My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 114 Sparrow Battle, but the primary enhanced version!

Chapter 114 Sparrow Battle, but the primary enhanced version!
"I think···"

In a luxurious residence, Prince Zairen of the Palace of Leisurely Palace said with a tone of reason:

"We should take another look at the situation."

"In the meantime, deal with the hidden dangers in the army."

When Yuan Wushao passed the news to Tokyo that one of the three devils would be killed, the situation changed again.

The prince of the royal family, field marshal, and former chief of staff of the army, although he has retired, Prince Xianyuan Gong Zairen, who can still directly influence the decision-making, hesitated.

This old devil advocated an alliance between Germany and Italy, broke with the United States and Britain, and went south to seize vast resources.

And with a firm will, he has been sparing no effort in promoting this matter.

But he knew very well that the Japanese Locust Army was not invincible.

There is a risk of failure in war.

And in the face of a powerful country at the level of Britain and the United States, the possibility of failure is not small.

Once a war is launched against the United States, if it fails, the Great Japanese Empire may end in a very tragic way, and those who planned, launched, and directed the war will also be liquidated.

including him,
his family,

And his nephew Asaka Palace Hatohiko King.

Nowadays, there seems to be a huge problem within the army. The frequent attacks on senior officers indicate that there are extremely serious information leaks inside, which makes the actual controller of the army have to think about it.

Do you want to go south, or do you want to challenge the traditional territory of the United States and Britain.

It is hard to imagine that an army with such serious problems could bring victory to the empire.

In Southeast Asia, it is not the troops of the Republic of China that don't even have a few cannons, but the troops of the European powers. Although France has surrendered to Germany, the empire is not Germany.

When something is too risky,

As the beneficiary of Japan's absolute interests, Prince Zairen, who has status and wealth at his fingertips, will naturally hesitate.

"Wait until the problems in the army are resolved, and the international situation stabilizes before deciding on the matter of going south."

"At present, the United States has relaxed trade restrictions and returned to the level of last year. We can purchase enough supplies and raw materials from the United States to support the war."

Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Palace persuaded.

"Do not."

But the actual controller of the navy, King Fushimi Gong Hiroshi, doesn't think so.

Army generals have been attacked many times, what's the matter with the navy?
The devil's sea-land dispute has a long history and has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Although both of them are princes, they are both important ministers among the important ministers. They have the ability to influence the direction of the warship of the empire, and they both agree to go south.

But the two are also contradictory.

And not too small.

This contradiction was deliberately buried by the locust to avoid being emptied.

"Although the United States has relaxed restrictions, the other party can tighten them at any time, and the supply of the other party is enough for the empire to consume, but it is only enough."

King Fushimi Gong Hiroshi refused to give an inch:

"We cannot let the strategic resources of the empire be controlled by others."

"As for your army, the main force going south is the navy, and your army only needs to be responsible for the occupation."

"There are only natives there, and there are overseas troops far away from the mainland without fleet support. With the support of the combined fleet, unless the army is all spies, it is impossible to fail."

"What if it fails? The United States is not the Republic of China."

Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Gong was a little helpless, he could only silently scold Lu Jun for not being up to date, and let him be suppressed by this old thing.

"The Combined Fleet is not an Army."

"We would attack Pearl Harbor and completely destroy the U.S. Pacific Fleet."

King Fushimi Gong Hiroshi's tone was full of confidence:
"As long as the U.S. Pacific Fleet is completely wiped out, it will take a year for the U.S. to reorganize no matter how strong its industrial capabilities are. At this time, we have already occupied the surrounding islands and established multiple lines of defense based on island chains."

"At that time, even if the imperial navy is weaker than the United States, it will still be invincible."

"Moreover, after destroying the US Pacific Fleet, we can force the US to bow its head by threatening the west coast, just like Germany and France."

I have to say that Fushimi Miyahiro Kyoko, the old devil's spring and autumn dream, is doing well.

"The risk is too great."

Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Palace shook his head.

Can the United Fleet sneak attack completely destroy the main force of the American Pacific Fleet?
Will the United States mobilize the main force of the Atlantic Fleet to fight the Empire to the death?

Will the United States bow its head?

No one knows until it actually happens.

"This involves the fate of the empire."

King Fushimi Miyahiro was still confident: "Furthermore, the American navy is still in the dock. As long as we gain an advantage in time and build an island chain defense system, the United States must and can only retreat."

Do you bet on the luck of the country...
Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Palace was stunned, he recalled the past.

Sino-Japanese War,

Before that, in order to build the predecessor of the United Fleet, the empire was already heavily in debt. The annual finances were only tens of millions, but the debts were as high as hundreds of millions. The huge hole made the government's finances about to collapse, the empire was about to go bankrupt, and the yen was reduced to waste paper , Decades of development are about to be destroyed.

But in that naval battle, facing a stronger enemy, the fleet that crushed the fate of the empire won.

Received hundreds of millions of compensation, a new solution to the debt problem.

Battle of Falklands,

It's the same situation. If it fails, the empire will not be able to recover for decades.

But after completely suppressing the national fortune, he won again.

This time, can the empire, once again overwhelmed by the fate of the country, win against the United States?
"Can you guarantee that there are no problems within the Navy?"

Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Palace asked suddenly.

"The Navy is not the Army!"

King Fushimi Gong Bogong sneered:
"Instead of worrying about our navy, you should take good care of yourself. Don't be driven out by the people of the Republic of China, or even defeated by the natives of Southeast Asia."

Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Palace turned dark, but he left without continuing.

"What do they want?"

During the march with the First Battalion, No. [-] devil spy found an opportunity to put the secret letter he had prepared in his hand at the preset liaison office.

For a class leader, this matter is not difficult.

Mark the road first, and then randomly mention a chance to explain it, and just hide the secret letter. After a while, there will be imperial liaison personnel to take away the information.

The superior attaches great importance to the independent regiment, and this time will not be long.

After sending out the secret letter, No. [-] devil spy immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and began to pay attention to the purpose of the first battalion.

He already knew that the whole battalion was dispatched this time, more than 500 people, with a large amount of weapons, equipment and ammunition, and all 51 Pelton horses in the battalion were brought out.

Armed with combat readiness.

Can go into battle at any time.

The direction of progress is the direction of the Yangpo stronghold. As a spy lurking in Yangpo, he is naturally very familiar with the surrounding terrain of Yangpo.

"Launch an attack on the locust army?"

From the last contact with his superiors, he already knew that the locust army sent a unit of troops to annihilate the independent regiment, destroy the warehouses and facilities around Yangcun, and destroy the enemy's transportation channels.

Although the locust army has not yet figured out what the enemy's transportation channel is!
"No, definitely not an attack."

Although No. [-] devil spy did not know the number of the attacking wing, nor did he know the specific attack plan, and the independent regiment did not inform the grassroots soldiers of the news, but he could guess from the sudden increase in vigilance and preparations of the independent regiment, that the attack was coming The regiment of infantry must have been close.

There is a high probability that this wing will be stationed at the Yangpo stronghold.

With a unit of troops stationed there, it is impossible for the independent regiment to launch an attack. Its strength does not have an advantage, and it takes the initiative to attack. This is tantamount to courting death.

"That is···"

When he was wondering, the ghost spy found a new team in front of the team.

He was also wearing the latest Eighth Route Army uniform and carried Pelton horses. However, the number of people in this group was not large, only more than 100, and there were all shell boxes and mortars on the horses.There are plenty of Pelton horses though.

"Artillery battery!"

The ghost spies knew about the artillery company in the regiment, so their doubts deepened.

After several battalion-wide trainings, he already knew that the first battalion itself had two 82 mortars and six 6 mortars, with sufficient ammunition reserves and strong artillery firepower.

What are you planning to do by strengthening the artillery firepower this time?
Is it really planning to attack the locust army?
But that was a garrison full of infantry regiments. The commander of the independent regiment would definitely not be so brainless.

As a spy, he was not brainwashed by bushido, thinking that the locust army is invincible, intelligent, and the enemy is weak and stupid.After staying in the Independent Regiment for so long, Devil No. [-] deeply felt that there are a lot of talents in the Independent Regiment Headquarters.

If he hadn't been cautious, he might have been discovered long ago.

Thanks to the location, the second company was at the position of the artillery company at this time, so the ghost spy saw the follow-up.

"Are the artillery units acting independently?"

"Walk ahead of the infantry, and take away the two 82 mortars in the battalion?"

"And the troops were divided."

"This is the plan to go...!"

Those who can serve as spies are not idiots, and the ghost spies quickly realized what the independent group wanted to do.

It is intended to bombard the locust army from a long distance, and their first battalion is to cope with the retreat of the artillery.With the strength of the independent regiment, the locust army must not have dared to pursue in depth after ambushing many times.


Devil spy No. [-] was startled.

82 mortar attacks.

The artillery shells weighing three kilograms are very powerful, and can reimburse half a squad with one shot, and can destroy ordinary civil engineering works. With a range of three kilometers, they can launch attacks from a long distance, and with Pelton horses, they are very maneuverable .

Very difficult to deal with.

Especially in the mountainous terrain around the sunny slope.

The infantry couldn't catch up, the locust army had weapons and ammunition to carry heavy loads, and had to deal with the interference of landmines and booby-traps, while the independent regiment had no heavy load, and they were all on horseback, lightly armed and fast.

Sending cavalry to catch up can catch up.

But there is no feasibility.

The infantry wing does not have many cavalry, it is mainly used for scouting and guarding around the artillery positions, and the independent regiment has strong firepower. The artillery unit has a large number of [-]-gun Mauser pistols and many machine guns, which can easily deal with cavalry pursuit.

Surrounding is also difficult.

The attacking troops of the Independent Regiment must send guard posts back around. Once they find the approaching locust army, they will retreat immediately, and it is difficult to form an encirclement circle.

In just a short moment, No. [-] devil spy thought of the impending plight that the locust troops stationed in the Yangpo stronghold would encounter.

"Damn guerrilla warfare!"

He cursed in his heart.

"Two companies, one row, two rows gather."

Before the No. [-] devil spy had time to think carefully, he was ordered to assemble, and then the two platoons, under the personal leadership of the company commander, approached the Yangpo garrison with a group of artillery.

"The head of the team said, we call this sparrow war."

Before departure, the commander of the second company was triumphant:

"It's just a basic enhanced version."


This sentence made the devil's heart skip a beat.

Sparrow battle, your sparrow is equipped with 82 mortars?
It means there are advanced.

The 82 mortar is only elementary, so what is advanced?
Could it be that you, Li Yunlong, still want to send planes to harass the locust army?

The ghost spy complained in his heart, worried, but kept walking, followed a platoon of the artillery company to the sunny slope, came to a hill, and began to build an artillery position.

Although the mortar can go with the attack, building a reasonable position is conducive to increasing the range.

No. [-] devil spy stood on the hill, looking at the outer positions of the locust army camp in the distance.

It was a brigade's camp, set up on an open field, surrounded by guard posts and patrolling troops, but the distance of two kilometers was obviously beyond the warning range, so no artillery was found here.

Suddenly, a thought came to the ghost spy's mind.

Do you want to shoot to remind the locust army?
Do you want to detonate the bomb and die with this group?

But as soon as the idea came out, he quickly cut it off.

He was an intelligence officer who had managed to infiltrate the Independent Regiment from the Locust Army. He died with a few artillery pieces, more than 100 artillery shells, and a dozen artillerymen, which was very uneconomical.

Moreover, it may not be successful.

Although the independent regiment is a guerrilla, its system is very perfect and the division of labor is clear. He is only a squad leader. If he makes any changes, he will be shot immediately.

While the devil spy was thinking, the mortar fired.

Two 82 mortars fired at full speed,
boom boom boom

A round of 82 mortar shells weighing three kilograms rushed out of the barrel at high speed, crossed an arc, and landed in the devil's camp.

The devils' camps were not concentrated. Although most of the shells missed in the first wave of shelling, a few unlucky devils were directly killed after sixty shells went down, and some tents and positions were also destroyed. The crooked handle was blown to the sky.

The devils reacted quickly, and the infantry hid in the trenches one after another. The scout devils quickly discovered the artillery position.The captain organized a two squads of devils to attack.

But for the sake of safety, the devil deliberately set up the camp in an open area, with flat terrain for more than one kilometer around.

The open land that was originally intended to improve safety has now become a stumbling block for devils.

The platoon leader of the artillery company directing the shelling immediately ordered that the muzzle be turned around to shell the two chasing devil squads.

open area,

Condescending shelling,
The shelling distance is about two kilometers.

Those who operate the mortars are elite gunners who have been trained by the artillery instructors sent by the system master for more than three months, and have fired more than [-] rounds of live ammunition.

One after another, the mortars landed precisely in the formation of the devils. Even if the devils always maintained a large scattered line, the chasing troops were blown upside down, suffering unspeakably, and were repulsed many times.

Seeing the scene where the locust army was almost slaughtered, No. [-] devil spy's heart was bleeding.

After charging several times, the locust army finally gave up their heads, stopped charging head-on, and began to organize their hands and wings to outflank.

The devils on the flanks were too far away to bombard effectively, so the artillery platoon leader pointed the muzzle at the devil camp again and began to wreak havoc. Although there were few casualties, it damaged a lot of property of the locust army.

"Aren't these gangsters saving shells?"

This scene once again made No. [-] devil spy's heart bleed.

Exchange cannonballs for tents, is this still a dirt road?

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked into the distance...

Although the artillery was booming, he still noticed that there seemed to be shelling, and there were more than one places.

Is this the sparrow war?

It's terrible!

"The devils are coming up from the flanks, withdraw!"

The order of the platoon leader of the artillery company interrupted the thoughts of No. [-] devil spy. The artillery company quickly packed up the artillery, and he had to retreat with the troops.

"Leave a small gift for the devil."

Before leaving, spy No. [-] noticed that his boss, the company commander, had set up several booby traps around the running position.

(End of this chapter)

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