Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 424 The purpose is us?

Chapter 424 The purpose is us?
"Company commander, the Gray Wolf team is here." Just as Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng were talking, Liu Changshun ran over.

"They came so soon?! Where are they?!" Li Jin was stunned, he thought that the Gray Wolf team would come later.

"Going this way." Liu Changshun said, when he found out that the Gray Wolf team was coming, he came to look for the company commander in advance.

"Old Xu, let's go, Xiao Liu, you are here to watch the devil." Li Jin ordered, and then went down the mountain with Xu Qingfeng into the woods.

Not long after, Li Jin saw the fighters of the Gray Wolf team, a total of 75 people, which was more than the reinforcement platoon.

A young man came out of the team, and he saluted Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng.

"Company Commander Li, Deputy Company Commander Xu." Xiao Liangxu said.

Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng also saluted back.

"What's the plan for the leader?!" Li Jin asked straight to the point.

Now that the Gray Wolf team has come, it means that Li Yunlong must have made a plan.

"The leader asked me to come and join you, and you will take full command." Xiao Liangxu said, and he then told Li Yunlong's plan to Li Jin.

"That's fine, we just wait for the devils at the pier to act." Li Jin said.

Li Yunlong's plan is to attack the devil transport team, let the devils at the pier go to support them, and let them take the opportunity to raid the pier and annihilate the devils at the pier in one fell swoop.

"Leader and the others have already rushed to their destination. As soon as the devils at the pier start transporting supplies, they will send a telegram to the leader immediately." Xiao Liangxu said.

They are now equivalent to the eyes of the new group, and they have to report everything about the dock to Li Yunlong so that they can make preparations in advance.

"Yes, I know." Li Jin nodded.


At this time, at the pier, in the command room.

The leader of the Devil Brigade looked at the information on the telegram and fell into deep thought for a while, while the captain of the Fujiigawa Alliance stood aside.

The empire's undercover agents in the national army did not find any troops coming here.

"Brigade commander, what did the intelligence personnel say?!" Fujiikawa asked.

"The news they found out was that it was the national army in Wuhan, and no army sent a large number of troops here.
So, the army that attacked you is probably not the army from Wuhan. "The head of the devil brigade said.

He may doubt what other intelligence personnel said, but the information this intelligence personnel said is basically true, because the information he passed on has never been wrong.

Therefore, the army that attacked Fujii should be an army from another theater, but the question is, which theater will this army be from? !
And the strength is so powerful, I have never heard of it at all. The key is that most of the weapons of this army are weapons of the empire.

"It's not the army here?!" Fujiigawa was stunned. The problem is that the soldiers of the national army in other theaters are quite far away from here, and there are too many people sent. It is impossible for their intelligence personnel not to know.

"Could it be that the Eighth Route Army really sent people here to cause trouble for us?!" The head of the devil brigade couldn't help but wonder.

They have the least information on the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Army. If this army is the Eighth Route Army, then it really makes sense.

"This possibility is actually not impossible. Some time ago, the Eighth Route Army took down Guyuan County, didn't it?
In Guyuan County, the Eighth Route Army seized a lot of weapons, and Yun County was also defeated by the Eighth Route Army, and also captured a lot of imperial weapons.

It is not impossible for them to form a powerful army with these weapons. "The Captain Fujiigawa said.

"The Eighth Route Army that took down Guyuan County is called Xinyi Regiment, right?" asked the head of the Devils Brigade.

"Yes, the army in Yun County is an independent regiment. These two counties seem to have been defeated by two regiments in joint operations. They are all part of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Eighth Route Army." Fujiikawa said.

He was also concerned about the fact that Guyuan County was taken down.

"The [-]th Brigade..." The head of the Devil's Brigade murmured. He remembered that he had suffered a lot from this brigade since the imperial army went to Shanxi.

Unexpectedly, there is a great possibility that they will come to Wuhan.

"Brigade Commander, the [-]th Brigade has been slapping the empire in the face. This time they came here and ran behind us.

You should apply to the higher authorities to annihilate this army directly, in the name of the Yang Empire!It can also greatly hit Huaxia's confidence. "Fujiigawa said.

The soldiers of the empire suffered a lot under the command of the [-]th brigade, especially when two county towns were defeated by the [-]th brigade, which swollen the face of the empire.

"The most important thing for the empire now is to take down Wuhan, a small [-] brigade, we can deal with it, there is no need to send people over." The head of the ghost brigade said.

As long as Wuhan is captured, the empire will be prepared to force the national army to surrender. At that time, the empire will not need to continue to invest so many troops in China.

Then most of China's supplies were transported back to the empire for development.

"Hi!" Fujiikawa nodded.

"As long as the [-]th Brigade is still here, they will definitely continue to fight. When the time comes, we will take the opportunity to wipe them out.

When they came to the rear, they definitely wanted to attack our transportation line, so as to delay the frontline fighting time. "The head of the devil brigade said.

Since the [-]th Brigade came here and helped Wu County out of the siege, they definitely wouldn't just leave like this, and they were definitely prepared to continue to make trouble for them.

Fujiikawa nodded, he also thought so before.

"In a while, you send someone to deliver supplies to the front line." Said the head of the devil brigade.

"Ah?! To deliver supplies tomorrow?! Isn't the [-]th Brigade planning to ambush our transport team? Is it appropriate to deliver supplies at this time?!" Fujiigawa was stunned and said.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, you will lead people to follow the transport team. As long as people from the [-]th Brigade dare to attack the transport team, you will lead people to wipe them out immediately!" said the head of the devil brigade.

Since the Eighth Route Army is staring at the transport team, let people make bait, take the opportunity to annihilate them, and make them disappear completely!

"However, if I take people there, won't the pier be empty?! If an enemy comes to attack you, wouldn't your situation be very dangerous!" Fujiikawa said.

Once he took people away, there were only a few hundred soldiers on the pier.

"It's okay, I'll let the soldiers be more vigilant, and even if they come to make a sneak attack, I can support you until you come back to defend if you have a geographical advantage," said the head of the devil brigade.

The defense of more than 400 soldiers, even if the enemy has 3000 to [-] people, it is impossible to break through in a short period of time, and Fujiigawa can fully support the defense.

"Besides, the possibility of my side being attacked is very low, so you don't have to worry about it at all," said the head of the devil brigade.

The purpose of the [-]th Brigade is to transport the team, and they will not rush to attack the heavily defended pier without thinking.

"Hi! The brigade leader, be careful." Fujiikawa nodded, the brigade leader said so, what else can he do.

"Go get someone to prepare it." The head of the ghost brigade waved his hand and told Fujiigawa to step back.

If he could really annihilate the [-]th Brigade this time, then he would have made a great contribution. After all, the [-]th Brigade had embarrassed the empire over and over again.

From killing the captain at the beginning, to taking down the county towns one after another, they made the empire lose face several times, and their faces were swollen from the beatings.


At this time, Li Jin and the others were also staring at the dock with binoculars from a distance on the mountainside.

"Are the devils at the pier planning to deliver supplies to the front line?!" Xiao Liangxu said.

He saw the devil soldiers at the pier carrying boxes onto the car, obviously planning to deliver supplies.

"Send a telegram to the head of the group and let us know." Xiao Liangxu continued.

"I'm waiting and watching. When the devils leave, I'm sending a telegram to the group leader." Xu Qingfeng said, the devils may not necessarily be leaving today, maybe they are just preparing supplies in advance.

"That's right." Xiao Liangxu nodded, he was a little anxious.

Ten minutes later, a transport team of about [-] people set off from the pier.

Xu Qingfeng immediately sent someone to send a telegram to the team leader.


At the same time, on the other side of Hedao Ridge, Li Yunlong had brought people here.

The mountains are tall and winding, about eleven or twelve miles long, and the foothills on both sides of Hedao Ridge are lush forests.

Li Yunlong led his troops up the mountain and came to the middle of the mountain.

"Let the soldiers eat first to replenish their strength." Li Yunlong ordered.

After a long journey, everyone was a little tired.

"Regimental Commander, the Special Warfare Company has received a telegram." The correspondent hurried over.

Li Yunlong took the telegram and read it, with a smile on his lips.

"Head, what did Li Jin say?" Deputy Head Qian asked.

"Li Jin said that the devil's transport team has already set off, and it is estimated that it will arrive here around four or five o'clock." Li Yunlong said.

"It's really a coincidence that the little devil's transport team set off as soon as we arrived here." Staff Officer Zhong said.

"That's right, but if we snatch these materials this time, we will be rich." Deputy Head Qian said.

There must be a lot of supplies sent by the devils to the front line.

Even if they can't remove all of them, it's still very good, and the remaining supplies will be burned when the time comes, and they can't be kept by the devils.

"Anyway, our goal is the head of the Devil's Brigade! As for the supplies, that's incidental." Li Yunlong said. Compared with the supplies, he still wants to kill the head of the Devil's Brigade.

Although he is only a brigade commander, he is also a major general, and belongs to the rank of general. If he can be killed, it will be of great significance.

"Yes, yes, if we succeed this time, we will really have made great achievements." Staff Officer Zhong said, he was also a little excited.

That's the devil's general, an important person.


Li Jin and the others are also in a meeting, discussing the battle plan.

"Once the devils set off to support, we will start after an hour,

Old Xu, when the time comes, you will lead the members of the sharpshooter team to shoot down the devil's machine gunner from a long distance, understand? ! "Li Jin looked at Xu Qingfeng.

Now the sharpshooters, as well as the soldiers of the special warfare company, have been equipped with scopes, which can truly kill devils remotely, which is very safe.

"Understood!" Xu Qingfeng nodded.

"Liu Changshun, Zhao Ming, when the time comes, the two of you will prepare for a sneak attack from the rear." Li Jin continued to order.

"Yes!" The two nodded.

"Old Tang, you lead someone to direct the artillery to bomb the pier."

"Captain Xiao, I will lead someone with you to attack from the front, attract the firepower of the devils, and create opportunities for Liu Changshun and the others to sneak attack." Li Jin ordered one after another.

"Yes!" The two nodded in agreement.

"Anyone who has objections to the battle plan can raise it," Li Jin said.

"No!" Everyone said.

"Okay, that's the plan!" Li Jin finalized the plan directly, and then continued to go up the mountain to stare at the devil.

Two 10 minutes later.

The devils at the pier moved again, and the troops were gathering.

"What is the devil planning to do?!" Xiao Liangxu asked with a puzzled look on his face, it was all right, why did the devil gather troops all of a sudden, are they going to fight?

Li Jin frowned, always feeling something was wrong, the number of devils gathered was a bit too much, what was he planning to do? !

The transportation team was only allowed to set off in the front, and so many people were assembled in the back.

"No! That transport team is a bait! The devil is using the transport team to catch a new group!" Xu Qingfeng said hastily.

If the new regiment attacked the transport team, it would definitely be held back. At that time, as soon as the devils from behind rushed over, they would surround the new regiment.

And the new regiment didn't have the special warfare company and the gray wolf team. If they wanted to break through, they would probably suffer heavy casualties.

Unexpectedly, they were setting a trap for the devil, and the devil also wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of them.

"Damn it! The head of the devil brigade seems to have seen through the original purpose of the new regiment!

Fortunately, the head of the group changed his plan temporarily and set his target on the head of the devil brigade. "Li Jin said.

If Li Yunlong didn't want to kill the devil's brigade commander and sent a special battle company to find the devil's headquarters here, they might go straight to Hedaoling to ambush.

They will definitely be successfully plotted by the devils, and many soldiers will have to die to break through.

"Hurry up and send a telegram to the head of the regiment, telling him not to think about annihilating the devil's transport team, but to fight and draw attention before retreating," Li Jin said.

"Yeah!" Xu Qingfeng nodded, and immediately went down the mountain to ask someone to send a telegram to Li Yunlong.

"Liu Changshun, let Lu Changgong lead the reconnaissance team to watch over these devils. If the devils continue to move out of the range of about ten miles, then there is no need to continue to follow.

If they stopped, let Lu Changgong go back to the main road about six or seven miles away from the wharf to plant landmines, and plant a few mines at a distance. "Li Jin said.

He was worried that the target of the devils might not necessarily be the Xinyi Tuan, but they might also be them, so he had better be cautious.

"Yes!" Liu Changshun nodded, and immediately went down the mountain to inform Lu Changgong.

"You suspect that the head of the devil's brigade may be coming for us?!" Xiao Liangxu said.

"No, it's still aimed at the new regiment. It is possible that the leader of the devil brigade thinks that the target of the new regiment is him, so he deliberately transferred people away from the pier, waited for us to attack, and then let people shoot back!" Li Jin Said.

He wasn't sure if the devil's brigade leader really thought so much, but he didn't dare to bet, it's better to be more cautious.


When Li Yunlong received the telegram, he was also stunned for a moment.

"Damn it, this little devil is really good, he came directly to us." Li Yunlong said.

"What's going on?! What's going on?!" Deputy Head Qian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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