Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 288 What the hell is going on!What about my people!

I regretted even more in my heart, what crime did I do in my previous life, and I wanted to offend Shen Lian in this life!
And when they thought that they were being used by Changsun Shunde and Wang Wenru, they became even more annoyed when they looked at Changsun Shunde!

Throughout the hall, the wind passed through the hall, blowing the windows and swaying constantly.

Except for the sound of the wind and the shaking of the windows, the silence was terrifying.

Shen Lian looked at Changsun Shunde with a half-smile, and the others looked at Shen Lian with complicated expressions.

In this way, I don't know how long it took, Changsun Shunde seemed to walk out of the blow that Shen Lian had played on him.

He stared at Shen Lian with gloomy and sharp eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Lian, if you don't know my identity, maybe you still have a way to survive tonight! But now you will definitely die!"

Changsun Shunde didn't pretend either.

It's a showdown!
He tore off the human skin mask on his face.

A gloomy and thin face that everyone was familiar with, with a very mean look, suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

All the officials were still heartbroken by this face.

But Shen Lian sneered, and said lightly, "I'm stupid, so don't change the subject."

"I, Shen Lian, just asked casually, and you exposed yourself. No wonder you are so old, you have come to this point, seeking skin from a tiger, joining some Big Dipper Association... It seems that you are really stupid."

"What did you say!?"

Changsun Shunde's eyebrows were knit together, and his angry eyes seemed to be on fire.

Facing the anger of eldest grandson Shunde, Shen Lian remained very calm.

He said lightly: "Aren't you stupid? Not to mention your performance today, you are full of flaws, which made it so easy for me to guess your identity."

"Let's just talk about your joining the Beidou Society..."

Shen Lian glanced at Changsun Shunde, and said indifferently: "As the older generation of the Changsun family, you also have the merits of Conglong. The combination of these two is enough to make you famous, powerful and powerful. position."

"But what about you? You don't know how to be blessed while you are blessed. You have such a powerful position that other people can't reach in a lifetime, but you still join a rebellious organization like the Beidouhui... What?"

Shen Lian squinted at the elder Sun Shunde, and said sarcastically: "If you are born better and have better luck, do you really think that you are destined by destiny and can stir up the world?"

"I just feel that the status of the emperor's relatives and important ministers in the court is too unchallenging for you? So when your brain is twitched and you are fooled by others, you immediately feel that you are the man of destiny and want to control the general situation of the world. Achieve a more brilliant life?"

As she said that, Shen Lian couldn't help being happy: "Changsun Shunde, I didn't expect you to be so old, how can you be so old, and still believe this kind of nonsense! So, do you think you are stupid?"

"If I, Shen Lian, say it, you are stupid, you are so stupid!!"

When Changsun Shunde heard Shen Lian's words, his face turned blue and purple, the corners of his mouth twitched, and even the expression in his eyes kept changing.

He was frightened that Shen Lian could see through his thoughts at a glance, but also angry that Shen Lian belittled his pursuit to nothing!
this person! !

Why do you ignore people so much?!

He said angrily, "What do you know!?"

"You don't understand anything, you are so narrow-minded, you don't understand my grand pursuit at all!"

"I, Shen Lian, sit and watch the sky?"

"Ha ha."

Shen Lian raised his eyebrows, he looked at Changsun Shunde, and said, "Then I want to see how you don't just sit and watch the sky."

"Changsun Shunde, I know, you must have someone behind you, and maybe Beichen will push you from I, Qin, are now one-on-two, which seems unfavorable, but in my opinion, all this It doesn't matter at all."

"In other words, I, Shen Lian, have absolutely no fear of the backup you and Beichen have prepared!"

He continued to laugh and say: "I, Shen Lian, just want to see how far-reaching your vision is, how big the world is in your eyes, and what skills you have... Dare to say that my vision is narrow. "

At this moment, Changsun Shunde's mind was on fire, and when he heard Shen Lian's provocation, he immediately exploded into flames.

"Okay, okay!! Shen Lian, since you're looking for death, don't blame me."

He fixed his eyes on Shen Lian, "You are indeed very smart, smarter than I imagined, I really didn't can guess my identity, but... so what if you guessed it ?”

He opened his hands suddenly, and said with a sneer, "Even if you know my identity, it won't affect anything. This is the place of death we prepared for you. Take a good look at how far we are from what you see." !"

Hearing this, Ah Bao immediately became angry, and at the same time, he was also afraid of Changsun Shunde's backhand.

He quickly rushed to Shen Lian's side, drew out his long knife, and slashed at Changsun Shunde directly.

As soon as Changsun Shun's feet stepped on the ground, he immediately stepped back, dodging Ah Bao's attack.

Although he is not young, his kung fu on the battlefield is still not bad.

A Bao didn't go after him, but stayed beside his lord Shen Lian, staring at the eldest grandson Shunde very vigilantly.

Qin Ziyi was not idle at this moment, and quickly called the Yamen servant. Everyone was extremely nervous at this moment.

Even those officials ran to Shen Lian's side cautiously at this time.

It's not that they want to support Shen Lian, but they are very clear about one thing - that is, if they don't know the real identity of looking for Sun Shunde, it's fine, the eldest Sun Shunde may not hurt them.

But now, they know the biggest secret of Changsun Shunde, if this secret is leaked out, Changsun Shunde will definitely die!

But Changsun Shunde would not believe that they could keep their mouths shut. Everyone knew that only the dead could truly keep secrets.

Therefore, when they knew the identity of the eldest grandson Shunde, they had only two results tonight.

The eldest grandson Shunde died.

Or, they die!
Therefore, they now had to stand on Shen Lian's side to fight against Changsun Shunde.

Changsun Shunde saw that everyone was standing behind Shen Lian, and seeing those timid officials standing firmly by Shen Lian's side, his face became more gloomy.

Why did everyone support Shen Lian?
Why did everyone immediately choose to believe in Shen Lian when they were in danger!

There was a cold light in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and growled, "Tonight, you... are all going to die!"


As soon as the voice fell, the windows and doors were suddenly kicked open.

Hundreds of men in black suddenly rushed into the hall.

These men in black held swords that gleamed with cold light, and stared at Shen Lian and the others covetously.

Ah Bao and the others were all terrified at this moment, and their palms were sweating.

The yamen servants brought by Qin Ziyi were only a dozen or so. He thought it was an ordinary case and it was still in Chang'an, so he didn't think much about it, so he just brought some random people.

But who knows, the result is like this!
Now the number of killers completely exceeds them.

At this moment, Qin Ziyi couldn't help but feel nervous and worried.

He subconsciously looked at Shen Lian, and saw that even though Shen Lian was facing the situation in front of him, his expression was as calm as usual, without any tension or worry.

Shen Lian's indifference and composure seemed to be contagious, which immediately gave Qin Ziyi a little more confidence for no reason.

As for Shen Lian, he didn't care about Qin Ziyi and the others. He just glanced at those men in black who were looking at them with a murderous look, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly: "It seems that Beichen still lied in front of my Chu Palace. After ruining his power in Chang'an, now it seems that he deliberately deceived me, and made my Chu Palace take it lightly for this?"

He sneered: "He's really an old fox, he speaks every word of the truth, but...we at Chu Palace didn't believe him at all."

He glanced quickly over these men in black, then calmly looked at Changsun Shunde, and said lazily: "Changsun Shunde, if this is your trump card, then I'm really disappointed."

"Don't you really think..."

The corner of Shen Lian's mouth twitched: "With such a small number of people, can it hurt me? You... how underestimated my Chu Palace!"

When Changsun Shunde heard Shen Lian's words, he wanted to see the expression of sternness, nervousness, and fear on Shen Lian's face.

But in the end, he was obviously disappointed.

Shen Lian really looked at himself with a sarcastic smile.

That look was completely supercilious, as if he was standing here, as if all these crises, to Shen Lian, were like air, without any deterrent power.

This made the eldest Sun Shunde, who had always claimed to be a man of destiny, clenched his hands into fists.

The whole person is extremely angry!
Shen Lian's contempt for him made him more angry than Shen Lian's revealing his identity and causing trouble for him!
He said with a gloomy face: "Shen Lian, although I don't know where your confidence comes from, in the face of such a situation, you still dare to say such words without shame!"

"However... since you are looking for death! Then I will help you! I will let you know... What exactly is despair!"

Changsun Shunde said coldly: "That's right, I do still have a backup, today... is the heaven and earth net I specially prepared for you, all of you..."

He swept his gaze over Qin Ziyi and the others, and said coldly, "They're all going to die!"

These officials were stared at by the gloomy eyes of the elder Sun Shunde, and they felt like a light was on their backs, and they shrank their necks subconsciously nervously.

At the same time, they also subconsciously hid behind Shen Lian. They didn't realize at all that when the crisis came, the person they subconsciously trusted the most would be their former enemy, Shen Lian.

And when they reacted, they were already hiding behind Shen Lian.

Looking at Shen Lian, who had a straight back and a waist like a spear, their expressions couldn't help flickering.

The expression in the eyes, for the first time, had an extremely complicated change.

And these, Shen Lian did not know.

He just looked at Changsun Shunde calmly, without giving those men in black a look at all.

He smiled and said: "Then I, Shen Lian, will see how you make me despair."


Changsun Shunde waved his hands: "Shen Lian, you will regret it because of your arrogance."

As soon as the words fell, he shouted directly: "If you don't show up at this time, when will you wait?"

Although Changsun Shunde is not young, his loud voice is not weak at all. Every time the voice came out, it startled the birds outside.

Ah Bao clenched his weapon nervously and protected Shen Lian behind him. Qin Ziyi and the others also had extremely nervous expressions on their faces.

Everyone's heart tensed up.

They knew that it was definitely not ordinary to be able to make eldest grandson Shunde so confident.

Maybe...the person who will appear next is the last straw that breaks the camel's back, an existence that makes them completely desperate...
So all of them are extremely nervous.

As for Shen Lian, the corners of his mouth curled up undetectably at this moment, and there was a trace of mockery on his face.

Everyone is waiting.

Three breaths passed without any wind.

Ten breaths passed, and not even the bird chirping.

Thirty breaths passed, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

The entire hall fell into a very strange and strange tranquility.

The officials blinked, wondering what the situation was.

Ah Bao also turned his sore wrist slightly, and looked suspiciously at Changsun Shunde, what kind of tricks is this old bastard playing?
What about people?



Changsun Shunde had a cold face just now, as if with a wave of his big hand, the world could fall apart and they would all be finished.

As a result, after such a long time, where did a figure appear?
And Changsun Shunde's raised hand also stopped in the air, and now it seemed to be shaking constantly, presumably he was sore.

But it doesn't matter.

What matters is people?

Everyone looked at Changsun Shunde with confusion.

Eldest Sun Shunde's old face also showed confusion at this time.

He also wanted to ask... who the hell?
I was so arrogant and proud just now... I just waited for the second hand to show up.

As a result, my hands were sore, but let alone a human figure, there was not even a single ghost... What's going on?

Could it be that the backhand didn't hear it?

Grandson Shunde gritted his teeth, and shouted again: "If you don't show up now, when will you wait?"

He waved his hand and said, "Come here!"

The wind came and blew a few hairs on the top of Changsun Shunde's head, and then left.

Still no one showed up!

At this moment, Changsun Shunde suddenly panicked.

There is something wrong with this situation.

What he just yelled was the code they agreed upon.

As long as he yelled out this signal, it meant that he should not act directly, and gave Shen Lian and the others a thunderous blow.

So all of them must be ready at all times, and there is no situation where they cannot hear their own voices.

Even if it exists, if you didn't hear it once, how can you still not hear it twice?

These men in black can hear it, can't they hear it?
So... Does this anomaly indicate something unexpected?

Thinking of these, Changsun Shunde felt cold for no reason.

what happened?

What about people?

What happened?

While thinking nervously in his heart, he lowered his gaze and raised his head to look.

Then... He saw Shen Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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