Chapter 163
"What?! The brigade commander made an exception and let them write in the party application?!" Deputy head Qian said in surprise, but after thinking about it, the veterans of the special warfare company have made a lot of contributions.

Especially for killing the leader of the Devils Alliance this time, the credit was even greater. In addition, they were only two months away from a year, which is not too long, and it is reasonable to make an exception.

"It's normal to make an exception, that is, the time for those recruits to join the army is too short, otherwise, even they would have a chance to make an exception." Staff Officer Zhong said.

If so, the Special Warfare Company may become the first one to write all the exceptions in the party application in advance.

"This is a good thing. After investigating their information, as long as they don't have any connection with the national army and their family members don't bully the common people, there should be no problem." Deputy Head Qian said.

The party admission review is relatively strict. Not only the family members have to check their identities, but also the blood relatives in the direct line cannot be bullied and misappropriated. This will also affect other people's property.

"I believe they won't have any problems." Staff Officer Zhong said, he still believes that the veterans of the special warfare company are all old members of the new regiment.

"Old Qian, this time I went to the brigade, guess what good things I brought back." Li Yunlong laughed.

"What else can you bring back?! I went to the brigade headquarters to ask for a gun before, but I was scolded by the brigade commander and came back bloody." Deputy head Qian unceremoniously exposed Li Yunlong's background.

Li Yunlong had just arrived in the Xinyi Regiment, and when he heard that the average of two or three people in the whole regiment could not get a gun, he immediately ran to the brigade headquarters to ask for a gun, but was scolded by the brigade commander.

"Old Qian, what's the matter with you, can you speak, what does it mean to be scolded, I went there at that time, not to find a way to get a gun for Xinyituan." Li Yunlong said.

Although he was scolded for a while, he achieved his goal. After all, no one knew the situation of the brigade better than him.

It was impossible to get the gun out, he just asked the brigade commander for an attitude, even if it was just a default, it was enough.

"That's right, if it wasn't for you, the development of Xinyituan would not be so fast." Vice-head Qian said with a smile.

Xinyituan is developing very fast now. Of course, this has a lot to do with Li Jin, but in other words, Xinyituan can develop without Li Jin, but it will be much slower.

"This time I went to the brigade headquarters to get fifty boxes of grenades, [-] rounds of ammunition, and [-] sets of military uniforms." Li Yunlong raised his right hand and made an eight sign, which seemed very ostentatious.

"Eighty thousand rounds of bullets?! The brigade commander will give you so many bullets?!" Deputy head Qian said in shock.

"The Brigadier always deducted it. How could he give so much? He only gave [-] rounds of ammunition, and I took the remaining [-] rounds from Lao Zhang." Li Yunlong said.

Fortunately, he went to the logistics department in person. If Staff Officer Zhong had to go alone, the [-] rounds of ammunition would definitely not be available.

"Good guy, Commander, you have finally deducted something from the Brigadier this time." Deputy Commander Qian laughed.

"Of course, I can't always turn it over to Dayang, but they didn't say anything. It's unreasonable. If you ask me, the brigade commander should give me 20 rounds more." Li Yunlong said.

Hearing this, Staff Officer Zhong and Deputy Commander Qian both rolled their eyes. This Li Yunlong, it's easy to get slapped on the sky by boasting.

Return 20 rounds of ammunition. In the dream, the brigade commander may give it, not to mention 20, the brigade commander will give it to 200 million.

"Captain, don't you plan to share half of your wine?!" Staff Officer Zhong said with a smile.

"The head is still drinking? This can't be eaten alone, so hurry up and share it." Deputy head Qian also said.

"Oh, not much, just a little bit, don't listen to Lao Zhong's nonsense, it's just two sips of wine." Li Yunlong quibbled, denying that there was half a bottle at all.

"Then take out the wine and have a look."

"Just two sips of wine is nothing to look at. I, Li Yunlong, can't afford to lose this person. Next time, next time, I'll come back with a full bottle and drink with you." Li Yunlong said, and ran out directly.

"This guy." Both of them shook their heads helplessly upon seeing this.


At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Ming brought the soldiers carrying supplies to the regiment headquarters, while the other soldiers returned to the base first.

The two guards gasped and looked at the soldiers of the special warfare company who were moving supplies into the warehouse. They were completely convinced. These guys are too tough.

The two of them came down when they were more than a dozen miles away from the regiment headquarters. They didn't want to be carried by the soldiers of the special warfare company, so they ran all the way back.

At this time, Li Yunlong also came over.

"What's the matter with you two? What is it like breathing?" Li Yunlong asked with a puzzled face, why are the two guards so weak.

"Head, we're fine, but we've been hit a bit hard. The people from the Special Warfare Company are too strong." Xiao Zhan said.

"What do you compare with them? Isn't this looking for abuse?" Li Yunlong said, the soldiers of the special warfare company are not at all the same level of opponents as ordinary soldiers.

Whether it's physical strength, marksmanship, or stabbing, they all crush ordinary fighters.

"We know." Xiaotang sighed, not convinced.

"Head, all the supplies have been moved to the warehouse." Zhao Ming came to Li Yunlong and saluted.

"Well, thanks for your hard work, you go back to the base first, I won't keep you for dinner." Li Yunlong said, if you keep them for dinner, the soldiers of the regiment headquarters will probably be hungry tonight.

"Yes! All of them! Run~go!" Zhao Ming ordered loudly, and trotted away from the base with forty soldiers.

"Did you come back after running for a whole day today?!" Li Yunlong asked.

"Well, yes, five hours, more than 80 miles, they hardly stopped." Xiao Zhan said.

Ten miles in an hour, two miles in 6 minutes, this is not very fast, the key is to keep running, running for more than five hours, which is hardly something ordinary people can do.

"So powerful?!" Li Yunlong was also surprised. He saw that the soldiers of the special warfare company were running vigorously just now, and they didn't look tired at all.

"Of course it's amazing. I think they can run for a day." Xiao Zhan said.

I don't know how many people have surpassed this physical ability. At the very least, he is sure that there is currently no unit in the Chinese army that can achieve this level.

"Tsk, if this is a long-distance support mission that day, the soldiers of the special warfare company will definitely be able to support it as quickly as possible!" Li Yunlong said slowly.

The first thing he thought of was that the special warfare company could do long-distance raids that ordinary troops could not do.

For example, to block the enemy more than 100 miles away, the new regiment cannot arrive in a short time, but the special warfare company can.

They can arrive early and delay the enemy, allowing Xinyi regiment time to arrive at the designated location to complete the blocking mission.

The existence of the special warfare company is simply an extra helper for the new regiment.

"I can't guarantee other units, but the special warfare company can definitely complete this task." Xiao Zhan said.

"That's right, the special warfare company is very powerful. They can definitely stop the enemy for a long time, and then let us rush to the place to stop them." Xiaotang also said.

The two of them now have extreme trust in the special warfare company, even if the special warfare company killed the devil's general or even the commander, they would believe it.

"After the two of you came back with them, it seems that you are completely convinced by them?!" Li Yunlong laughed. He, the two guards, was not very convinced by the special warfare company before.

"I can't accept it." Xiao Zhan smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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