My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 126 Terrible Dirt 8 Road!

Chapter 126 Terrible Tuba Road!
end of August.

To the west of Zhengtai Line, [-] kilometers from Yuci to Shouyang.

Early morning hours.


The head of the 14th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade held a pistol and took the lead. With a reinforced company, nearly two hundred soldiers rushed to the devil's position not far away.

The charge here is not the one in the TV series, with chest straight, standing straight, holding a gun, yelling, and rushing towards the devil in a straight line.

Now that the light machine gun is in the squad, this offensive method of the last century is completely a target.

Instead, he bent down, lowered his body as much as possible, and used a zigzag route to continuously leap forward between the shelters at high speed, gradually approaching the devil's position, and killing the devil.

The purpose of the attack is to get close to the enemy and kill the enemy, not to be a moving target for devils.

Behind them, one Min-24 type and five Czech types fired at full force, suppressing the devils' position in the distance.In the middle of the charging team, there are five Czechs advancing with the team, suppressing the devils' firepower at any time.


The little devil on the opposite side was not to be outdone, with two 14-style and more than a dozen crooked handles forming a firepower net, they kept suppressing the approaching [-]th regiment soldiers.

There are also devils holding grenades. These old devils are like snakes hiding in the shadows. Once they find a chance, they will show their fangs to machine gunners and company platoon leaders.


On the other side, the 15th Regiment of the 500th Brigade also launched an attack simultaneously. Each of the two regiments had a total of more than [-] people, ambush devils on the left and right, and a non-full brigade of about [-] devils.

At this time, the little devils rushed to the battle, lacking a solid position, and fell into a heavy attack. The firepower of the 14th and 15th regiments from the independent regiment's Czech style and shell guns has improved a lot. At present, the firepower of the two regiments surpasses that of the devils.

However, the super-class defense level of the Japanese army during World War II was not blown out, but the bloody battles on Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and so on.

Even if it's just a devil of a second-line division right now, it shouldn't be underestimated.

In addition, the 14th and 15th regiments lacked offensive weapons, not even a few mortars, and the range of individual flamethrowers was too short, and the tanks near the railway were completely unsuitable for use.

This also led to the fact that even though the devils were slightly inferior in firepower, inferior in strength, and lacked solid fortifications, the infantry brigade still blocked wave after wave of attacks from the 14th and 15th regiments.

One side is attacking and the other is defending, and the two sides are stuck in a stalemate.

No one can help anyone.

The fighting lasted for a whole day, and the situation did not change until the evening.

"Head, there are devils coming from the east, more than 400 devils."

The correspondent reported the discovery to the head of the 15th regiment:
"It should be the main force of this Hedian brigade."

"Damn it."

Looking at the devil's position that was about to be captured in the distance, the head of the 15th regiment cursed loudly.

Give him another two hours, no, just one hour, they will be able to take down the position in front of them, and wipe out all the devil soldiers on the position, not letting a single one go.

But there are no ifs on the battlefield.


Although unwilling, the head of the 15th regiment decisively issued an order to retreat.

"Damn it, if labor and capital had a few mortars, they wouldn't be so aggrieved."

The head of the 14th regiment led the team to retreat while cursing.

Their two regiments consisted of more than 500 people, ambushed more than 400 devils, and attacked suddenly. They made dumplings for the devils, but they didn't take them down for a whole day.

"No way, this place is actually not suitable for an ambush."

The head of the 15th regiment patted his old comrade on the shoulder:

"Wait a while, when the first battalion we supported the Independent Regiment came back, there would be mortars and heavy machine guns, and then we will teach the Hedian brigade a lesson."


The head of the 14th regiment nodded:
"This time, our goal has been achieved."

According to the combat plan formulated by the superiors, the first stage of this operation is to destroy and destroy the devil's artillery towers, bunkers, and railway facilities. The second stage is to consolidate the results of the battle. It is to look for fighters and ambush troops below the scale of the devil battalion.

The purpose of the ambush is not to eliminate or how many devils are wiped out, but to restrain the devils, buy time for destroying the devil's facilities, and sharpen the troops in actual combat to improve the combat level of the troops.

In the current battle, although the devils were not completely wiped out, many devils were killed, which bought time for the militia to further destroy the devil's railway facilities and sharpened the combat level of the troops.

under the night,
The 14th Regiment, 15th Regiment and other troops, as well as the mobilized common people, joined together, carrying the rails and carrying the sleepers, and retreated into the mountains together.

"Finally gone..."

After the 14th and 15th regiments withdrew, the remaining devils who were surrounded immediately breathed a sigh of relief, especially the captain in charge of the command, who collapsed to the ground.

He thought he was going to be broken.

In fact, at the beginning of finding out that he was surrounded, the captain was not too nervous, and even a little happy.

How dare Tubalu surround him?
Or in an open area like a railway?
According to previous experience, as long as it is not a standard ambush site that cannot be deployed, lacks shelter, or is surrounded by Tuba roads ten times the size of one's own side, there is no need to panic at all.

He quickly judged that there were only more than 1000 people on the Tuba Road surrounding him.

At the beginning, the devil captain planned to turn around and defeat the gang of dirtbags who surrounded him.

"Damn it, is this really dirt road?"

Standing up with a samurai sword, the captain of the Devils still had lingering fears.

He has seen Eighth Route, and fought against him, more than once or twice, but he has never seen such a powerful and fierce Eighth Router.

Surprisingly, each squad is equipped with a machine gun with a lot of bullets, and more than 400 locust troops have been pressing him down.

There are even individual flamethrowers and a large number of assault pistols. Thanks to him not rushing out immediately, but to defend a wave, thanks to the fact that there are many natural bunkers suitable for shelter near the railway, otherwise...
He was afraid of being wiped out.

"Captain, the deputy squadron is here."

A communication devil with a bandage on his head reminded.


The captain of the Devils suddenly realized.

He also wondered why the Eighth Route Army suddenly retreated. It turned out that reinforcements had arrived.

The Hedian Brigade under his command was originally going to support the Duoye Regiment in the Yangpo stronghold, but not long ago, the Tuba Road suddenly launched a large-scale attack, and the mission was changed to support the troops stationed in various places and expel the Tuba Road.

The entire alliance operates on the scale of a half-team.

He commanded a part of his own brigade, and the deputy captain commanded a part of his.

After suddenly rejoicing, the devil's captain felt a little bad.

It's the deputy captain...


As expected by the devil captain, the deputy captain slapped him a few times after he arrived.


The first level of the official ranks crushes people to death, not to mention that in an army with such a strict hierarchy as the devils, the captain of the devils can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"The guerrillas fled to the mountains?"

The deputy captain looked at the vast mountainous area in the distance, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but was soon overwhelmed by killing intent.

"Yes, they fled into the mountains."

Captain Hedian answered quickly.

"Repair in situ."

The devil's deputy captain ordered:
"Wait for the alliance to assemble, and then..."

He paused, and then said: "Continue to attack, this time we must thoroughly understand the Tuba Road in this area!"

Although he really wanted to talk about eradication, the devil's deputy captain knew very well that relying on the current strength of the Locust Army in North China and the strength of the Eighth Route, it was completely powerless to eliminate the Tuba Road.

So change the goal to drive away.


Captain Hedian felt a little bad.

Is this going to wipe out the Tuba Route guerrillas?
But today's Tuba quite different.

You couldn't drive them away before, but you can drive them away now?

Is it the confidence given by the locust?

If you encounter these two regiments next time, there are plenty of terrains suitable for ambushes in the Tuba Road base area, and the mountainous terrain is complicated, and support is also troublesome, then the ending will be...

But before he had time to think about it, he was slapped on the face again.

"Ha ha···"

At the same time, Cheng Shifa, the head of the 772 regiment, who took over the railway, hugged the turret, killed the devils, bullied the puppet army, and ran away after enjoying himself, was receiving his first battalion.

Looking at all the new military uniforms, with neat equipment, 51 strutting Pelton horses, and the mortars and shells on the horses, Cheng Shifa was about to burst out.

Laughing extraordinarily rampant.

"Eight mortars, two Maxims, 27 Czechs, haha..."

"With this, I can overthrow a brigade of devils by myself."

Cheng Shifa finally spoke his dream.

With the strength of a regiment of 772 regiments, to defeat or even wipe out a devil brigade, of course, it is the kind of non-full devil brigade with more than 500 people.

Cheng Shifa still knew it in his heart.

Although the total strength of the 772 Regiment is now more than 500 people, and the combat force also has 2000 people, it may not be able to cope with the devil brigade with a strength of [-] to [-] troops.

Little devils are not made of mud, so they are not so easy to deal with.


The 772 regiment has experienced rapid expansion in the past two years, and the quality of individual soldiers has declined sharply. The officers and cadres at the grassroots level are also relatively inexperienced, and the newly acquired weapons and equipment have not yet been adjusted well.

Of course, it's okay to be ruthless and desperate. Now that the 772 regiment has this strength, it's not worthwhile, and it's not necessary.

"It's just that the bullets are a little less, only more than 5 bullets, and the shells are also a little less, with only [-] shells per gun."

Cheng Shifa clicked his tongue with some regret.

Strictly speaking, the first battalion brought back a lot of ammunition, really a lot.

With more than 5 rounds of ammunition, the 260nd regiment has more than 80 rounds per capita, eight guns, each with 640 rounds, that is [-] rounds, which is more than the peak period of the headquarters artillery regiment.

You can even say rich.

But compared to the independent group, it's not a little worse...
Cheng Shifa knew it in his heart.

The main reason why the Independent Regiment dared to surround a devil brigade of more than 800 people and wiped out more than 500 of them a few months ago was because they had enough ammunition, and nearly [-] shells were fired in one battle.

And that's all he has,
The bullets are okay. There are tens of millions of rounds in the logistics department of the headquarters, and some are supplemented.

Cannonballs will not work, 60 and 82 force, not even the devils, all brought back by the first battalion, so save some use.As for asking Li Yunlong for it, Cheng Shifa never considered it.

To ambush a brigade of devils, at most one hundred rounds will be fired, no more.


Seeing that his regiment leader finally got rid of his smirk, the first battalion commander took the opportunity to say:

"It's 54 Czech..."

"Leader Li equips each class of our battalion with two Czechs."

"Two Czech styles in each class!"

Cheng Shifa immediately widened his eyes, full of envy:
"Li Yunlong, this dog... this guy is really rich."

The first battalion commander took a deep look at his regiment leader, although he really wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth rationally.

Before his regiment leader joined the army, Li Yunlong taught marksmanship, and Li Yunlong also taught him how to lead the troops at the beginning. This matter was always brought up by Li Yunlong, which made his regiment leader very embarrassing.

But there is no way.

Who let the 772 regiment be the main force, but its record is not as good as the new regiment brought out by Li Yunlong.

A single click to kill the old devil Sakata and defeat the Sakata Alliance would make all the heads of the main regiment bow their heads. At that time, Li Yunlong did not have the help of his friend with great powers.

And according to what he learned from the independent regiment, Li Datuan is planning to defeat, and even wipe out the devil's Duoye unit.

That's a devil alliance, more than 300 devils, no, it should be more than 800 devils now, the sparrow bombardment, and the defensive battle not long ago, the devils of the multi-field alliance suffered a lot. Recently, the devils have put out fires everywhere. I don't have the energy to supplement the Duano United.

If Li Yunlong really succeeds...

There was a flash of fire in the first battalion commander's heart.

Annihilate a devil's alliance!
"What a big hand."

"What a big move!"

In the three-five-eight group, Chu Yunfei looked at the map of Shanxi on the table, his tone and expression were full of surprise:

"In just seven days, nearly 20 troops were dispatched to destroy the entire section of the Zhengtai Line, the entire Tongpu Line, and the Ping-Han North Line, totaling more than 500 kilometers of railways. More than [-] stations were breached, and hundreds of forts and buildings were pulled out. The gun tower wiped out more than a full regiment of devils."

"Simply incredible..."

"Tuan Zuo, I admit it."

On the side, Chief of Staff Fang Ligong retorted daily:

"This time, the Eighth Route Army made a lot of noise and caused a lot of trouble for the little devil, but this battle report, after all, was given to us by the other party."

"I'm sure there's an element of exaggeration in it."

Everyone is in the army, and the battle report, the moisture in it, knows everything.

"Brother Li Gong."

Chu Yunfei smiled and said:
"If we are real friendly forces, then I will not believe this battle report."

"But you need to know..."

Chu Yunfei paused and raised his tone:

"The relationship between us and them is just friendly forces in name."

"Two months ago, the group of 217 had friction with the other side, and suffered a lot."

"So, this battle report, in addition to publicizing the results of the fight against the devils, inspiring the national anti-war spirit, and suppressing the voice of surrender, is actually for us to read."

"It's a deterrent!"

"They are showing their strength!"


Fang Ligong opened his mouth, but didn't speak for a while.

If this battle report has no water, then...doesn't it mean that there are more than 20 Tuba Roads in North China alone?

For a moment, he felt a chill down his spine.

Three years ago, the total strength of this group was only 5000.

At this time in North China, there are 20 giants.

Moreover, if the battle report is true, then, that is to say, this group of people has the strength to fight the devils head-on?
(End of this chapter)

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