Chapter 162
"Let Qin Yuanxin go. He is more careful in this regard. It is trustworthy to let him lead the team to protect the brigade commander." Li Jin said.

"Well...that's how it is. Jiang Yuanming leads the team to protect the boss, and Qin Yuanxin protects the brigade commander." Xu Qingfeng nodded in agreement.

At present, these two people are more suitable. Besides, taking away two platoon leaders at once is not suitable for managing the company.

"Who will be the leader of the third platoon?!" Xu Qingfeng said, once Jiang Yuanming was transferred, he still needed to find a suitable person to lead the third platoon.

"Tsk... the deputy platoon leader of the third row, Jiang He, will come," Li Jin said after thinking for a while.

Although Jiang He's ability is still a bit weak, but his qualifications are relatively old, it is just right for him to be the platoon leader.

"That's how it is. By the way, after this bridge bombing mission is completed, I guess I will go to the Political Department of the regiment to learn how to guide the soldiers in politics, culture, and ideology." Xu Qingfeng said, this matter is still Talk to Li Jin.

"This means that the group leader and the others have decided to completely let you be the instructor?!" Li Jin said, asking Xu Qingfeng to study in the Political Department, isn't that what it means.

"Yes, the brigade commander thinks so too, and he also asked me to learn. In short, the management of the special warfare company will always be managed by us, and other people will not meddle indiscriminately." Xu Qingfeng said.

He knew that Li Jin had always been worried that other people would come to special warfare to point fingers, but now Li Jin didn't have to worry at all.

Li Jin nodded, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. Before that, he thought that the regiment would send instructors down again after a while, but they didn't think so at all.

"Another point is that the brigade commander intends to mobilize our troops to support other people at any time in the future." Xu Qingfeng said.

"As expected, if the brigade department couldn't afford to support us, I guess the brigade commander would have wanted us to go to the brigade department since he saw our strength," Li Jin said.

The consumption of the special warfare company in one day is enough to feed more than 1000 people. The brigade headquarters will not spend so much money to support the special warfare company. Therefore, the brigade commander might as well let the special warfare company support itself.

As long as there is a need for a special warfare company to do something, the special warfare company is transferred away.

"Indeed, after the brigade commander saw the strength of the special warfare company, the first thing he said was to tell the regiment commander, I want this unit,

At that time, the head of the regiment was stunned, and then the brigade commander said that he was joking. "Xu Qingfeng remembered the scene at that time.

"Anyway, compared with other troops, we have no one to control us, so we are quite free." Li Jin said, compared to going to the brigade headquarters, he still felt that staying here was more free.

"That's true." Xu Qingfeng nodded, since they were separated from the first battalion and were directly under the command of the regimental commander, their side was truly free.


At noon, after eating, more than a dozen veterans went to the big classroom to start writing party applications.

However, they were stunned at the beginning. They had practiced many times before, but when they were actually asked to write, they still forgot how to write.

"Show me, how did you write it?!"

"Why did you write your name?!"


"Let me tell you, why don't you take out the application form you wrote before and copy it?!" At this time, a veteran said.

"Yes, yes, yes! I almost forgot!" A group of veterans woke up like a dream, and quickly got up and left the classroom to get the application for joining the party that they had written.

Soon they came back, looking at the application for joining the party they had written, they fell into deep thought, how did they feel that it was so well written.

Is this kind of application for joining the party sure to be passed? !

"I said what's the matter with you. You are veterans anyway. Don't be so nervous. Just write an application for joining the party. Don't you have any idea if you can succeed?!" Jiang Yuanming said.

"Have you all forgotten what the company commander taught us before?!" Qin Yuanxin also said that they had practiced many times.

"I haven't forgotten, but we were a little overjoyed to be able to join the party all of a sudden." A veteran said, and they were dazzled by the excitement.

In addition, the real application for joining the party is very important to them. It is different from the previous practice. If you want to write it, you must hand in the best one.

On the other side, Li Jin was in the room, also writing an application for joining the party.

Unlike other people who wrote about the difficulty, Li Jin was a village cadre in modern times and also wrote an application for joining the party, so this will not trouble him.

He wrote a lot, and he wrote about many things in this world. Officials are in their positions but do not seek their own governance. Landlords are tyrannical and domineering.

And all of these require the leadership of the party.

I am determined to join the party and obey the party's command. I believe that under the party's leadership, we can prevent the common people from being bullied and exploited, so that everyone can live a good life.

For this goal, I am willing to dedicate my life until the goal is achieved.


At the entrance of Heluo Village.

Li Yunlong and the others returned to the meeting room.

"Lao Li, Lao Zhong, how's the situation?!" Deputy head Qian asked as soon as he came up.

"That's it." Li Yunlong sighed deliberately.

"What is it like that?! That's it." Deputy head Qian was in a hurry, how could Li Yunlong say half of what he said.

"Commander, don't tease Laoqian, this time the brigade commander is very appreciative of us being able to annihilate the captain of the devils.
Especially after the brigade commander saw the combat effectiveness of the special warfare company, he almost wanted to leave the special warfare company. Staff Officer Zhong laughed.

He still remembered that Li Yunlong became anxious when he was frightened by the brigade commander's words.

"Of course, as far as the strength of the special warfare company is concerned, no one will be greedy." Deputy head Qian said. Few people would not care about such a powerful army.

"Although the brigade commander didn't transfer the special warfare company to the regiment headquarters, he planned to transfer forty soldiers from the special warfare company to protect the boss." Staff Officer Zhong said.

"That's for sure. With the special warfare company, the boss's safety is also guaranteed." Deputy head Qian nodded, and the forty soldiers of the special warfare company were worth more than two hundred ordinary soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

"However, we still need to find out the details of the soldiers of the special warfare company who are going to protect the boss. If something happens to the boss, we will not be able to take responsibility." Deputy Head Qian said.

If we don't find out the details of the soldiers of the special warfare company who went there, if something happens to the boss, none of them will be able to escape.

"Don't worry, this matter has been handed over to Xu Qingfeng. Also, Xu Qingfeng will come to the Political Department to study in a while. He is also an instructor.

If you don't go to the political department to study systematically, you will be easily picked on by others. "Officer Zhong said.

"Actually, I've always wanted to say that Xu Qingfeng is not a party member. Isn't it appropriate to do this?! Even if he is a probationary party member." Deputy head Qian said hesitantly.

Instructors are generally served by party members, and they have to conduct guidance and study in the Political Department before they are finally sent to the company.

Xu Qingfeng did not follow the rules.

"Don't worry about this, the brigade commander has already made an exception to let Li Jin, Xu Qingfeng and the veterans of the special warfare company write in the party application in advance.
It was jointly guaranteed by several of us. As long as their application for joining the party is completed and people investigate the situation, they will soon become probationary party members. Staff Officer Zhong laughed.

When Xu Qingfeng and the others become probationary party members, the time is just right, as long as there are no problems, they should be able to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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