My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 127 New Regiment 5

Chapter 127 New Fifth Regiment

North of Yangquan.

Ping County.

It was the first time to ambush the business of the Ningci Army Column in Gangcun, and Sun Desheng went to the field to investigate the passing Japanese army occupying the county.

Stationed here is the No.20 Ninth Brigade of Japanese Infantry, the Second Infantry Battalion under the Banxi United Regiment.

"Set off."

On September [-]st, after receiving an order from the United Army Headquarters, Anai many people led the main force of the brigade and was ordered to gather with the main force of the alliance, and then wiped out the guerrillas from the east of Yangquan to Niangziguan.

Leaving the county seat with the main force of the brigade of 430 people and the puppet army of 150 people, many people in Anai subconsciously looked back at Ping County, which was going away, feeling a bad feeling in their hearts.

The Anjing Brigade is a second-line garrison brigade with a total strength of 670 and seven people, plus a puppet brigade with nearly [-] Imperial Association troops. The task is to ensure the smooth flow of the road between Ping County and Mashi Temple, that is, the northern section of Pingshi Highway.

The Pingshi Highway has a total length of nearly [-] kilometers. There are rivers passing nearby. The terrain is flat and the land is fertile. It is one of the grain-producing areas and an important source of food for the locust army.

Very important.

The guerrillas also knew the importance of this place, so their activities were very frequent, jumping out from time to time to blow up a bridge and attack a food transport team.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of the road and prevent the guerrillas from destroying it, the Anjing Brigade set up 27 strongholds in the northern section of the road, radiating and controlling all the villages near the road, especially the three bridges, which were heavily guarded.

However, adding the strongholds on the east and west wings of Pingxian County, the Anjing Brigade needs to control a total of 35 strongholds. Even if the minimum strength is calculated, each stronghold only needs one detachment (infantry squad) and 350 people.

More than half of the troops of the brigade went directly.

As for the key positions of the three bridge strongholds on the Pingshi Highway, the minimum standard for stationing is a small team of 60 people.

Calculated, more than two-thirds of the brigade's strength disappeared immediately.

Totally understaffed.

In this way, he still has to maintain a certain scale of garrison in the county, and inspect the guerrilla personnel passing through Ping County...
Many people in the hole can only change the number of unimportant strongholds to half a unit, and replace the rest with the Royal Association Army, or send one or two locust troops to supervise and control the machine guns, and even some strongholds are all stationed by the Imperial Association Army, and then strengthened The garrisons at the three bridge bases serve as mobile units to support surrounding bases at any time.

The entire Xuejing brigade was almost spread out on this vast territory, unable to move.

Usually, the largest mobile force he can draw out is just one infantry squadron and one cavalry squadron. The total is less than two hundred locust troops, and it will take several hours to gather all of them.

Although the military strength is stretched and the mobile force is seriously insufficient, in the eyes of the devil's high-level, the law and order in Ping County has always been good, only occasionally the grain transportation team is attacked, and the loss is not large.

Many people in Anjing know the reason for this.

Near Ping County, there are only a few scattered guerrillas. These people don’t have many guns, and the bullets are even pitiful. No matter how active they are, they can only organize a few attacks on the food transportation team. The main weapons they use are grenades. , No, to be precise, it is earth-made black powder explosives.

Few effective threats.

Otherwise, with more than 600 locust troops and more than 300 waste imperial association troops, how can he control a county and an important road?
And now...

The main force of the Tuba Road came out from the mountains, and its strength was beyond the imagination of the locust army.

Although the superiors tried their best to suppress the news, many people in Xuejing still knew that some regiment-level troops of the Tuba Road were not inferior to the second-line defense brigade of the Imperial Locust Army.

It is completely different from the long-term publicity of the empire.

This time, in order to clear the guerrillas who were destroying the facilities on the Zhengtai Line east of Yangquan, the main force of the brigade of more than 400 people had to be mobilized from various strongholds.

All the small strongholds around Ping County were handed over to the Imperial Association Army, and the important strongholds were only half of the scheduled troops. Even the county town had only a small team of more than 60 people stationed in the army. For this reason, he had to urgently arm the imperial expatriates to gather the number.

In case Tuba Road comes to attack Pingshi Highway now...
Do not,
Tuba Road will definitely come, and will never let go of this opportunity. The opponent can launch such a large-scale operation premeditatedly, and they must have anticipated the actions of the locust army.

We will never let go of Pingshi Highway when the troops are weakest, they will definitely go to Pingshi Highway to destroy bridges and attack strongholds...


The helpless people in the hole could only curse secretly.

This is the most hopeless.

He knew that Tuba Road would come to destroy it, but he had no choice but to watch Tuba Road destroy it...

Compared with the Zhengtai Line Railway, the lifeline of the First Army, the important traffic line in North China, the Pingshi Highway is not so important, and it is normal to give up.

"What is the base camp doing?"

"What is the Prime Minister doing?"

Many people in Anjing were furious:
"Why haven't you been drafted yet?"

"As long as we send another seven or eight divisions to North China, wouldn't the security problem here be easily resolved?"

"Is there a national thief?"

"The main force of the devil brigade is leaving, and the direction is the direction of Niangziguan."

"Go, notify the head immediately."

On a mountain peak near the Ping County Highway, three soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in plain clothes hid here, watching many people in Xuejing and the main force of his brigade drive east along the Zhengtai Line, which is the direction of Niangziguan.

One of the Eighth Route Army soldiers got up quickly and ran towards the mountainous area west of Ping County.

Things did not go beyond the expectations of many people in Anjing, and the troops did plan to attack Pingshi Highway.

But the speed of the action and the scale of the dispatch exceeded the expectations of many people in Anjing. From the conversations of several soldiers, it can be seen that there is already a regiment lurking near Ping County.

With the current level of armed forces, even the newly formed cadre regiment's combat strength should not be underestimated.

"The main force of the devils near Ping County has left?"

"How many devils and puppet troops left?"

The Eighth Route soldiers who delivered the news trotted all the way to the vast mountainous area to the southwest of Ping County, and reported the news to a regiment leader.

"About 150 devils and [-] puppet soldiers."

Although the soldier who reported was a soldier who had not been in the army for a long time, the soldier sent to investigate was a veteran, and he found out in more detail the number of devils and puppet troops who had left.

"Four hundred devils, 150 puppet soldiers."

Hearing the number of devils leaving the army, Xu Sheng, the head of the New Fifth Regiment, showed a smile:

"In other words, two-thirds of the ghosts in Ping County have left, and half of the puppet troops have left."

"Notify each company to start operations according to the predetermined plan."

Xu Sheng called the communications platoon of the regiment headquarters and issued an order.


Sixteen communications platoon fighters set off quickly to deliver orders to each company.

That night, more than 900 fighters from the New Fifth Regiment were divided into [-] groups, with reinforced companies, companies, or platoons as units, and each rushed to the predetermined target on the Pingshi Highway.

The new five regiments.

It can be seen from the troop number that it is a newly formed regiment-level troop.

However, compared with Kong Jie's New Second Regiment, although the New Fifth Regiment was established two weeks later, in fact, it was formally established a little earlier than the New Second Regiment.

Xu Sheng, head of the New Fifth Regiment, was the former deputy head of the 38th Regiment and first battalion commander, and a senior veteran of the Red Army.

This person can serve as the head of the new fifth regiment, and he has a lot to do with Li Yunlong.

The current army is seriously short of grassroots military cadres, especially battalion-level cadres.

Although there is a shortage of platoon cadres, the training of these two levels of military cadres is much easier. There are many experienced veterans in the army, who can lead the team to the battlefield after a few months of training.

In particular, after obtaining the rapid-fire training system for grass-roots officers specially created for the independent regiment by the master of the system based on the knowledge and theories of later generations, the training efficiency and effect have greatly increased.

But at the battalion and regiment level, quick success is no longer possible.

In the current army, a company usually has about 100 people, even if it is a strengthened company, the maximum is nearly 200 people.

And a battalion has at least 330 people, and there are even 600 or even [-] people in many.

The difference between managing and commanding more than a hundred people to fight, and managing and commanding three, 400 or more troops to fight is not a simple numerical improvement, but a qualitative change.

The first-level units of the company seldom fight independently. Whether it is training or combat, there is a battalion commander or regimental commander to look after them and take care of them.

But the battalion level, and the higher regiment level, often have to carry out independent operations and be responsible for important tasks on the battlefield, which requires the commander to consider comprehensively, stay calm in times of crisis, and be courageous and resourceful.

The command level of the commander is very high.

Moreover, in a large-scale battle, problems in a company's position are not at the same level as problems in a battalion or regiment's position.

The former can be easily remedied, the latter could trigger a major crash.

Due to various factors, even though the superiors have been strengthening training, there is still a shortage of usable and qualified battalion and regiment-level cadres in the Eighth Route Army today.

As the first battalion commander of the 38th regiment, Xu Sheng also served as the chief of staff of the regiment...

He is fully capable of serving as the head of the regiment, and his superiors very much hope that he will serve as the head of the new regiment. The establishment of the new fifth regiment has been determined, and the successor of the first battalion has also been arranged.

However, the deputy battalion commander and first company commander Su Dabang, who was originally scheduled to replace the position of the first battalion commander, were seriously injured in the Yunling anti-mopping up last year.

This is also the core reason for the lack of grassroots officers and cadres in the army today, or even none of them. These grassroots officers and cadres rushing to the front line often face a lot of sacrifices.

Things changed a little three months ago.

At that time, the second transaction was completed, and Li Yunlong obtained [-] tons of medical supplies and [-] beds in the Uncle Hospital of the system. The independent group could not use so much, so they transferred a group of seriously wounded people from the headquarters hospital for treatment.

Su Dabang, the commander of the first battalion and first company of the 38th regiment, survived thanks to the medical treatment from the uncle of the system.

The new fifth regiment is also led by a regiment leader with rich combat experience and outstanding ability to lead troops.

With the command of a senior battalion-level officer, the New Fifth Regiment completed this operation very well.

One day after the Anae Brigade left, gunfire erupted in the northern section of the Pingshi Highway, and all 27 strongholds around the highway were uprooted by the New Fifth Regiment, none of which was left behind by the devils.

Three bridges on the highway were also damaged.

Successfully completed the combat mission of the superior,
However, it was a newly formed regiment after all. When Xu Sheng was formulating the battle plan, he ordered the companies and platoons to attack steadily and grind slowly. Anyway, the devils had no reinforcements.

Especially when attacking the important strongholds guarded by the devils next to the three bridges on the Pingshi Highway, even with the absolute superiority of troops and sufficient firepower, they did not surround the devils' strongholds, and the devils deliberately left a retreat route.

Therefore, although the New Fifth Regiment pulled out 27 strongholds, it actually wiped out very few enemies. According to statistics after the war, only 29 devils and 37 puppet troops were killed or injured.

Here are kills, including injuries, not just kills.

For this result, many fighters of the New Fifth Regiment were dissatisfied, thinking that it was too little.

But Xu Sheng, the head of the group, was very satisfied.

Although the victories are few, counting the remains of the devils and puppet soldiers, it can be confirmed that only 31 devils and puppet soldiers were killed, and among them, there were only a poor nine of the devils, not even double digits.

However, the New Fifth Regiment had only 37 casualties.

He was very satisfied with the first actual combat like this.

You have to eat one bite at a time,

Devils have to be killed one by one,

As a militia unit as the backbone, among the 900 members of the regiment, only 37 soldiers including him have been in the army for more than one year, and most of the soldiers are recruits who have been in the army for less than a month.

This result is fine.

After this battle, the soldiers of the army have accumulated some combat experience and have improved a lot. He has also figured out the overall level of the New Fifth Regiment, so he can let go of his hands and feet next time.

"Commander, these puppet troops..."

A company commander of the New Fifth Regiment pointed to more than 70 puppet soldiers who had been arrested.

The main force of the devil brigade stationed in Ping County left. There were only three important bridge strongholds on the Pingshi Highway and a few important village strongholds where devils garrisoned, and the rest were puppet troops.

Facing the siege of the troops, he quickly surrendered.

Dozens of rare diehards were burned to black charcoal by the flamethrower after resisting for a few hours. By the way, they also added a lot of practical experience to the soldiers of the new fifth regiment.

For the current New Five Regiments, this kind of second devil, who is not strong in combat effectiveness but has a strong will to resist, is a suitable opponent.

Xu Sheng thanked those thirty or so die-hard devils in his heart.

"Contact the nearby guerrillas, and then visit and investigate. As long as they have not committed serious crimes, they will be released directly."

Xu Sheng did not embarrass the second devil who surrendered.

There are very few second devils who are die-hard and heinous guys. Most of them are swingers who make a living. They drop their weapons and run when they encounter difficulties. For such people, there is no need to kill them all.

However, it doesn't mean that he will let go of all of them directly. He will not let go of those who have bullied the common people hidden in it.

they don't know

But the local people have been watching.


In the crowd, the complexions of the two devils suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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