"Song Qian, when the time comes, you will take 300 people to the west city gate, hold the devils over there, and don't let them escape.
The rest, follow me to encircle and suppress the devils at the East City Gate! "Li Yunlong ordered.

"Yes!" Song Qian and the others agreed in unison.

"I hope the devil is careless." Li Yunlong thought to himself.


At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Jin took Xu Qingfeng and the others back to the camp.

As for the vanguard of the devils, they have already set up camp seventeen miles away from Wu County.

As soon as he came back, Li Jin went to the temporary headquarters. Li Yunlong, deputy head Qian, and staff officer Zhong were all here.

"Li Jin, you boy, you are back. How about it, do you have any follow-up troops?" Li Yunlong smiled when he saw Li Jin.

"Captain, the two thousand devils are still about seventeen miles away from Wu County. I haven't found the follow-up troops of the devils yet.

But I think it won't be that simple for the devil to come here this time. "Li Jin said, when he came back, he still felt something was wrong.

"Li Jin, did you search the rear?" Deputy Head Qian asked.

"No." Li Jin shook his head. At that time, he felt that if the devil had a follow-up force, he should have arrived at his position after waiting for more than an hour, so he didn't search behind.

"I guess, the devils must have follow-up troops, that is, they are at least ten or twenty miles away from the front-line troops. If there are follow-up troops,
These two thousand devils will not attack immediately tomorrow. Instead, they will rest for a whole day and let the follow-up troops rush over overnight to ambush them.
Once we sneak up on the devils like before, they will surround us instead. At that time, it will be unimaginable! "Deputy head Qian expressed his guess.

"Good guy, this devil really dares to do this!" Li Yunlong said, if what Lao Qian said is true, then the Xinyituan may be hit hard by then.

"Li Jin, you are taking people to investigate. The scope of investigation should be thirty miles behind the vanguard of the devils!" Li Yunlong ordered.

This matter should not be sloppy, it is related to the life and death of Xinyi Tuan.

"Yes!" Li Jin nodded, turned around and led the people away again.

"Come here, call the three battalion commanders over for a meeting." Li Yunlong immediately asked for the three battalion commanders to come over.

"Regimental Commander." Three battalion commanders walked in one after another.

"Li Jin came back just now, and he brought information that the devil's troops are still seventeen miles away from Wu County." Li Yunlong said.

"Does the devil have any follow-up troops?" Song Qian asked. Li Jin should know if there is any follow-up troops for the devil when Li Jin comes back.

"Li Jin said he hadn't found it yet, but that kid also felt that the devils wouldn't just send 2000 people to attack Wu County. I sent Li Jin to continue the investigation just now." Li Yunlong said.

Hearing this, Song Qian felt inexplicably that the devil might really have a follow-up force.

"Commander, if Li Jin really detects the devil's follow-up troops, what should we do?!" Zhang Dabiao asked.

If the devils really sent more people over, they are really no match for this small number of people.

The last time they were able to win, it was because the devils didn't defend the rear and were caught by surprise and attacked them by surprise, so they wiped out the devils with minimal casualties.

If they fight the devils in an open and aboveboard manner, their Xinyi regiment is really no match for the devils. Even if they can fight, they will suffer heavy casualties, and the Xinyi regiment will rebuild.

"The devil's follow-up troops have at least [-] people, plus the front ones, that is exactly one regiment, and they are already prepared.

It is basically impossible to sneak attack. "Officer Zhong said.

Once the devils guarded the rear, even if they concentrated their forces, they would not be able to do so in a short period of time if they wanted to wipe out one side of the siege devils first. At that time, they would be surrounded by the devils' follow-up troops.

"So, my idea is to take the initiative to attack. Once Li Jin confirms the position of the devil's rear troops, we will directly kill them.

Didn't they want to surround us? I just killed their follow-up troops!

Fight first, talk later, and withdraw after the fight! "Li Yunlong said.

He didn't intend to wipe out the devil's follow-up troops, but planned to take the opportunity to sneak attack a round, not to annihilate, but to severely damage the devil to the greatest extent.

Only in this way, the pressure on Wu County will not be so great.

"Yes, by surprise, the devils definitely didn't expect that we would take the opportunity to attack their follow-up troops." Staff Officer Zhong nodded and agreed with Li Yunlong's decision.

Instead of letting the devil make a pocket for him, it is better to do the follow-up of the devil in advance.

Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack. If the devils want to make a trap for them, then they will kill the devils in advance and let their plan go bankrupt!

"However, I would like to know how many people the devils have sent here this time." Song Qian said, if the devils only sent one unit, then they still have a chance to kill the devils, but the casualties will be heavy.

"Anyway, at least one regiment!" Staff Officer Zhong said, if the devils wanted to annihilate them in one fell swoop, they would send many people.

"Why not, how about we let the people from Wu County attack? With their help, we have a better chance of winning." Song Qian suggested.

"No, there are less than 3000 defenders in Wu County. If they suffer heavy casualties, Wu County will be lost." Li Yunlong rejected this proposal.

The defenders of Wu County can only stay in Wu County. If they come out to fight the devils, they cannot beat the devils. What if there are heavy casualties? !

Moreover, he did not intend to wipe out this group of devils. With the current number of Xinyi regiments, even if they could wipe out this group of devils, there would still be heavy casualties.

This is not what Li Yunlong wants to see. It is not his goal to keep Wu County alone. Xinyituan can do other things.

Therefore, he just wanted to harass, so that the devils would have to worry about the future, and dare not put all their troops up at once to relieve the pressure on Wu County.

As long as the devils have worries about the future, Wu County can at least hold on for a long time.


At this time, the devil's vanguard camp.

Two thousand devils have already started eating, in the headquarters.

The three assistant officers and nine captains are all here.

"Send a telegram to the regiment captain, saying that we have set up camp about seventeen miles away from Wu County." Said the devil's lieutenant.

"Hi!" A communications soldier hurriedly left the tent.

"Commander, Wu County is probably not so easy to fight now. The previous troops brought a lot of heavy weapons, and now they are broken.

The weapons in our hands fell to Wu County, and our battle will be very difficult at that time. "A major said.

They can fight against the Chinese army on the battlefield. In addition to their own strong military literacy, they also have weapons that can crush the Chinese army, so they can fight against the Chinese army.

Now, Wu County has obtained the weapons of the vanguard. They are attacking Wu County, and they will suffer heavy casualties.

"Don't panic, we're just taking the lead, and we're not attacking Wu County all the time. As long as we annihilate the hidden Chinese army near Wu County, Wu County will be within reach.
Moreover, what if they got the weapons of the previous troops?

Compared with us, there is still a big gap. Their marksmanship and physical fitness are not as good as ours, so don't worry about this. "The ghost lieutenant said.

Although the army that attacked Wu County had a lot of heavy weapons, the weapons of the Huaxia army were terrible. With so many weapons, it was impossible for the hidden army to give all the weapons to Wu County.

They will also keep a lot of themselves, so Wu County's weapons are still inferior to them.

"However, that hidden army should not be underestimated. They can annihilate [-] soldiers of the empire. Although they have suffered heavy losses, they must be quite strong." The ghost lieutenant continued.

It's pretty impressive to be able to defeat [-] imperial elites, but he really didn't expect to be able to wipe them all out.

Defeat is one thing, but total annihilation is another.


At this time, the captain of the Guizi United was still leading his soldiers to continue forward, because he felt that the intelligence personnel in Wu County would definitely not think that they had follow-up troops, so they wanted to continue on their way.

They stopped and set up camp when they were still ten miles away from the frontline troops.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the bright moonlight poured over the mountains and forests.

Li Jin hurried on the way by the moonlight. He brought Zhang Liu Changshun and a dozen soldiers from the reconnaissance squad to the woods 500 meters away from the devil's vanguard.

Li Jin was checking the situation of these devils with a telescope.

After a while, he put down the binoculars.

"Chang Gong, you are here to stare at these devils, I will take Xiao Liu to continue to investigate in the rear." Li Jin ordered.

"Yes!" Lu Changgong nodded, he didn't feel inappropriate for the company commander to take only one person to the rear to investigate.

When his strength became stronger, he felt more and more that the company commander's strength was terrifying, and the previous competitions with them were all just playing with them.

If the company commander really killed him, one person in the special warfare company would be killed by the company commander.

Li Jin took Liu Changshun all the way through the mountains and forests. The moonlight was very bright. Although the visibility was not higher than during the day, it was not a problem to move forward by the moonlight.

From time to time, the sound of insects pierced through the woods, and Li Jin became cautious after walking eight or nine miles.

Not long after, Li Jin found the devil's follow-up troops.

At the foot of a mountain, a group of devils camped here. According to the number of tents, it can be calculated that there are about 800 to [-] devils here.

Li Jin and Liu Changshun checked the situation on a low mountain about 500 meters away from the devil's camp.

"The company commander is really right, the devil really has a follow-up force." Liu Changshun said, he didn't expect that what Li Jin said was true.

"No, there should be more than this few devils." Li Jin frowned. He felt that it was impossible for the devils' follow-up troops to have so few people.

If the devils want to annihilate them, such a small number of people is not enough. Defeating and annihilating them are two different things.

"You keep an eye on the devils here, I'll go to other places to see the situation." After speaking, Li Jin went down the mountain and bypassed the devils.

Immediately afterwards, another group of devils was found in the woods 500 meters south of the devil's camp, the number of which was also 900.

Seeing the number of people, Li Jin felt that adding this should be all the people sent by the devils.

But just to be on the safe side, Li Jin continued to investigate nearby. As a result, in the north, he found another group of devils, the number of which was around eight or nine hundred.

Li Jin was lying in a bush, carefully inspecting the devil camp not far away with a telescope.

"Damn it! The devil's follow-up army actually has 600 to [-] people. This is an attempt to wipe us out in one go!" Li Jin cursed inwardly.

Moreover, the camps of this group of devils just formed a triangle. Once one of the camps of the devils was attacked, the devils in the other two camps could immediately surround them.

Li Jin was afraid for a while, but fortunately he didn't think that the devil's follow-up troops only had more than 1000 people, so he kept an eye out and scouted the surrounding area.

Otherwise, if he brought the news back, once Li Yunlong led the new regiment to attack, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I have to go back and report the situation quickly." Li Jin just wanted to get up, but suddenly saw a flashlight shining in the distance.

Li Jin didn't move when he saw it, and didn't get up until the small group of devils passed by.

"The devils here are quite well guarded." Li Jin turned and left, and went to find Liu Changshun not long after.

"Company Commander, you're back." Liu Changshun quickly whispered when he saw Li Jin coming back.

"Damn it, there's not only this group of devils, there's also a group of devils in the southeast and northeast." Li Jin said.

"What? So many!" Liu Changshun was shocked.

"Well, it seems that the devil really attaches great importance to this place, and sent about [-] people over. Fortunately, I found out, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." Li Jin nodded and said.

With so many devils, if the Xinyi regiment were really surrounded, even if they could break through, they would suffer heavy casualties.

"Let's go, let's go back and report the news." Li Jin took Liu Changshun out of here, and the subsequent actions depended on what Li Yunlong wanted to do.

He knew that Li Yunlong must have thoughts about these devils.

At about eleven o'clock, Li Jin returned to the camp, and he went to the headquarters immediately to find Li Yunlong.

In the headquarters, a kerosene lamp was lit, and Li Yunlong and the others were still waiting for news from Li Jin.

At this moment, Li Jin opened the curtain and walked in.

"How is the situation? Does the Devil have any follow-up troops?" Li Yunlong asked.

If the devil has no follow-up troops, then he can wipe out this group of devils. If there are follow-up troops, he will fight the follow-up troops first.

"Well, there are follow-up troops, which add up to about 600 people." Li Jin explained the situation.

"What? So many people?!" Deputy head Qian was stunned when he heard it. Nearly [-] devils, if they encircle the Xinyi regiment, even if the Xinyi regiment can break out, it will have to be rebuilt.

"Their follow-up troops are camped in three directions. If one of them is attacked, the devils in the other two camps will be able to encircle us immediately.

Although the Xinyi Regiment is very strong, the devils have an advantage in numbers. In a real fight, the Xinyi Regiment will not be able to take advantage. "Li Jin said.

The devils of the follow-up troops were divided into three camps to camp, just to avoid being attacked by surprise, and at the same time to carry out anti-encirclement when one of them was attacked by surprise.

"It seems that we have to re-plan the combat operation again." Li Yunlong looked serious. The nearly [-] devils in the follow-up troops were not something the Xinyi regiment could deal with.

Although it is not without the power to fight, this battle is unnecessary.

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