My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 135 The crisis of the brother country of Japan!

Chapter 135 The crisis of the brother country of Japan!


Near the huge wreckage of King Kong.

"This is an attack."

"It was a premeditated attack!"

Yamamoto 56's veins bulged from his fist.

Although the King Kong's ammunition depot was detonated by Zhang Dabiao, as a main warship anchored in the port and undergoing maintenance and repairs, there are not many ammunition in its ammunition depot.

In the first two main gun ammunition bays, there are only 37 rounds of shells and 220 propellant packs, and the rear two main gun ammunition depots are empty.

Of course, the power of the detonation of these ammunition is still terrifying, not to mention the King Kong, Yamato will have to rush to the street when it comes.

But the battleship's ammunition is rough and thick, and the detonation of the ammunition depot was considered at the beginning of the design, and it is protected by thick armor. Although the damage caused by this huge powerful explosion is fatal, it is far from the level of complete destruction.

In addition, the port was not deep, part of the King Kong was still out of the water, and there was almost no fuel when it was moored, and the fire was quickly extinguished, so Yamamoto 56 immediately organized manpower to investigate the specific situation.

The two turrets at the front of King Kong were overturned and distorted, and the structure of the entire front section was changed, making it temporarily inaccessible. However, there was basically no major damage to the rear section, and divers could even be sent directly to the ship for investigation.

The bullet holes on the sailor's body are enough to prove that the King Kong was hit by a premeditated attack...

"Who moved the hand?"

A series of suspects flashed through Yamamoto56's mind.

British Empire,

Even, Combined Fleet itself.

But in the end, these suspects were all ruled out, leaving only one possible target.

"It's the force that attacked in the North China region of the Republic of China!"

Yamamoto 56 took a deep breath.

He still has doubts about his speculation.

Yamamoto 56 is concerned about the situation in North China, and he also knows that the mysterious force that attacked the imperial army columns twice and killed nearly ten imperial officers, including Admiral Dajiao Censheng.

I know that this force declared not long ago that it will attack the important military facilities of the empire today.


Is it possible to attack the King Kong?

Moreover, they sent people to infiltrate and lurk into the King Kong, installed explosives inside the warship, detonated the remaining shells in the two main gun ammunition depots, and completely destroyed the capital ship of the United Fleet.


A sailor continued to report to Yamamoto 56:
"So far, 23 remains have been found, and [-] of them can be identified. All of them have bullet holes."

"Continue to search."

Yamamoto 56's complexion changed.

Things have happened, King Kong has been completely destroyed, and it is not even worth repairing.

Anger is meaningless now.

What he has to do now is to investigate clearly in the shortest possible time how the attackers attacked the crew of King Kong, and planted bombs in the ammunition depot, blowing up King Kong.

Is it a spy lurking as a crew member?

Or come in from the outside?
As the Joint Fleet Command, Yamamoto 56 actually hopes to be the former.

If one or several spies lurked into the King Kong and planned for a long time before launching the attack, it was just a huge damage caused by a spy incident.

Although the loss is really big.

The United Fleet only needs to increase the screening and investigation of spies, and does not need too much tension and response.

But if the latter,
The attackers entered from the outside, lurking inside and outside, entered the King Kong, killed the crew of the King Kong, and installed explosives in the ammunition depot.

That's a big problem.

As a battleship, King Kong has strict security measures, especially the ammunition depot, which is tightly sealed and guarded 24 hours a day. It is not easy to plant explosives here, or both.

It is very troublesome for the locust army to come by themselves.

Of course, there may be other situations, such as a combination of the two, or just an accident.

But as more and more remains were excavated, the bullet holes on those remains made Yamamoto 56 realize that the situation might be very grim.

At this time, Yamamoto 56 urgently hopes to find out the truth.

Otherwise, this explosion would not only destroy the King Kong, but detonate the entire United Fleet, and even the entire empire.


At this time, another investigator ran over:
"Our investigation found that at six o'clock in the morning, many people found three planes flying over the sea four kilometers to the left of Yokosuka!"

"It has been determined that it is not our plane!"

After all, this is a densely populated area of ​​devils, and the three Black Eagles who left were still seen by devil fishermen and locals.

"Three planes!"

Yamamoto 56's complexion changed drastically.

The King Kong was destroyed by explosives detonating the ammunition depot, which shows that these three planes are transport planes, used for personnel transportation and weapon transportation.

The dispatch of three transport planes shows that the number of people will not be small.

Whether it is transporting the attackers or withdrawing the operatives, it is said that this attack is a serious problem.

The three planes, which were four kilometers away from Yokosuka, were unexpectedly not spotted by the military. They were only seen by the people when the enemy took off. Either there was a response from the military, or the enemy knew Yokosuka very well.

"General, I found the body of General Araki Chou-san."

At this time, a major ran over and reported to Yamamoto 56:
"A gunshot wound was also found."

"It was discovered together with the five ship officers who were on duty yesterday, and they also had gunshot wounds."

Hearing this, Yamamoto 56 rubbed his forehead.

"The ammunition depot of King Kong's first and second turrets was detonated, and 53 crew members, including General Araki Takumi, were found shot dead..."

"Witnesses found that three unknown planes left Yokosuka after the incident."

Naval Command.

Already in his 70s, the incumbent Minister of the Military Order Fushimi Miyahiro Kyoko's complexion changed drastically.

Two turret ammunition depots were detonated, more than 50 crew members were shot dead, and three unknown aircraft departed.

The superimposition of the three clues proved that this was a premeditated attack, and the attackers showed extremely high efficiency. They retreated calmly afterwards. There must be spies who are familiar with the information on the King Kong and the port of Yokosuka.

"Did that group move their hands?"

King Fushimi Gong Hiroshi rubbed his forehead.

Although he hadn't investigated who did it, he subconsciously thought of the group who had attacked senior imperial officers in North China five times in a row.

He knew that Xuancheng would attack the important military facilities of the empire today.

As a battleship and the capital ship of the United Fleet, King Kong is naturally an important military facility of the empire.

"Not sure yet."

The devil staff officer who reported shook his head:
"However, the Naval Staff estimates that the likelihood is high."

"No way."

"No way."

The actual head of the United Fleet muttered to himself.

As a real high-ranking member of the devil's military, he has experienced [-] and other incidents, personally suppressed the Emperor's Dao faction, stripped the naval combat command from the Navy Ministry to the Military Command, and dismissed the treaty faction officers. The perspective of King Fushimi Gong Hiroshi is beyond that of ordinary important ministers.

In his opinion···
The continuous attacks on senior imperial officers in North China, although the situation is very serious, is after all an external occupied area, and what happened to the external garrisons has little actual impact.

Just send someone to investigate the spies and strengthen security measures, that's all.

Even if the garrison is heavily infiltrated, it doesn't matter, as long as the officers don't rebel collectively, it's fine, as long as the grassroots soldiers don't rebel collectively, then it doesn't matter.

Just step up the effort and clear up more garbage.

It's nothing more than killing more people.

There will be no impact on the foundations of the empire.

However, in Yokosuka, the home military port near Tokyo, attacking and sinking a combined fleet capital ship, and even retreating smoothly, the impact would be great.

This means that the unknown group of enemies not only infiltrated and mastered the intelligence of the external garrisons, but even had enough infiltration and mastery in the empire.

Homeland is the foundation of empire.

Now, someone is eroding the foundation of the empire, and it seems to be very serious!


King Fushimi Gong Bogong gave a rare curse.

The plan to go south is being formulated, the United Fleet has begun secret preparations for training for the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the specially developed mines have also produced results. Suddenly, such a thing happened.

If there is a huge hidden danger in the empire's mainland and the United Fleet, then he really has to hesitate whether to go south.

Nanxia is not facing the weak Republic of China.
But the tyrannical Anglo-American.

With a mighty navy,

Especially the British Far East Fleet, as the world's number one naval power, the world's number one fleet, even if it is a squadron, its strength should not be underestimated.

In naval battles,
Intelligence is the key to directly determining the outcome of a war.

"King Kong was attacked and sank in Yokosuka..."

The Prime Minister's Office, Minai Mitsumasa heard the news, and his mood was very complicated.

If the capital ship of the navy is attacked, then the southward forces must be severely damaged, and he can save the situation that has slipped recently.

It's a good thing.

However, a capital ship of the United Fleet was attacked at the military port in Tokyo Bay, and the attacker seemed to have entered the warship from the outside to launch the attack, and then evacuated safely without the military noticing anything.

This is a big bad thing.

Going south to face Britain and the United States is to drag the empire into the abyss.

But the King Kong was attacked,

The current investigation shows that the main source of the attackers is external, not spies lurking inside the warship.

To be able to enter King Kong from the outside, launch such an attack, and completely destroy a capital ship must have a very accurate understanding of King Kong and Yokosuka Naval Port.

This seems to indicate that the empire itself is entwined by the abyss.

There is an unknown, powerful force that has been in the empire for a long time, and even penetrated into the crew of the battleship and the military port.

The local troops stationed outside the country were attacked, and the local warships were attacked. Does this mean that this force has started to attack?

Or is launching the King Kong attack the limit of this force?

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Minai Mitsumasa sighed deeply.

He has nostalgia for his youth.

At that time, he had just graduated from the Naval University and had just entered the fleet. He was just a junior officer with little power.

At that time, the United Fleet was far less powerful than it is now.

At that time, he knew very little.

But at that time, he was very happy and didn't have many worries. His mind was full of empires and locusts, and he only wanted to fight and be loyal to the empire.

Heart full of blood.

He is full of confidence in the future of the empire, and has no doubts about the success of the great cause of the empire.

Now, as the commander of the fleet, the admiral, and the minister of the navy, as their positions get higher and higher, their powers become stronger, and they know more and more, their enthusiasm and confidence gradually dissipate.

After taking the position of prime minister, this confidence even disappeared.

Because, gradually, he discovered,
The empire is actually not that powerful,

He talked about conquering the Republic of China in three months, but three years later, he was held back by the Republic of China. Nearly a million troops were trapped in the quagmire of the Republic of China, unable to move. The three-year operation in North China was destroyed within a month.

The North China Military Station plan was almost declared a failure.

Deploying hundreds of thousands of troops, costing billions of funds, and tens of thousands of casualties, the North China region that was defeated by the locust army has become a burden, consuming the empire's resources in vain.

Strategic resources such as oil and steel are clamped down by Millikin,

There is another enemy to the north,
Domestic high-level opinions are divided,

Now, another mysterious enemy appeared.

The journey of the empire is full of thorns and powerful enemies, and the future of the empire is far from being so brilliant, and it may even be miserable.


Minai Mitsumasa sighed again:

"Let General Yamamoto 56 speed up the investigation."

Now Mitsumasa Minai only hopes that this attack was an accident based on the mistakes of the United Fleet.

is not replicable.

"came back!"

Afternoon of September [-]th.

In the mountains behind Yangcun, the training ground is closed.

As the propellers turned, the three black shadows slowly descended.

Although the range of the Black Hawk is far from Yokosuka to Yangcun, this is obviously not a problem for the system master.


"political commissar."

Zhang Dabiao was the first to come down and salute:

"The task is fully completed."

"There were no casualties."

"it is good!"

The eyes of Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong lit up.

Fifty tons of ammunition, fifty hospital beds, ten thousand 60 mortars, and 2000 million rounds of 60 mortar shells are in hand.

Fifty tons of ammunition can make up for the combat consumption of the Independent Regiment and the Duoye Wing.

Of course, the battle didn't last long and didn't consume much. After getting the [-] tons of ammunition, the independent regiment's total ammunition reserve will reach [-] tons, and that doesn't count the packaging, it's actually [-] tons.

Fifty hospital beds are also important.

With the start of the Hundred Regiments Campaign, the number of wounded troops increased, and the two hundred beds were not enough.

As for the 60 2000 mortars and [-] million rounds of shells, the importance goes without saying.

There are also 7 tons of chemical fertilizers per year, as well as advanced agricultural technology assistance, which is the hope of filling the stomachs of the people in the base areas in the future.

Didi Didi...

At this moment, the communicator on Li Yunlong's waist rang.

"Brother Mo is here!"

"It's just a good time to ask if there are any good anti-tuberculosis drugs."

Li Yunlong took out his communicator.

(End of this chapter)

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