Chapter 435 Schedule
"The commander of the brigade means that the people who attacked the artillery positions were not from the 215th Division?!" The captain of the Kikushima United immediately understood what Morishami meant.

"Well, it's definitely not Division 215." Morishami nodded solemnly.

"Could it be that other troops have come to support?! But only the 309th Division can come to support, but our intelligence personnel have no news of the transfer of personnel there." Said the captain of the Judao United.

They also have undercover personnel in the 309th division, and their rank is not too low.

"It won't be the 309th Division. Even if they were, they wouldn't be able to take the risk of sending so many artillery to attack." Mori Kami shook his head and said.

Not to mention whether the 309th Division will send people over to support them, even if they do, it is impossible to send the artillerymen they cultivated, unless there is something wrong with their brains.

"Who could it be?! The Eighth Route Army?! But the Eighth Route Army is not capable of training so many artillery, even if there are, it is impossible to send them all." The captain of the Judao United said.

With the strength of the Eighth Route Army, artillery is also extremely important to them, and it is impossible to send them all here.

"I don't know. In short, this unit cannot be from the 215th Division. Let the intelligence personnel inquire about the news and see if the national army has specially sent a unit here." Morishami Shuichi said.

He felt that the national army had the ability to spend and train such an army.

"Hi!" Captain Judao United nodded.

"Although the guns in the artillery position are gone, fortunately there are spares in the ammunition depot, and the battle will continue tomorrow." Morishami Shuichi said.

Not all of their mortars are placed in artillery positions, they still have spares, but the number is not enough.

"By the way, how many soldiers did we kill in tonight's attack?!" Morishami asked.

"It's not clear yet, but the number of casualties is probably close to 600." The captain of the Judao United said that [-] soldiers were killed in the five artillery positions alone.

Including those who were bombed by artillery, the number of casualties must be upwards of [-].

This group of enemies just seized the opportunity and bombarded their soldiers while their soldiers were asleep, so the casualties should not be small.

"How can it be repaired! The casualties this night are actually greater than our casualties during the day!" Mori Shangshu's face turned livid.

In the ten days since they attacked Fengling, they had never suffered such a big loss. So far, the soldiers of the 102nd Brigade have lost nearly 3000 soldiers, and there are less than [-] soldiers left.

Now that the artillery position has been taken away, the infantry and artillery can't coordinate the attack, and the casualties may increase again. The situation is not good for them.

The key is that there is still an unknown number of troops secretly staring at them. For a while, Morishami Juichi wanted to retreat.

The only way now is to hope that other brigades can quickly break through the defense line of the national army, and then surround them here.


At this time, Li Jin also joined other soldiers of the special warfare company.

"How is the situation, no one was injured?!" Li Jin immediately asked about the casualties.

"No, we immediately retreated with our guns and ammunition after the shelling." Liu Changshun said, and the others nodded.

After all, their location is not very safe. If they are bitten by devils, casualties are likely to occur.

"That's fine." Li Jin nodded, this time the action was quite satisfactory.

"I don't know if the devil's brigade leader was killed or not." Tang Zizheng said, it would be even better if the devil's brigade leader could be killed.

"I'll know tomorrow. If the devils still attack like yesterday, they are probably still alive, otherwise they are dead," Li Jin said.

In fact, he didn't know what to do. Those positions were just the ones he calculated that were most likely to be the devil's headquarters.

But after all, there are a lot of positions, and it is impossible to bomb all the shells in one place. Therefore, the commander of the devil brigade is still alive in all likelihood.

Moreover, there was no kill prompt from the system, so the head of the devil brigade must be alive.

"However, no matter what, there are a lot of cannons seized tonight, how about we just bomb the devils every day?!" Xu Qingfeng said, with a sinister look on his face.

"You mean, every night, you should blow up the devils?! Let the devils not sleep well?!" Li Jin was also happy, and it's not impossible.

"Yes, let the little devils spend every night under the gunfire, and give the devils a meal every half hour or hour, just to keep them from sleeping." Xu Qingfeng said.

In short, they captured a lot of shells, enough for them to harass the devils for a long time.

"But, the devil will definitely send someone to trouble us, maybe even ambush us." Liu Changshun said.

If he was a devil, he would definitely send someone out to find this army that sneaked up on them every night.

"You have forgotten all the guerrilla warfare you learned, right? The enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy is tired and we harass. If the devil sends someone, then we will retreat.
Eat them when there are fewer people, stop for a while when there are too many people, change positions and continue to engage in devils!In short, the ghosts of the 102 brigade, don't even think about it! "Xu Qingfeng said.

Now that they are here, it is impossible to just set up a devil artillery position.

"Okay, let's do it!" Li Jin suddenly became silent as he spoke. If this is the case, the 102nd Brigade seems to be able to eat it.

As long as the 215th division is willing to cooperate with them, the possibility of eating up this brigade is extremely high.

"What are you thinking?!" Seeing this, Xu Qingfeng couldn't help asking.

"If Division 215 can cooperate with us, this brigade can be eaten!" Li Jin said seriously.

"Do you think they will cooperate with us?!" Xu Qingfeng asked back.

"So, I'm thinking about how to get them to agree to cooperate with us." Li Jin said, if the brigade can be annihilated, the contribution value will be huge.

"Unless we reveal our identities and tell the brigade commander and the boss that we are asking the boss to contact the people there." Xu Qingfeng said.

During the period of cooperation between the two parties, under such circumstances, it is impossible for the 215th Division not to cooperate with them.

"But in this way, the national army will know that the Eighth Route Army has a force stronger than the devils. When the time comes, they will know that the battle over there is related to us. We cannot bear the consequences of this kind. "Xu Qingfeng continued.

Just thinking about it, the national army can think that those battles will be related to their army.

Who is not afraid that such a small army can make such a great achievement? !Therefore, it is very difficult to self-explode your identity and join forces with the 215th Division.

"Tsk, it's so troublesome!" Li Jin smacked his mouth, which is why he was just thinking.

It is really difficult to let the 215th Division join forces with them without revealing their identities.

But relying on them alone to eat up nearly 5000 devils' troops is basically impossible. However, they can also eliminate many devils by attacking alone.

However, the commander of the 215th Division would not choose to take the initiative to attack even if he saw the devils suffering heavy losses. After all, it was a bit risky.

What they think, I am afraid, is that instead of taking risks, it is better to stick to their positions, not seeking nothing but nothing.

But Li Jin was a little unwilling to let the 102 brigade go.

This opportunity is very good. If you can annihilate the 102 brigade, you can get a lot of contribution points, and you can also destroy part of the devil's vitality. Losing a brigade is also extremely painful for the devil.

"Hey, Old Xu, if we don't blow ourselves up, can the 215th Division join us?!" Li Jin suddenly thought of an idea.

"What do you want to do?!" Xu Qingfeng was curious.

"When we bombed the devils, we brought people from the 215th Division with us, and let them see the devils' heavy losses with their own eyes. I believe we have the ability to cooperate with them in annihilating this brigade!" Li Jin said.

As long as the people from Division 215 see it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they won't doubt their strength, and they don't need to blow up their identities.

As long as that teacher is not an idiot, he will definitely not let the credit go.

"Then what if they ask about our identities?! How do we answer?!" Xu Qingfeng said, no matter what, they are now considered unknown.

Without a justifiable identity, it is basically impossible for the commander of the 215th Division to cooperate, let alone let them take the people of the 215th Division to act together.

I'm afraid that as soon as the 215th Division said they were going to destroy the devil's brigade, those who went there were arrested.

"It's just that I have studied in Germany, and I trained all the soldiers myself. Although they still have doubts, they won't doubt it when they see our strength with their own eyes." Li Jin said.

Strength is to prove the existence of everything. It is impossible for them to be so calm after seeing the heavy casualties of the devils with their own eyes.

Xu Qingfeng became silent, as if it was feasible.

"In this way, let's not go to the 215th Division to discuss cooperation for the next two nights, but first engage in a few waves of devils, and let the 215th Division choose to send people to contact us." Li Jin said.

Rather than going to the people of the 215th division in person, it is better to let the people of the 215th division send people to find them to cooperate.

"Then try, if it doesn't work, just give up." Xu Qingfeng said, if the 215th division still chooses not to cooperate with them, then they have nothing to do.

"Okay, then try according to my plan." Li Jin said.


Early the next morning, the devils launched another attack on the national army positions in Fengling. Compared with yesterday, the devils' artillery fire was much weaker, but still very powerful.

But anyway, without so many guns, the pressure on the soldiers of the 215th Division is not so great.

Li Jin was on the top of the mountain, holding a telescope, watching all this.

"It seems that the devil's brigade leader is indeed not dead." Xu Qingfeng said, with a slightly regretful tone.

If the devil's brigade leader was killed, the devil's attack would probably slow down, but now the devil's attack has not slowed down.

"It's okay, he must die!" Li Jin said, the head of the devil brigade must die.

The devil's attack did not stop until noon.

In the headquarters of the 215th Division.

"Master, it's really as you said. The devil's offensive is indeed not so fierce. The key is that the devil's bombing is not even as good as before when the supplies didn't arrive." The first brigade commander said.

Compared with before, the devil's attack is indeed not that strong, and the number of bombardments today has also decreased.

If the devil's bombardment was the same as before, they would still be under a lot of pressure.

"I'm sure that the devil's artillery position was definitely taken away by that unknown army. Otherwise, even if the devil saves ammunition, it is impossible for the devil to save it like this." The second brigade commander also said.

The number of cannons couldn't keep up, which made the devil's artillery coverage ability much weaker.

"I don't know if the troops have been withdrawn or not. If they haven't, we can get in touch and talk about cooperation." The third brigade commander also said.

"Contact me, do you know who he is?! What if all this is the devil's trick,
If that army belonged to the devils, then the devils deliberately cooperated with this army to make this kind of illusion, and then as soon as we saw that army, they would die with us directly,
Wouldn't Fengling be lost by then? ! "Liang Gu said.

If these senior officers are all dead, who will command the battle? At that time, if Fengling is lost, not only the 215th Division will suffer, but also other troops.

He can't bear the consequences of pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

"Isn't it?! Those shells last night were all bombarded by devils' camps. You can see many devils carrying corpses for burial this morning.

At least hundreds of people were killed and injured in one night, the devils wouldn't pay such a high price, right? ! "The second brigade commander said, although the devils do not want to die in a war, it is not enough to kill one's own people to make a game.

Doesn't he really fear that his own people will mutiny like that?

"Then maybe, the devils are very extreme. If they can't attack Fengling for a long time, the commander of the devils may make such a bitter plan.
The purpose is to lure us into the game, so that we will be caught off guard! "Liang Gu said.

If this is really the devil's game, when the time comes, they go to meet this army unprepared, and the consequences will be very serious.

As the commander, he had to think this way, because once he made a wrong judgment, not only would the entire 215th Division be ruined, but other troops might also be implicated.

"Hiss..." Several people couldn't help but gasped. If it was the devil's scheme, then this scheme was indeed cruel enough, and they didn't hesitate to kill a bunch of their own people.

"We rely on the geographical advantage of Fengling to barely break the wrist with the devil's brigade. If we die, we will all suffer.
Therefore, it is still slow to send people to seek cooperation. "Liang Gu said that he didn't believe in other people, or that he didn't believe in an army that didn't know the details.

Several people nodded, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​cooperating with that army. The risk was too great, and they couldn't bear the consequences.

"I guess, this army may attack the devils again. If they attack the devils for three consecutive days, it may not be the army of the devils." Liang Gu said.

It is impossible for the devil to kill so many soldiers for three days in a row, even if he is stupid, he still killed them himself.

"Then if this army really attacked the devils for three consecutive days, can we send someone to ask about cooperation?!" The second brigade commander said.

The opponent has been attacking the devil's troops

"At that time, we will send people to find this army and talk about cooperation." Liang Gu said.

Since the other party has been attacking the devil, they will definitely cooperate with him. Of course, they still have to test it out before cooperating.

At least he still has a few brigade commanders himself, so it is impossible to meet people in person to avoid any accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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