"The purpose of the devils is to target us, so when the vanguard of the devils arrives in Wu County tomorrow, they will not attack immediately.

Instead, we will rest all night and let the follow-up troops come to ambush. After they come, they will definitely split up and ambush. We will take the opportunity to sneak attack one of the follow-up troops.
Not seeking total annihilation, only seeking to cause harm to the devils to the greatest extent. "Officer Zhong said.

After the devil's vanguard arrived in Wu County, the follow-up troops would definitely split up and set up an ambush. In order to avoid being discovered, their ambush should be at least four or five miles away from the vanguard.

Nearly [-] devils are indeed not easy to sneak attack, but it is different for them to disperse their forces.

With the fighting power of the Xinyi Regiment and the superiority in numbers, not to mention the complete annihilation of this devil, at least one-third of the people can be killed.

"Okay, let's do it like this, and sneak attack them tomorrow night!" Li Yunlong nodded, thinking that this method is feasible.

"Wait a minute, the devils have come with a unit and a brigade. Does that mean,

The devil's headquarters has sent a brigade of devils to assist this devil's unit? "Li Yunlong reacted.

If the devil's headquarters was protected by a regiment of devils, then there would be less than 3000 people left now.

"That's true." Staff Officer Zhong nodded, and then said, "Are you trying to take down the devil's headquarters again? With just us, if you want to take down the devil's headquarters, you're probably thinking too much."

When Staff Officer Zhong heard what Li Yunlong said, he immediately knew what Li Yunlong wanted to do. Even if the devil's headquarters sent [-] people, there would still be nearly [-] devils to protect him.

"Besides, I don't know where the devil's headquarters is." Staff Officer Zhong continued.

"Where can it be? It must be within 150 miles, and the brigade sent by the devils can join an alliance in a short time.
That time must not exceed half a day, so they must be around 120 miles,

During the 120 miles, the devil is most likely to set up a headquarters near the river, and you can definitely find it if you look down the Gujiang River. "Li Yunlong pointed to the map on the table and analyzed clearly.

"What about after you find the devil's headquarters? Are you going to attack by force?" Staff Officer Zhong asked.

"Strong attack? How could I be so stupid, I plan to attract the devils who protect the headquarters, and then fight with the devils,
When the time comes, let Li Jin take the special warfare company and Gray Wolf to take the opportunity to sneak attack on the devil's headquarters and directly kill the devil's commander! "Li Yunlong said.

The way he thought was that he would lead a new regiment of soldiers to attract the devil's firepower in front, and the devil's rear would be empty.

At this time, Li Jin took the special warfare company and the soldiers of Gray Wolf to raid the Devils headquarters, beheading the Devils commander directly.

"What if Li Jin fails to take away the devil's headquarters, and we are bitten by the devil again, when the time comes, the devil will send people from other places to encircle us!" Deputy Head Qian said.

If the devil's headquarters had not been taken away by Li Jin, they would have sacrificed a lot of soldiers. In the worst case, the new regiment might not be able to withdraw from the encirclement!
"Don't worry, the devils can't bite us, even if they can't get rid of the devil's headquarters, the devils who fought against us in front,
We will also retreat immediately to protect the headquarters, and we can still evacuate safely. "Li Yunlong said.

The devil's headquarters was attacked, and the devils who exchanged fire with them would definitely withdraw immediately to protect the headquarters.

And once the devils retreat, many people will be killed or injured. No matter whether the devil's headquarters can be taken down or not, it can be considered that many devils can be eliminated.

"Besides, the battle lasts up to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, we will retreat!" Li Yunlong said, he has also considered the way to retreat.

Staff officer Zhong fell silent. If it does not cause huge losses to the Xinyi regiment, this operation is indeed possible.

"Okay, that's it." Staff Officer Zhong nodded, agreeing to the operation.


At this time, Wu County.

In the headquarters.

Zhao Chengxu and the three team leaders are having dinner, and they are busy until now before eating.

"Brigade Commander, the devils have sent another 2000 people to attack us, and they are now at most seventeen miles away from us." The first group leader said while eating.

"Only 2000 people?" Zhao Chengxu frowned when he heard the news.

Since the devils have continued to send people over to attack the city, they must already know that there is an army hiding in the dark, so why did they only send 2000 people over?

Although two thousand devils might be enough, he felt that it was impossible for devils to be so arrogant.

None of the 2000 devils in front escaped. The devils should be prepared, but they only sent [-] people. Zhao Chengxu felt that there must be fraud among them.

"Traveler, do you think the devil might have a follow-up force? The intelligence personnel in front didn't find out that the devil has a follow-up force. It should be too much worry." said the first regiment leader.

The intelligence personnel he sent were very cautious. In order to prevent the devil from having follow-up troops, the devil waited for a long time after passing through the investigation station before returning to report.

"Am I really worrying too much?" Zhao Chengxu muttered to himself.

According to the current casualty ratio, annihilation of [-] devils would cost at least nearly [-] people. Therefore, it is understandable for the devils to feel that there is no need to send so many people here.

But he still felt something was wrong, and he didn't know where the current Xinyituan had gone, or whether it was still near Wu County.

If only two thousand devils came to attack the city, he still had the confidence to defend Wu county, but what if the devils still had follow-up troops? !

If the new regiment is not near Wu County, then how will Wu County be defended?

Zhao Chengxu shook his head, no matter whether Xinyi Tuan was nearby or not, it was his responsibility to guard Wu County.


At noon the next day, two thousand devils came to camp about a mile away from Wu County. They divided into two groups and camped outside the east and west gates.

On the aisle of the city wall, Zhao Chengxu looked at the devil's defensive position from a distance with a telescope.

He could only see a small number of devils patrolling outside the mountain, but he didn't know where the devils camped.

It seems that the devils didn't dare to make too much of a fuss, and exposed the specific camp location in front of them like last time, for fear of being attacked by artillery from Wu County.

In fact, even if the devils exposed the camp, Zhao Chengxu would not choose to let the artillery attack. For Wu County, any shell is very important, and the devils have more shells than them.

As for the artillery shells in Wu County, one round is used and one round is less.

"Let the soldiers eat as soon as possible, the devils are likely to launch a tentative attack." Zhao Chengxu ordered quickly.

The last time the devil came, he took a rest for a while, and then launched a tentative attack.

"Yes!" Chu Xu, the leader of the third regiment, nodded.

However, they waited until five o'clock in the afternoon, and the devil's camp had no intention of attacking at all, and the same was true for the west gate.

"Strange, why didn't the devil launch a tentative attack this time?" Chu Xu became puzzled.

Zhao Chengxu also frowned. Devils attack the city and usually launch a tentative attack first, but this time they didn't attack, which made him have a bad premonition.

But the intelligence personnel did not detect the devil's follow-up troops, which made him unable to figure out the devil's intention for a while.


At this time, the devil's follow-up troops ten miles away from Wu County also temporarily rested and had dinner.

in the tent.

The captain of the Guizi Alliance and officials above the captain were looking at the map of Wu County on the table.

"If the hidden troops in Wu County want to sneak attack the frontline troops, I guess they will come from the southeast and southwest, that is, these two positions
Therefore, in order to prevent that army from discovering us, we set up an ambush about five miles away from the frontline troops,

Once they launched another sneak attack, we immediately surrounded this hidden army, and it is absolutely impossible for this army to continue to cause trouble for us! "The captain of the ghost alliance said.

In the attack on Wu county this time, two thousand soldiers were killed in just two days, which has never happened before.

As the commander, he has to take full responsibility. If it were in normal times, he would have been dismissed as the captain of the regiment long ago.

But now the higher-ups are still willing to give him a chance, because the empire is bound to win if Wuhan is taken down, and they will not change people just because of this matter to avoid delaying more time.

Therefore, when he comes this time, he must take down Wu County, otherwise, once the battle is over, he, the captain of the regiment, will definitely be dismissed.

"Hi!" A group of devil officers hurriedly agreed loudly.


At [-] o'clock in the evening, the sky had completely darkened, and [-] devils left the camp and began to detour to the ambush site in the southwest direction.

And when they made a detour, Li Jin had already seen all this in his eyes.

Halfway up a big mountain, in the lush grass, Li Jin led Xu Qingfeng, Liu Changshun, and Lu Changgong to watch the devil's troops from a distance with binoculars.

"Company Commander, the Devils have already divided up their forces." Liu Changshun said.

"You take three soldiers and follow this group of devils to ensure their final foothold." Li Jin ordered Liu Changshun.

"Understood!" Liu Changshun got up immediately, and was about to leave when Li Jin stopped him.

"Be careful when you follow, the devil may arrange people in the dark for safety, so you must keep a good distance." Li Jin reminded.

Since the devil designed this trap, for the sake of safety, they will probably arrange manpower on the way to the ambush site to avoid exposure of their whereabouts.

"Yes!" Liu Changshun nodded earnestly, and then went down the mountain. He followed the leaving army with three soldiers.

"This battle, it seems, is not easy to fight." Xu Qingfeng looked serious. Nearly [-] devils could almost easily wipe out a division's troops.

"Indeed, the devils seem to be certain to win Wu County." Li Jin nodded. If the devils really beat Wu County down, then the national army in this position might have a hard time.

As long as the devils quickly send supplies to the front line, the national army soldiers waiting here may be attacked like thunder.

"However, since we are here, it is impossible for Wu County to lose it." Xu Qingfeng said.

As long as the devils can't wipe them out, the devils will not dare to attack Wu county with all their strength. At that time, after blocking the devil's logistics transportation line here, the devils will naturally retreat by themselves.

Of course, the worse result is that the devils will send more people to attack Wu county.


Liu Changshun led the three soldiers, always keeping a certain distance from the devil army, and moving forward cautiously.

They shuttled through the woods, and soon, when they passed a forest, Liu Changshun stopped for an instant, and then made a gesture, which meant that there were three devils at the direction of three o'clock.

The remaining three immediately understood, and Liu Changshun also lamented the platoon leader's foresight. Fortunately, the platoon leader reminded them in advance, otherwise, they would probably be discovered by these three devils.

Liu Changshun gestured again, indicating to go around quietly.

The three nodded, and then quietly walked around the three devils.

After getting away from those devils, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Near 11:30, the devils finally stopped and began to set up camp.

500 meters away, Erdan and the others watched all this carefully.

"What's the matter with these little devils? Why do they still send people to stay behind even if they are moving forward? They are so vigilant." A soldier said carefully.

He had never seen such a situation, as if the devils were afraid that someone would follow them.

"The point is, what are they doing here?" Another soldier asked strangely.

Wu County is not here, what are these devils doing here?Picking Ganoderma lucidum?
"These devils are staring at us, they want to ambush us." Liu Changshun said, he often followed the company commander, and he learned a lot.

So he can probably guess the devil's intentions.

"What? Ambush us? What do you mean?! They want to attack us while we support Wu County?!" The soldier said.

"Well, nine times out of ten, the devils attacking the city are just a decoy, and the devils here are the real main force." Liu Changshun nodded and said.

If the company commander hadn't taken him to investigate later, I'm afraid he would have fallen into the devil's trick.

"Damn it, these devils are quite dark!" The soldiers were sweating from behind. If they were fighting with the devils who were besieging the city, and the devils were encircling and attacking the city, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

"Okay, don't say so much, let's pass the news back first. The three of you stay here and keep an eye on them. I'll go back." Liu Changshun said.

"Yes!" The three nodded.

Liu Changshun left cautiously, for fear of alarming these devils.


At the same time, on Li Jin's side, he was still staring at the devils halfway up the mountain.

Seeing that there was no movement from these devils, Li Jin decided to exchange a batch of submachine guns with the system.

Since Li Yunlong intends to find out the devil's headquarters here and carry out a sneak attack, it is still a bit difficult for the special warfare company to complete this task.

The devil soldiers who can guard the devil's headquarters must be the elite devils of the first-class division, and the devils they fight with are much stronger.

With a submachine gun, the sneak attack can be much smoother, and the devils at the headquarters can be wiped out at the fastest speed.

"System, exchange for fifty German mp18 submachine guns for me." Li Jin said directly to the system.

"MP18 submachine gun, [-] contribution points each, [-] pieces totaling [-] contribution points, do you want to exchange it?!" The voice of the system came.

Li Jin glanced at his contribution value. Since the shooting in Wu County, the contribution value has been increasing. Obviously, the system counted the devils killed by the national army in the entire Wuhan to him. His current contribution value has already There are nearly thirty thousand.

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