wenru since he was a child, so if nothing else, it is impossible for him to be younger."

"As for people who are a little older, their behavior style, confusion in their eyes, and tone of voice are very different from those of other age groups!"

"Young man, full of enthusiasm, because he has little experience, all emotions are written on his face."

"Middle-aged people have experienced a lot, and they are in the strongest period of their lives. The confidence in their eyes is very obvious."

"And the elderly..."

Shen Lian looked at the butler in front of him, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and said: "I have experienced enough, but I am old, my heart is weak, and the sun is setting, so the look in my eyes will inevitably be stained with oldness and exhaustion."

"This is a person of three age groups. Look at the eyes, it's very obvious!"

"what about you.……"

The butler was watched by Shen Lian, his pupils moved slightly, he didn't dare to let Shen Lian look directly into his eyes, he subconsciously dodged his gaze.

Shen Lian chuckled: "You don't even care about the details of your clothes and shoes, so naturally you won't care about the deeper details."

"But the feeling you give me is very similar to the old butler's situation, which is why those officials are so easily deceived by you... So, there is only one possibility."

Ah Bao asked very perceptively: "My lord, what is possible?"

Shen Lian's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "That is, you are in the same age group as the housekeeper! In other words, your age is not young!"

"Only in this way can you give me the reason why Shen Lian doesn't have any sense of disobedience in details like eyes."

"So your age is at least 40 years old..."

The situation in ancient times is different from that in later generations. In ancient times, the average life expectancy of people was not high, so over 40 years old is enough to call themselves an old man, that is, an old man.

60 years old, that is an absolute longevity.

"And just now, I also limited the scope of your identity..."

The housekeeper subconsciously clenched his hands, only then did he realize that his hands were unconsciously covered with sweat because of Shen Lian's words.

Shen Lian seemed to have not noticed the change in the butler, and continued to say calmly: "There are very few people in the royal family who are over 40 years old in Chang'an."

"It's not the members of the royal family. Those who have been rewarded with cloth by His Majesty this year, those who are over 40 years old, are only a dozen or so."

As one of the official positions in the imperial court, although Shen Lian didn't care much about party factions, Shen Lian was still clear about who made what contributions and was rewarded.

So he didn't need to send people to investigate, and he could name those people now.

"Another point!"

Shen Lian looked at the butler with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and said with a smile, "Although you are relatively old, you were able to rush from here to the gate within twenty breaths. This ability is absolutely impossible if you don't have the time to spare and your health is not good."

"So, we can exclude civil servants and people with poor health. In this case..."

Shen Lian looked at the butler in front of him, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "The number of people seems to be only three left!"

I think about it, who is there?

He looked at the butler, but at this moment, the butler kept dodging his expression, and he didn't dare to respond to Shen Lian anymore.

Shen Lian laughed, turned his fingers slightly, and said, "One is the Minister of the Ministry of War, Marshal of the Tang Dynasty -- Li Jing!"

"One is the servant of the Ministry of War, Qin Qiong, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty!"

"There is one more, the new Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, the elder of the Changsun family, the eldest grandson Shunde of Conglong Zhigong!"


Shen Lian said meaningfully: "Who are you among them?"

Marshal Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty!

Qin Qiong, the famous general in the lobby!

The Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, the eldest grandson Shunde of Empress Changsun's family!
When these three names came out of Shen Lian's mouth, the housekeeper in front of him didn't react yet, but the surrounding officials counted one by one, and their expressions all changed.

Even Qin Ziyi shuddered, almost sitting on the ground!
In fact, it was Shen Lian who mentioned the three people, their identities are too special!
And one counts as one, they are all too awesome, there is no weak one!

Li Jing!

Marshal of the Tang Dynasty!

Great Tang Army God!

Minister of the Ministry of War!

With hundreds of thousands of troops in hand!
Prestigious military supporter!

Who would doubt him, or if he is really the butler in front of him, it will definitely be a fatal blow to Datang!
After all, what he represents is Datang's military!

Duke Qin of the Tang Dynasty, with his own character, has been admired by countless people!Ninetowns Literature
A famous general in the Tang Dynasty, his prestige in the military is only lower than that of Li Jing, and equal to that of Cheng Yaojin and others.

Even Li Shimin would call Qin Qiong Brother Qin!
Much better than Wei Zheng and his ilk!

Power and status, needless to say!

And Qin Qiong is much better than Wei Zheng! !

Qin Qiong himself is a big boss, who dare not give him face?
Therefore, if the housekeeper is Qin Qiong, the trouble will be great!
And what about Changsun Shunde?

This is also an existence that Qin Ziyi and the others dare not mess with!

Not to mention anything else, just the identity of Empress Changsun and uncle of Changsun Wuji's family is enough to make Changsun Shunde go sideways.

Not to mention, Changsun Shunde was the first to follow Li Shimin.

In the change of Xuanwu Gate, he made a lot of contributions.

Coupled with the relationship of the eldest grandson empress's family, that is also the ranks of the emperor's relatives.

Therefore, if this person is the eldest grandson Shunde, it is the same, and there will be huge waves.

After all, this represents the queen's natal family!
Changsun Wuji and Empress Changsun are all related to him. If he is really the housekeeper, then perhaps Changsun Wuji and the others will be implicated.

So... These three people, no matter which one they are, are existences that Qin Ziyi and the others cannot afford to mess with.

At this moment, those officials couldn't help but tremble.

It wasn't until Shen Lian revealed the possible identity of this person that they realized what a terrible thing they had been involved in.

Even Qin Ziyi couldn't help but said: "Commander Shen, this person's identity is just... Is there no other object of suspicion?"

He was afraid that Dali Temple would not be able to hold it!

Shen Lian saw through Qin Ziyi's thoughts at a glance, and stood calmly: "No more, if Qin Shaoqing finds this difficult, I, Shen Lian, will directly take over the matter now."

Qin Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Shen Lian's words.

He was incomparable to Shen Lian, and Shen Lian was the subordinate of that Chu king.

Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Changsun Shunde, any one of them could crush him to death.

After Qin Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly became more interested. He looked at Shen Lian and asked, "Then Commander Shen, who is he?"

Although the others began to tremble, they still couldn't help turning their heads to look at Shen Lian. They also wanted to know who this terrifying guy was.

Shen Lian did not answer them, but looked at the housekeeper opposite, he said with a smile: "Among these three people, you are the one... Do you think my deduction is correct?"

The housekeeper couldn't help but turn pale at this moment.

Being stared at by Shen Lian, he actually had a feeling of being stared at by the god of death.

It was as if Shen Lian had seen through all his disguises and everything about him at a glance.

This made his heart extremely cold.

There was more cold sweat on his forehead.

His palms tightened, and he couldn't help but said, "You... aren't you very smart? Then guess for yourself!"

It wasn't until he spoke that he realized that his voice was already a little hoarse.

And this hoarseness was entirely caused by tension.

Although Shen Lian didn't get any useful feedback from his words, his voice... also told Shen Lian how he was feeling at the moment.

Shen Lian's eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he continued: "Okay, let me continue to deduce, then I, Shen Lian, will continue to deduce, this matter is not urgent."

He chuckled, and that smile, in the eyes of the housekeeper, seemed like a devil, which made him terrified.

"Among these three people, you can actually continue to exclude people!"

The butler's pupils twitched violently, and his face became more and more unhappy.

Shen Lian laughed: "You said, do you still want me to eliminate it?"

"I..." The housekeeper opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, Shen Lian continued: "I think, by now, even the most stupid person can find out your identity."

"Send someone directly to your mansion to have a look. Then... it will be clear at a glance who is there and who is not."

Hearing this, Ah Bao hurriedly said, "My lord, I'll send someone to investigate right away."

The housekeeper's eyes widened, and just as he was about to reach out to grab Abao, Shen Lian shook his head slightly: "No need, I just said it, that's the most stupid way."

"And I... have an easier way."

He looked at the butler in front of him and said, "I have a question for you. Whether you answer it or not, I know who you are."

Before the steward could respond, Shen Lian fixed his eyes on the steward's eyes, and suddenly asked, "Are you the eldest grandson Shunde?"

Brush it!
The butler, who had been dodging his eyes, stared sharply when he heard Shen Lian's words!
The pupils in the eyes are jumping a lot at this moment!

He stared blankly at Shen Lian, with various expressions on his face constantly flickering.



Killing intent!
Wait, the expressions flashed one after another.

At the next moment, he suddenly let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the shocked expressions of the others, and asked Shen Lian, "How do you know I'm not Qin Qiong or Li Jing's?"

The corners of Shen Lian's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a half-smile, "I don't know!"

"But now, I know..."


The butler was taken aback.

But at the next moment, he suddenly understood something. His eyes widened, he looked at Shen Lian angrily, and shouted: "Shen Lian, you lied to me!"

Shen Lian chuckled: "It's easy to use, isn't it? You see, once I say it, you'll expose yourself."

As soon as Shen Lian's words fell, everyone present was stunned.



Dumbfounded! !
They were all like the fake butler... or the eldest grandson Shunde, they all stared at Shen Lian with wide eyes, unable to recover for a long while.

But their expressions are different from that of the grandson Shunde.

Changsun Shunde felt ashamed and angry because Shen Lian had tricked him, and even... Because Shen Lian deduced his identity so easily, he was terrified.

The others, on the other hand, were shocked by Shen Lian, shocked...
Except for A Bao and Qin Ziyi, although the other officials had heard about Shen Lian's recent deeds, they didn't know how terrifying Shen Lian was because they had no actual contact with them.

Today, I saw with my own eyes how Shen Lian determined the scope of the eldest grandson Shunde based on the small details.

Then how to check that there are only three people left, and only two people left...
In the end, he cheated directly, and in an instant, Changsun Shunde blew himself up.

As a result, the identity of the eldest grandson Shunde was completely revealed to everyone.

All of this made them feel shocked, from the bottom of their hearts, and felt admiration.

They know they can't do it.

Even from a hostile angle, she couldn't help admiring Shen Lian.

too strong!
This ability is beyond their reach!
No wonder anyone who has done business with Shen Lian will not turn against Shen Lian...

They didn't understand before, they only thought that Shen Lian would come.

But now, they understand.

Shen Lian's wisdom, coupled with his background, being the subordinate of the king of Chu, combined, made Shen Lian's strongest point.

This kind of powerful wisdom, as well as terrifying intelligence, coupled with the king of Chu, made people... not dare to regard Shen Lian as an enemy.

Such people can only feel at ease when they are friends.

As an enemy, unless he can kill with one blow, otherwise... just like the current Changsun Shunde, he feels a chill to the bone.

Thinking of this, these officials looked at Shen Lian's expression and became even more awed. (end of this chapter)

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