Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 297 There is no mystery!What the hell is going on!

At this moment, he stood up, the sound of bone grinding continued to sound, and he raised the creaking.

The expression management on the faces of Ah Bao and others is about to lose its effect.

They have really lived for more than 20 years, and this is the first time they have seen such a scene.

Let alone them, Shen Lian also frowned at this moment.

He is not afraid.

After all, everything is still under Shen Lian's control now, Shen Lian just feels a little sick...
Now that he's dead, it's fine to bury him in a coffin.

After death, all the things in life will be erased.

But some people let them die and not live in peace, so they ran here to disgust themselves.

The stench made Shen Lian slightly wrinkle his nose.

And at this moment, all the flames suddenly went out.

The entire stone room became pitch black in an instant.

But in the darkness, some things can be seen.

That is... the red... eyes floating in the air!
Only then did Ah Bao and the others realize that the eyes of these corpses were actually glowing!
It's just that red light looks so weird and frightening.

At this time, there was a clicking sound, as if something jumped out of the coffin, and at the same time, those red lights also approached Abao and the others.

At this moment, Ah Bao was about to cry and call his mother.

In fact, this scene is too scary.

But at this moment, a finger snap sounded suddenly.

In the originally dark stone room, some flames suddenly appeared, and the flames immediately ignited the bright torches again, and the entire stone room regained its brightness.

Shen Lian withdrew his fingers and looked at the corpses that had jumped out of the coffin. Suddenly, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"At first, I thought that they could still maintain their wisdom and ability in life, and they could use wisdom and conspiracy to threaten me."

"but now.……"

Shen Lian looked at those corpses that had a little sense of consciousness. Although these corpses looked a little weird, some of them dropped rotting flesh while walking, which looked disgusting and scary...
But in Shen Lian's eyes, this was just a dead puppet, and it was far from the sense of crisis that a living enemy gave him.

He shook his head and said, "You just used their dead bodies to make them your puppets."

"Although I don't know exactly how you dug them out of the cemetery without anyone noticing, it's a pity that what you did this time is doomed to be useless."

"Perhaps you will think that using the enemies I have killed can frighten me, but it is a pity..."

The corners of Shen Lian's mouth curled up, his eyes dimmed, as if he had seen through the people behind the scenes hiding in this stone room, and said indifferently: "Anyone who is eliminated by me, Shen Lian, is in my heart and has no qualifications to attract my attention. Mood fluctuations, that is to say, if they lose, they will no longer have the qualifications for me to treat them calmly."

"Because I, Shen Lian, have been improving, these guys..."

Shen Lian has seen Tianquan, seen these former enemies, seen...
"Really....really so unworthy that it scares me."

Shen Lian's extremely confident voice rang out in the strange stone room.

His eyes are firm, and the whole person can make people feel extremely confident, and that kind of pride that looks down on everything can be felt by anyone.

Shen Lian really disdained these former defeated generals.

He really didn't feel any tension or anxiety.

Looking at those past opponents with empty eyes, no will, and complete corpses, he shook his head slightly, with a look of pity: "You are being used by people while you are alive, and you are still being used when you are dead. You are really miserable!"

The people in the Beidou Society, everyone, really none of them, are not being used.

Some were used by Shen Lian, some were used by Beichen, and everyone... was kept in the dark by the current Beichen, and was used by Beichen.

While alive, they were exploited until death.

But I didn't expect that after death, I still can't rest in peace, and I still have to be used and flogged.

This is really bad enough.

Originally, Ali and the others were nervous and had cold hands and feet, as if they were facing the end of the world.

But now, after hearing Shen Lian's words, she felt Shen Lian's confidence in everything, and the tension in her heart gradually disappeared.


For these insidious and cunning guys, the most frightening thing about them is the power they control, their minds, and their schemes!

Therefore, when they are alive, they are the scariest!

And after they died, their power collapsed, and now they don't even have personal will, so they don't care about brains and conspiracy.

So now these walking dead are no different from those beasts.

What are they afraid of?

Not to mention, there are adults here.

grown ups.When did he suffer and when did he fail?

So, as long as the adults don't fall, they have nothing to fear!

These corpses did not respond to Shen Lian's words, and still walked towards Shen Lian and the others.

Their eyes were still red and glowing.

On their bodies, rotten flesh fell down piece by piece.

Their nails are now long and dark.

Accompanied by the rising cold air, it is a scene of a horror movie.

But Ali and the others, because of Shen Lian's words, didn't feel any nervousness or panic anymore.

Everyone completely calmed down.

And after calming down, they also found some problems.

That was these corpses, their movements seemed to be very stiff, their walking speed was not fast, and they trembled with every step they took.

That way, it seems that you will fall down at any time.

To them, apart from looking a little scary, there doesn't seem to be much danger.

They were nervous before, and they didn't pay attention at all when they were flustered. Now they calmed down, and all kinds of doubts came one after another.

But at this moment, Shen Lian's footsteps suddenly moved, and his whole body flashed directly in front of a corpse.

He directly pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist.

Brush it!
Everyone only felt a flash of cold light!
Then the knife fell.

With a bang, it seemed that the bone had been chopped off.

A head flew straight up.

It's just that after the head was chopped off, the corpse suddenly trembled, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

There was no more sound.

Shen Lian glanced at the corpse, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a half-smile: "As expected, it's just a show."

He looked at Ali and the others, and said, "Avoid their nails. Their nails should have been poisoned. If you touch them, you may see blood seal your throat, but that's all they are."

"When you are alive, you are not a person with high martial arts. It is the same when you are dead. A person with a brain is no different from an ordinary person. They are all powerless."

"Cut their heads directly. Once their heads are cut off, they can be sent to die a second time."

Ali and the others hesitated a little when they heard Shen Lian's words.

One by one, they quickly raised their knives and rushed towards the corpses.

The battle happened in an instant.

Ali and the others are all people with high martial arts skills, and they have experienced many battles, so it is basically not a big surprise to fight these corpses that have no will and rely entirely on instinct.

"Commander Shen."

Qin Ziyi ran over from the corner at this time, and seeing the actions of Ali and the others, he couldn't help but said: "Commander Shen's subordinates are still powerful, and they easily found the weakness of these corpses. Without you, my officer It might really be dead today."

Shen Lian glanced at Qin Ziyi.

With a chuckle, he said lightly, "Even without me, I can't die."

"Ah?" Qin Ziyi was startled, and looked at Shen Lian blankly.

Shen Lian said indifferently: "Others don't understand you, and I don't understand you? If you were someone who resigned to your fate so easily, you might have died when you were arrested."

"So even if I don't show up, I believe, Qin Shaoqing, you will find a way to escape."

Qin Ziyi heard Shen Lian's words, thought for a while, and said, "Is this official so powerful? I don't even know."

Shen Lian chuckled, patted Qin Ziyi's shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Of course you do."


And at this moment, Ali suddenly heard an exclamation: "My lord, come and see.

When Shen Lian heard the words, he looked quickly.

And when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

Qin Ziyi also followed the voice, and the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "What!? This..."

Shen Lian turned to look at Qin Ziyi, and said, "What's wrong? Did you find something wrong?"

Qin Ziyi was looked at by Shen Lian, she quickly shrank her neck, and said, "Just...the other corpses don't have blood, but he, he has blood, I feel that something is wrong .”

The corner of Shen Lian's mouth twitched: "That's it, Qin Shaoqing, I thought you knew something in advance."

Qin Ziyi's face changed slightly, and she quickly shook her head: "Commander Shen is not ignorant of this officer's abilities, how can this officer have such foresight."

Shen Lian laughed and didn't say much.

He quickly walked to Ali's side.

Looking at the corpse in front of him whose head had been chopped off by Ali.

This corpse was the first to emerge from the coffin, and it was also one of Shen Lian's previous enemies - Tianquan!

At this moment, Ali cut off the head of Tianquan's corpse, but unlike other corpses, after the head of this corpse was chopped off, there was blood.

The other corpses did not have a drop of blood.

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes, took a closer look at Tianquan's corpse, his eyes suddenly flashed, and said: "This not Tianquan!"

"What!?" Ah Bao and the others were shocked when they heard this.

Qin Ziyi quickly said, "Commander Shen, why do you say that?"

Shen Lian said: "Look at his wounds and the flow of blood. This is obviously not what a corpse that has been dead for more than a month should look like. On the contrary, it looks like he died not long ago."

With that said, Shen Lian looked directly at Ali: "Ali."

The tacit understanding of cooperation allowed Ali to know what Shen Lian meant without Shen Lian talking too much.

He quickly walked to the head, put his hand on the face of the head, and grabbed it hard--
A human skin mask was grabbed by him all at once.

As for the face behind the mask, there was something rotten about it.

And with that appearance, there is no resemblance to Tianquan!

"It's really not Tianquan!" Ah Bao exclaimed.

Qin Ziyi's complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes widened suddenly: " is this possible?"

Shen Lian glanced at Qin Ziyi, and his face became slightly solemn.

This is not Tianquan's corpse.

Is it because...the people in this Huanfu didn't steal Tianquan's body, so they found someone to pretend to be?

Or... They thought they stole Tianquan's body, but in fact, it was not Tianquan.

If this is the case, what about Tianquan's corpse?

Is it simply not?

Or, was it replaced long ago?

Or, was it replaced before it was sent here?

The reason, what is it?

Shen Lian frowned slightly, and in his mind, he uncontrollably recalled the scenes of contact with Tianquan.

I also recall Tianquan's ability and ability.

Among his opponents so far, Tianquan is the most stupid, even more stupid than Xiong Chenglin.

So can such a right of heaven really enter the Beidou Society?

Was it calculated by Beichen?
Shen Lian's eyes became deeper and deeper.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

Stone interior.

Everyone looked at this completely different corpse, with different expressions on their faces.



There is speculation.

There is also horror and shock.

Different people have completely different expressions, and this different expression also shows the difference in their hearts.

The other corpses have all been cleaned up.

So at this moment, everyone remained silent, causing the entire stone room to fall into a strange tranquility.

This kind of silence is really disturbing.

It seemed that Ah Bao couldn't stand the oppressive tranquility anymore, and he couldn't figure out what was going on at all, so he couldn't help but look at Shen Lian, and broke the tranquility with his voice.

"My lord, this... What is going on here?"

When everyone heard the words, all their eyes focused on Shen Lian.

They believed that if anyone could deduce the result, then only Shen Lian was the only one.

Shen Lian was silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.

"If you want to know what this is all about, I think it will be more useful for you to ask another person than me."


When everyone heard the words, they were all startled.

And who can know more than grown-ups?

The corners of Shen Lian's mouth raised slightly, he straightened up slowly, looked at a person with an unclear smile on his face, and said meaningfully: "Qin Shaoqing, how about you tell everyone about this?"

Brush it!
The moment Shen Lian said the word Qin Ziyi, Qin Ziyi's entire face changed suddenly.

The others were also taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Qin Ziyi who was standing beside Shen Lian with a pale face.

Abao scratched his head, puzzled and said: "Qin Shaoqing knows what's going on?"

Ali thinks more than Ah Bao.

Seeing the half-smile on Shen Lian's face, he took another look at Qin Ziyi's panicked expression, pursed his lips slightly, subconsciously clenched the handle of the knife, and stared at Qin Ziyi and the others with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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