Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 293 Was shot by a stone?Such a little trick!

Some stone pillars faced the fire, illuminating a way forward.

At the end of the road, there is a high platform.

Except for the place where the firelight can shine, the rest of the place is full of shadows and shadows.

In the dark night, something seemed to be moving, but because of the dim light, they couldn't see the situation there clearly.

Ali frowned, and said solemnly: "Be careful, there may be people around who are spying on us."

As a Jinyiwei, Ali is a veteran, and what he does is secretly.

Therefore, he is extremely sensitive to this kind of dark sight.

He could feel that many eyes were looking at him now, but because he couldn't see the situation outside the firelight, he didn't know where the people were or how many people there were.

But there is one thing he knows...that is, they cannot see the enemy, but the enemy can easily see them with the help of light.

Now.... I really answered that sentence, you keep me in the dark.

Ah Bao and others heard Ali's reminder, and they all immediately cheered up.

They clenched their weapons and kept looking around.

But Shen Lian, as if he didn't hear what they said, only focused on the high platform in front of him.

At this time, a sound of breaking wind suddenly came from the ear.

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes and raised his right hand forward.

A dagger flew out of Shen Lian's loose cuff.

The next moment, a spark shot out of the air, and with a bang, the dagger and an arrow fell directly from the air to the ground in front of Shen Lian.

Shen Lian stopped in her tracks.

Eyes flicker.

As for Ali, Abao and the others, their expressions changed, and they rushed over quickly, protecting Shen Lian in all directions.

Their palms were covered with sweat, and no one thought that the danger would come so soon.

However, Shen Lian, who was protected by them, looked as usual.

He patted his palm lightly and said, "Don't worry about me, it's just like this, it can't hurt me."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head to look at the high platform, chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "It took so much effort to invite me here, it shouldn't be just to let me sink in, and see how you shoot in the dark, right?"

"Huanjia, should you disdain to use this method?"

As soon as Shen Lian finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew up.

The dust on the ground kept blowing into the air, and Ali and the others couldn't open their eyes because of the sudden gust of wind.

"Ha ha ha ha….…"

But at this moment, a voice that sounded suddenly distant and near suddenly resounded.

At the same time, a burst of fire suddenly rose into the sky.

Ah Bao and others subconsciously looked at the sudden fire.

They saw that the flame suddenly appeared on the high platform.

And the next moment, the pupils in their eyes shrank slightly.

Everyone looked shocked to the extreme.

Because they discovered that in the flames... unexpectedly, a person walked out of it.

This person seems to be not afraid of fire.

Like a monster, slowly walk out of it.


His feet landed on the high row, and there was a sound.

And when he fell onto the high platform, the flames behind him quickly disappeared.

It gave people the feeling that the flame seemed to be born just for this person.

Ah Bao and the others have never seen such a battle.

This weird scene made them feel even more mysterious than the methods of the Yin Yang family they had seen before.

This person wore a mask on his face, and the mask was sprinkled with various paints as if casually, which looked very strange.

He was wearing a black suit with loose cuffs and a wide robe, which bulged up when the wind blew, as if there were a lot of things hidden inside.

At this moment, he looked at Shen Lian, suddenly raised his finger, and touched his thumb and middle finger.

A sound sounded.

At the same time, a crutch-like thing suddenly appeared in his hand.

This thing just came out of nowhere.

Abao couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, he thought he was wrong.

But in fact, the crutch really appeared out of thin air.

"This... this... is he really a fairy?"

Abao couldn't help but said.


Shen Lian raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a half-smile: "The magic stick is not bad, but it's just tricks like tricks."

From Shen Lian's point of view, magicians are actually very similar to the magic of later generations.

It's just that the methods of the ancestors seem to be more weird and unpredictable than the magic of the later generations.

But no matter how mysterious and unpredictable the method is, it is fundamentally different from the legendary fairy art.

Xianju uses incomprehensible power.

And the means of illusionists can be explained by science, but ordinary people can't detect it.

At this time, the people on the high stage, like a magician's grand appearance, appeared in the fire and changed things out of thin air, which made him awe-inspiring to Xugou and others to an extreme.

But for Shen Lian, that's all.

He who is used to watching magic shows, and he who has seen the secret art of Huanjia, this is really nothing special.

"The right wing of King Chu of the Tang Dynasty, Shen Lian, the leader of Jinyiwei, welcome to the magical world!"

Crying and laughing, distant and near, the male and female voices reached everyone's ears.

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this neither male nor female voice.

In order to fool people, even the voice has been specially practiced!

Shen Lian rubbed his forehead slightly, and said lightly: "Where did the word magic come from? Is it just because of your little trick?"

The people on the high platform didn't seem to expect Shen Lian to answer like this.

Moreover, the mockery and contempt in Shen Lian's tone did not hide it.

It was as if his own performance was full of loopholes.

For the Huanjia people, the audience's bad reviews are the most unacceptable.

"You are disrespectful to the gods, and the gods will punish you!"

A cold voice came suddenly.

The man raised his finger and snapped his fingers again.

The crisp sound resounded in the night.

And the next moment, before everyone could react, a huge stone suddenly fell from the sky.

From the top of Shen Lian's head, it suddenly fell down.

When Ah Bao and the others didn't react at all, they heard a bang.

Shen Lian disappeared.

And where he was standing just now, a huge stone was falling right here.

A deep hole was smashed into the ground.

A stone, one-third the size, has sunk into it.

Ah Bao and the others stared blankly at this scene.

Their brains seem to have lost the ability to think at this moment, and they only feel their ears buzzing.

Mind went blank.

The next moment, Ah Bao suddenly yelled: "My lord!!!"

This voice, shrill and sharp, instantly pulled everyone's mind back.

At this time, they were all furious.

All have cold hands and feet.

All of them looked desperate and terrified.

Because, because...

My lord, was... was, was stoned, and disappeared!

"grown ups!!"

Ali burst into tears instantly.

He rushed directly to the big rock and pushed it hard, trying to push away the stone that flattened Shen Lian.

However, the stone was so heavy that he couldn't move it even an inch.

Ah Bao and the others also rushed over at this time.

More than a dozen of them urged at the same time before pushing the stone slightly.

But the stone was hit too deep, and it couldn't be lifted at all.

At this moment, all of them felt what is called despair and powerlessness.


The unmasculine laughter sounded ear-piercingly at this moment.

I saw him holding his hands up, as if he was holding the sky, and said with a piercing smile: "If you dare to disrespect the gods, this is the end!"

"Really? What kind of god is so rubbish that the punishment is to throw a stone?"

And at the moment when this person's voice fell, a sneer suddenly sounded.

The sound came too suddenly.

This voice is too familiar!
For a moment, everyone present froze.

The Huan family, who had laughed just now, suddenly stopped laughing as if they were being pinched by a pair of invisible hands.

He swallowed, and turned around in disbelief.

At the same time, Ah Bao and the others were trembling and turned their heads to look.

They saw that on the high platform, flames were burning.

A figure slowly walked out of the flames.

This person was dressed in a black robe, his eyes were dark, as if the sun, moon and stars were contained.

He is Shen Lian!
The flames were raging, and the fiery red light illuminated the entire high platform.

In the flames, Shen Lian slowly walked out of it.

As if he had participated in a grand performance, he landed on the ground with a calm expression.

And the moment the foot hit the ground, the raging flame disappeared without a trace.

There was silence all around.

Everyone stared at Shen Lian in a daze, with different expressions on their faces.

Ah Bao was startled at first, and then his face was full of surprise and excitement.

Ali's eyes were red, and the tears in the corners of his eyes were wiped away with his hands.

The other Jinyiwei were also full of surprises and excitement of regaining what had been lost.

Only the person with the strange mask on the high platform, the only exposed eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

" could you, how could you still be alive? Why didn't you get smashed into a pulp?"

He opened his mouth in shock, his voice was finally no longer that unmasculine tone, but an obvious man's voice.

Shen Lian followed the sound to look at him, and the firelight from the surrounding stone pillars shone on his face, as if it had soaked him with a layer of blood.

Shen Lian's voice was light, and he couldn't hear any emotional changes at all: "If I, Shen Lian, died so easily, then it should be worthy of your shock, right?"

"Don't you really think..."

Shen Lian looked at him with a half-smile, and teased, "You can really kill me just because of those little tricks of yours?"

Shen Lian's words made the pupils of this person's eyes shrink suddenly.

He stared fixedly at Shen Lian, recalling what happened when Shen Lian just appeared, and suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Did you secretly learn the secret technique of my Huanjia?"

"It's inappropriate to steal this word."

Shen Lian said indifferently: "I went to see it in an upright manner. I didn't want to learn it at first, but I, Shen Lian, have a very good memory, and I remembered it after reading it once."

"I saw you perform just now, and thought it was interesting, so I tried it, and the result..."

Shen Lian glanced over the astonished faces of Xu Gou and the others, and said with a smile, "The effect seems to be pretty good."

This is not good, it is quite good!

Everyone was shocked.

This is exactly what a magician would want.

And these are things that the Huan family just did not achieve.

Seeing this scene, the Fan family looked even more annoyed.

"Steal my magic home secret technique, damn it!"

He snorted coldly, raised his finger suddenly, and snapped his fingers suddenly: "Go to hell!"

Fingers snapped.

Suddenly, there were more than a dozen arrows flying towards Shen Lian in all directions.

The tips of these arrows are pitch black, even if there is fire shining, there is no reflection at all.

Obviously... this arrow is poisonous!

Moreover, the speed of the arrow was extremely fast. The moment Huan's family snapped their fingers, they rushed over without giving Shen Lian a chance to react.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow was right in front of him.

Ah Bao and the others couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene.

But they were still a little far away from the high platform, so they were powerless to help Shen Lian.

At this moment, their nervous breathing stopped.

As for the Huan family, their eyes are full of joy, secretly learning the secret art of the Huan family, even better than him, which makes him both jealous and resentful.


He gave a loud drink.

And at this moment, he suddenly found Shen Lian who was about to be hit by an arrow, and turned his head.

Shen Lian looked at him.

Even in such a crisis, Shen Lian's expression remained unchanged.

"That's it?"

He heard Shen Lian's sarcastic words.

The next moment, Shen Lian snapped his fingers.

The moment the arrow pierced Shen Lian, Shen Lian's whole body was directly wrapped in flames.

Those arrows rushed out of the flames and hit the stones of the high platform, making a bang.

Not long after, the flames disappeared, and these arrows, without exception, all fell through the air.

But at this time, a flame suddenly burned in front of Ah Bao and the others.

Shen Lian's figure walked out slowly from the flames.

Dressed in a black robe, the wind blows it rattling.

Shen Lian's hair moved with the wind, his expression was calm, and there was no trace of injury on his body.

After Ah Bao and the others saw Shen Lian's miraculous performance, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly said in surprise, "My lord, are you alright?"

Ali and the others also looked nervously at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, these small tricks alone won't hurt me."

"Be careful yourself, they can't hurt me, but these weird methods may not hurt you, don't separate, always be careful around you."

Ali and the others nodded quickly when they heard this.

After seeing Shen Lian's unpredictable methods, they were completely relieved.

They know that their adults will be fine, but they themselves may distract the adults and cause troublesome consequences.

So Ali and Abao looked at each other, quickly separated from each other, each led a part of the people, and stared at the surroundings cautiously. They don't want meritorious service now, but they don't want to get rid of Shen Lian's hind legs.

After Shen Lian saw that A Bao and the others were very sensible, she stopped them.

He looked at the person on the high platform again, and calmly said: "If there are any other tricks, use them."

(End of this chapter)

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