Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 425 I Picked the Most Powerful One

Chapter 425 I Picked the Most Powerful One

"There are thousands of devils behind this devil transport team. If we fight the transport team, the devils in the rear will definitely surround us. At that time, it will be difficult to escape." Li Yunlong said.

The devils probably also guessed that their original purpose was the transportation line, so they deliberately set up a trap.

Hearing this, Deputy Head Qian and Staff Officer Zhong were both scared for a while.

"Fortunately, we changed our mind temporarily and asked people to watch the devil's pier. Otherwise, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous if we came here directly." Staff Officer Zhong said.

If Li Yunlong hadn't changed his mind temporarily, and the brigade commander who wanted to kill the devils had deliberately asked Li Jin to follow the retreating devils and find the devil's headquarters, they might have come here directly to ambush.

At that time, even if there is a special warfare company, they may have to die a lot of people to break through.

"However, since the devils have sent all the people out, it means that there are not many people at the dock." Li Yunlong said, which is also a good thing.

Originally, he joined the transport team just to get the devils from the pier to come to support, so that Li Jin and the others could have a chance to kill those devils.

Now it seems that the head of the devil's brigade killed himself.

"Then we don't need to carry out an ambush anymore. Why don't we just take a detour and attack the pier?!" Deputy Head Qian said.

Anyway, most of the Devil's people had already left the pier, and they didn't need to continue to stare at the Devil's transport team.

"It makes sense. In short, our purpose is to kill the brigade leader, pass my order, and everyone rushes to the dock by detour." Li Yunlong immediately ordered.

"Yes!" Several people nodded, and immediately conveyed Li Yunlong's order.

Soon, all the soldiers of the new regiment gathered and evacuated here.

The soldiers were a little puzzled, didn't they want to ambush here, why did they withdraw again? !

However, this is not something they should consider, they only need to obey orders.

"Captain, could this be a trick?! Those devils who left the pier may be just an illusion, and they may not really be far away from the pier." On the way, deputy head Qian said.

He felt, is it possible that the head of the ghost brigade knew their purpose, so he deliberately gave the illusion that the pier was empty? !
"It's not impossible." Li Yunlong frowned.

If the head of the devil brigade really thinks so, then I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

Once surrounded, it takes a lot of people to die to break out of the encirclement.

"Send a telegram to Li Jin and ask him to send someone to keep an eye on the group of devils who are leaving behind, and if they don't continue to rush this way, send a telegram immediately." Li Yunlong said.

Regarding the life and death of the soldiers, Li Yunlong did not dare to be careless.

"Yes!" Staff Officer Zhong nodded, and immediately planned to ask the correspondent to send a telegram to Li Jin.

"Wait, tell Li Jin that we have also joined him." Li Yunlong said, he hadn't told Li Jin about giving up his plan to attack the convoy.

"Okay." Staff Officer Zhong nodded, and then sent someone to send a telegram.


On the other side, after Li Jin received the telegram, he asked someone to return the telegram to Li Yunlong, telling Li Yunlong that he had sent someone to follow the devil.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Li Jin and the others had dinner, which was still canned beef.

"When will the group leader come here?" Xu Qingfeng asked while eating.

Lu Changgong and the others had already returned. After following the devil for more than [-] miles, they found that the devil was still moving forward. So, after leaving a few people to watch over there, they immediately came back to report.

"I guess there are still one or two hours." Li Jin said, Li Yunlong is not far away from them now, just waiting.

"Well, but this devil is digging his own grave." Xu Qingfeng said with a smile. Judging from the current situation, the people sent by the head of the devil brigade are watching the transport team.

As for the pier, it was literally empty.


At this time, in the dock, in the command room.

The head of the devil brigade frowned. The transport team has been away for so long, why hasn't it been attacked by that army yet? !

Could it be that he was thinking too much? !The other party really just wanted to help Wu County resolve the crisis, and had no intention of attacking the transportation team at all? !
So didn't he do this for nothing? !

"Impossible, the [-]th Brigade is definitely not just for the purpose of resolving the crisis in Wu County." The head of the Devil's Brigade muttered to himself.

He still felt that the [-]th Brigade had traveled all the way here, if it was just to protect a county, it would be too much effort.

So the opponent must be staring at the transport team. With their strength, they can only fight by sneak attack.

"I'm waiting for a long time. If the transport team has not been attacked at noon tomorrow, people will withdraw it." The head of the devil brigade said.

In fact, it's not that he didn't think that the other party's goal was himself, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.

With so many people at the dock, the intelligence personnel of the [-]th Brigade, upon seeing it, would immediately choose to give up the attack.

Therefore, the other party is more likely to choose to attack the transport team, or wait, the other party will take the bait.


At around ten o'clock in the evening, Li Yunlong and the others brought people to join Li Jin and the others.

It took them half a day's journey to come here. Passers-by and some people found the devil's transport team, and not long after, they saw the devil's follow-up troops.

It was confirmed that most of the devils had already left the pier, and the entire pier was now empty.

"Leader, deputy head, chief of staff!" Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng saluted several people.

"The devil at the pier, nothing happened, right?!" Li Yunlong nodded, and then asked, he was worried that the head of the devil brigade would withdraw temporarily, so he would come here in vain.

"No, none of the ghosts at the pier left, it's just that the number of patrols by the patrol team has increased." Li Jin replied.

So many people were suddenly transferred from the pier, if the leader of the devil brigade didn't increase the number of patrols, he would be called a ghost.

"Well, that's fine. Act at twelve o'clock in the morning, Li Jin, take the Gray Wolf team around to the boarding position, so as not to let the leader of the devil brigade escape by boat." Li Yunlong said.

If the head of the devil brigade escaped by boat, he would probably be angry.

"Yes!" Li Jin nodded, and immediately led the people to set off.

Li Yunlong also let the soldiers of the new regiment take a good rest for two hours. After two hours, they immediately launched an attack to knock down the dock as quickly as possible.


Time flies, and it is twelve o'clock in the blink of an eye. Following Li Yunlong's order, the artillery took the lead in bombarding the pier.

boom boom boom......

A huge explosion sounded from the pier, and many devils were killed on the spot. The flames produced by the explosion were very dazzling at night.

After several rounds of bombardment, the soldiers of the new regiment also took the opportunity to attack the pier.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

The two sides fought fiercely. The key point was that from time to time, artillerymen would bombard the pier. In the past, it was the devils who attacked them like this. Now it was their turn to cover the devils with firepower.


The sudden explosion awakened the sleeping head of the Devil Brigade, and he immediately got up with a bad premonition in his heart.

This [-] brigade is really here for them? !how so? !Impossible, how dare they? !
You know, in order not to let the people of the [-]th Brigade find the pier empty, he deliberately let Fujiigawa and the others set off a little later than the transport team.

In this way, the intelligence personnel of the [-]th brigade will definitely pass on the information, and then they will leave.

But the current situation shows that the [-]th Brigade has been staring at the pier from the beginning, or in other words, staring at him.

"Brigade Commander, we have been attacked by an unknown enemy and their firepower is very fierce. We are a little bit overwhelmed. Please board the boat and evacuate from the pier immediately!" A ghost soldier entered the room and said.

The firepower of this group of enemies is too fierce. Not only do they have a lot of light machine guns, but the key point is that the opponent's artillery bombards them from time to time, making it impossible to defend against them.

"You send a telegram to Fujiigawa immediately to tell them to come back! I'll get on the boat and evacuate first." The head of the devil brigade said as he was about to leave.

As for defending the pier, he would not do such a thing.

He also felt a little regretful, he actually pushed himself into the sea of ​​flames, he was simply stupid, now he should retreat immediately, don't throw his life here.

The head of the devil brigade led a small team and ran towards the boarding position. From time to time, there would be explosions in the pier, making the head of the devil brigade have to lie down from time to time, seriously delaying his retreat speed .

"Baga! The Eighth Route Army has a lot of shells, so many rounds have been fired!!!" The head of the Devil Brigade lay on the ground, cursing involuntarily.

The Eighth Route Army shouldn't be saving shells. They are so poor, and every shell they fire should be carefully aimed, instead of bombarding the pier randomly because of the large number of shells.

What he didn't know was that in order to hit the pier in the fastest way, Li Yunlong didn't plan to save shells at all.

For Li Yunlong, as long as the leader of the devil brigade is killed, it is worth spending more shells.

The soldiers of the new regiment attacked bravely, directly suppressing the devils with their firepower, and defeated the devils steadily, especially since the devils couldn't fire their light and heavy machine guns, it was even more difficult to resist.

Several lines of defense at the pier were successively occupied by soldiers from the new regiment.


When Li Yunlong ordered people to attack the pier, Li Jin also took the opportunity to lead people around to behind a line of defense not far from the boat boarding position by the river.

"Captain Li, do you think this devil brigade leader will escape?!" Xiao Liangxu said, after all, devils rarely escape.

"He's not a fool. In this case, if he doesn't run away, he will definitely die. Even if he doesn't run away, his subordinates will definitely help him run away." Li Jin said.

The head of the brigade can be regarded as a general in any way, and to the devils, it is still very important. If such a commander is not allowed to sacrifice, it will be a big loss to the devils.

"Wait a minute, watch carefully, don't beat him to death, capture this devil brigade leader alive!" Li Jin said, a living devil brigade leader is more useful than a dead one.

"Catch it alive?! I feel like killing him is better than killing him." Xiao Liangxu said.

He's just a devil, no matter what his military rank is, he's still a devil and deserves to die.

"Catch them first, and whether to kill or not depends on the intention of the regiment leader." Li Jin said.

"All right." Xiao Liangxu nodded, and then went to give orders to his subordinates.

A few minutes later, Li Jin finally saw a devil with the rank of major general rushing towards him.

This devil brigade leader is close to 1.6 meters tall, short and stocky, and holds an ivory command knife in his hand.

"The one with the command saber is the head of the devil brigade, don't beat him to death!" Li Jin immediately reminded him, he was worried that Gray Wolf's fighters had hit the wrong person.

"Understood!" Xiao Liangxu nodded.

Ten seconds later, the head of the devil brigade was less than 50 meters away.

"Hit!" Li Jin immediately raised the [-] hood and fired. As he pulled the trigger, there was a bang, and a devil was also hit in the left chest and fell to the ground.

The other soldiers also fired one after another, almost instantly, and the dozen or so devils who followed the head of the devil brigade were all killed.

The head of the devil brigade also quickly hid behind the bunker.

"Baga!!! How can there be enemies here!!!" The head of the devil brigade was pale, he never expected that the enemy would touch this place.

It must have just been attacked while the pier was being attacked, and when the soldiers here ran to defend, they ran over.

The Eighth Route Army did not give him a way out at all.

Li Jin also immediately led his people to the hiding place of the head of the devil brigade cautiously.

It would be no fun if it capsized in the gutter.

"Surrender, you can't escape." Li Jin shouted as he walked.

"Surrender?! What are you kidding!" The head of the devil brigade stood up, stepped out of the bunker, and then pulled out his command knife.

"Do you dare to come to a duel of warriors!!!" The head of the devil brigade looked at the people in front of him and said.

After seeing the people who came, he was also shocked. Everyone in this group was very strong, and they were much taller than imperial soldiers.

The point is that this group of people has a strong murderous look and sharp eyes. They are obviously a group of veterans who have experienced many battles. They may be even more powerful than imperial soldiers.

"Interesting, you devil, if you have a way to survive, you must seek death, right? Company Commander Li, you can't blame me for this." Xiao Liangxu said, and he pulled out the big knife he was carrying and went out.

Seeing this, Li Jin was also speechless. Should he say something or not, the leader of the devil brigade really has a bit of backbone, he would rather die than surrender.

"Are you from the [-]th Brigade?!" asked the head of the Devil's Brigade, he still wanted to figure it out.

"Yes, we are soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, the new regiment." Xiao Liangxu said.

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong. It's amazing that you came here from such a far away place." The head of the ghost brigade gasped, and then said.

Although it has been guessed that this unit is very likely to be the [-]th Brigade, when it was confirmed, I was still a little surprised.

If the fighters of the [-]th Brigade were all as powerful as the fighters in front of them, it would also explain why the imperial soldiers who attacked Wu County were wiped out.

"Damn it, you rascal talk so much nonsense, you still can't beat him." Xiao Liangxu said, he didn't want to waste his tongue with this little devil.

"Fight! But I won't fight with you, I will fight with him!" The commander of the devil brigade pointed at Li Jin. Among these people, only this soldier looked thinner, and he felt that he should be able to fight.

Even though he was going to die, he had to kill an enemy anyway.

"Damn it, you still picked it, and you picked the most powerful one, you are awesome, I admire you." Xiao Liangxu withdrew, he was a devil general after all, and he had to pick the most capable one before he died. What's wrong?No problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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