My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 187 The power surge period!

Chapter 187 The power surge period!
Jinzhong Basin.

Ling County.

After the five regiments jointly captured Ling County, the four regiments withdrew into the base area, leaving only the New Ninth Regiment to garrison.

Including logistics personnel, the total strength of the New Ninth Regiment is 570 people,

Although it is a new regiment, it has a backbone of grassroots officers and cadres, soldiers who have undergone systematic training for two months, and after several battles, the New Ninth Regiment has grown up and become a main force regiment.

Cooperating with the fortifications of Ling County, it is enough to defend Ling County.

Moreover, the troops in the base area can provide support at any time within a few hours, and the troops whose short-wave radio has been popularized to the battalion level can also transmit news in time.

The Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment left 130 jeeps, of which [-] were assigned to the rear base area, responsible for troops, material transportation in the base area, and strengthening the construction of the base area, and [-] were assigned to the troops to enhance the mobility of the troops.

Because the New Ninth Regiment was stationed in Ling County, it was also allocated seven vehicles for liaison and transportation.

"This task is of great importance, and I will lead the team myself!"

In the conference room of the regiment headquarters, the head of the new fifth regiment spoke decisively, beyond doubt:
"The work in the regiment will be temporarily arranged by the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters."

After the recovery of Ling County, the management of the surrounding base areas, policy promotion and other matters were well-arranged by political cadres to take over and handle them. The main task of the New Ninth Regiment was to garrison.

Now the first task is to improve the fortifications, get familiar with the surrounding terrain, and formulate various plans.

This is the Jinzhong Basin, the core control area of ​​the devil's first army. The devil may counterattack at any time, and the task of defense is heavy.


Seeing that his political commissar did not speak, the chief of staff of the New Ninth Regiment responded with regret.

What do you mean the scale of this mission is so important...
pure nonsense,

It was just a small-scale operation, going deep into the devil-occupied area to harass the devil's transport team, stronghold, and gun tower, and there was only one platoon in charge of formulating the operation.

This kind of thing has been done many times before.

In order to control the occupied area, search for supplies, enslave and plunder the common people, the devils also set up a large number of strongholds in the occupied area.

Because it is the core occupied area, the garrisons in these strongholds are generally not strong. Some are stationed with several devils, police forces, auxiliary personnel, and some are stationed with two devils. supplies.

After obtaining accurate information, the troops would occasionally send small groups of troops to attack the transport convoy, or even directly attack these strongholds.

However, this task is very dangerous,
You can't be sure of the accuracy of the information, whether someone surrendered to the enemy, or a trap deliberately set by the devils, and although there are not many strongholds in the devil's core control area, there are a large number of troops stationed around, and large troops can provide high-speed support at any time.

Requires an experienced commander.

Therefore, he led the team more times.

And the reason why the head of the team said that the task is of great importance this time, and he is required to lead the team personally,
It is nothing more than the weapons used are more advanced, and this time they are equipped with cars,
The jeeps left by the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment were divided into seven. This time, they will dispatch four of them, equipped with new large-caliber heavy machine guns, radios, and even mortars, to go deep into the Jinzhong Basin and attack the Devils on the Highway. transport team, stronghold.

"This time, let the devils have a taste of our new guerrilla warfare."

The head of the New Ninth Regiment spoke excitedly.

Glancing at the excited head of his own regiment, the chief of staff of the New Ninth Regiment was thinking about something else.

This mission was organized by the brigade headquarters. Several counties and bases around the Jinzhong Basin had operations in the base areas. The purpose was to explore the use of jeeps to penetrate into the devil-occupied area.

But there is one thing about the order of the brigade that he is very concerned about.

The brigade headquarters expressly reminded that during the mission, try to ensure the safety of the soldiers performing the mission. When encountering problems, if necessary, you can give up the equipment to avoid falling into the hands of the devils.

In this mission, jeeps were dispatched, as well as mortars with a three-kilometer range, and new large-caliber heavy machine guns!

It's all new equipment.
Even if the army is rich now, it is still the bottom of the box.

In the past, if you wanted to use such a good thing, you had to approve it from the brigade headquarters in the highlands, and even the brigade commander had to sign it in person before you could use it.

And the last sentence of the brigade department...
Could it be that··

The chief of staff suddenly became hot inside.

Jinzhong Basin.

A certain county seat in the central area.

a nearby village,
The entrance of the village,

As the night darkened, a donkey pulled an old wooden wheeled cart, and entered the village entrance along the winding mountain road with difficulty, the wooden tires creaked when they were pressed.

On the cart were firewood and some fodder for the animals.

Clearly a good portion.

In Jindi, forage in winter is hard to find.

Wearing a hat and wrapped in a shabby big padded jacket, the driver skillfully waved his whip and drove the cart into this small, somewhat remote village.

"team leader."

After entering the village, several men quickly greeted them, two of them watched from left and right, and the rest surrounded the cart and saluted the driver.

After that, all eyes were on the cart.

"Notify everyone to gather."

The captain, who was dressed as a driver, said with a smile on his face.


Seeing the captain's expression, everyone was immediately excited.

Only 5 minutes later, the 29 key members of the martial arts team established a year ago and operating in the county town of the devil's core control area in the center of the Jinzhong Basin were assembled.

"This time, the superiors issued a batch of weapons and equipment."

The captain is not long-winded, straight to the point.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, everyone lifted the firewood and haystacks on the cart, revealing crates of weapons and ammunition.

"Ten Czechs, ten thousand rounds of machine gun ammunition."

"Five hundred hand grenades were made in Germany."

"One hundred German-made [-]-ring shell-shuttering guns, twenty new-style submachine guns, and [-] rounds of bullets."

"A large-caliber anti-tank gun with fifty rounds of ammunition."

"One individual flamethrower and three gas pipes."

"One carriage cannot fit, and three carriages will come over at night."


There was a series of air-conditioning sounds in the room.

Although they knew that their superiors would be very generous this time, they did not expect to be so generous.

But isn't this batch of weapons too much?
The quantity of this batch of weapons and ammunition, not to mention anything else, ten machine guns and [-] rounds of ammunition, is enough to equip a battalion-level unit of a regular main force regiment.

"With this batch of ammunition, we can meet the devil head-on, right?"

In the crowd, someone rubbed their hands together, their tone was excited, and their expressions were eager to try.

Although the Jinzhong Basin is the core area occupied by the devils, and there are many garrisons, but the territory here is large, and their location is relatively remote.

Their opponents were more than a dozen devils and fifty puppet soldiers in three small strongholds in the surrounding villages. Their weapons were only four machine guns and one grenadier, and the rest were three or eight big guns.

The second devils still use Hanyang.

But even so, they couldn't beat it.

Because before, their martial arts team didn't even have the backbone guns, and the bullets per capita were only three to five rounds.

And now,
Everyone looked at the weapons and ammunition neatly placed in the supplies, and all looked at their captain, eager to try.

"Do not."

"This time, we will directly attack the stronghold."

The captain licked his lips.


The crowd suddenly widened their eyes.

This is the hard bone of the devils, the nail used by the devils to blockade the surrounding villages, and also the thorn in their eyes. They want to take down these strongholds in their dreams.

But it's not easy.

Even with these weapons, it is still difficult. Although their martial arts team has been established for a long time, and there are a total of two hundred people in the surrounding villages, they have almost no experience in tackling tough situations.

"Yes, stronghold."

As he spoke, the captain lowered his voice:

"Among the three carriages coming tonight, there will be reinforcements sent by superiors."

"It's a class of the Independent Regiment."

"Independent group!"

"The independent regiment that repelled a division of devils and wiped out nearly ten thousand devils?"


With just three words, the morale in the room instantly rose to its peak.


"Brigade Commander Chen."

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, Li Yunlong's natural enemy, the brigade commander of the [-]th brigade, left the conference room at the headquarters, got into a jeep with a steel roof, and drove all the way to the brigade headquarters.

"Why do you think Brigadier Chen always holds that whip?"

Looking at the jeep speeding away, a staff officer at the headquarters was a little curious.

"do not know."

Another headquarters staff officer shook his head.

With the popularity of jeeps and the extension of roads in the base areas, military officers now start to take cars for meetings.

Compared with horses, cars are faster and safer,
Not only the transportation of personnel, but also the transportation of the wounded and the transportation of materials. The headquarters, the logistics department, the arsenal, and the production team around Luojiawan have also begun to use jeeps on a large scale.

Li Yunlong's old boss, Brigadier Chen of the [-]th Brigade also started to take a car to the headquarters for meetings. He stopped riding a horse, but he kept holding the whip in his hand.

It was nothing,
It's just a whip.

However, as the staff of the headquarters, they found that whether it was the deputy chief, the boss, the deputy chief staff, the division commander, or even other division commanders, or even the boss, they all seemed to show that the brigade commander holding the whip had other meanings.

"who cares."

"It's probably because of Li Yunlong."

The second staff officer shook his head and changed the subject:
"Why do you think about these things? We will be busy next time."


Having said that, the first staff officer's tone was unusually excited.

As the staff officers of the headquarters, they already knew the consensus reached in this battle meeting.

The combat objectives of the troops in the next stage.

Jinzhong Basin.

Completely recapture this basin, take over millions of acres of fertile land here, and use it as the core base for the next stage of the army's development, grow food, and accumulate strength.

Because of the mountainous area, it is too inconvenient to develop.

As headquarters staff officers, they need to develop feasible and detailed operational plans.

"Unexpectedly, in less than a year, our strength has developed to such an extent."

The tone of the first headquarters staff officer was emotional.

Let's say a year ago, someone told him that the army was going to plan to retake the Jinzhong Basin, so he had to slap that guy backhand.

What do you think.

Can't even walk, and still want to fly to the sky?
But now, in less than a year, ten months to be precise, the army is actually going to start doing this.


The second staff officer remembered that they had heard the operations conference speak.

The speaker was this Brigadier Chen.

"This time, we showed an offensive on the Jinzhong Basin, taking down three surrounding counties on important traffic arteries, and further infiltrating into the interior, assuming a posture to seize the Jinzhong Basin."

"But the Jinzhong Basin is the core control area of ​​the Devil's First Army. The Tongpu Line passes through here, and it is also the main grain-producing area in Shanxi. It is an area that the Devil must never give up."

"The devil must mobilize heavy troops to drive us out."

"Of course, the devil also knows that our purpose of doing this is to delay the time for the next big sweep."

"Because in the eyes of the devils, our strength is not enough to win the Jinzhong Basin, and we are not strong enough to fight the devils head-on, so we will not send too many troops."

"Then, we can take advantage of the situation."

"In one go, take the Jinzhong Basin."

As the staff of the headquarters staff department, they naturally know it well.

The devil's reinforcements in the Jinzhong Basin are at least one division, plus the First Army's own garrison in the Jinzhong Basin, the total size of the troops may be two divisions.

With the current strength of the troops, even with the addition of the independent regiment, it would be difficult to compete with the two division-level troops of the Devils in the Jinzhong Basin, a plain area like this.

No, the overall strength of the army is not as good as the two divisions of the Devils.

In fact, with the arrival of batch after batch of weapons, ammunition and supplies, and the great development of the base areas, one after another base areas are connected into one piece, not to mention the entire North China region, even their 129th Division, if they are all pulled out, they will not be afraid of the devils at all. Two divisions.

But the overall strength is one thing, and it is another thing to be able to mobilize mobile combat troops to fight in the Jinzhong Basin.

This involves troop mobilization, logistical supplies, etc.,
Just like the devils' North China Front Army, with nearly 30 troops, according to intelligence, the devils organized it for nearly half a year, and only 1 to 5 devils were dispatched to participate in the large-scale mopping up, of which more than [-] devils were killed in Yangcun. There are more than [-] left.

But since the headquarters has passed this combat plan,
In other words, the strength of the troops will be raised to the point where they can fight the devils head-on in the Jinzhong Basin.

In the end what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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