My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 142 Yang Village Storm

Chapter 142 The Wind and Cloud in Yang Village ([-])

September 21.

early morning.

Stone Bay.

Under the personal supervision of Li Yunlong, after a night of overnight transformation, the cave dwelling that was originally located next to the ring fortress, used to garrison soldiers to avoid the bombing of devils, was transformed into a material transfer base station.

The company stationed at Shitouwan was also changed to be under the direct control of the regiment headquarters, and joined a part of the regiment headquarters' guard company, increased firepower, equipped with radios, and short-wave radio stations.

Immediately after the completion of the project, Captain Li operated the communicator, followed the operation, marked the cave dwelling as a base station, and then selected the weapons and ammunition needed by the first battalion.

Looking at boxes of weapons and ammunition appearing out of thin air, neatly stacked in the base station, Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong couldn't be more excited.

Although it has long been speculated that Boss Mo's supplies appeared out of thin air,

But seeing is believing.

When I saw it, my heart was still shocked.

Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong looked at each other and did not speak for a long time.

After half an hour,
A convoy of thirty Pelton horses, each with a load of 150 kilograms of goods, carried the weapons and ammunition needed by the first battalion, escorted by a platoon of soldiers, and drove all the way to the place where the first battalion was located.

A platoon of soldiers is somewhat insufficient in terms of strength, but the current troops have strong control over the base areas, and the base areas are also connected into one piece, allowing troops along the way to help, and there is no problem in terms of safety.

The only ones who dare to attack are small-scale bandits.

But these guys who bully the weak and fear the strong are not opponents of a platoon of independent regiments equipped with a 60mm mortar and five Czech-style independent regiments.

Moreover, the transportation team itself also has a certain combat effectiveness.

"The road needs to be repaired!"

Looking at the leaving transport team, Zhao Gang sighed with emotion.

The Pelton horses provided by Boss Mo all weigh more than one ton and are in excellent physical condition without any defects or blemishes. There is no problem with carrying 150 kilograms of goods on a camel for hundreds of miles a day. Load [-] kg.

The problem that can be solved by a transportation team of fifteen horses has to be thirty, which is a waste of manpower and animal power.

"If there are smooth roads in our base area, why is it so troublesome?"

Li Yunlong shook his head:
"This amount of supplies can be pulled by four carriages."

Although the Pelton horse is a camel horse with a sunken back, it is suitable for carrying materials, but its traction ability is not bad at all.

Using the shock-absorbing steel cart provided by Mofan, pulled by a single horse, one ton of supplies can be easily transported on dirt roads, and the traveling speed and daily distance are even farther.

Although the base area is not without roads, there are quite a few, but the problem is that these roads are fragmented and not connected to each other, so they cannot be used at all.Therefore, the only way to transport supplies is to use pack transportation.

"Now that we are in the base area, we can organize the construction of roads."

Zhao Gang continued to shake his head.

With the improvement of weapons and equipment, the strength of the troops has increased, and it has been possible to quickly drive away or even block the devils' mopping up troops in the base area.

Ordinary roads can be built in base areas.

Then he continued with a sigh:

"It's a pity that building a horse trail requires manpower and material resources. As far as the situation in our base area is concerned, there is no shortage of people, but..."

Having said that, Zhao Gang suddenly stopped.

Li Yunlong also paused.

Is it difficult to build dirt roads in base areas?

Not difficult at all.

As long as there are enough people, even the majestic and dangerous Taihang Mountains, hoes and shovels can pry out a road, and it is a two-lane road with guaranteed speed and quality.

There has never been a shortage of artisan labor in China. There are many stonemasons who have been contemplating their skills for more than ten years. These people may lack modern engineering knowledge, but there is no problem in building a straight road. There are many things left over from thousands of years , nothing more than relatively low efficiency.

As for modern engineers and the capabilities of the troops, how many engineers can't be found?If you really need it, you can find hundreds of them.

If it doesn't work, I can ask Brother Mo for help.

The real difficulty is how to concentrate huge manpower.

If you want someone to work, you have to pay them. Even if the people in the base area help for free, you have to take care of the food.You can't let people bring their own food.Life is not easy for ordinary people.

Building roads is hard work.

Injuries need to be healed.

And even if the common people think in their hearts, it is impossible to work for nothing.

People still have to farm for a living.

The construction of the Yunnan-Burma Highway required 20 laborers. The difficulty of building the road in the Taihang Mountain base area is not necessarily easier than that in the Yunnan-Burma region.

The number of people is fine,
With the mobilization ability of the troops, it is easy to mobilize 20 people from the base area.

The problem is that the army does not have enough material resources to supply so many people.

Although the production team has already started land reclamation, with a yield of [-] catties of cabbage per mu, and [-] catties of radishes will be harvested soon, and chemical fertilizers will make the farmland no longer need to be planted in rotation, but it must be fully promoted to increase the grain production of the base area by more than three times. , is expected to take two years or more.

too late.

But next month, they will have 30 tons of grain, and all of them will be staple foods, such as rice and white noodles.

According to Boss Mo's consistent style, these grains must be of high quality, well-packaged, and can be stored for a long time. When sold, the price of these grains is much higher than usual.

With food, the army can organize manpower to build roads and improve the traffic conditions in the base areas.

These days, direct payment of food is more popular in the hearts of the common people than the legal currency compiled every day, as well as border area ratios, Japanese counterfeit currency and other various currencies.

Good road transportation can promote the economic development of the base area, and then the tax revenue of the base area can also be increased, and the strength of the army can be further improved.

"Sure enough, we should choose food!"

Li Yunlong grinned his white teeth.


Tens of miles behind Yang Village.

Luojia Bay.

It is also the place where the production group opened up wasteland.

"Attention everyone, neither too much nor too little."

Under the organization of deputy head Xing, the soldiers who organized the production team were opening bags of chemical fertilizers, then packed them in a round dustpan, and began to fertilize the newly germinated Chinese cabbage and radish vegetables.


Near the Zhengtai Line.

Tiger County.

In the Hundred Regiments War, the troops also captured many county towns. Huxian County was defended by the [-]th Brigade. The county town closest to the Devils Railway formed a protrusion, threatening the safety of the Devils Railway.

The devil has always been regarded as a thorn in the side.

Today, the Devils gathered two brigades and launched an attack on Hu County under the cover of ten planes.

The 772 regiment was ordered to come to support and defend Hu County.

The devil's offensive was very fierce. Under the cover of 105-caliber artillery and poison gas bombs, the devil repeatedly launched attacks against Huxian.

But the troops were also very tenacious in defense. With the help of solid fortifications, sufficient ammunition, and machine gun firepower, they repelled wave after wave of attacks.

Especially the newly equipped 60mm mortar has made great contributions.

With a weight of more than 20 kilograms, its mobility is almost indistinguishable from that of a light machine gun. It wanders in the trenches and sends a wave of shelling to the devils anytime and anywhere. Boomed back.

The machine gun company of the Independent Regiment was also ordered to go to Hu County to support operations.


At this time, a Devil plane swooped down and dropped bombs on the outskirts of Hu County. Luo Youzhi, the commander of the machine gun company of the Independent Regiment, ordered the twenty Czech and five Maxims he deployed to fire at the same time.

The dense rain of bullets rushed into the sky, forcing the Japanese planes to drop bombs in advance, and also forcing the Japanese to be unable to straf the positions outside the county seat.

"The rate of fire is too low."

"The power of the bullet is not enough."

Looking at the Devil's plane leaving intact, Luo Youzhi frowned.

The Czech-style rate-of-fire magazine feeds ammunition, too few bullets, too late to reload, and the rate of fire is not good. Even if he deployed twenty guns, the bullet density is still limited, and he can only drive away the devils.

Unable to pose an effective threat.

As for Ma Keqin, although he can shoot all the time, his rate of fire is not good either.

Also, most importantly, the 7.92 caliber Mauser pointed bullet, the surface-to-air shooting effect is too poor.

(End of this chapter)

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