Chapter 440
The shells kept falling among the devils and exploded, killing and injuring many devils. Seeing this, the devils who came to support from the rear dared not go there at all.

Fengling, in the trench, Liang Gu stopped immediately after hearing the explosion, then picked up the binoculars and looked towards the devil.

With the remaining light of the flares, he saw that many devils were directly blown into pieces by the shells, and fortunately, their arms and legs were also broken.

"Who is the commander of the Northeast Army?! Did he know where the devils will support him at this time?!" The first brigade commander also looked over with a telescope and said in his mouth.

"Anyway, I feel comfortable seeing the devils being bombed. This time, at least a few hundred people were killed," said the second brigade commander.

The hundreds of devils who came to support them were almost covered by artillery fire, and the devils who ran slower escaped unharmed.

Soon, after the five rounds of bombing stopped, the area was full of potholes, blood, internal organs, stumped limbs, and fragments of clothes could all be seen.

"I don't know what's going on in the southwestern position. Let's go and have a look." Liang Gu put down his binoculars and continued on his way.

He wanted to know how many people attacked the devil's camp.

The flares in the sky have completely dimmed, and the area has darkened again.


The southwest position faces the former national army position.

Many soldiers were dumbfounded. If they read correctly, the army that attacked the devils seemed to have retreated.

In other words, that army wiped out the devils with the same number of people? !
"Well, I may be hallucinating. I saw someone using the same number of troops to wipe out the devils." A soldier of the national army said, swallowing his saliva.

Until now he couldn't believe it, how could this be possible? !That is a powerful devil, how can the same number of people annihilate each other? !
Moreover, it was done in such a short period of time, that is to say, the people who attacked the devil's position were probably far stronger than the devil, otherwise, it would have been impossible to achieve this level.

It wasn't until the sound of the explosion that these soldiers came back to their senses.

"The devils who came to support were blown up!"

"Hahaha, well fried!"

"Blast those bastards to death!"

The soldiers of the national army applauded one after another, and they were happy to watch the devils get bombed. After all, they had been bombed by devils a lot before.

"Okay, rest when it's time to rest, I don't know if the devils will attack tomorrow, so keep your spirits up and fight the enemy!" said the battalion commander.

Although he was very happy to see the devils being bombed, he was not sure whether the devils would continue to attack tomorrow, so the soldiers should have a good rest.

"Yes!" The soldiers nodded one after another. It's just that it's impossible for them to fall asleep in a short time. Seeing such a shocking scene, they were a little excited.

Not long after, Liang Gu arrived.

"Master seat!"

"Master seat!"

Seeing this, many soldiers saluted Liang Gu one after another.

"En." Liang Gu nodded.

"Master seat!" The battalion commander also rushed over and saluted Liang Gu.

"Let me ask you, how many people are there who just attacked the devil's position?!" Liang Gu said.

"About two to three hundred people." The battalion commander said.

He also saw the number of Li Jin and the others when they retreated, but because it was too far away, he could only make an approximate estimate.

"Two 300 people?! You mean, they used two 300 people to wipe out the 400 devils in this position?" A brigade commander said, his tone was full of shock.

"Have you seen it clearly, boy? There are really only two or three hundred people?!" The second brigade commander said from the side, and he was also a little disbelieving.

Two troops of 300 people wiped out almost 400 devils in such a short period of time, just kidding.

Liang Gu also frowned, and he didn't really believe that the other party could do this in such a short period of time.

The weapons are powerful, the same number of people, or even fewer people than the opponent, can destroy the opponent within 2 minutes, which must be much stronger than the opponent.

"Although the distance is a bit far, when they retreated, I saw about that many people, at least 200 people! If you don't believe me, just ask other soldiers." The battalion commander said.

"Okay, let me ask." The first brigade commander asked the soldiers, and the number of soldiers mentioned was roughly similar to the number mentioned by the battalion commander.

In other words, the battalion commander did not tell lies.

"Master seat, the number of soldiers said is almost the same." The first brigade commander said, his eyes were full of shock.

The opponent really killed so many devils with so few people, this is too outrageous, how did he train? !

"It's unbelievable that our Huaxia army actually has a unit that is much stronger than the devils." The second brigade commander said, if all the troops are as powerful as this army, and they are afraid of a little devil, then they will not be defeated. The devil dare not come again.

"It always feels a little unreal. Is it possible? This is a trick of the devil." The first brigade commander said, before he thought that this unit might be his own.

But seeing that the other party is so good, he can't believe it, it's a bit outrageous.

"Impossible, unless the devils are mentally ill, they will blow up the artillery positions, and then blow up the supporting devils. In the past two days, at least 400 devils died, more than [-] people." Liang Gu Said.

He was the one who doubted the identity of this army the most before, but now, on the contrary, he believed that this army was definitely his own.

After hearing this, several people felt that it was impossible for a devil to do such a thing.

It would be understandable to say that sacrificing some people was a strategy, but who would use the lives of thousands of soldiers as a strategy?

"Master, tell me, will this Northeast Army only have a few hundred people?!" The third brigade commander said at this time.

He felt that this possibility was very high. If there were thousands of such soldiers, it would not be difficult to destroy this brigade.

The only possibility is that although the opponent is very strong, there are not many people.

"Well, it's possible." Liang Gu nodded.

"Master, why don't we contact them in advance?! Tonight, at least seven or eight hundred people were killed or injured by the devils. If the Northeast Army continues to attack, the devils may die even more.

Let them consume the devils, and when the time comes, we will join hands with the other party to eat up this brigade, which is a great achievement that can shock the whole country! " said a brigade commander.

Since the opponent is so strong, as long as the opponent continues to consume the devils, and when the number of devils decreases, they will directly fight the 102 brigade and destroy the opponent.

"Yes, although they are small in number, they are very strong. I think they can cooperate with each other. Moreover, I guess they may be the Northeast Army who broke away from the original army.
We can invite them to join us, trusting that they probably won't say no. " said the second brigade commander.

This army is so powerful, if they can follow them, their strength will be greatly increased. The key is that the opponent has captured as many guns as the devils.

As long as you are willing to join them, these cannons will belong to their division in a disguised form, and it will be beneficial without any harm.

"Wouldn't it be great if they were willing to join us and help us train soldiers?!" A brigade commander's eyes lit up.

If they can also have such an army, then it will not be so difficult to fight devils in the future.

Moreover, the opponent's attack on the devil's artillery position was really beautiful, and they had thought of doing it before.

But the devil's artillery position is in the rear, even if someone is sent out, it is impossible to quickly take down the devil's artillery position.

But if there is such a force, it is not impossible.

The devils don't have artillery support, and although they are still better than them, the pressure on the soldiers will be reduced a lot.

"Well! Brigadier Han, later you will take someone to find this unit in person. Be sure to meet their commander and tell them our plan." Liang Gu looked at the first brigade commander and said.

"Yes!" Brigadier Han nodded immediately, he couldn't wait to see this army.

"I'll let a squad of soldiers follow you to protect your safety." Liang Gu said, he was not afraid that the troops would be bad for Brigadier Han, but worried that Brigadier Han would be able to resist if he encountered devils .

"Thank you seat!" Brigadier Han said.

"After you set off, look for these directions as much as possible. The direction where they retreat and hide is most likely in these places." Liang Gu took out a map and pointed it to Brigadier Han. several locations.

"Okay, I remember." Brigadier Han nodded.

"Then let's go, don't delay." Liang Gu said.

"Yes!" Brigadier Han nodded, and then left with a dozen soldiers of the national army.

"Master, do you think they will agree to cooperate with us?! You know, we used to look down on the Northeast Army." The second brigade commander said.

The Northeast Army withdrew from the three provinces and handed over the three provinces to the devils. Although it was not their original intention, it was indeed a fact that they withdrew from the three provinces.

"They will agree, otherwise, they wouldn't have traveled so far to fight the devils." Liang Gu said.

The opponent is also a unit defending the country. Although he has withdrawn from his own unit, he is still fighting devils in his own way.

They may have no fixed place to live, and they can only rely on robbing devils and puppet soldiers for all supplies. I am afraid that many people have died because of beating devils.

"Actually, if you think about it, you can't blame the Northeast Army for what happened back then. They just obeyed orders." The third brigade commander said.

"No way." Liang Gu shook his head.

"If this army is willing to join us, it should have the treatment it deserves." The third brigade commander said that the Northeast Army who left the army was largely because they couldn't bear the discrimination.

Obviously they also beat the devils, but they didn't get the corresponding material support, just like the Sichuan army.

Of course, the weapons of the Northeast Army are stronger than the firesticks held by the Sichuan Army, and even stronger than the ace troops.

"That's natural, we can't continue to treat them differently." Liang Gu said, this Northeast Army brought him too many surprises, and he even felt that if the opponent could join his army, he would go to a higher level status.


At the same time, Morishami Shuyi rushed to the bombed position, seeing the tragic situation in front of him, he only felt his blood surging, and he stood there for a long time without recovering.

The more than 500 imperial soldiers who supported them were all killed by several rounds of bombing, mainly because there was no place to hide in this area.

And the landing point of the shells is almost covered, so many soldiers were bombed.

Hundreds of shells were all fired in one direction, that is, there were not enough soldiers to support them, otherwise, they might all die.

"Brigade Commander, all the soldiers in the southwest position have been shattered, except for those who were killed by the bomb, they were all shot wounds." Said the captain of the Judao Regiment.

He has already visited the camp, but no one survived.

"All the jades are broken?! No one survived?!" Mori Kami couldn't believe how many people there were on the other side, and they wiped out hundreds of elite soldiers in such a short period of time, even one No one is alive!

"No!" The captain of the Judao United shook his head. He also didn't believe it, but the truth was right in front of his eyes.

"Where's the commander of the southwest position?! He's dead too?!" Mori Kami asked.

"He hid in the anti-aircraft cave, and then the cave collapsed and was buried alive. When he was dug out, he had already passed away." Captain Judao said.

There were several soldiers who were buried alive with the major, and they were all dead. There was no way, it was too late to find out.

To say that the major also fell into bad luck, but by coincidence, a shell fell into the entrance of the anti-blasting hole.

"How can it be repaired! How many people are there in this army?!" Morishami gritted his teeth.

"The enemy who attacked, judging from the gunshots, there may be about a few hundred people on the other side, but I can't be sure whether there are only a few hundred people." The captain of the Judao United said.

"The Northeast Army with hundreds of people wiped out almost the same number of imperial soldiers, and it only took a few minutes. Even if the opponent had dozens of submachine guns, it would be impossible!" said Mori Kazuki.

The soldiers of the empire are much stronger than the soldiers of Huaxia. How could the Northeast Army achieve this level.

"But judging from the gunshots, there are indeed only a few hundred people, maybe even less. The opponent is much stronger than our soldiers.

The cooperation may be better, otherwise, our soldiers will not be wiped out so quickly. "The captain of Judao United said.

He knew that the head of the brigade already had the answer in his heart, but he just didn't want to believe it.

In fact, the captain of the Judao United was unwilling to believe that Huaxia would have an army that was much stronger than the soldiers of the Empire.

"Here, you said that if I send a telegram to the head of the division, will the head of the division believe it?!" Shuichi Morakami said suddenly.

"Uh... I'm afraid, no." The captain of the Judao United said hesitantly.

Even he, who was at the scene, didn't believe it at all, let alone the head of the division who was not here.

If the head of the brigade sent a telegram to tell the head of the division, he might be scolded to death by the head of the division, and he would even say that the head of the brigade even made up such a lie in order to shirk responsibility.

"That's right, it's impossible for the head of the division to believe it, let alone the commander." Morishami sighed.

He never thought that one day he would encounter such a strong Huaxia army, and in just two days, he lost more than 300 soldiers.

The point is, he didn't even see his opponent's face, which is a great shame!
(End of this chapter)

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