My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 143 Yang Village Storm

Chapter 143 The Wind and Cloud in Yang Village ([-])

"At this point we are highly skeptical."

"It is the same force that attacked the Imperial Naval Port, killed all the crew of the King Kong, and blew up the King Kong, and provided weapons, ammunition and supplies to the guerrillas in North China."


Base camp meeting.

The current Prime Minister Minai Mitsumasa spoke about the topic he had prepared for a long time.

The base camp meeting should be attended by the current cabinet, as well as the ministers of the navy and army, but at this time, the conference room is already overcrowded, and there are not enough seats for cabinet members.

Because it was not only the current cabinet that participated in this meeting, but even the important officials of the empire including Prince Hanin Gong Zairen and Fushimi Gong Hiroko.

Its scale is not inferior to the imperial meeting, the only difference is that there is one less locust.

"Is there any evidence?"

It was Prince Zain of Xianyuan Palace who spoke.

As a powerful promoter of the empire's southward strategy, after realizing that there were serious problems within the military, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going south. He planned to solve the problems on the opposite continent and the internal problems of the locust army before going south to open up the territory for the empire.

"There is currently no valid evidence."

Minai Mitsumasa paused and said:

"But the time when the guerrillas got supplies was the same as when the first military column was attacked, both in March."

"Moreover, whether it is the forces that provide supplies to the guerrillas, or the forces that have attacked the imperial army columns and officers many times, they are all weird and secretive. The empire has been investigating for a long time, and there is no clue."

"Both sides showed a lot of incredible things."

After a pause, Minai Mitsumasa continued:

"Is it possible that two forces that oppose the empire appear at the same time, and they are both so secretive?"

"What are you going to do?"

The person who spoke was the head of the Navy Command, the actual controller of the navy, King Fushimi Gong Hiroshi of the Great Japanese Empire.

He was still going south unswervingly in his heart.

Only by going south, only by controlling Southeast Asia and obtaining rich food and oil resources, can the empire have a bright future and continue to wield samurai swords on the world stage.

But a main battleship was infiltrated and attacked by the enemy, all the crew members were killed, and the battleship was completely blown up. The information contained in this was too dangerous, as if there was a huge bomb buried deep in the empire.

The present British Empire is a lesson if the empire hastily goes south.

He had to temporarily suppress his determination to go south and find this bomb first.

"The investigation is still going nowhere."

"Whether it's where the guerrillas got their supplies, how they were transported, or the infiltration of the empire by the raiders, and the source of the intelligence they got from the empire's military."

Mitsumasa Minai raised his mouth slightly:

"However, we already know that the guerrillas first appeared in North China, Shanxi, which is under the control of the First Army, in a place called Yangcun."

"The troops stationed here are a regiment-level force called the Independent Regiment."

"The head of the regiment is Li Yunlong. According to intelligence, the person in charge of delivering the supplies is named Mo, and he is a good friend of Li Yunlong. There is even intelligence that the supplies are for the guerrillas, based on the personal friendship of this Mo."

"We can start with this so-called independent group."

"First eliminate this Li Yunlong and the independent regiment."


White House.

"Mr President."

The presidential secretary reported to Luo Zizi:

"The Prime Minister of Japan summoned Mr. Ambassador."

"What did you say?"

Cripple Luo suddenly became interested.

The world situation has been confusing recently.

Although the Sea Lion Project is a joke, the Germans simply do not have the ability to cross the English Channel, and the strength of the world's number one navy of the British Empire is not blown out.

But beyond all expectations.

The mustache only used the air force to chase Fatty Qiu and hammer him. Fatty Qiu who returned the hammer cried for his father and mother, unable to fight back at all. The local factories were severely damaged.

The United States has also benefited a lot from this.

The British Empire had to spend a fortune in foreign exchange to buy goods, weapons and equipment from the United States, and made a lot of money.

Although things were once again beyond the expectations of his military think tank, the reason for all this happened was that Mustache accidentally obtained detailed information about the British Empire—including the British mainland, all military factories, and important military installations. Marked on the map, and then subjected to precision bombing.

Yes, the mustache was also an accidental acquisition.

It is said that the source stems from a spy arrest operation in which a series of materials were found in the room of a potential spy.

These were all passed on by the intelligence personnel of the British Empire lurking in Germany. The Germans themselves are also looking for the specific source of this information, but there has been no result.

Luo Laizi is very interested in this.

He has been looking for the source of this information recently, but using all the intelligence forces of the United States, and even uniting with the intelligence agencies of the British Empire, there is nothing to gain.

This made Lame Luo more vigilant.

Fatty Qiu conducted a cleansing investigation in the British Empire, but found no clues of leaks, so that some people inside began to doubt the United States.

a mysterious force,
It is incredible to be able to investigate all the secret factories of a country, the location of important military facilities, and even the military forces on defense without leaving any traces.

Neither can America.

But it's no use being vigilant.

The investigation was fruitless, so he could only stare blankly and worry.

"They want to increase business exchanges between the two countries."

The secretary replied:

"And also emphasized that Japan will not be an enemy of the United States."

"in addition."

The secretary added:

"Some of the military officers in their country who advocated going south were partially dismissed."


Cripple Luo became even more interested.

The Japanese's domestic southward movement is very strong. After all, oil and iron ore are controlled and influenced by the United States. This is unacceptable for a country that is determined to compete for world hegemony.

Although he had loosened business restrictions earlier, the Japanese had regressed slightly.

He took the initiative to show his favor again, and even fired some naval officers.

"According to Director Donovan's intelligence."

The secretary had been prepared for a long time, and he handed an intelligence document to Lame Luo, and continued:

"Recently, the Japanese suffered a great loss on the other side of the mainland."

"Moreover, on September NO.15, the Japanese mainland was attacked on a small scale, and the battleship King Kong was blown up."

As a result, Lame Luo looked at the information, at first he didn't care, and his expression was very leisurely.

The Japanese are only so weak, and the gap between them and the United States is too big. They can't even deal with the Republic of China, so they don't deserve much attention. But after seeing the details of the information, his eyes suddenly became serious.

"A mysterious force is providing a large amount of weapons, equipment and supplies to the guerrillas in North China."

"Multiple attacks on Japanese military columns, senior officers, and warships in the local military port. The force behind the attack is unknown, but it is suspected that they have mastered a large amount of Japanese high-level confidential military information."

Lame Luo narrowed his eyes.

He thought of what happened to the British Empire recently.

It was also because of the large-scale leakage of confidential information, which led to misery, misery in capitals, and the source of the information could not be found out.

Although there is no evidence, the force active in the Asia-Pacific region and the force captured by Mustache in Europe should be the same group.

However, here a new problem arises.

Cripple Luo had suspicions at first.

There are only a few capable forces in the world, and you can count them on your fingers.

This level of intelligence collection must be completed by powers at the level of great powers, which requires the support of strong economic and technological forces.

But blowing up the King Kong in Japan's home military port will obviously delay or even hinder Japan's southward strategy. This matter is not in anyone's interest!
Could it be that there is still a hidden power at the level of great powers in the world?
"Accept their request for enhanced commercial exchanges."

After saying this sentence again, Luo Laizi hesitated for a while before saying:
"In addition, ask Donovan to find someone to talk to the Japanese in private and share intelligence with them."

"About the group of mysterious forces emerging in the Asia-Pacific region."


The secretary nodded.

"This anti-tuberculosis drug..."

"so much!"

After finishing the transfer of materials to the base station, Li Yunlong turned on the communicator, and the number of medicines on the interface surprised him again.

"Including anti-tuberculosis drugs, a total of 250 tons of other medical supplies."

Zhao Gang on the side also widened his eyes.

This refers to the weight excluding packaging.

In fact, based on conventional weight calculations, the total weight of these 250 tons of medicines and medical supplies is about 1000 two hundred and fifty tons, which is enough for the troops to consume for a long time.

It can even spread to the base areas and help the people in the base areas.

"There are also 250 attending-level medical expert support."

Zhao Gang clicked his tongue.

Really, too generous.

With these 250 medical experts, manpower and material resources are solved, and it can really benefit the people in the base area.

"250 tons."

Zhao Gang thought about this number.

"Because there are health problems such as tuberculosis and malnutrition in the business partner's independent regiment, combat troops, and its logistics support personnel, we support medicine bottles at the same level as the number of beds every six months, as well as attending medical experts."

Li Yunlong read out the following terms.

"When 30 tons of food is in place, we can really start to expand the road."

Zhao Gang muttered to himself.

"I'll arrange transportation right away."

Although there were a lot of [-] tons of medicine last time, the wounded in the army were notoriously large consumers of medical supplies, especially disinfectant water and freeze-dried plasma. Every wounded person consumed every catty.

If the seriously wounded were not sent to Boss Mo for treatment, they would have run out long ago.

An hour later, a convoy of one hundred Pelton horses was loaded with medical supplies and headed all the way to the headquarters hospital.



"Secret electricity."

A staff officer came to the door of Major General Yuan Wu.

Major General Yuan Wu, a special dispatcher from the base camp, is responsible for the investigation of the attack on military officers in North China.

In the past few months, he has traveled almost all over North China, from Taiyuan to Beiping, then to Intermodal Port, and then to Baoding, asking about the details of each attack.

He also contacted the Special Hi-Tech, Taiyuan First Army, North China Front Army Intelligence Section, and even inquired carefully with the Imperial Association Army, and used all kinds of means to offer huge rewards.

But still no clues were found.

How did the enemy obtain information about the locust army?

Where did the locust army go wrong?

Major General Yuan Wu thinks about this every day in his dreams.

"Secret electricity?"

Major General Yuan Wu looked at the staff officer who came over, and received the secret message.

"Independent group."


Look at the contents of the code.

Base camp orders.

The North China Front Army mobilized a mixed brigade to clear the surrounding areas of Yangcun, where the Independent Regiment was stationed, to wipe out the Independent Regiment as much as possible, and completely occupied Yangcun.

After taking over the surrounding area of ​​Yangcun, he will also go to Yangcun to investigate how the continuous supply of supplies was transported!
Mixed brigade!

Major General Yuan Wu fell into a frown
The so-called mixed brigade refers to the strengthening of artillery and other heavy weapons on the general brigade-level troops to make it a force capable of independent operations, and some even have independent aviation brigades and armored brigades.

It can be understood as an enhanced version of the brigade.

The size of the combat force is generally about 1 to 3000 people.

(End of this chapter)

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