Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 434 Where did the troops come from?

Chapter 434 Where did the troops come from?

When the devil's position was bombarded, the soldiers of the national army in the Fengling position were also awakened by the explosion. Every soldier entered the alert as if they were facing a big enemy.

"What's the situation??! The devils came to sneak attack?!" A squad leader said, he immediately asked the soldiers in the position to check the defensive position to prevent the devils from coming.

"Squad leader, that's not right. The explosion seems to have come from the devil." A soldier beside him said.

The sound of the explosion was not from their position at all, but from the devil's camp.

"What's going on?!" After listening carefully, the national army squad leader couldn't figure out what was going on for a while. How could the devil be bombarded?

Teacher Liang Gu was also awakened from his sleep.

"What happened, did the devils attack?!" Liang Gu got up, walked out of the tent, and asked the guards.

"Master, the sound of the explosion came from the devil's camp, and it wasn't attacking us." The guard replied.

"The devil's side?!" Liang Gu frowned, the sound of explosions did not stop coming from the devil's camp, and his own position was not bombarded.

At this time, several brigade commanders also came.

"Master, I don't know what happened to the devils, but they were bombarded all of a sudden. I just asked about the artillery positions. They didn't bombard the devils' positions privately," said the first brigade commander.

He just thought it was his own artillery who disobeyed orders and fired on the devil without authorization, but after questioning, the artillery battalion also looked confused, and they didn't fire at all.

"Could it be that the devils are fighting among themselves?! Can't the devils artillery bomb themselves?" said the second brigade commander.

"What are you thinking? How could the devils fight among themselves." Liang Gu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thanks to him saying it.

"That's not the bombardment of our troops. It's impossible for the 309th Division to send people over and bombard the devils." The second brigade commander said.

"The 309th Division shouldn't be possible. It should be that a unit with an unknown number attacked the devil's artillery position, and then turned its guns to bomb the devil." Liang Gu guessed immediately.

This is the only possible explanation, anyway, it is impossible for the 309th Division to send someone over.

"Master, who would be the one who attacked the devil's artillery position?! Why does it feel like there is no movement at all, as if a troop from our camp went straight there, took over the devil's position, and used the devil's cannon to blow up the devil ’ said a brigade commander.

Although the devil's artillery position is not large, it is not likely to be taken down without any resistance.

But the current situation is indeed the case. The devil's artillery positions were all quietly taken down, and then turned around to bombard the devil.

"I don't know, whose army could it be?!" Liang Gu also frowned, who was so bold, directly killed the devil's artillery position, and took the position so quickly.

It is still possible to take down one artillery position without a sound, but several positions have been taken down without a sound. The people who attacked the devil's artillery position must be very strong.

"Master seat, could it be the new regiment?!" The third brigade commander said, since it is not the 309th division, it is very likely to be the new regiment.

"You mean the new regiment?! Impossible, they have already retreated a few days ago, and now, they are probably leaving here soon." Liang Gu said.

He got the news that the new regiment had already evacuated, and it was impossible for them to appear on the battlefield here. Moreover, even if they came, they would not be so bold.

You know, the new regiment came here, to a certain extent, it was considered helpless, and it was already the limit to be able to help defend Wu County.

The point is that defending Wu County also caused heavy losses to the Xinyi Regiment. Under such circumstances, he did not believe that the commander of the Xinyi Regiment would take the lives of his own soldiers lightly.

A few people fell silent. It wasn't the Xinyi Regiment or the 309th Division. So where did this troop come from? !

"Is there a possibility that the new regiment left some powerful fighters to continue on the battlefield here, and then they came here and attacked the devil's artillery position." The second brigade commander guessed.

The retreat of the Xinyi Regiment might be an illusion, but in fact the troops are still here.

"Powerful fighters?! How can there be devils in the strong?! The Xinyi Regiment is indeed quite big in Shanxi, and the soldiers below are probably soldiers who have experienced actual combat.
However, no matter how powerful a veteran is, his military quality is still much worse than that of a devil, just like fighting a bayonet.

Ordinary soldiers can fight devils one-on-one, back and forth, and join hands with other people to kill a devil. It is considered very powerful. If they can easily kill devils one-on-one, they are called elite soldiers.

And this is just a bayonet fight, and there are marksmanship and so on. Do you think that with the capabilities of the Eighth Route Army, it is possible to spend a lot of bullets to train soldiers. "Liang Gu said.

It's not that he wants to increase the ambitions of others and destroy his own prestige, but the fact is that, not to mention that the Eighth Route Army does not have the conditions to train this kind of soldiers, even if they had them, they would not be able to train them.

For them, the current devils are indeed very powerful, not only in weapons and equipment, but also in the quality of soldiers.

The devils have made sufficient preparations for this invasion. The soldiers have been trained for several years, and they are very powerful.

With the same number of people, it is almost impossible for Huaxia troops to fight against devils.

Like the 215th Division, it is considered very powerful, with a number of nearly 2 people, but against a brigade of 8000 people from the Devils, they still cannot beat them. If it were not for the terrain advantage, Fengling would have been lost long ago.

Even so, they fought very hard, so Liang Gu did not believe that the Eighth Route Army was capable of training a team that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the devils, or even surpass them.

"That's right, even if we are so far behind the devils, how could the Eighth Route Army be stronger than us." The first brigade commander nodded.

"However, in any case, the artillery positions of the devils have been taken away, and our pressure is much less, and the defense behind will not be so strenuous." The second brigade commander said.

Without the artillery positions, the devils would not be able to bomb the positions they were defending, and the pressure on the soldiers would be relatively reduced.

Of course, the devils still have grenades, which still pose a threat to their machine gun positions, but the threat of grenades is much smaller than that of mortars.


At the same time, Li Jin and the others bombed for five rounds. After firing hundreds of shells at the devil's camp, they immediately chose to retreat.

"Take away the artillery shells and mortars, and blow up the infantry artillery!" Li Jin ordered. The infantry artillery is too heavy for them to carry, but the mortar is not so heavy and can be taken away.

Following several explosions, the four infantry guns were directly blown up, and Li Jin also decisively led his people to retreat, heading towards the previously set position.

When Li Jin retreated, several other platoon leaders also completed their tasks and led their retreat.

Not long after they retreated, a group of devil soldiers rushed over immediately.

The leading devils, Shao Zuo, were all stupid. There were no cannons, no shells, and the only remaining infantry cannons were blown up.

The point is that they didn't even see the shadow of the enemy.

"Major, what should we do now?!" A ghost soldier asked, the good artillery position was actually taken away, and the enemy was allowed to take their cannons and bomb them.

"What else can I do, go back and report to the brigade commander." The devil said helplessly. He felt that the other positions might be the same.

In the woods, the tent in the command room was on fire, and the corpses of devil soldiers lay nearby.

Many devil soldiers came to rescue one after another.

"Ahem..." A soft cough came from under the piled corpses.

The captain of the Kikushima Regiment pushed away the soldiers who were pressing on him, and then quickly pulled the brigade commander Morigami to his feet.

"Brigade Commander, are you okay?!" the captain of the Judao United shouted.

As soon as Morishami was crushed unconscious, the captain of Kikushima United shook him several times before he woke up.

"What happened?!" Morishami was a little confused, his face was swarthy, his ears were buzzing and he was temporarily deaf.

He stood up and waited for a long time before realizing what had just happened.

"Kikushima-kun, thank you for saving my life." Morishami thanked him.

"Brigade leader, this is what I should do." Captain Judao said, what happened just now was too fast, he immediately pressed the brigade leader on his body, and then another soldier pressed on him. Only survived.

Fortunately, the explosion was far away from them, otherwise, he and the head of the brigade would have all gone to see Amaterasu.

"How can it be repaired!!! Who did it!!" Looking at the corpses all over the ground nearby, Sen Shangshu cursed angrily.

Since he became the head of the brigade, he has never encountered any danger, and this time he almost lost his life.

"How did they find the command post? Someone lurked nearby?!" Morishami's face was gloomy. The location of his command post was not located in the center, and he even found a low mountain as a cover. .

This was actually able to be found by the enemy's intelligence personnel, and he was bombarded. If it wasn't for his fate, he would have died.

"Brigade Commander, the enemy's shelling of the headquarters this time is probably just a coincidence. Otherwise, if the enemy bombards us with all the shells, I'm afraid we will all die." Captain Judao said quickly.

He felt that the other party hadn't found the location of the command post, and it was a coincidence that the shells were fired here. Otherwise, the shells would not be so scattered, but would be concentrated here.

At that time, the artillery fire will directly cover the position where the command headquarters is located. No matter how you run, you will die. Therefore, the opponent should have just happened to fire in this direction.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Morishami nodded, because he was a little bit stunned by anger. After all, he was almost killed by the enemy's artillery this time.

If he died, he would be nailed to the pillar of shame. It would be embarrassing for Changshou Jingchuan to be raided to the rear and killed.

At this time, Major Guizi also rushed over, seeing the corpses all over the headquarters, everyone was stunned for a moment, fortunately they saw the brigade commander, otherwise he thought the brigade commander was broken.

"Brigade Commander, I have already passed the artillery position, but I haven't found the enemy. They should have retreated immediately after the bombardment was over." Major Guizi stepped forward to report.

"Where's the cannon?!" Morishami asked, what he cared about was the cannon, which was related to the next battle.

"The mortars were taken away by the enemy, and the few infantry artillery left behind were also blown up by the enemy, and all the artillerymen were killed in battle!" said Major Guizi.

As soon as the words came out, Sen Shangshu gritted his teeth, and sure enough, this group of enemies came for the cannon.

He regretted it a little. He shouldn't be so careless. Even if the artillery position is in the safe rear, more people should be sent to guard it, otherwise this situation will not happen.

I'm afraid it's the same for the other artillery positions.

"Brigade Commander, I have to be responsible for this matter. I should send more people to protect the artillery positions instead of being careless." The captain of the Judao United decisively found out and took responsibility.

"I can't blame you. My problem is my problem. I will personally apologize to the head of the division. Although there is no gun, we still have an advantage.
As long as the follow-up supplies can be supplied, Fengling will still be in our pocket! " Mori Shangshuyi said.

This is indeed his problem, he made a mistake, and he has to bear it himself.

"Brigade commander, this is not your responsibility. The enemy is too cunning. Who would have thought that after fighting for so long, they would come to attack the artillery positions." Said the captain of the Judao Regiment.

They did arrange a lot of people to protect the artillery positions before, but later, after fighting for so many days, nothing happened, so they were careless, thinking that the enemy would not have the courage to come and attack.

"The question is, is this unit from the 215th division?!" Morishami said with a frown.

Although not many people were arranged to protect the artillery position, there was still a small team in the artillery position. If the enemy wanted to take down the artillery position in a short time, at least hundreds or thousands of people were needed.

The point is that even if there are so many people, it is impossible for the opponent to take down the artillery position in such a short period of time. The moment their soldiers shoot at the artillery position, I am afraid they will quickly support them.

Therefore, Mori Kazuki did not send more people to protect the artillery positions, because even if the other party sent people, it would be impossible to take them down.

The problem now is that the artillery position was taken down by the enemy without any effort, and there was not even a single shot, otherwise, how could this be possible.

"It seems that the soldiers on guard were lazy and were successfully attacked by the enemy!" Morishami Shuichi said, and only this possibility can explain it.

"Brigade Commander, I will order all soldiers to concentrate when they are on guard!" The captain of the Kikushima United immediately understood what Morishami meant.

"However, what makes me wonder is, what happened to the artillery of the 215th Division?! Did they send all the artillery here in order to sneak attack the position?!" Mori Kazuki said.

With so many cannons, there is no certain amount of artillery that can't be controlled. Could it be that the commander of the 215th Division is sure that the sneak attack will be successful? !This is too confident.

After fighting against the 215th Division for so long, he knew that the opponent's combat method was to seek stability, and it was absolutely impossible for him to do such a risky thing.

Not to mention sending all your artillery out for a sneak attack, this is even more stupid behavior.

The artillery of the empire has been strictly trained, and there is a shortage of artillery in China. No matter what, it is not possible to send so many artillery to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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