My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 113 The Locust Army is Frowning!

Chapter 113 The Locust Army is Frowning!
"Good guy, I killed three devil generals at once, and I still have two brigade heads and one division head."

"Haha, nice job!"

At the brigade headquarters, the brigade commander who got the news slapped his thigh excitedly.

"Although the three devil generals this time are also a lieutenant general and two major generals, their influence on the devils is much greater than last month." The chief of staff was also amazed, full of surprises.

"you say··"

The brigade chief of staff suddenly frowned and said:

"The devil has suffered several losses, so he must be highly vigilant and guard against death, but Li Yunlong still succeeded, which shows that he has obtained very accurate and detailed information."

"Which Boss Mo, how did you get the information about these devils?"

The chief of staff's tone was a little wary.

This is the natural vigilance of human beings against unknown and incomprehensible events.

Over the past few thousand years, during the embryonic period of human civilization, those incomprehensible things were eventually deified and demonized. The core reason is this fear.

"do not know."

The Brigadier shook his head:

"Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang said that Boss Mo just said he had a grudge against the devils, but he couldn't do it directly, and there were some restrictions, so he used Li Yunlong's hand to deal with the devils."

"However, we don't need to be overly wary of each other..."

The brigade commander knew that his chief of staff was vigilant because he was worried that Boss Mo would have other ideas.


The chief of staff was a little curious.

"Because the gap is too big, it is not a level at all."

"The gap is too big?"

"Next time, you can ask Zhao Gang, whoever Boss Mo's people have met in the independent group, and ask them, and you will know what they saw."

"Also, you can take a look at this."

With that said, the brigade commander took out an atlas:

"This is the latest map of the Mianhe Bridge, Niangziguan, Taiyuan Devils Headquarters, and the photos of the scene. You can compare them to get a little idea."

"The latest map?"

The chief of staff took out the previous atlas for comparison, and when he looked at it, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly lowered his head to carefully look at the latest map and photos on the table, and compared them repeatedly.

"This is the tunnel dug by the devil at the Mianhe Bridge in mid-June. Half of the construction is done in this photo. It should have been taken within ten days. This is the bunker that the devil built in Niangziguan last month. Hey There's a date on it, it's August [-]st."

"This is····"

"This broken restaurant is the Xilaile Restaurant in Taiyuan. The Xilaile Restaurant was hit by an explosion five days ago. There is also a date here, and it was also shot on August [-]st."

"This one is also on August [-]st..."

"Good guy, these photos were all taken on August [-]st, and they were taken in front of the devils. I really don't know how they did it!" The chief of staff was full of amazement.

"It's some kind of super technology." The brigade commander replied.

The brigade chief of staff immediately understood.

At the same time, taking pictures of the entire Jin Province, accurately updating the map, and not being discovered by the devils everywhere... He couldn't imagine how to do it.

In addition to the supplies that I don't know how to transport in, the more than a thousand horses are all top-notch Pelton horses.

None of them explained that Boss Mo's strength far surpassed them.

The gap is unbelievably large.

When the gap between the two is too large, worry and vigilance are meaningless.

"This is film, some paper, and pens, common books..."

"This is the latest Shanxi atlas, with a total of fifty copies."

In Yangcun, Mo Fan sent another batch of supplies from the system master.

Film, paper, pen, ink, and the latest map and fifty photocopies.

As long as Li Yunlong opens his mouth, the system master is unbelievably generous with these gadgets for non-military purposes. It is simply requested by the protagonist, and the reason is barely plausible, that is, he will give as much as he wants.

And there are no restrictions.

For example, this time Li Yunlong wanted 500 million films. The reason was that he wanted to take pictures of the entire independent group, including family members, relatives, and daily training, etc. He also planned to record and create a record book.

The system master didn't wait for him to apply, and directly agreed to deliver the goods himself.

There is also the whole group study, applying for pens, paper, and books, which is also directly agreed.

"There will be another transaction."

Mo Fan finally said:
"Thirty members who are proficient in water skills are needed. We will start on September [-]th. I will transport the team members to the destination. After completing the task, I will pick up the team members and return them to Yangcun."

"This time the deal is..."

"Shoot and kill Rear Admiral Araki Takuzo on the King Kong, and use the transmitter on the King Kong to send a report to the world, publicly announcing the operation, and then blow up the King Kong."


"Old Zhao, write a statement and say that we will carry out an explosion operation on the devil's important military facilities on September 15th."

"Good guy!"

"Good guy!"

Hearing the content of the next sale, even if they didn't hear the price tag, both Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong called "good guy" together.

They really didn't expect,
The deal in September was actually to go to the devil's land to blow up the devil's battleship!

North review.

North China Front Army Command.

In a luxurious room.

Five days passed, and under the personal organization and urging of Major General Yuan Wu who was in charge of investigating the information leak from the base camp, the on-site investigation of the three explosions was finally sorted out.

"Taiyuan; the attackers suspected that they hid the bomb on the dining table, but only the remains of the detonator were found at the scene. The composition of the bomb is unknown, and it is also unknown how the bomb escaped the search and entered the dining table."

"Northern Commentary: The two front tires of Major General Mizuhara Yoshishige's car were damaged and needed to be replaced, but the temporary stock in the warehouse needed to be retrieved from other places. The attacker placed the bomb in the two tires in advance, thus carrying out the attack. The bomb It is an ordinary yellow explosive, and according to the analysis of its power and traces of the explosion, it weighs about eight kilograms, and it is equally placed in the two tires.”

Seeing this, Yuan Wushao frowned deeply.

Regarding the attack in Taiyuan, the on-site investigation found too little information, and he didn't see anything.

But in the Beijing Review, he felt a lot of things were wrong.

The weight of the tires on the cars used by imperial officers is about ten kilograms, and the weight of two tires is only twenty kilograms.

Eight kilograms of explosives, four kilograms per tire, and each tire is about half heavier.

He continued to watch.

"Northern Review, I investigated the technician who replaced the tire. There was no abnormality during the replacement, and there was no obvious abnormality in the weight. After the installation, I went through a road driving test and a 300-meter load test, and there was no abnormality."

"Northern Review: Research on the wreckage of the Special High Technology Department found that the two replaced tires were made of aluminum wheels, and the rubber outer layer of the tires was thinner, more resistant to high temperature and friction"

"Northern Review; Attached, the machining precision of the wheel hub is extremely high, and the hardness is far superior to that of ordinary aluminum alloy."

"Aluminum wheels..."

Yuan Wushao frowned even deeper.

During World War II, there were no aluminum alloy wheels at all.

Neither does the military.

Although aluminum wheels are lighter in weight, aluminum is more expensive than steel, and it is much more expensive. When this aluminum alloy is very expensive and its strength is not enough, no one studies it at all.

Moreover, the processing of high-strength aluminum alloy is much more difficult, and devils can't make it at all.

Major General Yuan Wu knew about the latter point.

He continued to watch.

"Baoding; the attackers hid the bomb in the interlayer of the thermal insulation lunch box, disguised as a thermal insulation layer, and attacked Lieutenant General Yoshio last month."

"Baoding; the lunch box is custom-made, in the style of building carvings, with a cherry blossom mark. On July [-]rd, it was designed by Lieutenant General Yoshio last month. On July [-]th, it was handmade by carpenter craftsmen. It has been placed in the cafeteria. After investigation, the attacker Entered the cafeteria and replaced the lunch box, the original lunch box was hidden in the attic sundries.”

"Baoding; after investigation, no witnesses were found around the cafeteria"

Yuan Wushao frowned even deeper, and stopped looking, lost in thought.

After a long time, he picked up the pen, spread out the notes, and began to write:
[The enemy can obtain all kinds of information from the imperial military, including but not limited to the precise whereabouts of senior officers, daily habits and habits, the police patrol forces and patrol rules of the officers' cities]

[The channel and method for the enemy to obtain intelligence have not been ascertained, and the investigations of the orderly and the staff found abnormalities]

[The enemy has strong technical and industrial capabilities, and can manufacture aluminum alloy wheels and high-strength aluminum alloys. 】

Looking at the clues he wrote down, Yuan Wu frowned again.

He is directly under the investigators of the base camp. He has studied abroad, studied information science, and is an elite major general of the empire with rich investigation experience. After investigating for more than half a month, he found out this meaningless thing?
Hand it over, can't he be scolded to death?

"Who moved the hand?"

"How did you get the information!"

The irritable Yuan Wu Laogui cursed at him.

"damn it."

The first battalion, the second company, the second platoon, and the second squad, No. [-] devil spy also frowned deeply, and couldn't help cursing:
"Where the hell did they get those Czech machine guns and Mauser point rounds?"

Thinking of the third batch of weapons and ammunition that was transported and guarded not long ago, the ghost spy felt deeply uneasy.

Compared with the first two batches, the types of weapons and ammunition in the third batch can be seen at a glance. It is written on the wooden box that they are Czech light machine guns and Mauser pointed bullets.

But this time the number is much higher than the previous two,

As for the specific number, No. [-] devil spy is not clear.

Because there are too many weapons and ammunition boxes this time, he is in charge of guarding this time, and has been guarding a pile of weapons and ammunition. He has no chance to wander around, and he has not counted the specific number.

But he was just estimating, and looking at the size of the transport team, he knew that this time there would be no less than 3000 million bullets and no less than [-] Czech machine guns.

"How did it get transported in?"

Compared with the unknown quantity, what he didn't understand was how these weapons and ammunition were transported in.

This time he was in charge of vigilance. He carefully observed the underground traces and the surrounding terrain.

Wherever it is a mountainous area, the terrain is rugged and full of potholes. There is only one mountain road around. From a distance, there are only rolling hills. Only mules and horses can transport supplies in. As for the plane, it is impossible to land.

And he turned around the scene a little bit, and checked carefully beside the guarded ammunition pile. At first, there were no horseshoe marks.

It was as if the tons of weapons and ammunition he guarded appeared out of thin air.

"It's a big trouble."

In addition to doubts, No. [-] devil spy still has worries in his heart.

This time, the guerrillas obtained at least 3000 Czech machine guns and at least [-] million rounds of machine gun ammunition. The firepower has been greatly improved. For the locust army, it is a serious threat to the public security in North China.

as well as,

The guerrillas get a batch of weapons and ammunition almost every month, so what's next month?
How much will there be?

Once the guerrillas obtain a sufficient number of weapons and sufficient ammunition, the already stretched locust army will become even more serious.

He is not worried about being defeated. After all, the guerrillas are just a group of idiots and lack training. Even if they are equipped with the same level as the locust army, they will definitely not be bigger than the locust army. Empire finances and funds.

Far from being meaningless, this war is a waste of self-depletion.

"damn it."

No. [-] devil spy secretly cursed again.

Because the independent regiment was preparing for the multi-field unit, the first battalion was highly prepared, and the independent regiment's secrecy system and methods were perfected, the scope of the base area was expanded, and the control over the village was strengthened. He had no chance to send any news.

Naturally, the devils are still unclear about the news of this batch of weapons and ammunition.

"Erlian Quanlian assemble."

Suddenly, the company's communications corps conveyed the order to assemble.

In the end, including the second company, the whole first battalion assembled.

"We're going to carry out combat missions."

The new battalion commander set off with his fully armed troops.

"Yo Xi."

No. [-] ghost spy's eyes lit up.

Although he didn't know what the task was, he finally had the opportunity to send out the news that the guerrillas had acquired a large amount of weapons and ammunition.

The only thing that makes him feel pity is that the superior will not like the news.

"Haha, this is the first time we have been dispatched since we entered the regular army, and the squad leader is also excited?"

No. [-] devil spy is a squad leader, and there are nine soldiers in his squad. The few soldiers who get along day and night notice the inconspicuous eyes of his squad leader.


No. [-] devil spy could only helplessly respond:

"It's our first time to really fight devils, I can't wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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