My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 164 Put it in and fight again!

Chapter 164 Put it in and fight again!
"General, this is the latest reconnaissance photo from the Air Force."

At the Yangpo stronghold, Hattori Brigade Headquarters, a Japanese staff officer handed a stack of photos to Hattori Naotomi.

At the same time, an intelligence analysis was also handed over.

"According to aerial reconnaissance."

The staff officer went on to report:

"The one-way road network centered on Shitouwan, which was mobilized and constructed by Tuba Road around Yangcun, has been completed, and air defense bunkers and fortifications have been set up around the road."

Although the mountain horse road organized by Zhao Gang was designed to pass horse-drawn carts carrying half a ton of cargo, and its width was much smaller than ordinary roads, the devils directly thought it was a road.

Just enough for the devil's diced truck to pass.

"So fast?"

Looking at the intelligence analysis and photos, Naotomi Hattori was shocked.

He knew the plan to build a road on the opposite Tuba Road.

If it were him, he would also choose to organize manpower to build this important supply channel.

The light firepower of the Tuba Road is at least five times that of the Locust Army, and even more than ten times at the highest point. High firepower means high consumption. If such a strong firepower is always maintained, the front-line ammunition storage caves will not last long.

A constant supply of ammunition must be guaranteed.

Although Stone Bay, the opponent's ammunition warehouse, is only a few tens of kilometers away from the front line, they are all complex and rugged mountains, and they rely on mules and horses to carry them. Even the European large-tonnage horses on the opposite side are very troublesome.

Not to mention he's been held up by artillery fire and aviation.

A smooth road that can tell carriages and has bunker fortifications can greatly improve the smoothness of supplies.

Only with sufficient supplies can the advantages of sufficient light firepower be brought into play.

But this is obviously not a good thing for him.

And this road was built too fast.

Naomi Hattori, who has been stationed in North China for several years, is deeply impressed by the difficulty and time-consuming construction of such a road in mountainous areas.

He didn't expect that Tuba Road could be completed so quickly.

"This group..."

Naotomi Hattori frowned.

This road will not affect the final direction of the battle, he must be the winner, and it is the heavy equipment that determines the outcome of the war.

Not light weapons.

But from this road, it can be seen that the Tuba Road entrenched in the mountainous area has abundant human resources, and the resources and strength that can mobilize these human resources.

Otherwise, it is impossible to quickly complete this difficult road without machinery and equipment.

And strong mobilization ability...
Plenty of small arms and ammunition...

It also means that after entering the mountains, he may face very big troubles.

Mountainous terrain, even if entering by road, will severely limit the use of heavy weapons of the locust army, and the weapons and equipment of the independent regiment are almost tailor-made for mountainous terrain.

No matter how strong the locust army is, even with the support of tanks, and when heavy weapons are restricted, it may be difficult to take Stone Bay in the face of Tuba Road, which is several times stronger than its own and has an advantage in light firepower.

"Who the hell is supporting the guerrillas?"

Naotomi Hattori looked at Shitouwan on the map, and there was a flash of murderous intent.

If there is not enough food and various materials, how can the Tuba Road have the ability to gather such a large manpower to quickly build roads in the mountainous area?
Although the Republic of China has the largest human resources in the world.

But resource development also requires capital.

To develop and utilize these human resources requires huge material resources, and Tubalu alone absolutely does not have this ability.

Otherwise, in a battle of hundreds of regiments, the locust army would not be facing just a hundred regiments, but a thousand or even more.

"When will the supply team and the two brigades supported by the First Army arrive?"

Taking a deep breath, Hattori Naotomi asked.

Although General Gangbu gathered nearly [-] troops and was preparing to launch a large-scale raid, the actual strength of the Tuba Road around Yangcun, where he was stationed, was probably beyond his imagination.

Far beyond the Hattori Brigade.

With the advantage of the opponent's light firepower, combined with the superiority of troops, once a stalemate is reached, there is a high probability that problems will occur when capturing Stone Bay.

To avoid this situation, only a quick fix...
The whole army was dispatched, and under the cover of planes, heavy artillery and tanks, they took Shitouwan in one wave, without giving Tubalu a chance to turn around.

Without logistical supplies, what could stop him from Tuba Road?

"There are still three days left for the baggage transport team."

"The two brigades of the First Army will also arrive on the same day."

The staff officer replied.

"Three days..."

Hattori looked at the calendar.

It's late November and we're only three days away from December.

There was a glint of haze in his eyes.

In December, the group of mysterious forces will definitely attack the imperial officers again. So, who will be the unlucky one this time?
"For the sale in December, the target is still the three devil generals."

"One lieutenant general, two major generals!"

"I will provide information, means of transportation, and weapons and equipment, and brother Yunlong will be responsible for the execution."

Yangcun, the Independent Regiment Headquarters, Mo Fan handed a piece of information to Li Yunlong:

"As for the price, brother Yunlong chooses by himself. Same as last month, you can choose two."

Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong looked over together.

The two looked at several materials on the list, and then they first glanced at Mo Fan together, as if to make sure that there was nothing wrong. After getting the confirmation look, the two looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

This time there are more types of materials, there are nine kinds in total.

These include medical supplies, as well as various weapons and equipment, such as the 82 mortars, 60 mortars, Czech machine guns, and grenades that appeared before.

The quantity is also directly doubled.

For example, all kinds of grains were 60 tons before, but this time the price is [-] tons.

And something beyond the imagination of the two appeared.

All kinds of high-quality minted silver dollars... [-] million pieces.

"You can choose two."

Mo Fan clashed and said something.

Li Yunlong looked at Zhao Gang and signaled Zhao Gang to choose.

The independent regiment has no shortage of weapons and equipment, no shortage of ammunition.

Bullets, grenades, and 60 mortar shells can be reimbursed, and corresponding equipment that is normally worn out can also be reimbursed. The only ammunition consumption is the flamethrower tank, the Type 82 infantry artillery shell, and the [-] mortar shell.

There is also the addition of damaged flamethrowers and 82 mortars.

One hundred tons per month is enough.

Besides, if the plan goes well, the 82 mortars and shells will be reimbursed next month.

and also,

Because he came to support the other troops of the Independent Regiment, Brother Mo would provide weapons and ammunition of the same scale as the First Battalion of the Independent Regiment, so that, after fighting fiercely with the Devils for so long, the equipment and ammunition for Yang Village were actually Hit more and more.

Even a lot more.

Considering the mobility of troops, the number of equipment is fixed and cannot be increased.

But ammunition is different.

It can only be carried without affecting the marching speed of the troops. It is common for an army to carry excess ammunition. Before the battle, just find a place to store some of the ammunition.

Standard or semi-standard ammunition is carried only in operations that require rapid movement of troops.

The ability of an army to carry ammunition depends on the terrain. Plain terrain and places with roads are not at the same level as those in mountainous areas.

In order to gain benefits, Li Yunlong of course maximized the amount of ammunition carried by the first battalion.

The first battalion has fifty Pelton horses, each of which is equipped with a cart with tires and shock-absorbing steel plates. On the Yangcun Mountain Horse Road, it can carry one ton of supplies and maintain sufficient marching speed.

The total carrying capacity is more than 50 tons.

Brother Mo's aid contract only stipulates that the calculation is based on the weapons and equipment carried by the first battalion during the war, and it does not specify where to fight. So, of course, it is possible to rely on Yangcun's defensive battle.

The equipment is all loaded by manpower, and the 82 artillery shells are only more than 20 kilograms when disassembled. It is easy for a strong soldier to carry it, and it can still guarantee sufficient marching ability.

Not to mention the 60 mortars with a total weight of only [-] kilograms.

Food and water are also brought by themselves, which is only a day's amount, which is very easy.

So the carriage is full of ammunition.

Even the soldiers carried a certain amount of ammunition on them.

All added up, a total of sixty tons.

Although this weight includes packaging, those troublesome and exquisite wooden boxes are completely unnecessary. On a flat road, the shells can be cushioned with straw, and they will not explode without fuzes, and bullets in sacks are no problem.

It is actually equivalent to fifty tons of pure ammunition.

And there were more than 20 battalions who came to reinforce Yangcun, that is, more than 1000 tons of ammunition.

So much so that after fighting for so long, more than a thousand tons of ammunition were produced.

The independent regiment doesn't need it, so these ammunition have been taken to other troops, so the current troops don't need weapons and equipment.

Li Yunlong also let Zhao Gang choose.

"Food and silver dollars."

After a little thought, Zhao Gang chose the price tag.

Once you have enough power to protect yourself, start to develop your economy as needed.

If you want to develop the economy, you need to build roads, thousands of kilometers or even more roads, build water conservancy facilities, water conservancy facilities that can irrigate the entire base land, and open up wasteland to carry out large-scale production, plant cotton, collect tung oil and other raw materials, you need to open Factories that produce clothes, shoes, soap, matches, cigarettes and other daily necessities.

These require funding.

Although border tickets can be printed at will, Boss Mo helped to print them for free, but the border tickets need to have food to support their value, otherwise they will be waste paper or another legal currency.

Food is a hard currency, and it is in great demand during times of war.

However, road construction, water conservancy facilities, and land reclamation are large projects that require a lot of money.

Food alone cannot sustain it, so silver dollars are needed.

Although silver dollars are inconvenient to carry, there is nothing to say about preservation of value.

"By the way, Boss Mo."

Zhao Gang asked:
"Is this silver dollar still available in the future?"

"Is there a total limit?"

"Silver dollars?"

"How much does this thing need!"

"Don't talk about silver dollars, even gold, you can have as much as you want."

"The little devil hasn't finished killing, we still have some business to do!"

Mo Fan smiled mysteriously.

In front of the master of the system, it is not a problem for these precious metals to fill the entire Pacific Ocean.

"Then choose grain and silver dollars."

Zhao Gang smiled.

The smile is slightly sinister.

According to the international news received from the headquarters, the conflict between Millikin and the little devil's business has become active again, and a lot of supplies have been sold to the little devil.

And they are all strategic materials, steel, oil, medicine...

The United States is neutral on the surface, but secretly supports the little devils one after another, pushing the little devils chariot.

There is also the Silver Act a few years ago, which led to the outflow of domestic currency, exacerbated deflation, and sluggish consumption, which crushed the economy of the Republic of China and caused heavy losses.

Now, he is going to make a game, and severely pit the United States on the other side.

Dare to secretly support the little devil?
The Silver Act stabilized the price of silver, right?

I can't kill you!

at the same time.

Luojia Bay.

Among the first batch of fields opened up by the production group.

Deputy head Xing and other soldiers of the production team looked at the lush Chinese cabbage covered in the field, like a sea of ​​cabbage, and smiles representing a good harvest filled everyone's faces.

55 days passed.

The first batch of [-] mu of Chinese cabbage planted by the production group has matured.

Although it has not been harvested yet, and the yield per mu has not been weighed and measured, the yield of the cabbage field like an ocean is definitely not low. Even if there is no yield of [-] catties per mu, it will not be much less.

"let's start."

After looking at the group of people from the [-]th Brigade who were still there, and then looking at Zhang Wanhe and the deputy chief of staff who had rushed over, they didn't have any intention of speaking, and then deputy head Xing gave the order.

Following his orders, more than a thousand warriors began to harvest ripe cabbages.

Many people are powerful,
The fighters are very skillful in their movements,
After all, most of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army came from the countryside. Perhaps the skills of fighting devils are not enough and need to be honed, but the skills of farming are immersed in everyone's bones.

With the work of the soldiers, like a layer of waves, acre after acre of green Chinese cabbage was carefully harvested, and then piled on the tarpaulin spread on the ground.

At the same time, a group of cabbages harvested by the warrior team were weighed.

Everyone looked nervously at the production team officer in charge of statistics...
(End of this chapter)

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