Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 148 Do You Want Love?

Chapter 148 Do You Want Love?

"Li Yunlong, regarding the bombing of the bridge, you must mobilize troops to help Li Jin,
It is impossible to take down the Yuanhe Bridge in a short period of time by relying on the special warfare company alone, let alone blow it up. said the Brigadier.

If the special warfare company acts on its own, it is prone to heavy casualties, but it is different when Li Yunlong sends troops to help.

In this way, the special warfare company does not need to send too many soldiers out to stop the enemy, but can directly attack the devils in Yuanheqiao.

"Don't worry, Brigadier, I understand, this time I plan to lead the team personally." Li Yunlong said.

"Lead the team yourself?! You plan to see the combat effectiveness of the special warfare company with your own eyes, right?" said the brigade commander. He guessed that Li Yunlong only saw the combat effectiveness of the special warfare company through training.

But he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, otherwise, Li Yunlong would have sent other people to help, and there was no need to go there in person.

To be honest, if he hadn't been inseparable from himself, he also wanted to see the strength of the special warfare company with his own eyes.

"Hey, you have to see it with your own eyes, otherwise you can only rely on thinking, which is so boring." Li Yunlong laughed.

"Write me the plan of combat operations tonight and hand it over to me tomorrow," said the brigade commander.

Asking Li Yunlong to write the war action plan in advance is also to save Li Yunlong from making an extra trip to the brigade headquarters.

"Yes!" Li Yunlong stood up, straightened his back, after all, he was taking orders, and sitting was not suitable.

"Xinyi regiment, is there anything I can help you with?!" the brigade commander said casually.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong's eyes lit up, and he said hastily: "Brigade Commander, give me [-] sets of military uniforms."

"[-] sets? Damn you think I'm an old landlord, no!" the brigade commander said directly.

"No, Brigadier, the Xinyi Regiment has made such great achievements, it's not too much to take [-] sets of military uniforms!" Li Yunlong said.

"I don't have one thousand and five, but I can give you eight hundred at most." The brigade commander thought about it, and it made sense, but fifteen hundred sets was a bit too much, and it couldn't be justified to give it all to the new regiment, and the other regiments wanted it too.

"Let's say it's a thousand sets, brigadier, and there's no such thing as a half-and-half bargain." Li Yunlong looked reluctant.

"Damn it, do you want me to give it to someone else if you love it?" said the brigade commander.

"Hey, don't don't, eight hundred is eight hundred!" Li Yunlong was in a hurry, it was better to have nothing, but in fact, he was already happy in his heart, and thought he could only get five hundred sets.

"That's not right, you kid at least spent thousands of oceans, can't you even afford the cloth for military uniforms?!" The brigade commander reacted.

Li Yunlong handed over so many oceans, at least four to five thousand oceans. Excluding the army's food expenses, there is more than enough cloth for military uniforms.

"Isn't that planning to recruit more soldiers? The more people in our new regiment, the brigade commander will be proud of you. Besides, if you can save some money, save some money." Li Yunlong said.

"You boy, it's really good, it's on my head." The brigade commander shook his head helplessly.

Li Yunlong really took advantage of everything, he often cheated and played tricks, and even caused trouble for him every day, making him wipe his ass.

But it's not a big problem, there will always be a day when Li Yunlong returns.

"Okay, let's go here and get out." The brigade commander waved his hand.

Several people got up and walked outside the meeting room, but Li Yunlong ran back again.

"What's the matter with you kid?!" said the brigade commander.

"Brigade Commander, is the training method going to be extended to the whole army?!" Li Yunlong said, he thinks this matter is still very important.

"Bayonet fighting, methods of improving marksmanship, and psychological construction, three-three tactics, I will report to the superiors,
As for when to promote the entire army, it depends on the people above who have trained them first, but what is certain is that
In terms of mental construction, it will definitely be extended to the entire army. Li Jin is really a good guy, but it's a pity that this guy didn't come, otherwise he would still be able to see him. said the Brigadier.

A new training method, if you want to promote it to the whole army, you still need the people above to conduct research, and then train people for comparison before it will be promoted.

Otherwise, choose to spread it to the whole army without training. If the effect of training is not as good as the old one, it will affect the combat effectiveness of soldiers and many people will die.

But the three-three system tactic, he has already seen, is considered very complete, and it will soon be extended to the entire army after reading it above.

As for improving the psychological construction of the soldiers, it is even more important. No one paid attention to this before, only Li Jin discovered it and wrote the method.

This is very important and can greatly increase the chances of recruits surviving.

"Then there are plenty of opportunities. By the way, if the whole army promotes it, Li Jin will have a lot of credit." Li Yunlong said.

You know, this can improve the combat effectiveness of all Eighth Route Army soldiers, which is of great significance and can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers.

"It's really not young, how long has Li Jin been in the army?!" the brigade commander asked.

"From the information I read before, he joined the army at the end of September last year. It has been more than half a year. He belongs to the second company and third platoon of the first battalion of the new regiment. He was still a recruit at that time. He joined the army for less than two or three days.

He followed the troops to fight against the devils, and among the soldiers in the same row, he and Xu Qingfeng were the only ones who died.
Later, he also participated in many battles one after another, and his combat achievements were very good. At the end of January this year, he was promoted to platoon leader. "Li Yunlong said.

After joining the army for less than half a year, he became a platoon leader. Li Jin's promotion is considered fast. Of course, if there is a big battle, he estimates that the promotion will be even faster. After all, Li Jin's ability lies in that.

"Well, not bad." The brigade commander nodded in satisfaction. Although he is young and has not joined the army for a long time, he is still a veteran with rich combat experience.

"However, Li Jin's time in the army is too short, and he is not yet a party member. We can only record him first, and wait for him to become a party member. However, this is not a big problem. It is only two or three months away.
This month, let him write in the party application, some veterans of the special warfare company, let them also write in the party application, as for the recruits,

The time to join is too short, forget it. said the Brigadier.

Although Li Jin has been in the army for less than a year, he has made great achievements. If he really wants to reward him for his merit, Li Jin will have a high position, but it is not yet time.

Although Li Jin is not yet in time to write the party application form, but it is only two or three months away, and Li Yunlong and several other senior party members with high status will jointly guarantee it. It is only a few months away, and an exception can be made.

As for the veterans of the Special Warfare Company, they are considered to be under the influence of Li Jin. For the new recruits, they only have to join for a few months. This is absolutely impossible.
"Yes!" Li Yunlong nodded, and he was also happy for Li Jin in his heart.

"Brigade Commander, then I should have a share of the credit, no matter what, he is also my soldier." Li Yunlong joked.

"Shameless, what's the matter with you." The brigade commander scolded.

ps: At the beginning of the new month, ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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