My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 136 Tu 8 road has become stronger again!

Chapter 136 Tubalu has become stronger again!
Mid to late September.

The Hundred Regiments War is still going on,

Although Naozaburo Okabe and Yoshio Shinozuka mobilized the surrounding garrisons and shrank their troops, they finally controlled the situation on several major railway lines, and the railway wing also began to repair the railways.

However, the overall situation in North China, especially around the Zhengtai Line and Tongpu Line, is still very serious for the devils.

The seriously damaged railway, instead of increasing the mobility of the troops, became a great burden. The devils had to station a large number of troops to defend, to prevent the Eight Routes from coming to destroy it again.

The highway was also destroyed in sevens and eighties.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the destructiveness, and the [-] tons of dynamite that Li Yunlong brought in also added a lot of points.

In this way, although the devils have shrunk their territory and mobilized a large number of troops, due to lack of mobility, it is difficult to deploy troops for support, and the problem of insufficient troops has become more and more serious.

This also gave the troops the opportunity to attack the radiated counties around the railway and important road facilities.

Under the command of the superior, the main regiments and core regiments were dispatched one after another to attack strongholds and blow up bridges. Even, seeing the opportunity, a small group of troops infiltrated and attacked the construction site where the devils were in charge of repairing the railway, and returned the railways and bridges that the devils had just repaired. broken.

More importantly, with the increase in the firepower of the troops, the devils must now operate in large groups, otherwise it is easy for the guerrillas to find opportunities to quickly encircle and annihilate them, which further aggravates the problem of insufficient troops.

Faced with fires everywhere, their own troops were insufficient, and the mobility of the troops was severely restricted. Yoshio Shinozuka and Naozaburo Okabe chose to continue to shrink their defenses and at the same time draw troops from other defense areas.

With the gradual development of the situation, the devils began to defend calmly, but the troops' attack became more and more difficult.

"Damn it, the little devil is quite cunning!"

Northwest Shanxi, the northern section of Tongpu Railway.

on a hillside,

The head of the 14th regiment was cursing.

Beside him, more than 14 soldiers from the 500th Regiment were resting on the spot, and everyone was a little angry.

There are still many wounded in the team, it seems that they have gone through a battle.

"Damn it, I almost fell."

The political commissar of the 14th regiment was also full of foul language.

Not long ago, the 15th Regiment united two main regiments to storm the Yuanping stronghold near the Tongpu Line. The Hedian Brigade near the Devils Railway Line went to support it. The 14th Regiment saw the opportunity and was ordered to sneak attack on the Devils Railway Wing who was repairing the railway. .

But I didn't expect that the devils were playing tricks at all. The Hedian Brigade was transferred away for a while, suddenly gave up the rescue of Yuanping stronghold, turned around and drove towards the Railway Wing Brigade, and the 14th Regiment was almost surrounded.

The experience of being chased and intercepted during the grassland period made the head of the 14th regiment habitually spread out the reconnaissance detachments, and the range was wider than that of ordinary regiment-level troops.

The devils surrounded the troops were discovered in time.

He decisively ordered the troops to retreat,

But he was still a step too slow, was bitten by the devil, and fell into a circle of siege.

"Fortunately, the first battalion is back!"

The head of the 14th regiment said in a rejoicing tone.

"Yeah, thanks to the batch of weapons and ammunition brought by the first battalion, otherwise we would have explained here this time."

The political commissar also expressed emotion.

Although they led the troops to retreat at the first time, the correspondents of the 14th regiment communicated on foot, and the speed of delivering messages was slow, which caused the 14th regiment to be a step slower, and the dumplings were still saved by the devils.

The reason why they were able to jump out was that an attack wave directly pierced through the blockade of a brigade of devils.

This is largely due to the equipment brought by the [-]st Battalion returning from the Independent Regiment.

"54 Czechs, two Maxims, two 82-inches, 6 60-inches, more than 600 shells, [-] bullets."

The head of the 14th regiment tsk tsk tsk tsk:

"Good guy, I've never been so rich in my life. One attack wave directly pierced through the devil's blockade."

"We owe Li Yunlong another big favor!"

The political commissar also beamed at Li Datuan, and then changed the topic:
"This time, it's the Devil Hedian Brigade who intercepted and chased us, right?"

"Hedian brigade?"

The head of the 14th regiment squinted his eyes.

Although it was only a brief confrontation and suffered a loss because of its eagerness to retreat, the 14th regiment still figured out that the devil brigade they were fighting with was the Hedian brigade, and the captain of the brigade was one of Hedian's lieutenant assistants.

"Speaking of this Hedian brigade."

The political commissar on the side said:

"I remember, it was this devil brigade that we surrounded with the 15th regiment last month?"


The head of the 14th regiment nodded and said:

"This is the Hedian brigade."

"We surrounded part of them at that time, and we didn't take it down after attacking for a whole day."

"He is an old opponent of our regiment."

"Old opponent!"

The political commissar lengthened his voice.

"Captain, we are fighting against the 14th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army."

At the same time, the devil's Hedian brigade is also being repaired.

Nearly a thousand devils temporarily camped on a level ground. At first glance, the ground was full of little devils, but among these devils, many little devils could be seen wrapped in gauze and lying on stretchers.

There are still many vigilant little devils on the edge.

At this time, the devil lit a fire to cook, and the smoke rose.

"14 regiments."

The wind in mid-September was already a little bit chilly, as if it was blowing like an old devil.

He knew the regiment.

Last month, he was surrounded by this regiment and another 15th regiment.

At that time, he only led half of the brigade, and was surrounded by nearly 2000 people from these two regiments for a whole day, and he almost lost his mind.Thanks to the timely support of the remaining part, he survived.

If it was half an hour later, his life would be lost.

It was also this battle that made him realize that the current Tuba Road is different from the previous one.

Although he only led half of the brigade, the total strength was nearly 500 people, which was the same as the non-full brigade of the ordinary second-line garrison brigade, and the firepower was similar.

But still almost wiped out.

At that time, he understood why the superior ordered the ban on squadrons, requiring at least half a brigade to act as a unit.

And this time...

"you sure?"

Old devil Hedian couldn't help asking.

Although it was only a short one-hour confrontation, Hedian Laoguizi clearly felt that the Eight Routes they faced this time, although there was only one regiment, was completely different from the 14th and 15th regiments half a month ago.

Firepower is not a level at all.

This Tuba Road Regiment is extremely powerful. The machine gun firepower and mortar firepower completely surpassed his brigade, so that the opponent broke through his brigade's defense line with just one attack wave, and in the follow-up pursuit, caused his brigade's unstoppable attack. Small casualties.

Although there was a reason why it was too late to build the fortifications, the fundamental reason was that the opponent was very strong.

The number of machine guns far exceeds his brigade.

There are also a large number of mortars.

This kind of artillery with high mobility and fierce firepower is much easier to use than the Type [-] infantry artillery, and he is very greedy.

It's a pity that the top management of the empire just refused to equip the locust army, saying that it was a waste of shells and materials, which did not conform to the combat style of the locust army.

If half a month ago, the 14th and 15th regiments of the Tuba Road that surrounded their brigade had this strength, and they were said to last a day until the reinforcements came, they would have been wiped out in two hours.

At that point in his position, the opponent's mortar bombardment concentrated, and his brigade collapsed.


The leader of the Devil Squadron who reported was affirmative:

"They had contact with surrounding villages during their retreat."


Old devil He Dian shuddered again.

Tubalu has become stronger again!
But it's only half a month, right?
The strength has improved so much!
Is it too fast?
And their locust army didn't improve at all, even he and Dian brigade added some new recruits because of the previous loss, and their strength dropped a little.

The hundred-regiment battle surprised Niang Xipi.

The good news is that the devil suffered a big loss in the North China region, and he will definitely transfer the frontline troops to the North China region, and the pressure on his frontline will be greatly relieved.

This is a great thing.

The Germans are advancing all the way in Europe, the Japan-Germany alliance is fierce, Britain and the United States are retreating from Japan, and the international situation is very unfavorable to candied fruit. Recently, the foreign materials for candied fruit have decreased by 50.00%, which has already made him burnt out.

There are still a large number of guys who have defected to the little devil inside. Many of them are dragging their families and taking troops to defect to the little devil.

Niang Xipi is under a lot of pressure.

Moreover, the troops that the devil mobilized away were still used to deal with his confidant's serious troubles, which was more joy than joy.

But more than joy, there was more surprise.


He couldn't be more clear about the situation in North China.

It can even be said that the degree of understanding is no less than that of the front line.

He is very clear that there are more than 20 devils in North China, many of them are permanent devil divisions, equipped with tank troops, air force troops, and heavy artillery troops, and their combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

It is a stronger unit than the Japanese No.11 Army that repeatedly attacked the front line.

If such a force came to attack, he was almost helpless.

And that group, facing the mopping up of such an army with almost no logistical supplies, even a year ago, he had people suppress this group and stopped paying the army many times.

Even so, in just three years, the North China region alone has grown to nearly 20 troops.

You know, three years ago, the total strength of these people, including the so-called border area, was only more than 6 people, but now, there are more than 20 people in North China alone!

Is it improving too fast?
Niang Xipi's heart naturally began to beat drums.

Can the devil do it?
Can this group of people be eliminated, or in other words, can this group of people be suppressed?
In case, the strength of this group continues to increase, then...

And recently, mysterious forces are providing this group with weapons and equipment, medical supplies, and even food for horses.

The bald boss was beating drums in his heart, and he was panicking, so he would naturally make a move.

Also September NO.16.

Ten in the morning.

Opposite the horse village.

The 57th regiment of the Central Army, which is facing the 217th regiment, is stationed.

A village on the left.

The 218th Regiment of the Central Army came here and settled down.

"Go, discuss with the friendly army on the opposite side."

"We need an open space for training, and the open space to the left of Macun allows us to train."

The new 218th regiment, like the 217th regiment, is also a semi-direct descendant, but the head of the regiment has obviously not been baptized by the society, and is very arrogant. He said it was a discussion, but in fact it was completely an order.

No wonder.

Their regiment was transferred directly from the border areas. They had fought against the devils two years ago, but that was all. Since then, they have been responsible for blocking and controlling the border areas.


The salute posture of the first battalion commander of the 218 regiment is very standard.

The tone is equally arrogant.

"Do you want to go together?"

The head of the 218 regiment looked at the battalion commander sent by the 217 regiment with a disdainful tone.

As far as he knew, there was only one regiment of Tuba Road on the opposite side.

The ones without numbers.

It belongs to the motley crew.

A regiment of the Central Army can't suppress the Tubalu of such a miscellaneous regiment, it's a waste.


The battalion commander quickly shook his head.

Although the confrontation was only more than four pages, the 217th Army of the Central Army has already experienced the ferocity of the 57th Regiment deeply, and the first battalion commander was the most profound.

Because every time, it was their battalion who launched the first round of attack, and then they beat the most viciously.


The head of the 218 regiment of the Central Army directly cursed.

The attitude of the first battalion commander made him very angry. This mission came from the highest mission.

"Take this first battalion commander and let him see what a soldier is!"

The angry head of the 218th Regiment of the Central Army ordered someone to take the first battalion commander of the 217th Regiment to the left side of Macun.

"set off!"

The head of the 218th Regiment of the Central Army led a whole battalion to Macun.

In half an hour.

On the left side of the horse village.

"This is... the Eighth Route Army?"

The head of the regiment looked at a battalion of the 57th Regiment in the open area to the left of Macun not far away, and his eyes widened.

Obviously, the 57th regiment also knew that the 218th regiment of the Central Army was coming.

The two sides were friendly forces, and they joined forces to fight against Japan. Naturally, the 57th Regiment warmly welcomed them, and directly dispatched a battalion to station in the open position on the left side of Ma Village to meet the friendly army from afar—the 218th Regiment of the Central Army.

"Yes, this is Eight Roads!"

The head of the 217th Regiment of the Central Army who was forcibly pulled over sighed.

"This is impossible!"

The head of the 218 regiment of the Central Army immediately jumped up.

"How could Balu be so strong?"

He pointed to the 57st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment not far away, his tone hysterical.

The 218th Regiment of the Central Army used to be responsible for the blockade of the border area, and has been dealing with the troops stationed in the border area. In his eyes,

The Eighth Route Army wore worn-out military uniforms that were poorly made and even mended.

stepping on straw sandals,

Carrying the Hanyang made in the last century, even the rifling has been smoothed.There are only two Czechs in a company, and some even have only one, and they are all grandpa's, and there are very few bullets.

And the eight roads in front of me,

The brand-new military uniform looks like it is made of high-quality materials, and it is made with high-quality craftsmanship. It is expensive, and it is estimated that it is almost the same as his military uniform.

And all of them are.

Almost every class has a Czech style, and it is a brand new Czech style. Those ammunition hands have rows of magazines on their chests, and rows of loose bullets on their waists, at least two hundred rounds.

There are also a large number of 400-ring shell guns. There are more than [-] people in a battalion. It is estimated that there are [-] [-]-ring shell guns. box.

"Why is there a flamethrower?"

The head of the 218th regiment of the Central Army pointed to the 57th regiment in the distance, with his mouth wide open.

They don't even have this thing!

"Head, the other side replied."

At this time, a communications soldier ran back from Macun, where the 57th regiment was stationed.

"what did they say?"

The head of the 218 regiment of the Central Army asked quickly.

When in the border area, generally speaking, the eight roads will...
The communication soldier paused, hesitated for a while before saying:

"Their leader said..."

"The open area on the left side of Ma Village is their position."

"They also said."

"In order to guard against spies and traitors, those who enter their positions without permission are enemies, and they may be shot without warning."

(End of this chapter)

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