Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 121 Planning an Ambush

Chapter 121 Planning an Ambush
After parting with Li Jin, Lu Changgong was walking back to the village, and he was also thinking about Li Jin's words.

The devil's guns are very powerful. Although there is no trouble in the village now, what if the devil came to the village to kill people that day? !
How can a mortal body stop the devil's guns?As long as the devils stay in China for a day, they will never be safe.

At that moment, Lu Changgong made a decision.

"Let's discuss it with grandpa, he should agree." Lu Changgong thought.


On the other side, Li Jin and Zhao Xiaowu were also on their way, and they jogged. Although the distance was a bit long, it was nothing.

"Brother Jin, do you think that Lu Changgong will come?!" Zhao Xiaowu asked.

"I don't know, maybe it will." Li Jin said, he is not sure, after all, joining the army to fight is not a child's play, and one will die on the battlefield at any time.

At the same time, Staff Officer Zhong also returned to Heluo Village, and he immediately went to the meeting room to find Li Yunlong.

"Head, old Qian." Staff Officer Zhong walked into the meeting room, where Li Yunlong and Deputy Head Qian were both there.

"Old Zhong, you're back, tell me what you saw there." Li Yunlong raised his head and asked, he really wanted to hear what Lao Zhong saw.

"How should I put it, Li Jin's training is indeed very useful, especially the 400-meter obstacle training, which can improve the soldiers' ability to charge and evade when fighting for positions on the battlefield, and reduce casualties.

As for other training, the amount of training for each item is huge, and ordinary troops simply cannot afford such a amount of training.
If an ordinary soldier were to follow Li Jin's training, it would be useless in two days. "Officer Zhong began to tell Li Yunlong what he had seen and heard.

Li Yunlong and Deputy Commander Qian gasped when they heard this. With this level of training, it's no wonder that Li Jin's soldiers are so powerful.

"So, the new training method written by Li Jin is indeed effective?!" Li Yunlong said.

"Not necessarily, because Li Jin no longer uses that training method. The reason why he trained recruits like this before was for the head of the regiment.
But I think the new training method is definitely better than the old one. " Staff Officer Zhong said.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong fell into deep thought, and if he could get such a high evaluation from Lao Zhong, then this training method is still very useful.

However, there are still some risks in directly popularizing the whole regiment.

"I don't know if the other training is useful or not, but I think the 400-meter obstacle training must be popularized in the whole regiment." Staff Officer Zhong continued.

He felt that especially the training of the 400-meter obstacle must be popularized in the whole group.

"Okay, then do as you said, let the whole team practice this 400-meter obstacle, and other people, after people train it out, compare it, and popularize it." Li Yunlong said.

In fact, it doesn't take too long to train, and within a month, you can almost see that the training method is more useful.

"Hmm." Staff Officer Zhong nodded, then looked at Deputy Commander Qian, and said, "You're going to the brigade headquarters this time, what's going on?!"

"The brigade commander commended Li Jin for annihilating the bandits and handing over the seized ocean,
Moreover, Li Jin wiped out dozens of devils, which is also a great achievement,
The brigade commander decided to give Li Jin's third platoon a collective second-class merit, Li Jin a personal second-class merit, and Xu Qingfeng a third-class merit.

It won't be long before the medals will be handed out. Deputy Head Qian laughed.

The Brigadier was so happy from ear to ear.

"Oh? That's a good thing, what about the potatoes and sweet potatoes?" Staff Officer Zhong also said happily.

"Potatoes and sweet potatoes were also sent to the headquarters by the brigade commander himself, and he also brought over the ones grown in several water tanks,
It is said that the boss is going to take a look at it himself, cultivate this matter, and it is stable. "Deputy head Qian continued.

"If this is successfully cultivated, our Eighth Route Army will be able to have enough food." Staff Officer Zhong said with emotion that many soldiers in the Eighth Route Army now live in the bitter life of eating chaff and swallowing vegetables twice a day.

"You don't even know that when the brigade commander heard me say that the yield per mu was six thousand catties, he suspected that he had heard it wrong. If I said nine thousand catties, the brigade commander would definitely not believe it." Deputy head Qian said.

"Haha, no one would believe this." Staff Officer Zhong laughed loudly.

The yield per mu is [-] catties. I have never heard of it. How dare I believe it unless I see it with my own eyes.

"I still have some expectations. When these potatoes and sweet potatoes are cultivated, they will all yield [-] per mu, ah no, [-] catties will do. What will the expressions of the brigade commander and the boss be like?" Deputy Head Qian said.

At that time, their expressions must also be shocked and surprised.

"Don't even think about it. The brigade commander and the boss are some kind of characters. Even if they are shocked, they can't be shocked in front of you." Staff Officer Zhong said.

The brigade commander and the boss are both real big men, and it is basically impossible to shock them both. The mountain collapsed in front of them without changing their expressions, and they were talking about them.

"That's right." Deputy head Qian said, he also thought too much.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Li Jin and Zhao Xiaowu ran outside the barracks.

"Platoon leader, no, company commander!" The soldier guarding the gate called the platoon leader and quickly changed his words.

This afternoon, deputy platoon leader Xu had already told them that their third platoon had now been separated from the first battalion and had become a company-level team.

The platoon leader was also promoted to company commander.

"You know?!" Li Jin laughed.

"Well, Deputy Platoon Xu, no, it's Deputy Company Commander Xu, who has already told us." The soldier said, he still can't change it now, after all, he has been called the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader for so long.

Now that they suddenly became company commanders, they were still a little uncomfortable, and their squad leader had also become a platoon leader, and they were also uncomfortable shouting.

"What company commander?! What are you talking about?! Has the platoon leader been upgraded?!" Zhao Xiaowu was stunned, how could he feel that the platoon leader was saying something he didn't understand.

"Don't you know yet?" The soldier said, he thought Zhao Xiaowu already knew, but it seemed that the platoon leader hadn't told him yet.

"What do I know, I heard you call platoon commander and company commander when I came back." Zhao Xiaowu said.

Then the soldier told Zhao Xiaowu about the matter.

"Good guy, I'm the last one to know about the co-authorship." Zhao Xiaowu was speechless for a while, looking at Li Jin who was beside him.

"Platoon leader, no, company commander, why didn't you tell me." Zhao Xiaowu complained. He followed the platoon leader all the way, but the platoon leader didn't tell him anything.

"Haha, it's not too late to know now. Go, call Deputy Platoon Commander Xu, no, Deputy Company Commander Xu and other platoon leaders to the conference room for a meeting." Li Jin laughed.

With the sudden change of position, he also called it a little awkward, but it's not a big problem, as long as you get used to it.

The content of the meeting was to ambush the captain of the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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