My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 157 The machine gun is fierce!

Chapter 157 The machine gun is fierce!

"Where will the devil's main attack direction be?"

"do not know!"



Yangcun, Independent Regiment Headquarters,

After answering Zhao Gang's question, Captain Li stared at the huge sand table around Yangcun on the table, frowning.

He doesn't like to play defense.

After joining the army for more than ten years, from a soldier to a regiment commander, what Li Yunlong hates the most is defensive warfare.

In the defensive battle, he had to wait for the enemy to attack first, and then choose an appropriate response method according to the enemy's move. This feeling of waiting to be beaten made Li Yunlong feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

But it's okay to be unhappy. With the current situation, he has no choice.

This is not Cangyun Ridge, and the Hattori brigade is not the Sakata United.

Even though the strength of his troops far surpassed the Hattori mixed brigade stationed around Yangpo, and he had sufficient ammunition and high morale, but in flat terrain, the attacking devils were a super-organized mixed brigade.

This is looking for a beating!

The independent group doesn't have that capital yet.

Not only because of the lack of heavy weapons and equipment, large corps combat, independent regiments are still a little bit worse, but also the command, even with brigade commanders, division commanders, and even bosses as advisors, he is still not as good.


At this moment, a communication soldier ran over and reported to Li Yunlong:
"Regimental Commander, the 3rd Battalion and 4th Battalion telegraphed that about one regiment of devils was divided into two groups and was attacking Laoniumao and Niutoushan. The enemy also dispatched heavy artillery to support it."

Although no telephone lines were laid, the piggyback telephony with a communication distance of [-] kilometers allowed the independent regiment headquarters to know the news of the devil's attack in the first place.

"Lao Niu Mao and Niu Toushan!"

"Send out a wing with heavy artillery."

Li Yunlong quickly found the location on the map, looked carefully, and judged the devil's purpose:
"The little devil is planning to follow the road all the way to Stone Bay?"

"It's actually here!"

Zhao Gang was a little surprised.

Because there is a road between Niutoushan and Laoniumao, and it goes deep into the surrounding area of ​​Yangcun, it is the place where the independent regiment has the strongest defense force. Two main battalions have been deployed, and a battalion of the Xinyi regiment is nearby. According to my prediction, the little devil is the least likely to attack from here.

As a result, the devil chose the direction with the strongest defense.


"The little devil is planning to make a quick decision."

After a cold snort, Captain Li ordered:
"Order the 3rd Battalion and 4th Battalion to stick to Laoniumao and Niutoushan. If you don't get the order, you are not allowed to take a step back."

"Order the 5th Battalion, 16th Battalion, 17th Battalion, and 18th Battalion to immediately go to Niutoushan and Lao Niumao for reinforcements."

The independent regiment has a total of ten infantry battalions, but Li Yunlong can command more than a dozen battalions supported by superiors, as well as six battalions organized by the new first regiment and the new second regiment, for a total of 35 infantry battalions.

The devil's start is a killer move.

A wing of nearly [-] devils launched a group attack under the cover of heavy artillery.

Li Yunlong also showed his sword head-on, and directly sent six battalions, more than 3000 people pressed up.

The tip of the knife is against the wheat awn.

The so-called mao refers to loess hills with round tops and steep slopes.


On the left side of the entrance of Yangcun Highway, at Lao Niu Mao, a 150mm mountain artillery shell fell on the outer position directly in front, and the violent explosion wave blew up a section of the trench, leaving only a huge crater.


Immediately afterwards, another shell fell on the side, and a civil blockhouse was blown up so that the top cover was overturned.


In this scene, the commander of the third battalion of the independent regiment in the underground command post of Laoniumao Center scolded his mother.

The power of the little devil's heavy artillery exceeded his expectations.

Although the Type 150 150mm Mountain Cannon has a caliber of 150mm, the weight of the shell is several orders of magnitude lower than that of the regular [-]mm Cannon, only a dozen kilograms.

But it wasn't something that could be blocked by the civil structures built by Sanying in Laoniumao.

As long as it hits, whether it is a trench or a bunker, there is only one bomb crater left, and only anti-aircraft and artillery holes and multi-layer earthwork bunkers can survive.

The shelling continued.

The continuous bombardment was mixed with the report of the correspondent:

"The regiment headquarters ordered us to stick to the position, and we were not ordered to withdraw from the position."

"In addition, the reinforcements of the two battalions have already set off and are expected to arrive in an hour."


Suddenly, a 150mm mountain artillery shell hit the middle of Lao Niu Mao, and a huge explosion set off the loess all over the sky.

The underground command post located in the middle of the hill does not need to consider firepower, so there is a three-story civil structure on the top, which is full of materials, which blocked the shell, but also shook the dirt and dust in the command post.

"Battalion Commander, the devils are coming up again."

The Japanese bombardment continued, and the report from the front-line bunker soldiers came from the hand-held telephone on the table:

"About a brigade."

Following the tunnel, the third battalion commander went to an observation point and raised his binoculars.

What came into view were seven or eight hundred devils, bent over, buttocks pouted, carrying a [-] cover with a bayonet, crooked handles, and throwing bombs, forming a large-distance skirmish line, charging at Lao Niu Mao Come.

Like a layer of yellow surge.

At this time, this layer of yellow surge was the most forward, and it was only 1000 or [-] meters away from the first position of the third battalion in Lao Niu Mao.

Behind the surge, dozens of little devils pushed a [-]-type infantry gun and carried an ammunition box to follow up covertly, ready to wait for an opportunity to destroy the mortars of the third battalion that showed up.

Farther away, on the top of the mountain four kilometers away from Lao Niu Mao, the third battalion commander could still see four Devil Mountain Cannons lined up.

Above the four guns was a huge artillery observation balloon. Through the [-]x observation lens, the third battalion commander could even clearly see the devils in the hanging basket suspended under the balloon.

Down the mountain, more devils are gathering.

"finally come!"

The third battalion commander grinned his white teeth and smiled.

Obviously, the huge devil's offensive in front of him did not put any pressure on the commander of the third battalion, but instead excited him, and he could even say that he couldn't wait.

The third battalion commander first took out the map and looked at it, made a few marks with a pencil, and then picked up the telephone of the communication squad leader behind him and called:

"Machine gun company!"

"Deep walk shot."

Behind Lao Niu Mao, the position on the reverse slope.

Stationed here is the temporary machine gun company of the third battalion, which is composed of four platoons of the independent regiment's machine gun battalion and a machine gun group drawn from each squad of the third battalion.

A total of 86 latest general-purpose machine guns are equipped.

At the beginning of the formation of the machine gun company, it was mainly used for air defense. According to the experience of air defense in Shitou Bay, although it could not shoot down the Devil's plane, it could also reduce the hit rate of the Devil's plane.

A [-]-kilogram aerial bomb, even a three-story civil bunker, can't hold it, but now that the Devil's plane is away, the third battalion commander is going to let the machine gun company do some side work.

"Machine gun company received."


Wearing earphones and holding the microphone of the intercom, the machine gun Lian Lian Lian Lian said excitedly, with a hint of grim expression on his face:

"Deep walk shot."

"Location 0213, 1547."

Following the order of the commander of the machine gun company, 86 general-purpose machine guns mounted on anti-aircraft tripods all raised their barrels in the direction of the devils. On the side of each machine gun, long ammunition chains hung down to the ammunition box.


The company commander waved his hand fiercely.

86 general-purpose machine guns burst out with muzzle fireworks and tracer bullets.


In front of Lao Niu Mao, in the observation window reserved for the tunnel, the commander of the third battalion held up his binoculars and looked forward.

Depth walk shooting!

Beyond Shooting!

The classic heavy machine gun tactics originated from the last European war.

As long as the bullet lands at the enemy's position, as long as the bullet is still spinning when it falls, it still has a certain speed, and it maintains enough lethality, you can hit it however you want.

Then, imitating the shooting method of a cannon, raising the muzzle, letting the bullet draw an arc, surpassing the cover of bunkers and fortifications, and finally falling on the top of the enemy's head is naturally feasible.

However, this machine gun tactic requires a high rate of fire, a large number of machine guns, and sufficient bullets.

After all, it is an imitation of artillery tactics, which is different from direct shooting. It requires the user to understand the map operation, and it needs to go through quite careful preparation and mapping before shooting.

After Boss Mo's instructor's training, he understood this tactic and learned how to use it. The current level of soldiers in the independent regiment is also capable of using it, and the level of equipment and logistics supplies also support this tactic.

But the third battalion commander used this tactic for the first time.

He was a little nervous.

"The [-]st Infantry Battalion has approached the enemy's position."

Ignoring the nonsense reports from the staff around him, Colonel Tano raised his binoculars and looked at Lao Niu Mao in the distance.

His eyes are serious.

Although the 150-type [-] mountain artillery bombarded the opposite position for nearly half an hour, fired more than a hundred shells, and destroyed a large number of positions and fortifications, Old Devil Duano knew it very well.

This round of shelling did not have much practical effect.

Because the Tuba Road is stationed on the hill opposite.

This group of guys is not only well-equipped with weapons, but also has a firm will, and they are brave in battle. Cannons can destroy their positions, but they cannot destroy their will to resist, and even their morale will not be weakened too much.

This group of people would hide in the anti-battery cave, avoid the shelling of the heavy artillery brigade directly under it, wait for his first brigade to arrive, and then drill out, holding machine guns and grenades to fight the locust army.

This group of people will also take out mortars from the tunnel, or move from the reverse slope where the shells cannot hit to the commanding heights, and violently bombard the locust army. The high rate of fire of the mortar can fire a lot of shells, causing great casualties to the locust army.

Even though he arranged for the regiment's mountain artillery and the infantry's infantry artillery to counter the mortars that wiped out Tuba Road, the mortars are highly mobile and it would take a lot of time to destroy them.

During this period, the attacking infantry will suffer heavy losses.

Even with the support of two Type [-] mountain cannons, if he wants to win this position, the Duano Alliance will have to pay a very heavy price.

Any position must be occupied by infantry.

Unless, the empire can mobilize the equipment of the heavy artillery brigade, dozens of 150 howitzers, or 240 heavy howitzers for continuous bombardment, destroying underground tunnels and artillery holes.

However, Old Devil Duano has no doubts about winning this position, the difference is just how many casualties will be paid.

Without the solid and perfect circular fortifications, the Tuba Road could not stop the attack of the locust army.

The situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.


"what happened?"

Old devil Duano's complexion changed.

In the field of vision of the old devil Duano, in order to avoid too many casualties caused by the mortar bombardment in Tubalumengli, he deliberately let the first brigade attack in a large-spaced skirmish line, and the maximum distance between individual infantry and infantry Reached ten meters.

At this time, in the first brigade that rushed in, several soldiers suddenly fell to the ground after being shot, and there was a lot of dust splashed from the bullets on the ground. Other soldiers who didn't understand the situation fell down or looked for bunkers on the spot.


The unique bullet landing point made him subconsciously think that it was a strafing shot, but he quickly denied it. After thinking about it for a while, he immediately understood the situation:

"It's Beyond Shooting!"


Old Devil Duano was surprised when he understood.

He thought the first wave was enemy mortar fire, but he didn't expect it to be a machine gun.

The transcendent shooting that appeared in the last European war is not a special tactic. Any officer who graduated from the Imperial Military University knows that every captain and even the squadron leader has learned this tactic.

But the locust army has never encountered it on the battlefield of the Republic of China.

Not to mention cluster usage.

The Locust Army itself has never used it, because it consumes too much bullets.

And he has never encountered or used it, which means that his first brigade will be slow to respond to this tactic, and will not be able to respond quickly and effectively.

"Baga, how many machine guns did Tubalu deploy?"

Looking at the first brigade with continuous casualties in the distance, Old Devil Duano gritted his teeth.

With the changes in the form of war, the trench confrontation that was popular in the last European war has dissipated in history. Facing today's scattered battlefield, the efficiency of beyond shooting is very low, and it takes thousands or even tens of thousands of bullets to kill An enemy, so neither the Republic of China troops nor the Locust Army have ever used it.

but in front of...

His first brigade seemed to be under a torrential rain of bullets, and casualties began to occur continuously, and at a very fast speed.

The Tuba Road machine guns are all concealed on the slope behind Lao Niu Mao, which is the blind spot for artillery shooting. The four [-]-type mountain cannons and [-]-type infantry guns he arranged are powerless.

It is also unrealistic to outflank or go beyond the rear.

Lao Niu Mao and Niutoushan form horns and can support each other.

Moreover, Tuba Road not only deployed troops at these two commanding heights, but also had a large number of positions and troops on other surrounding mountains. Without concentrating forces, it would be impossible to form an effective breakthrough.

Behind Lao Niu Mao.

On the reverse slope position.

The muzzle flames of 86 machine guns never stopped, and the tracer bullets every five rounds left a pleasing arc in the sky. The devil brigade is in formation.

The commander of the machine gun company adjusted the pitch and firing direction of the machine gun in time according to the situation reported by the front-line observation point to ensure the maximum damage.

at this time,

The ground has been covered with a layer of brass shells, like a carpet.

Behind the position, in the bunker-style ammunition depot, soldiers carried ammunition boxes back and forth.

Farther away, a convoy of dozens of Pelton horses and hundreds of ordinary people with ammunition boxes on their backs can be seen rushing towards Lao Niu Mao.

At present, the general-purpose machine gun equipped by the independent regiment is based on the MG42 machine gun. The rate of fire is 250 rounds per minute, and the barrel can be replaced quickly. Because of the heavy barrel used, the barrel needs to be replaced after every [-] shots. A full length belt.

A skilled fighter can complete a barrel change in three seconds.

Taking into account the time to replace the barrel, adjust the pitch and firing angle, the actual rate of fire of each machine gun is about [-] rounds per minute.

However, there are also 26 general-purpose machine guns that are water-cooled.

Water-cooled version!

With the main structure unchanged, remove the quick-change barrel structure and replace it with a water-cooled sleeve. As long as the cooling water is continuously provided, the rate of fire of [-] rounds per minute can be maintained until the maximum life of the barrel is [-]. Only [-] rounds need to be replaced.

Calculated, the third battalion machine gun company has 86 machine guns, which can fire [-] rounds of bullets per minute.

At this time, [-] rounds of bullets per minute crossed an arc, crossed Lao Niu Mao, and landed in the formation of devils [-] kilometers away.

Surpassing shooting is curved shooting, and the accuracy is much lower than direct shooting. Unlike artillery shells, bullets are point-killing, but the feedback shooting angle and pitch are adjusted through the talker, so that the bullets basically fall into the devil formation.

Even if the little devils maintained a distance of ten meters, casualties continued to occur.

The devil's first wave of sharpest offensive was abruptly interrupted by [-] rounds of bullets per minute.

"Keep attacking!"

In the distance, a signal bounced. This was the order of the old devil Duoye to let his first brigade continue to attack.

Retreat is impossible.

So we can only continue to attack.

At the same time, the Devil's mountain artillery and infantry artillery also fired, firing at the inclined plane behind Lao Niu Mao, but the rear inclined plane could not be observed by the Devil's artillery observation balloon, and the shelling effect was extremely poor.

After receiving the order, more than 700 devils got up one after another, and continued to attack against the rain of bullets.

From time to time, devils fell into the rain of bullets from the sky,

But under the urging of the officers, these devils who had been brainwashed by Bushido gritted their teeth and continued to charge at Lao Niu Mao with a big cover on their shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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