Chapter 123 Chapter 120 Three Kill Them
At around twelve o'clock in the morning, on the hillside about six miles away from Guyuan County to Dabai Mountain, Li Jin had already led people to dig a trench here.

The road passes through the bottom of the hillside, and the distance from the top of the slope to the road below is no more than 40 meters.

"Company commander, the landmines on the road have been buried, a total of 38." Xu Qingfeng came to the trench and found Li Jinhui to report.

"Well, go to the opposite hillside to command." Li Jin nodded and said.

"Okay." Xu Qingfeng nodded, turned around and went down the hill to the top of the opposite slope.

At this time, on a mountainside about four miles away from Guyuan County to Dabai Mountain, three rows of Changjiang Yuanming had already led people to ambush here.

On the other side, Zhao Ming had already led people to ambush on the mountain where the devils came to support him.


At around six o'clock in the morning, on the hillside, the soldiers in the trenches had already woken up, and they ate the dry food they brought along with water.

Li Jin also looked at the road far away from time to time, and he didn't know whether the devils would come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Although I feel that the devils will come today, after all, the bunker was built yesterday afternoon, but in case the captain of the devils changes his mind, no one can say for sure.

Around 45:[-] in the morning.

Guyuan County, Devil Barracks, Tsube Jiro was having breakfast in his office.

Before he finished eating, Fujikawa Ichiro came in.

"Captain, the soldiers of the two teams are ready." Fujikawa Ichiro said.

The 120 soldiers have already boarded the vehicle and are waiting for the regiment leader.

"Well, I'm leaving after I finish eating." Tsube Jiro replied, and continued to eat breakfast with his head bowed.

"Co-leader, why don't you take a squadron?" Fujikawa Ichiro persuaded again, he was still worried that something would happen to the co-leader.

"Fujikawa-kun, although it is a good thing to be cautious, you are too cautious. Who do you think will mobilize large forces to attack me so close to the county seat?" Tsube Jiro said, he was already a little impatient .

Unless the Eighth Route Army or the National Army mobilized a regiment of troops to attack him, even if they mobilized so many people, it would be impossible to wipe out his troops within a few minutes.

You must know that the army of the empire is very strong. Whether it is weapons, marksmanship, or military quality, it far surpasses the national army and the Eight Route Army.

Under the protection of 120 soldiers, blocking the attack of the Eighth Route Army or a regiment of the National Army can last at least half a day.

Not to mention being so close to the county seat, unless the commanders of the Eighth Route Army and the National Army have brain problems and must seek death.

Besides, if the National Army and the Eighth Route Army really mobilize large forces, will the intelligence personnel have no news.

"But, just in case, the captain, why don't I go with you." Fujikawa Ichiro said, he really didn't understand why the captain had to go out of the county.

"You don't need to stay in the barracks, that's enough, you can go down." Tsube Jiro waved his hand, he was too lazy to talk to the other party.

Around eight o'clock, Tsube Jiro came to the open space of the barracks.

Four military vehicles and ten motorcycles have been parked here, and the devil soldiers are already on board.

"Regimental Captain." A major trotted over to salute Tsube Jiro.

"Get in the car." Tsube Jiro didn't say much, he got into the third military vehicle, and soon, the car started, and after a devil second lieutenant got the order, he let the convoy set off decisively.

Fujikawa Ichiro and a ghost major watched Tsube Jiro leave the barracks from a distance.

"Lieutenant Commander, you seem to be very worried about the captain, don't worry, even if something happens, we can rush over to support it as soon as possible." Guizi Shaozuo said.

At present, there is no army in China that can match them, that is, there are many people.

"Maybe I was worrying too much." Fujikawa Ichiro said, what the captain said was also reasonable, unless the commander of those people was an idiot, it would never be possible to attack in such a close place.

It's possible if you're farther away.

The devil's convoy slowly set off from the county seat and headed towards the vicinity of Dabai Mountain.

On the seat of the third military vehicle, Jiro Tsube remembered the words of Ichiro Fujikawa, and the more he thought about it, the more helpless he felt.

"Kojima-kun, are you saying that Fujikawa-kun is too cautious? You insist on taking a squadron of soldiers with you." Tsube Jiro said.

"Captain, Fujikawa-kun has been very cautious since he entered China. He always has to think about a matter for a long time before making a decision. He has no confidence in the soldiers of the empire." Major Guizi also said.

"It sounds good to be cautious, but to say it bad is to be afraid of death. As a soldier of the empire, you should be prepared to break the jade at any time." Tsube Jiro shook his head.

He didn't like subordinates like Ichiro Fujikawa more and more, he was timid, without the slightest appearance of an imperial soldier.

As a soldier of the empire, he should have courage and strategy, but Fujikawa Ichiro, although he has strategy, lacks courage.

When he goes back this time, he will transfer Fujikawa Ichiro to another place, out of sight and out of mind.

It's no wonder that Fujikawa Ichiro has been a lieutenant for so many years. It is estimated that the people above don't like Fujikawa Ichiro's character, so he has not given Fujikawa a chance to be promoted.

If it had been someone else, it would have been Colonel long ago.

At this time, halfway up the mountain, three rows of Changjiang Yuanming were looking at the road in the direction of Guyuan County from time to time.

The mountain where he ambushed was about 120 meters away from the main road.

Soon, Jiang Yuanming saw the devil convoy in the distance appearing in his eyes.

"Hidden well." Jiang Yuanming ordered, and then carefully watched the devil's convoy.

Ten motorcycles, four military vehicles, and a total of about 120 people make up two teams.

It didn't take long for the convoy to drive through this section of the road.

After the convoy couldn't see the shadow, Jiang Yuanming immediately led the soldiers to plant landmines on the road.

"Hurry up, don't forget to plant landmines on the side of the road. Our purpose is to delay the devil's support time." Jiang Yuanming said.

He separated the soldiers and planted four or five landmines every 100 meters. In addition, he also asked the soldiers to divide into small teams to stop the devils when the mines exploded.

A few minutes later, all the mines on the road were ambushed.

Jiang Yuanming immediately led the soldiers back to the ambush site.

"Platoon leader, will the devils send people to chase us?!" A soldier asked, this is the support for fighting the devils, and there must be many devils coming to support.

"Probably not, because they want to save their captain more than us, and even if they send people, they won't send many people over.

If the number is low, we will use the terrain to kill them,

If there are too many people, don't bother to fight. Resolutely retreat according to the designated route. They can't catch up with us. "Jiang Yuanming said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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