Chapter 122 Making a Plan
Li Jin took out the map of Guyuan County from the drawer in the meeting room and pinned it on the blackboard. After waiting for a few minutes, Xu Qingfeng, two platoon leaders and nine squad leaders walked in.

"Company commander." Everyone shouted after entering.

"Sit down." Li Jin signaled everyone to sit down.

"The purpose of this meeting is to ambush the leader of the Guizi League in Guyuan County." Li Jin said.

"What?" Everyone was shocked. The company commander went out and came back. Is it so big to ambush the leader of the Devils? !

You know, on the battlefield in Huaxia, the devils haven't killed many captains of the devil's alliance.

"Company commander, are you serious?! The captain of the Devils Alliance is in the city, how can we ambush him?! Could it be that we went to the city to kill him?!" Zhao Ming said.

If they entered the city, even if they could kill the devil's regiment leader, they wouldn't be able to escape.

Besides, it is not necessarily possible to kill them when entering the city. The captain of the devils usually stays in the barracks, and it is simply impossible to kill them in the barracks.

"Don't worry, listen to me, I got the news that the captain of the Devils may come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow,
Go to Dabai Mountain to check the built bunkers and checkpoints, so I plan to ambush the leader of the Devils on his way. "Li Jin pointed to the place marked Dabai Mountain on the map and said slowly, he reckoned that the captain of the Guizi Alliance might set off tomorrow.

"But the problem is that Dabai Mountain is not far from Guyuan County. Once a fight breaks out, it won't take long for the devils over there to support them." Xu Qingfeng said.

Dabai Mountain is only seven or eight miles away from Guyuan County. Once there is a fight, the devils over there can drive over to support them in 5 minutes.

Moreover, the vicinity of Dabai Mountain is definitely not suitable for ambushes, after all, it is the devil's regiment leader who is going to go there.

So the devils over there will definitely send people to patrol the nearby mountains to ensure that no one comes to assassinate.

The place to ambush will be closer to Guyuan County, but in this way, the devils over there will support them faster.

"I have also considered this point, so I plan to let the third platoon leader lead fifty soldiers to ambush the follow-up support devils. Of course, I don't want you to kill the support devils.

I just let you plant mines along the way, and then make a sneak attack, kill as many devils as you can, and retreat immediately after a round of shooting, don't love to fight. "Li Jin said.

As soon as the devil's team leader's convoy passes by, the third row will start laying mines on the road at the designated location. The purpose is nothing but to delay time.

As for the sneak attack after the mine was planted, it was entirely for the purpose of killing a few more devils, and then ran away after the strike.

"Yes!" The third row of Jiang Yuanming nodded.

"Then there are devils at checkpoints and bunkers. There are less than 50 devils over there. Although there are not many people, they must be on guard.
Once the devil's joint leader is ambushed, they will definitely come to support,
So, Zhao Ming, you lead 50 people to ambush them on the road, and you must wipe them out. After cleaning the battlefield, retreat immediately and don't linger. "Li Jin said.

"Yes!" Zhao Ming replied.

"As for the rest, I and your deputy company commander will go to ambush the devil's joint captain, understand." Li Jin said.

"Understood!" Everyone replied.

Then Li Jin thought about it again to see if there was anything he hadn't thought of.

"By the way, if the leader of the Guizi Alliance exceeds 300 people, just give up the ambush.
Jiang Yuanming, especially your side, if you find that the number of devils exceeds this number, evacuate directly, and don't plant mines on the road. "Li Jin said.

Three hundred devils, it is still difficult to wipe them all out, and heavy casualties are likely to occur. Li Jin didn't want his subordinates to pay so much for killing a devil leader.

"Understood!" Jiang Yuanming nodded seriously.

"Okay, call the soldiers, we will act tonight." Li Jin said.


Afterwards, Li Jin set off with three rows of soldiers, except for those who stayed behind in the barracks and the sentry posts, everyone else took them with them.


Guyuan County, devil barracks, in an office, a devil with a height of 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters is wearing a military uniform and sitting behind a desk, wiping a command knife with a white handle printed with cherry blossoms.

And the military rank on the devil's shoulders is a masterpiece position. He is the commander of Guyuan County, Tsube Jiro.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Said Tsube Jiro, he erected the command knife, and carefully wiped the blade with a white cloth.

Soon, a ghost Zhongzuo came in, his name was Fujikawa Ichiro.

"Captain, the blockhouse and checkpoint over Dabai Mountain have been built, when will we go to inspect it?!" Fujikawa Ichiro said.

"Oh? So fast?" Jiro Tsube put down his command knife.

"Yes, it was built this afternoon." Fujikawa Ichiro replied.

"Well, yes, let's go tomorrow. By the way, the soldiers from these two places,
More people should be sent there, and if something happens in Tonghu Town, they should rush over to support them as soon as possible. Tsubejiro nodded, then said.

The mine in Tonghu Town is very important, and no mistakes can be tolerated. If something goes wrong, he might be punished by the higher authorities.

"Hi!" Ichiro Fujikawa lowered his head, then raised his head and asked, "Co-leader, how many people are we going to take with us on this trip?! Soldiers from two squadrons, okay?!"

"Two squadrons?! What are you doing with so many soldiers? I'm going to patrol, not to fight." Tsube Jiro said.

Soldiers in two squadrons are enough to chase after the National Army or a regiment of the Eighth Route Army. Who would be so short-sighted to trouble him? !

"Co-captain, this is for your safety." Fujikawa Ichiro said, he was worried that something would happen to the co-captain.

"For safety, there is no need for so many people. I can take two small squads of soldiers there. Besides, there are no Eighth Route Army or the National Army in the vicinity. Nothing will happen.

Besides, even if someone dares to attack me, the protection of two squads of soldiers is enough for you to come over, so you don't have to worry too much. "Tsube Jiro said.

Dabai Mountain was not far from Guyuan County, so even if they were ambushed, with the strength of the national army or the Eight Route Army, it was impossible to destroy two squads of imperial troops in a short time.

Unless the ambush can kill them in a few minutes, how is that possible.

"But..." Fujikawa Ichiro wanted to say something else.

"Okay, you go down first, I will leave the county at eight o'clock tomorrow." Tsube Jiro waved his hand to let Fujikawa Ichiro back down.

"Hi!" Fujikawa Ichiro had no choice but to leave the office.

"Although this Fujikawa is cautious in handling things, he is too cautious." Tsube Jiro shook his head.

Although Fujikawa was also thinking about his safety, Fujikawa didn't think about the danger that Dabai Mountain was not far from the county seat.

Even if there was danger, the soldiers of the two squads were enough to support the county town, and he didn't think that any army would dare to ambush him so close.

(End of this chapter)

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