Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 296 Outrageous!Some people who shouldn't appear!

But now that he has come here, there is naturally no reason to stop and return.

But the more you walk forward, the heavier the chill will be.

The further he walked forward, the more vigilant Shen Lian looked.

This passage is so long, it definitely cannot be laid out in a month or two, and it may not take a few years, so this road is definitely not easy.

In this way, after walking for an unknown amount of time, they finally stopped.

In front, is a stone gate.

At this time, the Shimen was closed tightly, and no one knew what was on the other side of the Shimen.

Ali and Ah Bao looked at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian thought for a while and said, "Open the door, be careful."

Ali and Abao looked at each other, then nodded heavily.

The two put their hands against Shimen, and then the veins on their arms were exposed, their faces flushed suddenly, and all the strength in their bodies was exerted by their hands.

The rumbling sound sounded slowly.

The wide stone door finally opened under the push of Ali and Abao with all their strength.

And when the stone door opened, Ali and Abao saw the world behind the stone door with vigilant eyes, they were both taken aback...

"This..." Ali was taken aback.

Ah Bao said in complete bewilderment: "Why are you here?"

Ali's exclamation directly attracted everyone's attention.

As Ali and Abao hurriedly stepped aside, Qin Wenyuan finally saw the scene behind the stone gate.

I saw a stone chamber behind the stone gate.

The size of this stone room is not small, and there is a closed stone door on the opposite side.

It can be seen that this stone room does not seem to be the end.

In the stone room, there are no tables and chairs.

Some... are coffins!

More than a dozen coffins lie here like this.

Moreover, a lot of ice cubes were placed on the ground. At this time, the ice cubes exude a cool air, making the stone room even colder. Once people enter it, they will suddenly feel the cold air penetrating through the body.

Coffins, cold, mysterious underground stone chambers.

All of this made everyone feel weird.

What surprised Ali was that besides these coffins, there were also some people who were tied to the coffins.

At this time, these people were all tied up with ropes and placed on coffins.

And their appearance, Si snake is very familiar.

It's just that before he could call out his name, he heard the voice of the person tied up on the opposite side: "Commander Shen! Commander Shen, this is my officer, come and save me."

Familiar voice, familiar face, and this official tone, if it's not Qin Ziyi, who is it?
Shen Lian frowned slightly, looked at Qin Ziyi and the others who were tied into zongzi, and asked, "Why are you here? Qin Shaoqing, didn't I ask you to handle the follow-up of Wang Wenru's case? Why did you come here?"

Qin Ziyi, who was tied into rice dumplings, heard the words and said quickly: "After listening to Commander Shen's order, I ordered people to take those guys back to Dali Temple, but who knows, on the way, suddenly a group of men in black killed them." come out."

"I didn't prepare, so I was directly knocked out by them, and when I woke up, I was already here."

"Commander Shen, when I opened my eyes, all I saw were coffins. This place is really incredible...I can't investigate, but fortunately, Commander Shen, you are here, otherwise I really thought I was going to die."

Ah Bao and the others hurried over and untied Qin Ziyi and the others.

Qin Ziyi was still wearing the official uniform of Dali Temple at this time, her whole body was strangled, and her face was flushed.

Shen Lian glanced at him and asked, "You came here after you woke up?"

Qin Ziyi nodded: "I was here as soon as I opened my eyes."

Shen Lian frowned slightly.

Ali said: "We didn't waste much time when we came here, and we didn't see Qin Shaoqing and the others, so... there should be another way to get here."

Shen Lian glanced at the closed stone door opposite, and nodded slightly: "At first, I thought that what we were going to was the main hall of this fantasy mansion, but now it seems that the place where this passage connects may not be the one I thought. .”

Ali and the others looked even more serious.

At this time, Shen Lian asked again: "Qin Shaoqing, his body will not be leaked because of your arrest, will it?"

Qin Ziyi hurriedly said: "Commander Shen, don't worry, I will take care of it before leaving the mansion, and I will definitely not cause trouble for you."

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

The ice on the ground gave off a cold air, which made the temperature in the stone room lower and lower.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the silent stone room.

The sound was like something hitting something.

Because the sound was so abrupt, it was completely beyond everyone's expectation, and it shocked everyone.

"What's the sound?" Abaohu asked.

At this moment, they noticed that Qin Ziyi's face suddenly turned pale.

Qin Ziyi's whole body was trembling. He raised his hand and pointed at the opposite side, his voice trembling: "You guys, look there."

Seeing Qin Ziyi's expression, everyone's heart tightened.

They hurriedly turned their heads to look, and when they saw clearly what they saw in front of them, everyone's eyes widened instantly, and their whole bodies froze at this moment.

I saw a coffin opposite them, and there was a constant sound of thumping.

The lid of the coffin was constantly shaking upwards, and the dust on it was also shaken down by the shaking.

That way, it's clear that you have something and want to crawl out of the coffin.

At this moment, Ah Bao and the others felt as if their heads had been blasted by a thunderbolt, their heads went blank, and their ears were buzzing.

They are not afraid of death, and have experienced many moments of life and death, but only... have never seen such a scene.

Their hearts trembled at the thought that what was in the coffin might be a corpse, and that the corpse was coming out of the coffin.

At this time, there were also thumping sounds from other directions.

They quickly turned their heads to look, and saw that the other coffins were also trembling at this time.

At this moment, their scalps instantly went numb.

Ah Bao couldn't stop swallowing and spitting.

His voice was trembling: "I will suffer..."

Ali couldn't help but said, "What is in this coffin?"

"My lord!?" Ali and the others hurriedly looked at Shen Lian.

Qin Ziyi's face was even paler, and her hands were about to grab Shen Lian's skirt.

But Shen Lian waved his hand and took the picture: "Qin Shaoqing, don't make any moves."

Qin Ziyi's face turned pale: "My officer, I'm a little scared!"

Shen Lian said angrily: "My subordinates, they are also afraid, they are the same as you? If I didn't know that you have a wife and children, I would definitely slap you away with one slap."

Shen Lian gave Qin Ziyi a disgusted look.

Qin Ziyi sighed.

At this moment, Shen Lian said slowly, "What are you panicking about?"

"Forget what I said to you before? There are no real ghosts and gods, but there are quite a few pretending to be ghosts."

"So just remember it's all fake and there's nothing to worry about."

"And even if there is something, what is there to be afraid of? Since it is put into a coffin, it is a corpse, and the corpse is still a dead person if it is alive. Since they can die the first time, they can also die the second time." !"

"You have killed many living people, are you still afraid of the dead?"

Shen Lian's calm words echoed in the stone room.

His voice seemed to have subconsciously convincing power, and when people heard it, their hearts subconsciously settled down.

Although they feel that there is something wrong with killing people and killing people.

But Shen Lian was good at brainwashing, he could kill the living, so why not be afraid of the dead!
At this time, the lid of a coffin was suddenly lifted off!

A figure sat up directly from the coffin.

The scarlet eyes were the first place Ali and others discovered.

In the misty white air emitted by the ice cubes, everyone An finally saw clearly the face of the person sitting in the coffin.

And when they saw this face clearly, everyone's eyes widened suddenly, and goosebumps stood up instantly.

"How could it be...he..." Ah Bao swallowed.

Ali also subconsciously said: "Tianquan, how could it be you!?"

That's right, the person sitting in the coffin in front of him is not the dead Tianquan, who is it?
Tian Quan's face in front of him had no blood at all, it was covered with corpse spots, and even one piece was rotten.

Its face and figure are full of corruption.

His eyes were empty, his eye sockets were red, and as he sat up, the pungent smell of corpses rushed to his nostrils.

The whole person seemed to be really just a corpse without any thought.

Shen Lian looked at Tianquan in front of him, his eyes slightly wrinkled.

boom! boom! boom!
At this time, the lids of the other coffins also flew up.

One by one, they slowly sat up.

Their eyes were all red, without any expression or focus.

Their faces are also the same...

For Shen Lian, it was incomparably familiar.

Because, they... all died at the hands of Shen Lian!

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of the coffin lid being lifted off came one after another.

One coffin lid after another flew up.

Finally, all the coffins in this stone room were opened.

And one after another figure also sat up.

Their eye sockets were sunken, their eyes were red, their bodies were covered with corpse spots, and the carrion on their faces looked very disgusting.

At this moment, they all just sat up, staring straight at Shen Lian.

Although there was no light in the eyes, anyone who looked at them would know that the eyes had absolutely no vision, and they were no different from the eyes of a blind man.

But that's what makes it all the more creepy.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded again.

Ah Bao groaned, and shouted in shock: "Shimen, the Shimen we came in, is closed!"

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look.

Sure enough, the stone door they just entered was closed tightly for some reason.

The two brocade guards pushed with all their strength, but they couldn't do it.

The two Jin Yiwei hurriedly looked at Shen Lian.

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes, and said in an unclear voice: "There is no way forward and backward, there is a dilemma in advance and retreat, and the eyes are all former enemies. Interesting, really interesting."

Even after seeing this weird scene, Shen Lian's expression was still very calm.

And his calm, with its great soothing effect, made Ah Bao and the others relieve their tense hearts.

"Hehehe, Shen Lian, we meet again."

At this time, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the stone room.

With the sound of this sound, all the corpses in the room turned their necks in unison, and their eyes were fixed on Shen Lian.

As their necks turned, they could clearly hear a crackling sound, as if the bones were breaking at this moment.

The temperature in the stone chamber seemed to be even colder.

A Bao stared helplessly at the hairs on his arms, and stood up directly.

He also saw Ali's hair, and it seemed that there was a sign of standing up at this moment.

At this moment, the heart that had been slightly peaceful just now panicked again.

"Who is speaking?"

Abao couldn't help but speak.

His eyes kept sweeping over these corpses.

Every time he saw the faces of these corpses, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

In fact, he was familiar with many of these people.

Tianquan of the Beidou Society, Tianquan's subordinate!

There is also Yin Yang family.!

Those familiar faces, those once very insidious, cunning and extremely difficult enemies.

In the end, he died at the hands of his own master's enemies.

At this moment, they are all here.

Looking at them, Ah Bao was in a daze.

At the beginning, it was extremely difficult to face only one.

But now, everyone has met, it's like the end of the world.

It's like falling into a den of thieves!
As for Si Snake, his heart is colder than Ah Bao at this time.

After all, Abao is in charge of protecting the face, and he sneaked in under Yi Rong, so the people inside, the character of the enemy that Abao doesn't understand, he also knows very well!
All of them are vicious masters! !
If they join forces, I'm afraid my lord will also suffer a loss! !
This is really a collection of all the enemies that my lord has had in the past.

Looking at these people, he just felt like falling into an ice cave.

He was deeply moved by how difficult it was to deal with these people back then. Now that these people are all gathered together, although they are dead...but they are still staring at him after death, which makes him even more frightened, okay?

At this moment, except for Shen Lian, everyone felt terrified.

"Shen Lian, have you ever thought that after you kill us, we will meet again?"

At this time, the gloomy voice sounded again.

This stone chamber was specially built, and the sound would bounce back and forth in it, making it seem that there were sounds from all directions, and there was also an echo drive.

For a moment, it was impossible to tell where the sound came from.

Shen Lian raised his eyebrows slightly, and he suddenly laughed, his expression was calm, and there was no sense of panic.

He said lightly: "I, Shen Lian, really didn't think about it, but it doesn't matter, since I can kill you the first time, I can kill you the second time."


The sinister voice seemed to be annoyed, and suddenly let out a cold snort.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew through the entire stone room.

At the same time, those corpses stood up slowly in the coffin at this moment.

They didn't die at the same time.

The guy who died the earliest has been a few months by now.

So his corpse has long been rotten, and even white bones can be seen in some places.

(End of this chapter)

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