Chapter 149

"What's more, the new regiment knows that this new training method was written by Li Jin. Except for the battalion-level cadres, don't let other soldiers know!" said the brigade commander.

Once the new training method proves to be more effective than the original training, it is very important.

And Li Jin, who wrote it, is also the focus of attention. Regarding Li Jin's identity, it needs to be kept secret. Except for some people, no one can know.

Even the commander-in-chief would know the name.

"I understand. In fact, after I found out, I already told several of their battalion commanders." Li Yunlong replied with a rare serious face.

He also understood what this meant, so he immediately gave them a death order. Whoever dares to leak it will be dealt with by military law!
If someone asks, just say that it was made by the above, and it will not be blamed on Li Jin.

"That's all right," said the Brigadier.


In the yard of the conference room, Xu Qingfeng and Staff Officer Zhong were waiting for Li Yunlong.

"How about it, you were frightened by the brigade commander." Staff Officer Zhong said.

Thinking of Xu Qingfeng's performance just now, he didn't mean to laugh at it. After all, the brigade commander's majesty is still very serious. It is already very good for ordinary soldiers to speak without stuttering in front of the brigade commander.

"Although the brigade commander doesn't look strong, his majesty is terrifying." Xu Qingfeng said, he had never met such a powerful person in his age.

"Of course, our brigade commander is a real big shot. Although the brigade commander is only in his 30s, he has been fighting for more than ten years.
Before the cooperation between the two parties, the brigade commander was a big shot. He became the brigade commander because he was downgraded after the cooperation. " Staff Officer Zhong said.

He knew the majestic history of the brigade commander, and he also knew that the brigade commander was a real big man.

"I'm going, is the brigade commander so awesome?!" Xu Qingfeng was stunned for a while, he didn't know this at all, and now after hearing it, he realized that the brigade commander is really awesome.

"What do you think, if it wasn't for the brigade commander, the guy from the national army would have been reincarnated, how could he be here now?

Don't look at our head of the regiment who is usually majestic, even the king of heaven is not afraid, but in front of the brigade commander, he is not very cowardly. " Staff Officer Zhong said.

Li Yunlong's fearless temper this day, was not surrendered by the brigade commander.

Xu Qingfeng swallowed, the one from the national army?Commander in Chief?From this point of view, the brigade commander is really better than he thought.

"Old Zhong, are you fucking speaking ill of me to Xu Qingfeng?" Li Yunlong came out and scolded.

"Commander, I didn't say anything bad about you." Staff Officer Zhong firmly denied it.

"Fart, you kid must have said bad things about me, Xu Qingfeng, don't listen to him, I'm not that kind of person." Li Yunlong said.

Xu Qingfeng didn't know what to say. One was the chief of staff and the other was the head of the regiment. He couldn't afford to offend either of them, so it would be safer to keep his mouth shut.

"Commander Li, Chief of Staff Zhong, I'll take you to a place to rest." At this moment, a guard ran in and said that he had already arranged all the soldiers of the new regiment.

"Okay." Li Yunlong nodded.

Then several people followed the guards to a row of five or six houses at the end of the village.

Many soldiers were moving their bones in the open space in front of the house.

"Our brigade commander looks so majestic. Compared with the regimental commander, the brigade commander is not at the same level, and the pressure on people is even greater."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, the brigade commander is much bigger than the regiment leader, can you be at the same level? However, it is also a bit strange. Although the brigade commander is older than the regiment leader, his majesty is too great. I don't feel like an ordinary brigade commander. .”

"To be honest, I was very nervous when I was shooting the target just now. I wouldn't be so nervous when I was shooting in front of the team leader."

"Yes, yes, me too. Being stared at by the brigade commander, I panicked a lot. Fortunately, I hit it in the end and didn't lose the commander's face."

Many soldiers were talking about the brigade commander. They all felt that the brigade commander was much better than the regiment leader, especially the few soldiers who were picked out by the brigade commander. They were actually very nervous when they just shot the target.

If it weren't for his strong psychological quality, he would have missed the target a long time ago. He felt that if other people were to shoot the target, he would definitely not be able to hit the target with a gun.

At this time, they saw Li Yunlong and the others coming, so they shut up quickly.

"Regimental Commander, Chief of Staff, Deputy Company Commander!" Everyone stood up straight and saluted.

"Don't worry about us, you talk about yours." Li Yunlong said with his hands behind his back.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then went back to the room. The leader was in front of them, and they dared to speak ill of the leader.

Although the head of the group looks approachable, he is still dignified. It's okay to joke, but it's fine to say bad things.

"Commander Li, Chief of Staff Zhong, you live in the first room on the left, so I won't bother you." The guard said and left here.

Li Yunlong nodded, and then went to the first room with Staff Officer Zhong.

As for Xu Qingfeng, he was in the same room with the soldiers. As soon as he entered the room, the soldiers in the room surrounded him.

"Deputy company commander, do you know the background of the brigade commander? I feel that his majesty is terrifying."

"Yes, I have never seen such a majestic figure, the brigade commander must not be simple."


The soldiers scrambled to ask, they wanted to ask something from the deputy company commander.

"Shut up, you guys can talk about the brigade commander!" Xu Qingfeng scolded, knowing the identity of the brigade commander, how dare he let these soldiers talk about the brigade commander.


"Commander, what did you say to the brigade commander when you went back just now?!" Staff Officer Zhong asked as soon as he entered the room, he was a little curious why the commander suddenly went back.

It's a pity that he can't go back and listen directly.

"What can I say, of course, is the training method written by Li Jin. The brigade commander told us to keep it secret. Cadres below the battalion level are not allowed to know who wrote the new training method." Li Yunlong said.

Fortunately, he realized it a long time ago and made preparations in advance. Even before it was confirmed, he paid great attention to it. Otherwise, once the information was leaked, it would still be very dangerous.

"It's a good thing they issued a military order." Staff Officer Zhong nodded and said, the military order is not issued casually, if it is issued, it must be guaranteed to be done, and if it is not done, it will be dealt with by military law.

"I have to remind Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng about this matter. If the soldiers of the special warfare company know that the new training method was invented by Li Jin, they must keep it strictly confidential.
And a military order must be issued, otherwise I am worried that some of them will accidentally say something. "Li Yunlong said.

After the military order is issued, the soldiers will not talk nonsense. In the army, even a soldier understands the seriousness of it.

"I guess Xu Qingfeng and Li Jin probably didn't tell the soldiers." Staff Officer Zhong said.

Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng must know the importance of this thing.

"If that's the case, that's the best, but let's ask later." Li Yunlong said.

(End of this chapter)

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