My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 156 The opening is the jade broken attack!

Chapter 156 The opening is the jade broken attack!

"This fight."

"Air support will be less effective."

"The guerrillas should have enough ammunition!"

Before arriving at the Yangpo stronghold, Naotomi Hattori opened the "Battle Summary" just sent by the Air Wing of the First Army,
From October 160th to November [-]rd, the Air Wing of the First Army dispatched a total of [-] seven sorties to bomb Shitouwan and positions around Yangcun.

The enemy deployed a large number of small-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns near important targets on the ground.

Each sortie encountered fierce air defense counterattacks, and the aviation wing could only attack at an altitude of 500 [-] meters.

Seeing this, Naotomi Hattori frowned slightly.

Because of the range and power of small-caliber machine guns, the threat to the metal hard-shell monoplanes that have been in service in recent years is very low, but the number of guerrillas deployed is sufficient, and it can only force the blasters of the air wing to only increase the attack height.

From the original below 300 meters, the minimum is 50 meters, to about 500 to [-] meters.

Although it only increased two to 300 meters,
But attack accuracy drops by several orders of magnitude.

Below 300 meters, at least 50 meters low-altitude skimming, the effect of machine gun strafing is very good, bombs can also accurately hit the enemy's position, and even accurately destroy enemy bunkers and fortifications, or firepower points.

But at an altitude of 500 meters, machine gun fire is minimal, and the accuracy of aerial bombs will drop a lot. Not to mention hitting enemy bunkers, they can even easily drift away from the main position.

Although fighter planes have sufficient mobility and can choose the attack position and time at will, ground air defense is not good, which is also the source of ten defenses and nine air defenses, but it also means that air support is unbearable in the battle for important positions.

Of course, the reduction in the effectiveness of air support is not enough to make Hattori frowned.

Even a faint frown.

What really troubled him was,

The guerrillas around Yangcun showed extremely abundant ammunition reserves in air defense operations.

According to preliminary statistics, in the nearly one month of air defense operations, the guerrillas fired at the air, and consumed about 2000 million rounds of ammunition in total, causing the loss of four aircraft of the Taiyuan Air Wing, two of which were shot down, and two of which were seriously injured and lost repairs. ability.

Over two months of the Hundred Regiments War, the corpses of tens of thousands of locust troops completely changed the impression that Hattori Naotomi and other high-ranking devils had completely changed the impression that the original local Eight Route Army was composed of beggars.

The current high-level devils, at least those in North China, believe that the Tuba Road is an army with an extremely tenacious will to fight despite poor equipment.

A unit with a strong will to fight, entrenched in a mountainous area with complex terrain and inconvenient transportation, with a large number of solid fortifications, very good light weapons, and abundant ammunition, is not so easy to deal with.

Victory must belong to the Hattori brigade and the Great Japanese Locust Army.

But even if the Hattori Brigade, which has a total strength of nearly [-], wants to occupy Stone Bay, it will definitely have to pay a certain price and a difficult and time-consuming attack.

He doesn't care about casualties either.

Even if the Hattori brigade is half broken, it doesn't matter.

The order from the base camp ordered the Hattori brigade to quickly destroy and occupy Shitouwan near Yangcun at all costs, and to find out the source of the guerrilla supplies.

If it took too long to win Stone Bay, the base camp would definitely be very dissatisfied with him, and after the war, his benefits would be greatly reduced.

I am afraid that the promotion to lieutenant general and the head of a powerful division will be delayed for a long time.

Even if the attack fails, he might lose his front-line command position and hand it over to others.

This is unacceptable to him.

Thinking of this, Naotomi Hattori put away the combat report, opened the aerial surveying and mapping map around Yangcun again, and narrowed his eyes.

"How to quickly break through the defense line of the independent regiment?"

On the rugged and potholed mountainous road in the southeast of Shanxi Province, the Devil's self-produced Type [-] [-]-ton pickup was ups and downs on the mountain road. Naotomi Hattori's eyes became colder and colder in the left passenger seat of the driver's cab.

He had an idea.


"The headquarters ordered, let us deliver five hundred 82 mortars, 82 rounds of 60 mortar shells, [-] rounds of [-] mortar shells, and one thousand Pelton horses to the division transport team."

"One thousand tons of rice will also be delivered to the brigade headquarters."

In the Independent Regiment Headquarters, the monitor of the communications squad reported the orders of the superiors to Li Yunlong.

"Execute immediately."

Li Yunlong looked at the regiment staff at the side and said.


The staff of the independent regiment, which has expanded to more than 50 people, began to operate skillfully.

Someone took out the material statistics table to count and record the material data, someone contacted the regiment headquarters guard company and troops to be responsible for security and confidentiality work, and someone summoned transport personnel.

With the increase of gunners in the army and the proficient use of artillery, Li Yunlong chose 82 mortars, 82 mortar shells, and [-] Pelton horses for the sale in November.


Prices increased again in November.

From choosing one of three to choosing two of three.

Therefore, after Zhang Dabiao and others completed the task of killing the devil officer, the independent regiment and troops once again obtained a quota of 82 tons of weapons and ammunition, as well as 2000 82 mortars, [-] million rounds of [-] mortar shells, and [-] horsepower. Dunma, and the accompanying [-] tons of feed.

The artillery firepower and maneuverability of the troops have been greatly improved again.

"According to information."

During this period, Zhao Gang walked in and handed a piece of information to Li Yunlong:
"The main force of the devil's Hattori brigade has arrived at Yangpo."

"Is it finally here?"

Li Yunlong licked his lips with anticipation in his eyes.

After learning that the Devils were about to send a mixed brigade to attack the independent regiment, the superiors attached great importance to it. The boss and the deputy chief staff personally intervened, and the brigade leader came to the independent regiment many times to inspect the situation.

After all, what the Independent Regiment faced this time was a mixed brigade of devils, whose actual combat capability was comparable to that of a second-class fully formed division. The Independent Regiment would definitely not be able to deal with it.

Therefore, the headquarters quickly made a decision to deploy forces from the main divisions to support the independent regiment in order to deal with the devil's attack.

From October to November, in just one month, the infantry battalion of the Independent Regiment increased to ten, including the artillery battalion, air defense battalion, cavalry reconnaissance company, and communication company, and the total combat strength reached 9000 people.

This is not counting the transport team of 500 people.

Moreover, the new [-]th and [-]th Battalions are being formed, and the battalion commanders have been transferred from the [-]th Brigade in the border area, and they even brought two company commanders with them.

The New First Regiment and New Second Regiment maintained the size of 300 people, but their weapons and equipment were closer to those of the Independent Regiment, and they were equipped with the latest machine guns and submachine guns, as well as radio stations.

as well as!

Popularized to platoon radio stations and telephones.

The superior also came to support fifteen infantry battalions, with a total of 8000 people, stationed in the villages around Yangcun. They are currently conducting training to prepare for the upcoming devil's attack.

Four more battalions are on the way.

These 42 battalions, like the Xinyi Regiment, will have the same level of weapons and equipment as the First Battalion of the Independent Regiment, including 54K rifles, MG60 general-purpose machine guns, Type 82 submachine guns, anti-tank rifles, flamethrowers, and [-] and [-] mortars. gun.

It is also equipped with a full set of radio equipment, and the telephone call is popularized to the platoon level.

With the shrewdness of Li Datuan, it is natural to see that his superiors have given great support to him by asking for his care and warmth, and they are properly planning to slap Brother Mo's wool.

Although the troops now have enough 82 mortars, artillery shells and Pelton horses, the new weapons and the set of radio stations have greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the troops.

According to the test, the third-level radio provided by brother Mo can be deployed to the first-level troops of the main regiment.

With the help of ionizing radiation, the short-wave radio station with a communication distance of hundreds or even thousands of kilometers can communicate with the division headquarters and brigade headquarters. The hand-held telephones for kilometers are used for communication between battalions and companies.

The maximum depth and width of a regiment-level troop position is about a dozen kilometers, and the maximum does not exceed [-] kilometers. The backpack-mounted radio can completely cover it.

There is no need to say how much good communication can improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Li Yunlong tried it out, and brother Mo didn't care about his blatantly plucking wool, and he was happy to see it succeed.

He even vaguely felt that the few times Brother Mo talked about this matter, the other party seemed to feel that their efforts were too small? !
In just one month, the Independent Regiment had an advantage over the devil's Hattori brigade at this time. Except for the long-range artillery firepower, the rest also had all advantages.

"Set a small goal first, kill two thousand little devils within a week!"

Li Yunlong set a small goal for himself.

If you kill 60 devils, you can reimburse [-] mortar shells.

According to the experience of three thousand devils reimbursement of bullets, it is estimated that several new 60 mortars with more advanced technology will appear, and new advanced weapons will be unlocked.

"When you arrive at Yangcun, when you arrive at the Independent Regiment, you have to play like the 57th Regiment!"

"When encountering tough bones, we must dare to be the first..."

Majia Village, where the 57th Regiment is stationed, the head of the regiment, Wu Kai, is seeing off the [-]st Battalion.

Not long ago, I received an order from my superiors to send a main battalion to Yangcun from the 57th regiment to help the independent regiment stop the devil's attack.

And it is required that the main battalion does not need to carry weapons, but the strength must reach 540. The superior also specially sent 20 trained communication soldiers to join, making the total strength reach 560.
After careful consideration, Wu Kai finally decided to send the first battalion.

And considering that the family members of Sun Cang and others from the 217th regiment were placed in Luojiawan behind the independent regiment, he also sent Sun Cang and other [-] former Central Army soldiers there.

It has to be said that Sun Cang is good at leading troops. The thirty fruit soldiers he brought over have almost no problem integrating into the 57th regiment, and he strictly abides by the three major points of attention and eight points of attention.


The voices of 560 people are uniform and loud.

"Set off."

With a wave of Wu Kai's hand, the first battalion set off along the horse road towards Yangcun.

"Commander, there are more than a dozen people here! There is also a company commander of the 218 regiment!"

As soon as the first battalion left, the commander of the second battalion ran up to Wu Kai and said to him.

"Ha ha!"

Wu Kai laughed so happily that he was a little crazy:
"This 218 regiment is really good!"

Opposite Ma Village, there are two regiments of the Central Army facing the 57th regiment, one is the old rival 217th regiment, and the other is the recently transferred 218th regiment.

Thanks to the help of these two regiments, the size of the 57th regiment has recently increased to nearly 2000 people, and most of the recruits are soldiers with combat experience. After a little training and familiarity with the rules of the army, they can be skilled soldiers on the battlefield.

Much better than the recruits I trained myself.

Moreover, soldiers at the grassroots level do not have the stinky problems of the fruit army, and it is very easy to be familiar with the discipline of the army and integrate into the army.

"They came to ask for someone, we still..."

Before the Second Battalion Commander finished asking, Wu Kai suddenly ordered:


"Second Battalion, Third Battalion, and Artillery Battalion gather."


The second battalion commander understood what the regimental commander meant.

Around the 57th of last month, after the number of 60 mortars of the 57th Regiment reached twelve, the brigade still ordered the [-]th to send gunners to the headquarters for training, and asked for some new gunners and some old gunners.

At that time, the second battalion commander vaguely guessed that in a short while, the 57th regiment would get 82 mortars to form a real artillery battalion.

The operation of the 82 mortar is much more difficult than the 60 mortar.

As he expected, in early November, the superior transport team sent six 82 mortars and [-] rounds of shells.

Now, it's time to bring these guys out!

"Captain Duano!"

In Yangpo, Naotomi Hattori's tone was cold.


Things are not good... The tone of the commander directly under the command made Tano feel that something is not good.

"I decided to attack from the direction of Lao Niu Mao and Tiger Claw Mountain!"

Naotomi Hattori said.

Lao Niu Mao, Tiger Claw Mountain... Having been stationed in the Yangpo stronghold for so long, Da Zuo Tano has already figured out all the surrounding terrain.

Tuba Road, headed by the Independence Group, is entrenched in the rolling mountainous area opposite Yangpo, where the traffic is inconvenient and the terrain is rugged and complicated, but there is actually a road that enters this mountainous area.

The entrance is the canyon between Lao Niu Mao and Tiger Claw Mountain.

These two peaks are also important commanding heights on the two wings that block the entrance to the mountain road.

In order to block this road, the Independent Regiment built strong positions in Lao Niu Mao and Huzhuo Mountains, and deployed a large number of defensive troops, as well as artillery positions.

A mountain horse road was also built to facilitate the support of the reserve team and supplies.

The distance between the two commanding heights is not far, and they can support each other. With the backing of the mountain, the independent regiment can reinforce at any time, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, if the road can be obtained, the Locust Army can give full play to the advantages of heavy artillery and armor when attacking the mountainous area, and can break through the follow-up defense line of the independent regiment more quickly...

"Your alliance is the main attack."

"Be sure to win the two commanding heights of Lao Niu Mao and Huzhuo Mountain within two days."

"The [-]st Independent Mountain Artillery Battalion will provide direct fire support."

"The first supplementary brigade is also handed over to you!"

As the orders came down one by one, Hattori Naotomi's tone became more serious.

On the other side, Colonel Tano's expression was a little stiff.

In the first round of attack, he was directly given a supplementary brigade, 150 pre-charged soldiers.And dispatched two brigade-level Type [-] [-] calibers to provide direct artillery support on the front line.

The meaning is obvious, this is a decisive battle!
The Duano United will either win the position, or the collective soul will return to the nine-segment board!

Is Yu Sui attacking?
Finally, he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily:


"Master Tano, this battle is of great importance, and the locusts are waiting for your news of breaking through the enemy's position!"

Hattori Naotomi smiled a bit ferociously.

How to quickly break through the independent regiment defense line?
it's actually really easy.

Just shoot with all your strength!
Start attacking from the road that is most suitable for the locust army to exert its strength.

A fully formed wing, under the cover of heavy artillery fire and a dozen aircraft, launched a cluster attack without giving Tubalu time to react.

Either win the position, or all the jades of an alliance will be broken.

The base camp doesn't care about casualties, as long as Stone Bay.

He doesn't need to care!
(End of this chapter)

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