Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 295 Strange Land!what exactly is it!

And the next moment, a sudden change occurred!



There were bursts of exclamations, which suddenly sounded.

Everyone stared forward with wide eyes.

Then they discovered that the petals of the already withered lotus in the pool suddenly backed up, and quickly changed from the withered state to white and flawless.

A holy lotus suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, the flower quickly returned to the cage and turned into a flower bone.

And the next moment, Huaguduo seemed to be diving underwater, like this... It was completely in line with the process just now and reversed.

It feels like stepping back in time.

Ali and the others were stunned.

Looking at Shen Lian, he was full of admiration and worship.

Some people even wanted to kowtow to Shen Lian, asking for blessings.

Seeing that the tension and worry on the faces of Ali and the others had completely disappeared, Shen Lian was replaced by surprise and excitement, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Only then did he continue: "As the audience, you are easily blinded, so you think this is simply a miracle."

"But I, Shen Lian, have seen the secret art of Huanjia and understand the principle, so when I saw it now, I just felt like laughing my ass off."

"To you, it's a big show, but to me, it's just a funny clown."

"After seeing this scene, do you still think there is any threat to that bullshit Time Prison?"

Ali and the others hurriedly shook their heads.

No more, no threat at all.

As long as Shen Lian is around, everyone will get down!

Shen Lian smiled, and continued: "And if the second way to make them feel the disaster is..."

With a flash in his eyes, Shen Lian suddenly snapped his fingers a few times.

Countless flames suddenly appeared in the air, and instantly ignited the surrounding trees and flowers.

Even though the trees were green and green, they didn't know the reason for the flames, but they burned more and more vigorously.

At this time, Shen Lian, under the light of the fire, said slowly: "Just tear down the stage. Without the stage, let's see what else they will perform."

It's really too ruthless!

Ali and the others were stunned.

They've seen someone tearing things apart, but they've never seen anything like this!
Originally, the time-lapse gods and demons that people managed to come up with are very rare.

As a result, my lord turned back the time in an instant and directly broke their conspiracy.

And this isn't over yet.

The next moment, the adults set fire to it and demolished the stage!
What kind of time travel is it, this place is more like a water scene at this time.

The flames were raging, and it didn't take long at all. Whether it was the trees or the rockery, they were all burned to ashes.

In the air, there is a smell that does not belong to the burning of real trees, and it smells a little pungent.

At this time, before Ali and the others understood why even the mountains could be burned to ashes, their eyes were suddenly attracted by something, and they all looked in that direction.

The expressions on their faces are very complicated.

After seeing the rockery, there was a group of people squatting there.

There was a rockery blocking it, but Ali and the others couldn't see it at all.

But now, the rockery has been burned to ashes, and the surrounding trees have also been burned. In the entire garden, only a small lake remains, and everything else is gone.

So, the bunker disappeared, and some men in black and a man in white all came into sight in front of Ali's eyes.

And that white-clothed man is exactly the chattering man who hung in the air before.

It's just that at this moment, he is a little different from before.

His clean white clothes just now were already smoky and covered with a lot of dust, so it was pitch black.

The white hair was also burnt quite a bit, and there was even a little spark on it now.

Half of the white mask was baked away, revealing half of a face of incomparable astonishment.

See Ali and the others looking at it with complicated expressions.

These men in black and the man in white also looked at Si She and the others in a daze.

Everyone's eyes met in the air, and what they saw for a moment was not hostility and sparks, but... confused, dumbfounded, complicated, and embarrassed.

The atmosphere lingered in embarrassment like this.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Lian's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the eerie silence.

"What are you still doing in a daze, kill!"

Shen Lian spoke lightly.

Only then did Si Snake and Xu Dog react violently.

They didn't say anything, and while the man in black was still in a daze, they directly raised their knives and killed him.

These Jinwu guards also rushed away quickly.

Because they had the upper hand this time, and because they were more capable than these Huanjia who could only play tricks, after they killed them, these Huanjia had no resistance at all.

They couldn't even disappear out of thin air like just now.

After all, magicians need props to perform.

Shen Lian caught fire and burned everything up.

They don't have any props to use at all.

Therefore, the final result is no surprise.

These men in black were eliminated in the blink of an eye.

And the man in white didn't seem to have figured it out until he died, how could Shen Lian play his cards out of the routine like this.

He has played tricks for so many years and deceived countless people. This is the first time... the stage has been demolished.

In fact, Shen Lian's coping method was not in his consideration at all, which made him completely unprepared for the unexpected accident.

In this way, he was hacked to death before he could use all his skills and talk, before he had a chance to speak.

He will not die with peace in his eyes.

Abao looked at the man in white who was dying with regret, thought for a while, and closed his eyes compassionately for him.

It's not good to provoke anyone, but you must provoke adults.

I don’t know what adults dislike the most is being led by the nose?
So is the man in white stupid?
Do you really think that adults will follow the rules they set?

So, what a fool!
Stupider than myself.

Abao shook his head with emotion.

At this moment, Ali returned to Shen Lian's side. Looking at Shen Lian who was standing alone, he pursed his lips, and finally said, "My lord."

"have a question?"

Ali nodded, looked at Shen Lian, and asked, "Why are the rockeries burned to ashes? Can the mountains still burn?"

Shen Lian gave a half-smile, and said lightly: "Mountain? Ali, do you still remember the case a few months ago, the big rock in Mount Taiji? It was the big rock taller than a human being thrown away by the headless Xiang Yu."

Ali's heart moved, and he hurriedly said, "Remember."

"Is that stone a real stone?"

"Of course not, it's filled with water." Ali remembered it clearly.

Shen Lian smiled and said: "So, that rock is not a real rock, this fake mountain, these trees...even..."

Shen Lian's eyes flashed: "The ground we are stepping on, the place we are in... so why can't it be fake?"

He raised his hand, lightly patted Ali on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Remember, when you fight against a magician, never believe what you see with your eyes, because almost everything you can see... is fake."

Ali and the others shuddered when they heard Shen Lian's words.

Everything you see... is fake?

This sentence gave Ali and others the feeling that they were thrown into an ice hole, their hands and feet were cold.

People's cognition of the world depends on the five senses!

Among the five senses, vision is the first sense!
But now, Shen Lian told them that they couldn't believe everything they saw...

For them, this is tantamount to doubting the whole world.

Make them very uneasy.

If you can't even believe what you see with your own eyes, what else can you believe in?
Seeing that everyone's faces turned pale, Shen Lian smiled and said, "But don't be nervous, with me, Shen Lian, you just need to trust me."

"Huanjia, in fact, in the final analysis, what they play is the ability to deceive, but this is different from Qianjia. Qianshu is only the most unrecognizable skill of Qianjia. The real Qianjia relies on wisdom to create one scam after another to deceive the world. the goal of."

"As for the illusionists, they rely on deceiving our vision and hearing to achieve the purpose of deceiving us. Therefore, Qianjia's tricks are sometimes impossible to guard against. But these tricks of illusionists, as long as you are vigilant enough, remind yourself of everything. Don't believe it, the problem is actually not that big."

When Ali and the others heard Shen Lian's words, the uneasiness in their hearts finally eased up.

They remembered nothing but one thing.

Tonight, I can't believe anything, but there is only one person I can believe...that is my lord!

As long as you trust the adults, it is enough to deal with all dangers!

Shen Lian raised and comforted them a little bit, and then continued walking forward without further delay.

This Illusory Mansion really gave Shen Lian a lot of interest.

Shen Lian became more and more interested in exploring the Illusory Mansion.

Several people walked across the small bridge, stepped on the scorched ground, and soon arrived at the door of the front hall.

According to the layout of the general yard, after passing the front garden, it should be the main hall.

The main hall is where guests are received.

So if nothing unexpected happens, Shen Lian feels... the really interesting place tonight is in this main hall.

With both hands hard, there was a bang, and Shen Lian directly deduced the latch behind the door.

The whole door creaked and opened.

When the door opened, it was pitch black inside.

Unlike the previous places, there was no flame directly ignited here.

So it was dark inside, as if the moonlight couldn't penetrate the window and shine into it.

In the thick darkness, some strange wind sounds came out, which actually brought a lot of chill.

It seemed that the main hall was very cold.

Ah Bao's goosebumps were about to rise, he just felt that it was very weird and gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes, and said, "Go, get some torches."

Abao hurriedly ordered people to prepare torches.

Before long, the torches were ready.

Shen Lian took a torch and walked in without any hesitation.

Since tonight has come, there is absolutely no intention of turning back, so Shen Lian will accept any tricks.

The moment he entered the main hall, Shen Lian felt that the inside of the main hall was indeed much colder than the outside.

The cold air surged up slightly, making the temperature here at least seven or eight degrees lower than outside.

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly, "Be careful."

After speaking, he continued to walk inside.

Under the light of the fire, Shen Lian found that this was not the main hall at all, but a passage, and the passage went all the way inward, as if the end of the passage was the real main hall.

"Weird." Ah Bao muttered.

Shen Lian chuckled, not too surprised, and said, "It's not weird, so it's not their style, and it's more normal than just now, isn't it?"

When Ah Bao heard it, hey, don't say it, it's true.

Just now, the trees and rockery moved with long legs, and the lotus in the lake bloomed and withered. It was indeed more weird than here.

After hearing Shen Lian's unsurprising words, everyone who was tense in their hearts relaxed a lot.

They move on.

As he walked, Ali frowned suddenly, and said, "Are we going down?"


Abao was taken aback.

He looked back and forth and shook his head: "No? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

Si Snake looked at Shen Lian: "My lord."

Seeing Ali's questioning look, Shen Lian thought for a while and said, "Abao, let someone pee."

"Ah?" Ah Bao was taken aback.

Shen Lian said, "Quick, don't smear the ink."

Ah Bao really couldn't figure it out, and didn't know what Shen Lian was going to do, but since his lord ordered it, he didn't write any more.

Don't let other people come, just come directly.

Anyway, there must be a reason for adults to let themselves do this.

So he just took a pee.

Then Shen Lian approached the torch and said, "Look at the urine on the ground, does it flow forward automatically?"

When everyone saw it, it was indeed so.

Ah Bao asked suspiciously, "My lord, this is..."

Shen Lian said lightly: "Ali is right, we are indeed going down."

"Water must flow downward when it is not horizontal, so it is obvious that the road under our feet is not horizontal, and we are actually moving downward."

"It's just that the slope is not big, and the scene before and after us is the same, and it's dark here, and there is no reference, so we didn't find it."

Ah Bao and the others nodded suddenly when they heard the words.

It turned out that they didn't know when, they kept going down.

"My lord, where will we lead if we go on like this?" Abao couldn't help asking.

Shen Lian shook his head.

"It's my first time here too, so of course I don't know, but..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "Compared with the yard we passed before, it is more difficult to arrange, so I guess, there must be more interesting things waiting for us, but the same... It must be more interesting. It's dangerous, so be careful and don't be careless."

"Yes!" Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Shen Lian took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, continue."

After all, everyone continued to move forward.

The length of the passage in the main hall was beyond their imagination, and even Shen Lian felt that the distance they walked seemed a bit too long.

Is this mansion so long?

(End of this chapter)

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