My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 163 Human Resources!

Chapter 163 Human Resources!

Stepping into the room lightly, without disturbing his mother who was busy in the stove, Sun Cang looked around the small room.

At that time, Sun Cang was stunned for a long time.

From the outside, Luojiawan's home is a hastily built adobe house.

The most convenient and quick materials are used, and it is built from earth bricks, wooden beams, and thatched roofs. The house is not big, and it is expected to be completed in the fastest time, and everything is simple.

So that it looks very simple from the outside, even a bit dilapidated, but at a glance, this is a family fleeing for refugees.

Sun Cang was not dissatisfied, and even felt very good.

Although it is just a small adobe brick thatched house, the walls are thick enough, the wooden beams are stable, and the thatch is piled up in several layers and tied tightly, which can block the howling north wind in Jindi in winter, and also isolate the biting cold in winter.

Although the house is small, a family of four lives there.

His family has only been here for two months, and it is very difficult to have a house that can survive the winter. It will be good to build a bigger red brick house when they get better in the future.

Different from the broken and simple outside, although the walls inside the house are directly stacked with a layer of earth bricks, the kang is made of red bricks, and the two kangs are full of brand new quilts. At a glance, there are about six beds.

The boards on the kang are also new and straight pine boards.

Inside the house, there are several brand-new pine cabinets, in which there are household belongings, a bag of white flour, and mother's medicine. One of the cabinets is hung with a new large cotton coat and two pairs of rubber-soled cotton shoes.

It is the kind of cotton-padded cotton-padded shoes that can withstand the winter in Jindi.

Next to the cabinet, there were two large clay pots. He looked at them, one was full of water, and the other was half full of corn.

And a few chairs, a few tables...

Yishui's new objects reveal the feeling of a new home and a new residence.

Let him froze for a while.

Clothes, cotton shoes, and quilts are all produced by Yangcun Clothing Factory, lockers, tables, and chairs are produced by Yangcun Furniture Factory, and clay pots are also produced by Yangcun Pottery Factory.

As a model pilot base for superiors, Yangcun base developed faster than other bases.

These commodities, as well as white flour and corn... are sold by the supply and marketing cooperatives in the base area.

You can buy a border ticket.

And it's not expensive,

But if he wants to buy all these at home, he will need an allowance of about three months.

According to regulations, his mother's anti-tuberculosis medicine needs to pay the cost price, but the army subsidizes a large part, more than [-]%, and he only needs to pay a small part.

But these drugs are very expensive, and after paying for the drugs, only half of his allowance is left.So to buy all these, he needs his current allowance for half a year.

As a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, according to the policy, four members of his family were transferred here. The base area will distribute four large quilts, some daily necessities, and a hundred catties of corn, as well as help repair the house and provide raw materials.

There is really a lot of wood in the Yangcun base area, as much as the logistics department needs, and they are all brand new and high-quality wood, although I don't know where they come from.

But white noodles, big cotton coats, cotton shoes, wardrobes, chairs, and tables must have been bought by the family.

And it's only been two months since his family moved here...
Where did the money come from?
Sun Cang was very curious.

Although the family allocated ten mu of land, nothing could be dug out of the land within two months.

At this time, Sun Cang's mother finally found out that her son had returned.

"Where did these white flour, cotton clothes, and cabinets come from?"

Hearing her son's question, Sun Cang's mother smiled and replied:

"We bought it ourselves."

"The third and the fourth, after finishing the farm work, go to the construction site to build roads. How much money can they make a day?"

"Wages are settled every seven days."

"After working for a month, the third child bought these belongings and came back. The fourth child bought fifty catties of flour and two quilts."


Answering the doubts of the second child in the family, Sun Cang's old mother smiled from the heart on her wrinkled face, and her cloudy eyes revealed her longing and hope for the future.

Sun Cang hadn't seen his mother look like this for a long time.

Since my father passed away.

About ten years?
"very nice··"

Sun Cang muttered subconsciously.

The Yangcun base area is expanding the mountain road. Apart from the fact that it is not as wide as it is, it is actually building roads and digging air-raid shelters.

He knows this.

I didn't expect that there would be real wages here, which Sun Cang didn't expect.

In the face of a national crisis, the devils are watching outside. If no wages are paid, the common people will come, but... with wages, it will be better in the end.

"Yeah, thanks to the Eighth Route Army..."

Sun Cang's mother smiled and said:

"Be a good soldier in the army, fight devils well, and be a soldier of the Eighth Route Army. You must abide by the discipline of the army."

"Our Eighth Route Army is the team of our common people!"

These words come from the propaganda of the army. In fact, the preserved fruit also promotes the army and the civilian family. The slogans are posted everywhere, but whether they are implemented or not, the common people are sharp-eyed.


Sun Cang subconsciously saluted his mother with a military salute.

"By the way, where is Fifth Sister?"

Sun Cang asked.

When he came back this time, one was to visit his mother, and the other was to send Fifth Sister to study.

Fifth Sister is still young, at the age of studying.

The Yangcun base area is in Kaiban School, and anyone who meets the conditions can go to the school to study. After so many years in the army, Sun Cang deeply understands the importance of cultural knowledge.

The treatment of the telegraph soldier is much better than that of his platoon leader.

"Fifth Sister, I'm going to study in an agricultural cram school."

Mother replied with a smile.

"Agricultural cram school?"

Sun Cang was taken aback.

"Yes." Mother said with a smile:

"There is a free agricultural study class in the production group, and I asked my fifth sister to study there."


Sun Cang was stunned for a while again.

Knowledge alters your fate.

The base has been promoting this point of view.

In fact, even if it is not publicized, it will permeate everyone's cognition.

The water thrown by the married daughter... Although his mother did not agree with this statement, because his mother was always with him in the last days of his grandmother.

But it was a bit beyond Sun Cang's expectation to let Wumei take the initiative to learn cultural knowledge.

"Cultural knowledge is a good thing!"

Mother's eyes lit up.

"Currently, the construction of horse trails from Yangcun to the surrounding 57 major villages and towns has been initially completed."

Yangcun, the Independent Regiment Headquarters, as soon as Li Yunlong came in, Zhao Gang couldn't wait to talk to him.

"So fast!"

As soon as the new mortar was in hand, Captain Li planned to use the new artillery to give the devils a hard time, but the performance of the new mortar has improved, and the difficulty of operation has also increased.

The farther the range, the more difficult it is to shoot.

Therefore, he immediately organized large-scale training, mobilized 30 mortar fighters from more than [-] current battalions to organize skill improvement training, and personally supervised them.

Fortunately, the 60 mortar shells of the independent regiment can be reimbursed now, and a large number of shells are fed, and the training effect is gratifying.


"They are all hard gravel roads, and a half-ton horse-drawn carriage can pass quickly. Now it takes six hours for the transport convoy to go to the frontline positions from Stone Bay."

Zhao Gang continued:

"The air-raid shelters and shelters around the horse road have also been completed, and they are all completed according to standard quality."

"it is good."

Li Yunlong applauded.

With the completion of the transportation road and the unimpeded supply line, he can completely let go of his hands and feet.

"How can the progress of the project be so fast?"

Finally, Li Yunlong asked curiously.

There are more than 57 kilometers of mountain roads leading to 700 major villages and towns around Yangcun, of which more than 300 kilometers only need to be widened and leveled, but there are still [-] kilometers that need to be started from scratch.

In the mountainous area in the southeast of Shanxi, it is not easy to build roads with gravel, not to mention that the base area only has manpower, purely with hoes and hammers, and the best is the military shovel.

On the preserved fruit side, there are some machinery and equipment for the construction of the Burma Road.

Although not much.

According to the plan, it will not be fully completed until mid-December at the earliest, or even next year.

And now, it's only late November.

Almost 20 days early!
"Boss Mo supported some engineering technology, design, and management talents, which helped a lot."

"The blasting construction was all helped by them."

Zhao Gang explained.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong smiled very proudly.

In terms of weapons and equipment, especially the big ones, and advanced good things, his brother Mo is a little bit reluctant, but in other places, he basically gives what he wants.

"And, most importantly, the help of the people in our base area..."

Zhao Gang was a little emotional.

In addition to Boss Mo's technical assistance, the highway project design chose the most suitable for the current construction capacity of the base area, and provided excellent management personnel to assist the construction team.

One more point, and the most important point.

Enthusiastic people in the base area.

When the base area decided to build the road, many people eagerly signed up before the recruitment started.

Especially the villages around Yangcun.

These independent groups have operated the base area for nearly two years, and the mass base is very solid. Even though it is the busy farming season, many people have signed up, and many of them bring their own food tools.

In the beginning, many people refused to pay wages to these common people.

It was the cadres in the base area who persuaded the people to take it. Considering the upcoming economic policy, spending the newly issued border area tickets will be of great benefit to the base area.

Seeing that there are wages, two meals are included, and the kind of full-fledged ones, the number of people who participated in the registration increased by ten times in an instant.

In the final analysis, whether it is construction or war, the economy is the top priority.

There is wages for eating and drinking, enough food, and a lot of wages, and the enthusiasm of the people in the base area to work is more enthusiastic than he imagined.

Incredibly efficient.

Originally planned, the amount of work that would take three days to complete was completed in as little as two days at the slowest, and even less than a day and a half at the fastest.

The quality is also totally fine.

It is not uncommon for people to steal, rape and play tricks. After all, they have money and food, but they don’t need to care about it. They are scolded bloody by the people who participated in the road construction. They either work honestly or are sent away.

"What's your next step..."

Li Yunlong asked.

"I discussed it with my superiors."

"The construction team continued to build roads deep into the base areas, connecting all the base areas. The logistics department, headquarters, and other base areas first built the backbone of the road."

Zhao Gang took a deep breath and said his plan:

"When the strength becomes stronger in the future, the mountain horse road will be expanded into a highway."

To be rich, build roads first.

With the establishment of more than a dozen factories in Yangcun, the promotion of chemical fertilizers, new seeds, and advanced agricultural production technologies, and the improvement of productivity in the base area, Zhao Gang deeply understood the essence of this sentence.

The goods produced by the factory can be sold to the common people in the base areas through the mountain horse road.

With the increase in food production and the large-scale recruitment of workers in the base areas to build roads, the common people have money in their hands.

After coming and going, the economy of the base areas will develop, the people's lives will improve, and the finances of the base areas will also improve, and more forces can be gathered to fight devils.

(End of this chapter)

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