Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 289 I Can't Believe It!You are the devil!

Seeing that Shen Lian was smiling at this moment, looking at him with a look on his face.

Seeing Shen Lian's teasing expression, an extremely absurd idea suddenly emerged in his heart, could it be... Could it be...

"It's you!"

Changsun Shunde roared subconsciously.

His voice suddenly sounded out in the extremely silent atmosphere, startling everyone.

But everyone didn't care about these things at this time, and subconsciously looked at Shen Lian.

Looking at Changsun Shunde's changed face, and thinking about what Changsun Shunde said just now, a thought that shocked everyone suddenly came to their minds.

No way?
Could it be... Could it really be...

Everyone swallowed and stared at Shen Lian closely.

As for Shen Lian, he didn't hide anything.

He just chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "The person you are waiting for is Zheng Qiang, the deputy governor of the Shangdu Protectorate, right?"

With a swipe, Changsun Shunde's eyes widened suddenly when he heard Shen Lian's words.

The whole face turned pale in an instant.

He looked at Shen Lian in shock, and stuttered a little.

"How do I know it's him?"

Shen Lian accepted the words, looked at the elder Sun Shunde calmly, and said indifferently: "You are considered an old man in the Ministry of War, even though you are gradually weakened due to your age, this does not prevent you from retaining your own influence in the Ministry of War. "

"Perhaps for others, Zheng Qiang is a general who has climbed up from a small soldier relying on military merits entirely by his own ability, which is worthy of special mention."

"But that's just for other people, for me, it's totally different."

"The generals in the Ministry of War are mostly straightforward, they believe what they see, and they are simple-minded."

"So Zheng Qiang is a very inspirational image in their eyes."

"But unfortunately, in my Shen Lian's eyes, it's completely different."

When Changsun Shunde heard Shen Lian's words, his heart sank completely.

He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "What's the difference?"

"What's the difference?"

Shen Lian looked at Changsun Shunde with a half-smile, and said, "It's up to this point, do you still need me to say it?"

"Zheng Qiang served as a soldier under your command at the beginning, and later he made contributions, and he was basically under your command... In just five years, he has been promoted from a small soldier to a fourth-rank general. Position... You ask me, what's the difference?"

"Eldest Sun Shunde, although you and him are very cautious in what you do and don't attract anyone's attention, but you think..."

Changsun Shunde's heart tightened subconsciously.

He looked at Shen Lian, but Qin Wenyuan glanced at him with horror, as if everything about him had been seen through by Shen Lian.

At this time, Shen Lian's voice sounded slowly: "...Your little trick, can you hide it from other people, can you hide it from my eyes?"

"He, Zheng Qiang, actually..."

Shen Lian threw a bombshell: "It's your illegitimate child."


As soon as Shen Lian's words fell, Daodao's extremely shocked voice suddenly rang out.

In the palace hall.

When Shen Lian threw the bomb, everyone was completely stunned by the bomb.

They stared wide-eyed, their faces full of shock, and they all looked at Changsun Shunde.

At this moment, their hearts are really extremely complicated.

At first, they were shocked because Zheng Qiang was the illegitimate son of the eldest grandson Shunde.

After all, Zheng Qiang is a military general who has been in the limelight in recent years.

He has been promoted from an ordinary soldier to a fourth-rank official position in just a few years. This... is already a rank similar to the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

Zheng Qiang!

If you think about it carefully, something is really wrong!
His age is only a little over 20 years old, and many people think that he climbed up by himself, relying on military merits, without any background, so he has attracted much attention, and many people think that his future is limitless.

Zheng Qiang can at least be ranked in the top five of Datang's younger generation.

Therefore, many people know Zheng Qiang.

And because of this, when they heard that Zheng Qiang, who was in the limelight, ranked among the top five in the younger generation of the Tang Dynasty, and the future candidate for the Tang military boss... turned out to be the illegitimate son of the eldest grandson Shunde, they were shocked. It is also conceivable.

No one really thought of this.

But soon, their thoughts changed again.

Zheng Qiang is only in his early twenties.

The eldest Sun Shunde is over 70.

So... this Zheng Qiang was born when the elder Sun Shunde was in his fifties?

Qin Ziyi and the others lost their eyes.

This elder Sun Shunde is old and unscrupulous!
50 years old in this era is equivalent to 80 years old in later generations.

And at this time there is an illegitimate child, one can imagine how it will be viewed.

At this time, Changsun Shunde also noticed Qin Ziyi's and others' very complicated gazes, which made his old face flush with anger.

His fame in the first life, he felt, would be completely ruined.

He clenched his hands into fists and said with a flushed face, "Shen Lian,, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Then Zheng Qiang is not the old man's illegitimate child at all, don't talk nonsense!"

Shen Lian squinted at him: "It's not an illegitimate child, can you take care of it like this?"

"That's because he was raised by me since he was a child, he is my adopted son..." Changsun Shunde said without thinking.


Shen Lian nodded, and said lightly: "So it's your adopted son, no wonder you take care of Zheng Qiang so much, I was indeed talking nonsense just now, but now..."

He laughed and said: "Everyone is not deaf, we understand everything, this Zheng Qiang is indeed the one you left in the army."


Sun Shunde was taken aback for a moment.

She didn't seem to understand what Shen Lian meant.

But soon, he understood everything, and realized that he was played by Qin Chenlian again!

At this moment, he felt as if his brain was about to burst, and he was going crazy!
His eyes were red and his face was contorted.

At this moment, the others all looked at Changsun Shunde with some pity.

Meeting an opponent like Shen Lian was really the greatest tragedy in Changsun Shunde's life.

It's really because Shen Lian is too smart, and Shen Lian is also too good at deceiving people.

It made it impossible to judge the truth of what Shen Lian said!
Therefore, Changsun Shunde could not have imagined that what Shen Lian said just now was just deceiving him.

And because he was too ashamed and worried that his real fame would be ruined, he was in a hurry, and without any accident, he fell into Shen Lian's trick directly.

Without Shen Lian doing anything, he recruited everything by himself.

Zheng Qiang is the deepest chess piece buried by Changsun Shunde, and it is his greatest reliance that he will not be afraid of anyone even if he leaves the military.

Before he left the Ministry of War, he had already paved the way for Zheng Qiang.

As long as Zheng Qiang stepped on his identity as a commoner and climbed up step by step, he would definitely be able to occupy a place in the military department.

He knows Li Shimin too well, he knows that Li Shimin is now leaning towards the humble family, and hopes to increase the influence of the humble family in the court, so a person like Zheng Qiang who has no background and keeps going step by step will definitely be favored by Li Shimin.

But who would have thought...
I have done everything well, everything is ready and perfect, and I am waiting for the harvest.

But who knew, at this moment, Shen Lian's words directly exposed his biggest secret.

It really drove him crazy.

"As you get older, you'd better not fluctuate too much, otherwise, if you accidentally burp, it will be bad." Shen Lian looked at the eldest grandson Shunde with a grim and distorted expression, and said lightly.

"Shen Lian!"

Changsun Shunde now looked at Shen Lian with anger and madness, but it was no longer inevitable that there was tension and fear.

He really couldn't see through Shen Lian in front of him at all, and he didn't know what Shen Lian was thinking at all.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you doubt the relationship between Zheng Qiang and me? Also, what about Zheng Qiang?"

Shen Lian said lightly: "As I said just now, basically when Zheng Qiang made meritorious service, he was under your command, but when the other generals were under the command, Zheng Qiang seemed to be a different person, without any doubts. Any meritorious service."

"It's fine if it's once or twice, but three or four times is enough to make people suspicious."

"It's just that the generals of your military department have too few thoughts and are not sharp, so they didn't notice... But it's a pity that when I was in the case of His Royal Highness Xiao Sizi, I Shen Lian passed the majesty of my Royal Highness King Chu, unfortunately... ...The military department was also sorted out, the purpose at that time was to find out the possible murderer, or the spies who colluded with the Beidou Society..."

"But who knows, at that time, in addition to finding Tianquan and the others, I also discovered Zheng Qiang's problem."

"Why don't I know? Why haven't I heard of it at all?" Changsun Shunde couldn't help asking.

Shen Lian smiled lightly: "Why do you want to know? And what qualifications do you have to know what I think in my heart?"

"Let's not talk about you, even Li Jing and the others don't know about this... Zheng Qiang's matter has nothing to do with the case of His Royal Highness Xiao Sizi at that time, so I didn't mention it to anyone, but ordered people to watch him secretly Forget it, let’s see if there are surprise discoveries.”

"And the result..."

The corner of his mouth raised slightly: "I found you a big fish, do you think... is it surprising enough?"

Hearing Shen Lian's words, Changsun Shunde knew that Shen Lian had paid attention to Zheng Qiang a long time ago, and also paid attention to himself through Zheng Qiang...
But he didn't know anything about it, he thought he had deceived everyone, and he was still complacent, thinking that Shen Lian, the right wing of the king of Chu, was nothing more than that...

Thinking of this, thinking that Shen Lian might be looking at him with a sneer behind his back like a monkey, baring his teeth and claws in a funny way.

He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

", Zheng Qiang, he, he..."

Shen Lian smiled lightly, and said: "That's right, you can't wait for him anymore, when he hastily and secretly mobilized some trusted soldiers tonight, he was already under control."

"So, even if you yell out your throat, he won't come to save you."

The voice fell.

Changsun Shunde's back was instantly covered with cold sweat.

He raised his head subconsciously, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Shen Lian in horror, and said, "Then you, then you... Did you, long, long ago know that I came here?"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts jumped and they quickly looked at Shen Lian.

Could it be that Commander Shen... didn't he know the identity of the eldest grandson Shunde only through the diagnosis just now?

But I already knew it! ?

They were all shocked.

Shen Lian laughed, and said: "Don't treat me, Shen Lian, as a god. Before that, you didn't do anything, and you didn't expose any problems, so I just let people stare at you, and I didn't treat you too much. care."

"And when you left the mansion, you thought it was a cover-up and left secretly, so I didn't know you came here beforehand."

"I just deduced your identity, and it was only after I saw you that I discovered your real body."


Before Sun Shunde said anything, Shen Lian continued: "The moment I saw you, I knew your identity, so I knew your identity earlier than when I exposed your identity."

"In this case, why didn't you expose me from the beginning?" Chang Sun Shunde was puzzled.

If Shen Lian had exposed him from the very beginning, Shen Lian wouldn't have solved any cases or been framed.

Hearing this, Shen Lian glanced at Changsun Shunde, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and said meaningfully: "What's the use of exposing you? You can't do any harm to me, Shen Lian."

"And I also know that this is Beichen's plan to retaliate against my Prince Chu's mansion, so... a rare opportunity to track him down..."

"How can I give up?"

"The later you are exposed, the later he will discover my intentions. The later you expose all this, the later he will know my intentions."

The voice fell,

Brush it!
Changsun Shunde's eyes widened suddenly, he looked at Shen Lian with a look of horror, and said, "So, you, you..."

Shen Lian smiled deeply: "That's right, you are just a pawn, a pawn I use to delay the game."

"I, Shen Lian, my real goal, Beichen!"

"In my Chu Palace, there are too many brothers who died at his hands!"

"How can we not avenge such bloody hatred!"

The wind howled.

Passing by Changsun Shunde's side, Changsun Shunde only felt that his whole body was freezing because of the cold wind, his hands and feet were cold, his face was pale and full of panic.

He knew that this bone-chilling chill was not caused by the night wind.

It was caused by this young, desperately clever devil in front of him!
"The, you are really a devil!"

At this moment, Changsun Shunde deeply understood why the members of the Beidou Society who were dealt with by Shen Lian before... would tremblingly call Shen Lian a devil at the end!
It's really Shen Lian, it's really terrifying!

He originally thought that in this world, someone with power, power, reputation, prestige, and military strength... would be able to despise everyone!

But now - he just realized that he was wrong!

Regardless of power, power, reputation, prestige, or military strength... nothing compares to brains, intelligence, or wisdom!
Because you have brains and wisdom, even if you don't have these things now, you will have them sooner or later!
(End of this chapter)

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