My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 162 Super Class Weapon!

Chapter 162 Super Class Weapon!

"This thing has a range of 400 meters?"

In Yangcun, the weapons testing ground behind the Independence Regiment, Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong stared at a mortar placed on the ground.

After killing 60 devils, Boss Mo reimbursed all the [-] mortar shells consumed by the independent regiment, as well as the worn out mortars.

Li Yunlong also started the artillery training camp for the first time, starting large-scale, high-intensity training, elite mortar gunners.

Mastering the use of mortars is not difficult.

Just pull out a veteran who knows a little bit of artillery knowledge, it doesn't matter if you don't know it, and then an instructor, plus a few days of training, and a few live ammunition, you can easily master and use it.

However, it is more difficult to master and use it proficiently, to achieve the level of accurate shooting, and to master artillery combat methods such as shooting outside the horizon.

Even with Boss Mo's training, there are not many gunners like the Independent Regiment at present.

However, in actual combat, a gunner who knows how to shoot accurately, and a gunner who can go a step further and can shoot out of bounds, can observe feedback from the front line, and correct shooting, is far more effective than a novice.

They are more accurate and can defend themselves better.

Cannonballs that can't hit the enemy are meaningless. On the battlefield, you can't protect yourself and the artillery, and the gunner who is quickly eliminated by the enemy has limited effect.

While the 60 mortar shells can be reimbursed, the independent regiment also obtained a new type of 30 mortar, which is said to be advanced for 60 years, and opened the exchange authority for the [-]-type infantry gun.

The new 60 mortar is the current 60 mortar.

"Try it..."

Li Yunlong looked at Wang Chengzhu who was on the side.

Although brother Mo has never said anything big, the 400mm mortar with a range of 60 meters is really incredible.

It is equivalent to directly doubling the range of the current mainstream 60 mortar in the world, but the weight has not increased, and even dropped by one kilogram. The new 60 mortar plus the optical sight weighs only 21 kilograms.

Doubling the range does not reduce any mobility, and the improvement in combat effectiveness it brings is a qualitative change.

With a range of 400 meters, it has surpassed the Type 60 infantry artillery. At this distance, the only threat to the devils is the mountain artillery, but the [-] mortar is as mobile as a light machine gun, and can hit and run.

It also means that as long as the troops are interspersed within 400 meters from the Devil's artillery position, they can form a deterrent to the Devil's artillery position. With scouts equipped with individual radio stations, the pressure on the Devil's artillery will increase sharply.

And interspersed, but Li Yunlong has always been good at it.


Wang Chengzhu has already read the manual, and began to skillfully operate the new mortar in front of him.

Assemble the three-piece set, press the bottom plate firmly, install the scope, aim the scope through the scope at the circular target drawn with lime three kilometers away, and then insert a new 60 mortar shell into the barrel.

The new 60 mortar shell is different from the previous 60 mortar shell, it is heavier, and the grenade weighs 1.6 kg.


A cannonball crossed an arc and accurately hit the circle target drawn with limestone with a radius of 15 meters... [-] kilometers away.

"Pillar, you're fucking crooked!"

Leader Li smiled and cursed.

Although there was no hit, it also proved that this mortar had a range of more than three kilometers.

The pillar did not speak, but adjusted the pitch, and then took out a shell again.

Although his artillery skills have improved a lot now, the accuracy of the mortar itself is relatively low due to the lack of rifling. In addition, this gun is still a new gun, he is not proficient, and the distance of three kilometers is naturally impossible to hit. .

Even a target with a diameter of 30 meters.

The second shell hit the lime target accurately, which proved Wang Chengzhu's current gunner strength, and also showed that the new 60mm mortar in front of him not only has a longer range, but also has higher accuracy than the current 60mm mortar. few.

Three kilometers have good accuracy.

"it is good."

Seeing the shells exploding in a target with a diameter of 30 meters three kilometers away, Li Yunlong couldn't help shouting "Hello".


Mortars aren't inherently built for accuracy, but the rate of fire makes up for it.

As long as it can hit a target with a diameter of 30 meters, even if it is close, the next step is to rely on the number of shells to solve the problem.

"I will immediately replace all the troops in Yangcun with this new type of mortar."

Li Yunlong couldn't wait to see this new type of mortar show off on the battlefield.

He looked at the door on the ground. The old man of the system was a mortar based on the American M70 224 mortar that served in the 60s. His mouth opened directly to the base of his ears.

Yangpo stronghold.

Today's weather is cloudy and rainy, the sky is leaden gray, gloomy, and the drizzle is intermittent.

Hattori brigade headquarters.

Hattori Naotomi's face was as gloomy as the weather outside.

For him, it is not a big problem that the supply unit was attacked, an infantry brigade was wiped out, a transport convoy was damaged, and more than a thousand tons of ammunition were blown up.

This brigade is not from his brigade.

As for the ammunition that was blown up, just continue to transport it from the rear. He didn't believe that the guerrillas could still attack a convoy escorted by a regiment, and the front army would not be so stupid as to make two mistakes.

What made him look somber was the five-day streak of offense.

He has a whole mixed brigade with more than 1 people attacking for five consecutive days. After paying the price of 3000 people, he failed to break through the first line of defense, which made the high-level North China Army very dissatisfied with him, and many people wanted to remove him. .

Even the base camp complained about Okabe Naozaburo letting him command.

Although Naotomi Hattori explained it many times, it was useless.

Although the strength of the Tuba Road has improved a lot recently, in the bones of the locust army, especially the high-level people, they still look down on this group of people.

After all, whether it is the battle of the Hundred Regiments or the subsequent confrontation, the scale of the battle between the Tuba Road and the Locust Army is mainly at the brigade level and a few wing level, and the real unit of the Locust Army in Japan that can reflect the combat power of the Locust Army is Mixed brigades and divisions.

Therefore, in the eyes of the higher-ups, he, a mixed brigade, had made no progress in attacking for five days, and he was incompetent.

But these he could not explain.

Those idiots who have been away from the frontline command for a long time, cling to precision shooting and low consumption, and are unwilling to equip the locust army with mortars, will not think about the fact that the locust army's light firepower is at a serious disadvantage, will not Understand the difficulties on the front line.

Not to mention that there are troops in the world with the same fighting will as the Locust Army.

In their cognition, the locust army, a mixed brigade, should be invincible and invincible in dealing with mere land and eight roads, otherwise, the commander is incompetent.

So explaining is useless.

The more he explained, the old commanders thought he was incompetent.

He only had one option to win Yangpo.

Fortunately, after attacking for five consecutive days and adjusting tactics more than a dozen times, Hattori saw hope.

Although in the past five days, the number of bullets and grenade bombs on the opposite side is still unbelievably abundant, at least 500 million bullets fall on the heads of the locust army every day. As long as the locust army charges to 500 meters, the grenade bombs will be as rainy Same.

But he also found out.

The mortar fire on the opposite side was getting weaker and weaker.

From the third day onwards, the defensive Tuba Road mortar firepower began to weaken, and by the fifth day, it was only half of the first day.

Especially the 82 mortar with a range of three kilometers, which poses the greatest threat to the locust army, is only one third.

This is his chance.

Relying on machine guns and grenades alone cannot stop the attack of the locust army. The range of these two weapons is too close.

Facing the cover of more than 30 mountain cannons of his Hattori brigade and four 105 cannons, it is difficult to have a chance to show vitality. Although the opponent's reverse slope position is ingenious, as long as the artillery fire can cover the infantry rushing up, the final decision will be made. Still infantry.

As long as the next batch of heavy ammunition arrives, and then consumes the shells on the opposite Tuba Road for a few days, he can launch an attack, take down the entrance of the road, and then drive straight in.

This time, he planned to use the four tanks of the armored brigade.

The Hattori brigade will launch an attack on Yangcun under the cover of more than 20 aircraft, more than 30 artillery pieces (excluding the Type [-] infantry artillery), and four tanks.Four long-range cannons will be responsible for suppressing the follow-up reinforcements of the independent regiment.

The fighting on the front line was fierce.

After killing more than 3000 devils, the Independence Regiment itself paid the price of more than 3000 casualties, of which more than 300 soldiers died.

This is only combat troops, not including the militia that helps transport supplies.

Although the independent regiment has an absolute advantage over the devils in light firepower, three times, four times, five times or even more, the devils still have an absolute advantage in long-range artillery, and it is an advantage that cannot be challenged.

And light firepower will be suppressed by artillery.

The artillery wing directly under the brigade has 24 150-type mountain guns, three wings, each with four [-]-type mountain guns, two [-]-type [-] mountain guns from the independent artillery brigade, and four from the independent heavy artillery brigade. The [-]-type cannon is more than ten kilometers away.

More than 30% of the casualties of the troops on the front line came from the more than [-] mountain cannons of the devils.

There are also the four Type 105 [-]-caliber cannons, which have high precision, long range, and great power. Under the observation and calibration of artillery observation balloons and reconnaissance aircraft, they caused considerable damage to the rear reinforcements, transport teams, and logistics personnel. casualties.

On the third day, these four guns launched an artillery cover, causing a battalion of the Independent Regiment to reinforce and directly suffer one-third of the casualties.

Because of the inferior firepower, the casualties caused by the devil infantry were actually pitifully small.

The rear of Yangcun was not affected by much war.

Under the leadership of deputy head Xing, the production team is working on land reclamation in an orderly manner, and the newly formed construction team has also begun to expand the mountain road and recruit the surrounding people to participate.

In fact, it was a bit flustered at first.

However, the stability around Yangcun for more than half a year, the victory of the Hundred Regiments War, and the fact that the troops blocked more than 1 devils for five days without letting the devils move forward gave the people confidence.

The panic disappeared quickly, and some agitating traitors were also quickly cleared.

The seventh day of the Hattori brigade's attack on Yangcun.

Both in the middle and late November.

Luojia Bay,
The devils suspended their attack, and the soldiers got a rare rest time. Sun Cang, who followed the 57nd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment to reinforce Yangcun, asked the battalion commander for a half-day leave to visit his home.

"Okay, it's time to go home and have a look."

The battalion commander agreed directly, and said:

"You go to the logistics department first."

"Logistics? Yes!"

Sun Cang froze for a moment, then nodded.

When I came to the logistics office, reported my name, and verified my identity, the staff of the logistics office of the independent regiment handed over a pack of medicine to Sun Cang, and at the same time handed over a new border currency:

"This is an anti-tuberculosis drug, for one month."

"Here's your allowance for this month."

"Let's sign after confirming the acceptance."

The Eighth Route Army did not receive military pay, but had allowances, and as the army’s finances improved, the allowances also increased. Soldiers could buy some commodities by themselves, and even buy some meat to improve their meals.

Of course, Sun Cang chose to take it home.

"Thank you!"

Taking a deep breath, Sun Cang thanked him again and again.

Having been in this army for two months, Sun Cang can only feel rejoicing and remorse—he should have come here sooner, and he should have brought more soldiers here.

The Eighth Route Army is a common people's army, it's really not just for show.


Following the staff of the base area, Sun Cang came to this unfamiliar home.

The original old temporary tent house has been repaired for more than a month. At this time, it has become a thick adobe house with a thatched roof, which is not exquisite, but with the addition of a kang and sufficient firewood, it can survive the Jin Dynasty. In winter, there is no problem.

The door of the house was opened, and the smell of corn mush wafted out. Sun Cang walked into the house and found that only his mother was at home.

(End of this chapter)

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