Chapter 441

For the first time, Morishami felt that it was so difficult to send a telegram to the above.

It was clearly the truth, but he didn't dare to report it truthfully, because not only he couldn't accept the matter, but the higher-ups couldn't accept it either.

They don't believe that in the backward China, someone can suddenly train a team of soldiers stronger than the soldiers of the empire.

"The question is, how exactly is this Northeast Army trained?! Is there just such a small army like this, or will there be more?!" said the captain of the Judao United.

If this matter is uncertain, the impact may be great.

"It's impossible for them to have more troops like this, otherwise, the empire's offensive here would not be so smooth," said Morishami Shuichi.

If there were many such troops on Huaxia's side, it would be impossible for them to fight over so easily and swallow half of Huaxia's country.

Therefore, such a force may only be attacking them now.

"I heard that the Northeast Army is not very popular in the national army, although they are also fighting against the empire,

However, the national army did not provide the necessary supplies at all. Instead, they were discriminated against by other armies. "The island captain also said.

"So, they don't have too much supplies at all, and they have trained too many powerful soldiers. The powerful Northeast Army is probably the only one we have encountered." Morishami Shuichi said.

If you want to train strong fighters, you need a lot of materials, and you need very powerful training methods. Obviously, the Northeast Army does not have the conditions to train more people.

"Brigade commander, according to this statement, the number of enemies attacking us is probably only a few hundred people." The captain of the small island said.

If there were more people, they would be in trouble, and of course they are now in a dilemma.

Although the opponent is small in number, they are very strong, and they have robbed them of so many cannons. For them, the threat is still great.

"Well, tomorrow, we will continue to have people strengthen the fortifications, dig more anti-gun holes, and gather the troops together to prevent the opponent from sneaking in." Morishami Shuichi said.

In the current situation, we can only gather the troops and take care of each other to avoid what happened tonight from happening again. Otherwise, if they come a few times, their brigade may not be able to support them and will be wiped out by the enemy.

In fact, their positions were not too far apart before, and if something happened, they could rush to support in a few minutes.

Who knew that they would encounter such a formidable enemy that they could wipe out almost as many imperial soldiers in a short period of time, it was really terrifying.

"Hi!" Both of them nodded.

"By the way, is there anyone left behind in the southwest position?!" Morishami asked.

He wanted to see what was going on with the other party, that he could be so powerful.

"This, no." The captain of the Judao United lowered his head, a little helpless. There were only the corpses of their soldiers in the trench, and there was no one else at all.

As soon as Sen Shangshu became silent, didn't the other party sacrifice himself? !Is this because his soldiers are too weak, or the opponent is too strong? !Hundreds of people can't leave each other alone? !

"Brigade Commander, someone must have died on the other side, but when they retreated, they took the corpse away, so they didn't see the corpse." The captain of the small island said.

He didn't believe that none of the other party died, so the other party must have taken his body away.

"En." Mori Kamiki nodded, acquiescing to this statement, he would not believe that he could not leave the other side with hundreds of soldiers.


On the other side, Li Jin had led his people to retreat to the foot of a big mountain four miles away.

Liu Changshun had already been waiting here with a hundred soldiers from the special warfare company.

Seeing Li Jin and the others coming, Liu Changshun hurried forward.

"Company commander, is the operation going well?!" Liu Changshun asked.

"Well, it went well. All the devils in that position were wiped out." Li Jin nodded and said that there was nothing unexpected about his actions tonight.

The devils who were expected to arrive earlier did not arrive.

"Then the gun fired behind us killed the devil?!" Liu Changshun continued to ask.

The bombing of the position would definitely kill the devils, but he didn't know if the devils who were bombarding the support later were hit.

If the devils were not bombed, all the hundreds of shells he fired would hit the air, it wouldn't be for nothing, it would be a blood loss.

"It's time for the bombing. You have done a great job this time. At least four or five hundred devils who came to support you will be killed." Li Jin said.

When he retreated, he deliberately took a telescope to look back at the bombed location.

As a result, I saw hundreds of devils, who were directly covered by artillery fire, and had no place to hide. They must all be dead.

"That's fine. I was worried that the shells would be wasted instead of killing the devils." Liu Changshun said, five hundred shells was quite a lot.

"It can't be said to be a waste. Even if the devils can't be bombed, it can delay the speed of the devils' support and buy us time to evacuate." Xu Qingfeng said.

Asking Liu Changshun to fire in the direction where the devils came to support was just to be able to retreat safely, and the best possible bombing would not be possible. The devils would not have dared to come against the artillery fire just because of the artillery cover.

"It's getting late, you all go to rest." Li Jin said.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded, and then went to sleep.

Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng came to a big tree and sat down with their backs against the tree.

"The number of devils we wiped out tonight is estimated to be 800." Xu Qingfeng roughly estimated that there were more than 380 devils in the southwest position.

The number of devils who came to support and were killed by the cannon could be at least three to four hundred. In short, the number he said is probably not too much.

"Well, the soldiers on the other side of the national army's position may have seen it too." Li Jin said, it would be strange if those soldiers were still asleep with such a big commotion
"I don't know if those people will come to us in advance to discuss cooperation after seeing what we are doing." Xu Qingfeng said.

It is normal for a special warfare company to win more with less, but it is extremely shocking to those ordinary soldiers of the national army.

Maybe they haven't fallen asleep until now, and they are still extremely excited.

"I don't know. When the soldiers are patrolling, they should be more thoughtful. If they find something, they must report to me as soon as possible." Li Jin said.

He still has no idea whether the other party will send someone over to discuss cooperation.

For the 215th Division, they are actually an unknown unit. Even if they are fighting devils and killing so many devils, the other party may be cautious.

"Okay." Xu Qingfeng nodded.

Then they both closed their eyes and rested.


At six o'clock in the morning, the sun rises, illuminating the area with light.

Li Jin woke up early, he lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled the thick smoke from his mouth, which made him relax a lot.

Since coming here, Li Jin's spirit has been tense, for fear that something will happen, so he hasn't had a good rest recently.

"Wake up, come, eat a can." Xu Qingfeng walked over, casually threw a can of beef to Li Jin, and then sat down beside Li Jin.

"After eating the can, you'd better sleep for a while, don't be too tense, lest the devil doesn't kill you and you collapse first." Xu Qingfeng said while opening the can.

He knew that Li Jin's spirit was tense recently, so he didn't sleep well, because Li Jin had a lot of worries, and he was afraid that he would make a wrong decision, which would cause heavy casualties to the special warfare company.

Li Jin also does not hope that any brother will be buried in another country.

"Well, okay." Li Jin nodded, Xu Qingfeng really understood him.

After Li Jin finished smoking, he opened the can and ate it directly. Although the taste was not very good, he didn't care about those now.

"Old Xu, I'll continue to sleep, so keep an eye on it." After Li Jin finished eating the canned food, he told Xu Qingfeng to continue sleeping next to the tree.


At about two o'clock in the afternoon, at the foot of a hill about three miles away from Li Jin's resting place.

Brigadier Han took the soldiers to rest here, and they ate dry food to fill their stomachs.

"Traveler, I've been looking for this all morning, will the other party leave?!" The squad leader who took the lead couldn't help asking.

They have been looking for it for a long time, and they can't even see a devil.

Moreover, when they came over, they searched in the direction they saw the other party retreating, but they found nothing.

If it weren't for the traces of people walking on some roads, they all doubted whether this army really existed.

"Don't worry, there is still one place left, where the opponent should be." Brigadier Han said, he was struggling to bite the hard cake in his hand, and he really couldn't bite this thing without using force.

"Well, hey, brigade, is this army really the Northeast Army?! How could they be so powerful?!" The squad leader nodded and asked immediately.

Those who attacked the devil's position last night shocked him a lot.

Hundreds of people dare to attack a devil's position with a similar number of people. The key is that the opponent still wins the battle. Isn't this just like a dream.

"The possibility is still very high." Brigadier Han said, with so many German submachine guns, they are only on the Northeast Army's side, so there is a high probability that it will be the Northeast Army.

"They are so powerful, so why didn't they fight the devils back then, and let the three provinces go out, and when the devils came to fight, shouldn't they be able to block the devils?!" The squad leader continued.

If the Northeast Army is so powerful, then the devils would not dare to fight over.

"There are some things you don't understand, so don't pursue them. This Northeast Army should have left the original army and chose to fight devils on their own. They are so powerful, I am afraid they have experienced many life-and-death battles.
As for how many people they sacrificed, I am afraid only they know. "Brigade Commander Han said.

Breaking away from the original army and fighting independently is equivalent to relying on oneself for everything, guns, ammunition, food, all by oneself, which can be said to be very bitter.

"If this is the case, this Northeast Army is really admirable." The squad leader nodded. If it were him, he might not be able to make such a decision.

"Yes." Brigadier Han looked at the sky, a white cloud drifted past, covering the sun, making the ground suddenly overcast, but the white cloud quickly passed the sun again, and the sun shone down again.

The Northeast Army really couldn't be blamed for that matter, only Young Marshal Zhang could be blamed, but the common people didn't care about it, even the Northeast Army was scolded.

On a mountain not far from here, two soldiers of the special warfare company on alert also saw Brigadier Han and the others.

"Xiao Qi, that seems to be the National Army?!" A soldier said.

"Well, it looks like they are here to look for us, you continue to stare at them, I will report to the company commander." Tian Xiaoqi said and left along the mountain road.

After finishing his meal, Brigadier Han got up and said, "Let's go, let's continue looking for someone."

More than a dozen soldiers quickly followed Brigadier Han's footsteps, and they were walking in the same direction as Li Jin and the others.


After Tian Xiaoqi ran for a few minutes, he arrived at the camp, and he went to find Li Jin immediately.

"Company commander, there are people from the national army, and they seem to be looking for us!" Tian Xiaoqi quickly explained the situation.

"It's finally here." Li Jin smiled. The people from the 215th division were even more impatient than him. He thought it would take another day or two for the other party to send someone, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

The battle last night obviously shocked the people of the 215th Division.

"Then we don't have to greet them well." Xu Qingfeng also said happily.

"That's right, you have to greet him well." Li Jin also said, as for how to greet him well, it is of course to take a gun.

Soon, Li Jin led the people towards the direction where Brigadier Han and the others came.

When they were still about a mile away from Brigadier Han and the others, Li Jin ordered people to lie in ambush in the grass around the forest, waiting for the arrival of the national army.

Two or three minutes later, Li Jin saw a major general brigade commander leading a dozen soldiers of the national army to this side.

"I've been a brigade commander since I came here. It seems that the people of the 215th Division still value us very much." Xu Qingfeng said in a low voice.

The people from the 215th Division would send a brigade commander over, which was obviously very sincere, and it was impossible for the commander of the 215th Division to come to see them.

"Yeah." Li Jin nodded.

Soon, Brigadier Han led people into the woods.

"It feels weird." After entering the woods, Han Luchang keenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Everyone, be careful, I don't feel right." After walking a little deeper into the woods, Brigadier Han couldn't help but said.

As soon as the words came out, more than a dozen soldiers of the national army immediately became vigilant, subconsciously wanting to pull the bolt and load it.

However, at this moment, Li Jin and the others came out, and more than 100 people immediately surrounded Brigadier Han and the others.

"Don't move, put down the guns all!!!"

The soldiers of the special warfare company shouted one after another.

For a moment, more than a dozen soldiers of the national army were startled. How could there be so many people, and how could these people be so strong? Just standing there made him feel great pressure.

"Brothers of the Northeast Army, don't shoot, your own people!!!" Brigadier Han shouted hastily.

After Li Jin heard this, he couldn't help but look at Xu Qingfeng, and they immediately understood what to do next.

"Tell your men to put down their guns." Li Jin said slowly.

"Okay, put down the guns." Brigadier Han immediately asked people to put down the guns.

"Traveler!" The squad leader didn't want to put down his gun, he was afraid that something would happen to the brigade.

"Put it down! These are all our own people!" Brigadier Han scolded.

"Yes! Put down the guns." The squad leader ordered immediately, and more than a dozen soldiers of the national army put down their guns.

Li Jin also asked people to put the gun down, and the tense atmosphere was relieved at once.

"Who are you and why did you come to my camp?" Li Jin said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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