Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 292 Unbelievable!Why are people missing!

He knew that he would not misjudge the person.

Ali, my subordinate, is growing up all the time.

Seeing that Shen Lian's face was more approving, Ah Li became more confident.

He continued: "This kind of trick has a distance limit, and it must be done within a certain range, so I believe...those people who made the trick to deceive me must be hiding in this alley. "

"I did see them enter a certain mansion, although it wasn't this one, but they could trick me into seeing the wrong mansion, but they definitely entered a certain mansion, that is to say..."

Ali's eyes were bright: "They must be hiding in a certain mansion in this alley! Therefore, we are worried that they will flee in the chaos, so we ordered people to block the entrance and exit, which cut off their hope of escape. "

"It's just that I can't break their tricks. I don't know which mansion they are in, so I use the most stupid but safest way to check one mansion after another, although the speed will be slower and the efficiency will be less. But I believe..."

Facing Shen Lian's eyes of approval and encouragement, he took a deep breath and said, "I, Ali, will definitely be able to find them."

Shen Lian listened to Ali's entire analysis, well-founded and methodical.

Although it is a bit stupid, as Ali said, it will definitely be found.

Thinking of Ali's three orders just now, Shen Lian finally laughed.

He said: "Ali, you really didn't disappoint me, you are now considered a half-disciple."

"Not everyone is a genius, not everyone can decipher their trajectory, but you can find a way to cross this trajectory, although it looks a bit stupid, but the result does not make any difference."

"And this... is your own style and ability, so... Congratulations, you can become a teacher."

After Ah Li heard Shen Lian's words "Congratulations, you can leave the teacher", he suddenly froze in place.

He stared wide-eyed and stared blankly at Shen Lian, as if he hadn't realized the meaning of Shen Lian's words.

On the other hand, Ah Bao excitedly patted Ali on the shoulder.

"Ali, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and thank your lord. From now on, you will be a half-disciple of your lord, and you can become a master's apprentice. No matter how many people envy you!"

Ah Bao was really happy for Ali.

It's really not easy to get the approval of adults! !

Hearing this, Ali heard that at this moment, his nose couldn't help becoming sore, and his eye sockets were also red.

When he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse: "My lord, I...I really don't know what to say."

Ali is not stupid.

After all, how can someone who can become Jin Yiwei be stupid.

So Ali quickly understood Shen Lian's purpose of saying that he was half of Shen Lian's student.

This is paving the way for them!

Just like some scholars who want to become Confucian students.

This represents identity, recognition, and status!
Now His Royal Highness the King of Chu has a great reputation inside and outside the Tang Dynasty, the younger generation of the Tang Dynasty is the leader of the tripod, and the adults are His Highness's right wing......

He is the apprentice of the adults again...
On top of the name of an adult and half a student, it is no longer a rootless duckweed, but a real backer.

This is far more resounding and more prestigious than the name that he was born in Jinyiwei.

This position can also be made more stable!
Therefore, he knew too well what Shen Lian had given him, and this made him even less sure how to repay Shen Lian.

Seeing the redness of Ali's eyes, Shen Lian smiled lightly and said, "Ali, just remember, it wasn't me who gave you something, except that we are all brothers. This is all obtained by yourself, if what you do tonight disappoints me, I will not pave the way for you, because it will harm you."

"It's your own self-improvement, your continuous improvement, and your continuous absorption of nutrients to grow up. If you don't work hard yourself, I, Shen Lian, can't help you even if I want to help you."

"So, you don't have to thank me, if you want to thank you, just thank yourself!"

Ali was moved in his heart, although he had a lot to say, but he also knew his own adult's temperament, Shen Lian didn't like mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

He didn't say anything more, just kept all his feelings in his heart.

Ah Bao suddenly blinked his eyes, he just felt that his good brother Ali at this moment seemed to be very different from the Ali just now, a huge change had taken place.

It's as if... It's like a different person.

Ali took a deep breath, looked at Shen Lian, and said, "My lord stopped me, but my lord, do you already know which mansion they are hiding in?"

It's true that Ali himself couldn't see through their tricks, but he believed that no tricks could be hidden from his lord!

Shen Lian chuckled without hiding anything, and said, "That's right, I already know where they are."

Ali and Ah Bao quickly looked at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian didn't hold back his appetite, and said: "The rumored schools of thought exist, and they haven't become extinct, and many of them are in the Big Dipper Society. There are many other schools of thought, such as the Yin Yang family. , Pirates, they are either famous for their suspenseful methods, or for their superb skills."

"Among the Hundred Schools of Philosophers, there is another one. In terms of suspense, it is not weaker than the Yin-Yang School! Its name is Huanjia!"


The two were startled.

Shen Lian's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "Yes, the reason why you were deceived tonight is because... Huanjia, made a move."


Both of them exclaimed.

This sounds like a mysterious force.

Shen Lian walked to the door, raised his hand, wiped the door frame lightly, and said, "But don't think that Huanjia is really scary. The so-called Huanjia uses various methods to deceive us. Sight and hearing, even touch."

"Their mystery is that we can't know their methods, and he will feel how mysterious and mysterious they are."

"But if you know their methods..."

Shen Lian sneered: "Then their so-called illusion is really ridiculous!"

Ali's heart moved, he quickly looked at Shen Lian, and said, "Your Excellency, you mean that they used illusion to deceive our vision?"

Shen Lian said lightly: "To say it's illusion is to praise them, but it's actually a very simple way."

"Did you see the scratches on the pillar?" Shen Lian asked.

Only then did Ali and Abao realize that there was a scratch on the pillar, but because the scratch was not obvious, they didn't notice it unless Shen Lian said anything.

"This is... this is..."

Ali took a closer look, frowned and said, "Thin lines pass by, resulting in scratches."


Shen Lian raised his finger, pointed to the poplar tree above his head, and said, "No accident, there should be scratches on it."

Ali didn't say anything, and turned directly onto the poplar tree. He searched for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and said: "There are really scratches, just like the scratches on the pillar."

Ah Bao scratched his head and said, "What does this mean?"

Shen Lian looked into Abao's eyes and said, "Ali, a few years ago, I worked with you on a case because I couldn't bear the murderer's freedom from justice. You should have seen this method before. Come and tell Abao about it." .”

Ali understood completely.

He took a deep breath and said, "Abao, my lord once handled a case with me in the yamen of Zhaojun County, Yizhou. At that time, some mirrors inside the yamen were lost, and there were rumors of ghosts."

"The magistrate of the yamen there knew our Highness King Chu, so he knew His Highness's ability, and sent His Highness Chu King to help, and His Highness asked me, my lord, and several Jin Yiwei brothers to handle the case."

"Going there, the adults found that the so-called haunting was completely man-made, and the method... is also very simple, just some strings and one or two mirrors."

"Mirrors can reflect the scene. For example, if you are below, I can use the mirror to let you see things in the distance."

"But now, the situation here is the same as the Yamen in Zhaojun County, Yizhou at that time. There are traces of thin lines. If I expected it..."

Ali looked at Shen Lian, and under Shen Lian's encouraging gaze, he said, "There should be a mirror tied with a thin thread, hanging in front of this door, and it just so happens that I can see it at the entrance of the alley."

"I saw the spies open this door, but in fact, what I saw was the reflection of the spies opening other doors on this mirror."


Ali suddenly looked at the two mansions on the opposite side, his eyes flickered brightly: "It's no accident, the mirror can only reflect these two mansions, so...they must be hiding in these two mansions." In a mansion!"

Ah Bao was really surprised when he heard Ali's words.

Is this still the Ali he knew?

Based on these clues, can there be so many inferences?

Although I have experienced it before, it is not easy, right?
Not everyone can draw inferences from one example!
"Ali, you are so smart now!" Ah Bao couldn't help but praise.

Hearing this, Ah Li blushed a little in Jin Yiwei, and coughed: "It's all good to be reminded by the adults. If it wasn't for the adults to remind me, I couldn't even find the traces of the thin lines."

Shen Lian smiled: "Okay, after all, you have little experience in handling cases by yourself. This time you ignored the details, just pay attention in the future! If you can find these two mansions, it is already very good."

Being praised by Shen Lian, Ali immediately laughed.

"But my lord, I can only judge that there are problems with these two mansions, but I don't know which one."

"It's okay."

Shen Lian raised his finger, pointed to the gate of a mansion, and said calmly: "They are hiding here!"


Following the direction Shen Lian pointed at, Ali and the others hurriedly looked.

It was then that Shen Lian was pointing at the mansion closest to them, and it was also the one of the two mansions identified by Ali just now.

The gate of this mansion is closed at this time, and there is a plaque above the gate, with two large characters written on the plaque - Magic Mansion!

"Illusion House?"

Ali frowned slightly: "Is there anyone with the surname Huan in this world?"

He really hadn't heard of the surname Youhuan among the hundred surnames.

Shen Lian said lightly: "Huan, it's not a surname, but a family background, how could it be possible to get lost?"

Shen Lian's footsteps stopped, he looked like A Bao, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Being stared at by Shen Lian, Ah Bao couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly said, "My lord, what... what's wrong?"

Shen Lian's voice suddenly became quiet, his eyes were empty, and Ah Bao's heart trembled when he saw it.

"Turn around and take a look." Shen Lian said empty-handedly.

Hearing Shen Lian's words, Ah Bao suddenly felt a cold wind blowing behind his neck, which made him shrink back immediately.

The whole person is not well.

He swallowed, and looked back subconsciously.

"Oh my God!"

A yelp sounded suddenly.

"People, people, there are fewer people!"

Abao's lips twitched slightly. He clearly remembered that when he just came in, there were still a dozen Jinyiwei following him, but he had just walked a few steps, and when he looked back, there were only five or six Jinyiwei left.

What about the other guards?
And they obviously came in through the door.

But looking back, there is no need for a doorway.

There are trees behind them, as if they entered the forest.

In addition, the flames on the pillars are red, which looks even more strange in the matching night.

This made Ah Bao's whole body goosebumps.

Shen Lian didn't take it seriously, and said in a bad mood: "It's just a small matter, Ah Bao, don't make too much noise, the enemy can know where we are based on the sound?"

When A Bao was told by Shen Lian, he immediately lowered his head in shame.

But his voice was still trembling: "Man, where is man?"

At this time, Ali also looked dignified, and his scalp was numb.

The situation in front of him was really beyond his expectation.

Shen Lian had a calm face, not surprised.

He said lightly: "Don't worry, the person is not dead."

"The enemy's target is me, Shen Lian, not anyone else. Although this is their territory, they will definitely not be too presumptuous in building such a territory in Chang'an City, so the number of people here is limited."

"They know how difficult I am, so they don't want to cause more trouble. If they deal with other people and attract my attention, then everything they do tonight will fall short."


Shen Lian's tone was calm, but very serious, and said: "If any of you get lost in the future, remember....Stay where you are, don't move, don't care about any sounds around you, don't let anyone talk Reason, you just need to wait where you are, I will keep you safe."

Seeing that Shen Lian was so serious, Ali and the others felt their hearts sink, and they hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Shen Lian nodded slightly at this moment.

He said: "Okay, go on, don't make a fuss."

" just the beginning."

Shen Lian continued to walk forward.

Even though someone was missing, his expression didn't change a bit, and Ali and the others didn't dare to relax their vigilance anymore, they all followed Shen Lian closely, for fear that they would disappear if they were not careful.

Although the scene behind me doesn't know when it changed~.

But the road ahead of them is still the same as what they saw before.

(End of this chapter)

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