My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 144 Yang Village Storm

Chapter 144

Stone Bay.

A group of recruits are carrying supplies.

The price in September is 60 2000 mortar shells and 60 million rounds of [-] mortar shells.

60-packed with wooden box, with spare parts weighing [-] kg each.

The total weight of [-] gates is [-] tons.

As for the shells...
The same caliber, the same type, and the same type of shells will also be very different.

For the shells of the US M2 60 mortar system, ordinary grenades weigh 1.35 kg, and smoke bombs weigh 1.5 kg. On average, with wooden box packaging and buffer sleeves, each weighs 1.7 kg.

2000 million pieces, that is 3 tons.

Ten thousand tons of ammunition!
This amount far exceeds the current transportation capacity and even the storage capacity of the troops - more than [-] tons of shells, and the troops don't even have enough warehouses to store them.

The storage conditions of shells are much stricter than that of grain.

It can only be delivered in batches.

The Hundred Regiments War is still going on, although the scale is weakening, but the intensity has not diminished at all. Around the railway and the county town on the edge of the base area, troops and devils are fighting brutally between offense and defense.

At present, the main regiments have begun to equip 60-forces. This kind of good thing, which has strong mobility, fast support speed, fierce firepower, and the key is that the supply of shells is sufficient, is very popular among the troops.

According to the assessment of the brigade headquarters, after being equipped with 60 doors and [-] forcibles, the combat effectiveness of several main regiments has almost doubled, and they can rely on the terrain to launch field battles on the same scale as the devils.

The demand for shells on the frontline also soared.

The brigade transportation team transported the shells from Stone Bay to the front line batch after batch, and stored some of them in the ammunition depot at the headquarters as a strategic reserve.

Now the army is rich and the family is solid. While equipping all the troops including the basic regiment, they have also stockpiled more than 5000 million rounds of ammunition, more than 1 of which are Czech-style.

However, considering that they still do not have the ability to fight head-on with the large army of devils and need to be transferred when necessary, it is naturally impossible to transfer these weapons and equipment. In order to store them safely, the superiors can spend a lot of thought.

The General Staff of the Headquarters has been busy with this matter in person.

Although it can be placed on Boss Mo's side, as an army, he must be vigilant against any allies.

Defenses can not do without.

"This is··"

Among the recruits, a soldier from the Fifth Company of the Recruit Battalion looked at the underground warehouse not far away that was being covered with concealed objects, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then his eyes immediately returned to normal, and he continued to carry supplies silently.

"I don't know when the devil will find out."

Yang Village.

Independent regiment.

Li Yunlong looked at the map of Yangcun on the table and muttered.

"The little devil must have spies hidden in our recruit camp. It won't be long before we find out."

Zhao Gang said with a smile.

The devils are preparing for a new round of sweeps.

Moreover, the scale of this time must be unprecedented. Whether it is the strength of the troops or the duration, it is far more than the raids encountered by the base areas in the past, and it is the biggest crisis in the base areas.

You don't need any information, you can know it with your brain.

The army launched a hundred-regiment war, and the devils suffered a great loss. They will definitely come back with revenge. They are also planning to wipe out the troops at once, and complete the plan to turn North China into the devil's rear area.

And this time, the independent group will be treated with emphasis.

Because of the recent weapons and ammunition, the strength of the army has increased a lot. The devils couldn't find Boss Mo, but it was not difficult to find that the independent regiment was the first place where weapons and equipment appeared.

Now the two hope that the devil knows that there is a warehouse storing a large number of weapons in Yangcun, where the Independence Regiment is stationed.

Then, to attract the devil's attention, it is best to send [-] to [-] troops to attack the independent regiment, or even a little more.

First, it can ease the pressure on other troops, give other bases time to develop, and meet more difficult challenges. Second, if the independent regiment encounters an enemy that is difficult to face, it can ask Boss Mo for help.

"I hope the little devil moves faster."

Li Yunlong bared his teeth.

He naturally knew that the devil would know about the material base station sooner or later.

After the strength of the army has improved, the little devil has suffered a lot. He will definitely do his best to investigate the source of weapons and ammunition. Brother Mo, the devil may not be able to handle it, but it is still very simple to infiltrate a few spies into the independent group.

He just hoped that the devil would move faster.

The sooner the devil knows the existence of the material base station, the sooner he can ask Brother Mo for help, and the greater the benefits he will get.

"Captain, what if the devil doesn't fall for it?"

In the regiment headquarters, a staff officer of the new regiment headquarters hesitated and said:

"We have already caught a spy before, and we know that there may be ghost spies lurking among the recruits.

"Now that we use recruits to carry supplies, the devils will definitely feel that something is wrong, and they will realize that we deliberately let the devils know the existence of the warehouse."

"Our combat troops are all outside, so it's no problem to dispatch recruits to carry supplies."

Zhao Gang explained:
"Furthermore, the recruits who went to carry the supplies have all undergone more than one training and passed multiple inspections. The devils basically would not think that this is a trap."

"What if you know?"

Li Yunlong suddenly sneered and said:

"The mouse knows it's a trap, but when it sees the bait, why don't they go into the cage obediently?"

Zhao Gang suddenly laughed.

Boss Mo's material transfer base station can change locations anytime, anywhere, as long as it is the resident of the independent regiment and has a relatively large enclosed space.

Strictly speaking, it's not a warehouse, it's just an unloading point.

But the devil certainly can't think of it.

After discovering the base station in Stone Bay, the devils will suddenly realize that they mistakenly think that weapons, ammunition and supplies are inside, and that the underground of Stone Bay is a huge warehouse, or an underground passage.

Then desperately sent troops to attack Yangcun and the independent regiment.

In fact, don't say that the devils couldn't think of it. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have thought that there is actually nothing in the huge cave dwelling.

This is a trick brought about by poor information.

Unless the devil knows the information of this logistics transfer base station, he can only be fooled.

Didi Didi...

Suddenly, the communicator on Li Yunlong's waist rang.

Leader Li took out the communicator, clicked on the screen, and found a line of news. After reading it, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows:
"The buying and selling price will increase to [-] tons in October!"

"what happened?"

Zhao and Li looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

Although Boss Mo is very generous, but he took the initiative to raise the price temporarily, something must have happened!
horse village.

The 57th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade is stationed.

In Jindi, there are not only devils and the Eighth Route Army, but also the Central Army and the Jinsui Army.

The devils occupied all the territory around the railway line, and also controlled the territory around the main road. It can be said that the devils control the most elite territory in Shanxi.

However, in other areas, remote county towns, as well as vast mountain villages and rural areas, are controlled by the Eighth Route Army, the Jinsui Army, and the Central Army.

Macun is the core area of ​​the Jindong base, far away from the devil-occupied area.

Therefore, the 57th regiment is stationed here not to guard against devils, but to guard against excessive enthusiasm of the "friendly army" and to consolidate the base.

The 217th Regiment of the Central Army was originally stationed opposite Macun.
At the beginning, although the 217th Regiment of the Central Army was beaten up by the 57th Regiment, they were still unconvinced. Later, they often made troubles, and the two sides even clashed several times.

But with the arrival of batch after batch of weapons and ammunition, the strength of the 57th regiment has been rising steadily, and the 217th regiment has become more and more honest.

After the Czech style was popularized to the squad and equipped with individual flamethrowers, the 217th regiment never had any troubles again. The two sides were harmonious and friendly, just like real friendly troops, and they often communicated eagerly.

However, after soldiers from the 217th Regiment of the Central Army came to the 57th Regiment a few times, although the two anti-communists were still harmonious and friendly, they were eager to communicate, but they were forcibly cut off by the 217th Regiment.

After the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, Guofu transferred the 218th Regiment of the Central Army to station on the left side opposite Macun, and confronted the 57th Regiment together, but because of the strength of the 57th Regiment, everyone was still a harmonious and friendly friendly army.

"Doggy day..."

"Where did they get so many mortars?"

"There are still so many shells."

In late September, after receiving six 60mm mortars, Wu Kai, the head of the 57th Regiment, immediately pulled the newly formed artillery company, carrying six mortars and dozens of boxes of shells, to the 217th Regiment of the Central Army. He and the 218 group swayed around under their noses.

The eyeballs of the two Central Army commanders stared out.

The Central Army also has 60 mortars. Although the 217th and 218th regiments are not direct descendants of the Central Army with a background, they each have several 60 mortars, and there is even an 82 artillery shell.

This thing is not unusual.

But they really don't have many shells, and each regiment adds up to only a few dozen rounds.

As for the Tuba Road in front of him, there are more than 40 boxes of shells, and it is estimated that there can be five or six hundred rounds.

Mortars are simple to make, and for preserved fruit, it is not difficult.

But the shells are troublesome. Although they can be produced, the output is limited.

Especially at present, Guoguo and the devils have been fighting for more than three years, and they are losing steadily.

As a non-directed Central Army with no big backing, the life of the 217th and 218th regiments is really not good.

"Damn it."

After cursing again, the heads of the 217th and 218th regiments returned to the army silently.

Although the two regiments also had mortars, their strength was even superior, and they had a lot of machine guns, but when they really fought, the two regiment leaders knew in their hearts that the two regiments would definitely lose.

Another day of harmony and beauty.

Looking at the two regiment leaders who left angrily, who was demoted from the division headquarters, a regiment staff officer of the 217th regiment fell into deep thought.


The 217th Regiment and 218th Regiment of the Central Army, against the 57th Regiment of the Shangba Road, even though they had no obvious disadvantages in equipment and had an advantage in strength, they were suppressed and lost their temper?

Like a good boy, he dare not move at all!

He doesn't understand.

Although the eight-way troops on the opposite side, machine guns are popularized to the squad, equipped with a large number of powerful shell guns, and six mortars, with sufficient ammunition.

But the 217th regiment is also an old unit.

Two years ago, he also fought against devils.

At that time, the 217 regiment faced the attack of the devils and stood firm all night. During the crisis of the position, they launched counter-charges many times and repelled the attacks of the devils.

As for the 218 regiment, it is also a unit that has fought against devils.

The combat effectiveness of the two regiments is not weak, and they are not some miscellaneous troops.

And as far as he knew, the eighth road on the opposite side had only been equipped recently. In the early days when they were stationed face to face with the 217th regiment, there were only some [-]-gun bucklers, which were similar to short-barreled submachine guns.

but why?
At that time, the 217 regiment, which had superior weapons and equipment, was taught a lesson!
What is causing this situation?
What is the essential difference between these two forces?

Just when the staff officer was curious, Sun Cang, the first platoon leader of the first battalion and second company, looked at the box of beautifully packaged medicine in his hand in the ditch outside the 57th regiment.

The packaging alone, with its exquisite look, is worth a fortune.

"Brother, I heard someone in your family had consumption, so I brought you some of this."

On the opposite side, a company commander of the 57th regiment patted Sun Cang on the shoulder and said:
"This is the latest foreign medicine for treating tuberculosis. Take one pill a day, before breakfast, for half a year."


Sun Cang opened his mouth.

Didn't you say that it was only given by relying on their troops?

"We are all Chinese, we fight devils together."

Smiling again and patted Sun Cang on the shoulder, the company commander left quickly.

"Company commander, this Sun Cang..."

The soldiers who returned together couldn't help but ask which company commander.

Although Captain Li obtained a lot of medicines for the army through his good friends, it was not easy to apply for the medicines in order to prevent people from reselling them privately. They needed to provide medical records or have the army doctors examine them.

The company commander of his own company applied without a patient.

"This Sun Cang is a talent."

The company commander shook his head, with regret in his tone:

"He has been in the army for five years. Two years ago, this kid was the squad leader. He led a squad and repelled the attack of a small team of devils all night."


The soldier who asked the question was terrified.

Repelling the attack of a small group of devils in a squad is not something ordinary people can do.

"Five years!"

Then, the soldier pouted:
"Such a fierce person, why is he still the platoon leader!"

Five years, that is to say, he joined the army before passing the grassland. He is still such a fierce person. If he is in his own army, such a talent should be a company commander.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of this combat experience.


The commander grinned:

"We can't let go of such a talent. We have to pull them over and fight devils together."

(End of this chapter)

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