Chapter 161 Who to send?

"Do you still remember the new training method written by the platoon leader?" Xu Qingfeng said.

"Remember, you told us not to tell the recruits." Jiang Yuanming said, and the other veterans also nodded.

At that time, the deputy company commander told them not to talk nonsense to the recruits.

"This training method has been shown to the brigade commander by the head of the regiment. The brigade commander attaches great importance to it, so let's not talk about you, even I have to write a military order!" Xu Qingfeng explained.

"I see." The veterans nodded. This method is very effective for military training. It is normal for the brigade commander to pay attention to it. The military order is also necessary.

When Li Jin heard this, he felt that it was expected, after all, this training method is the most suitable method for the Eighth Route Army's training organized by the system.

What he didn't expect was that Li Yunlong's own soldiers hadn't been trained for comparison, so he took the things to the brigade commander to see.

"Then, let me tell you a piece of good news, the devils we wiped out in Tonghu Town, the medals rewarded by them have come down,
The collective second-class merit medal, this is the first collective medal since we came to Wujia Village for so long. "Xu Qingfeng took out a collective medal from his pocket.

"Let me see, let me see."

All of a sudden, the veterans gathered around, scrambling to check the medals.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Li Jin took the medal in his hand.

"Don't worry, this medal is a collective honor, and I will tell the soldiers later." Li Jin said, this is the first medal for recruits. Although it is a collective medal, it is of great significance.

"The company commander is right. Compared with us veterans, this medal is more important to recruits." A veteran said.

It's not that they haven't seen the collective second-class merit medal, but seeing this medal means that many people have died.

This time, zero casualties were exchanged for this medal, which is not only meaningful to recruits, but also to veterans like them.

"Okay, that's it, go back and train the soldiers, I have something else to say to the company commander." Xu Qingfeng said.

"Yes." The veterans left one after another. They all had smiles on their faces. Not only did they receive the collective medal, but they were also able to write in the party application in advance. This was the greatest blessing for them.

After they all disappeared from sight, Xu Qingfeng took out two medals from his pocket.

"This second-class medal is yours, and this third-class medal is mine." Xu Qingfeng handed one of the second-class medals to Li Jin.

After glancing at the medal, Li Jin casually put the medal in his pocket. To him, this medal is not as important as the collective medal. Personal strength is personal after all. Without the collective, he can't do much.

"One more thing is that the brigade commander intends to select forty soldiers from the special warfare company to protect the boss. In addition, the brigade commander also needs [-] soldiers from the special warfare company to protect him." Xu Qingfeng said.

"If this is the case, then we have to send someone to check the information of the three generations of their grandparents." Li Jin said with a serious expression.

This is to protect the boss. If he doesn't investigate the soldiers of the special warfare company, he won't dare to let them pass.

In case of a spy, it is impossible for others to protect the boss. If something happens to the boss, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"That's right, so next I will personally check the information of all the soldiers of the special battle company. As long as the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren do not live in the village, but immigrated here, all will be excluded." Xu Qingfeng said.

People who do not live in the village have a wider range of exclusion. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, as long as the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are not from the village, they can be excluded directly. This way there is no need to waste so much time.

"Yeah." Li Jin nodded, this is also the fastest way to find out who can be sent to protect the boss.

"The question now is, who will lead the team to protect the boss and the brigade commander?!" Xu Qingfeng said, besides the investigators, he must also send someone capable to lead the team.

If you don't have the ability to lead the team, then it's not protecting the boss.

"Jiang Yuanming, Qin Yuanxin, Liu Changshun, Zhao Ming, Xiao Jinming, these are all good people," Li Jin said.

Jiang Yuanming, Liu Changshun, and Zhao Ming are all platoon leaders, and they have good abilities. As for Qin Yuanxin, although he is a squad leader, he is also a veteran and cautious.

"Forget about Xiao Jinming, he is just a recruit after all." Xu Qingfeng said, although Xiao Jinming's strength is very good, but to be honest, the most difficult thing to check is Xiao Jinming's background.

After all, they were fleeing famine, and no one knew what would happen on the way.

"Although he is a new recruit, he is cautious and capable. Otherwise, I wouldn't let him be the captain of the Sharpshooter team." Li Jin said.

He felt that Xiao Jinming was fully capable of protecting the boss. Xiao Jinming's marksmanship was too accurate.

It can be said that if Xiao Jinming confronts any fighter from the special warfare company, no one is Xiao Jinming's opponent except himself.

Xiao Jinming was almost born to shoot guns, and Li Jin had never seen such a person.

If there is an enemy, as long as there are enough bullets, Xiao Jinming can kill someone without even seeing the boss's face clearly.

"No, if Xiao Jinming was from the village, I would have chosen him first, but he is not. He escaped famine after all, and the details are hard to find out.

Besides, the brigade commander will not allow anyone who can't find out the details to protect the boss. "Xu Qingfeng said.

He knew that Xiao Jinming's strength and ability were very good. If Xiao Jinming knew the details, he would choose Xiao Jinming without saying a word.

But Xiao Jinming's details are difficult to find out, he also believes that Xiao Jinming will not harm the boss, but other people have to believe it.

Li Jingang wanted to say that he would guarantee Xiao Jinming, but after thinking about it, he was a company commander, and he was not qualified to guarantee the boss' life with his life, and he did not dare to take the position.

"Then get rid of Xiao Jinming." Li Jin said, although Xiao Jinming cannot be allowed to protect the boss, it is a good choice to let Xiao Jinming stay on the team.

At least with Xiao Jinming around, he basically doesn't have to worry about what will happen to the Outlaws.

"Actually, I think it's better to let Liu Changshun protect the boss. He is actually a very careful person." Xu Qingfeng said.

The leader who protects the boss must be thick and thin, otherwise he will not be at ease, but Liu Changshun thinks it is quite suitable.

"Xiao Liu's words are indeed capable, but that is in terms of fighting, and he is still a bit weaker in terms of protecting people.
It's better to let Jiang Yuanming lead the team to protect the boss. He can fight and has been a guard before, so he is more experienced in this area. "Li Jin said.

Before Li Yunlong came, Jiang Yuanming used to be the guard of the former head of the new regiment, and he was very experienced in this area.

"What you said makes sense, then let Jiang Yuanming protect the boss, and who will the brigade commander lead the team to protect?!" Xu Qingfeng said.

(End of this chapter)

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