My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 188 Eating meat with the independent group!

Chapter 188 Eating meat with the independent group!

"What about the cavalry battalion directly under it?"

After a busy day, Zhang Wanhe was on his way to his residence when he saw the empty barracks directly under the cavalry battalion directly under the headquarters of the logistics department. He couldn't help asking curiously.

It was there before!
"Going to attack the devil's gun tower."

A headquarters officer replied.

It's not a secret, it's just that Minister Zhang has been busy recently and has no time to hear the news.

"Hit... the gun tower?"

Zhang Wanhe was stunned.

The cavalry battalion of the headquarters belongs to the troops directly under the headquarters, with a total strength of more than 500 troops and more than 500 horses. Whether they are grassroots cadres or ordinary commanders and fighters, most of them are the backbone of the Red Army and have rich combat experience.

It is the main force among the main forces.

More than 500 elite cavalry, everywhere is a force that determines the outcome of the war.

Of course, this was before.

After the troops obtained jeeps and carried out large-scale road repairs in the base area, the cavalry battalion directly under the headquarters also began to refit on a small scale, equipped with more than a dozen jeeps, and sent people to Yangcun to learn car posture, maintenance, etc.

And strengthen the troops.

Now this army has a total strength of 1000 people, mainly military horses, a small number of jeeps, new 60.82 long-range mortars, general-purpose machine guns, submachine guns, etc.

The strength is not weaker than the First Battalion of the Independent Regiment.

The directly subordinate cavalry battalion belongs to the security mobile force, which is mainly responsible for guarding the security of the headquarters, or participating in the battle as a mobile force support.The dispatch of the direct battalion requires the consent of the boss.

Such a force, going to attack the artillery building?

"Yes, hit the blockhouse!"

The headquarters officer nodded to confirm the answer.

"what happened?"

Zhang Wanhe became even more curious.

As the head of the logistics department, Zhang Wanhe has been very busy recently, very busy.

The large-scale promotion of advanced agricultural technologies such as seeds and fertilizers in the base area, the establishment of army farms, etc., to obtain a bumper harvest, all these food materials require his unified coordination.

storage, transportation and more.

Although he borrowed a few masters from Li Yunlong, he was still very busy.

Therefore, Zhang Wanhe is not clear about what happened in the Jinzhong Basin.

"It is said that we are going to attack a devil stronghold with the first battalion of the independent regiment."

The headquarter officer continued.

Attacking a stronghold is nothing more than a big move, and there is no need to keep it secret, everyone knows it.

"The First Battalion of the Independent Regiment."

Zhang Wanhe frowned.

The appearance of the First Battalion of the Independent Regiment made him feel that things were not easy.

This is definitely not a simple task of attacking the devil's stronghold.

Based on what he knew about Li Yunlong and the recent situation, although there is no evidence, Zhang Wanhe has already judged in his heart that hitting the devil's gun tower is probably not the purpose, but just a means.

Just use the devil.

The real purpose is probably...
As soon as the thoughts arrived here, everyone heard the rumbling sound,
Looking up, I saw jeeps coming one after another in the distance of the newly built road, and each jeep was pulling a trailer.

The trailers were fully loaded with supplies, and some were bulging with tarpaulins.

"The cavalry battalion is back."

The headquarter officer shouted in surprise.

Zhang Wanhe didn't speak, but looked straight at the cavalry battalion directly under the headquarters coming back along the road.

On the first jeep was the commander of the cavalry battalion.

At this time, the commander of the cavalry battalion was standing in the co-pilot, propping up the seat with his hands, smiling vigorously.

In the rear, there was a long and winding convoy. On the back seat of every two cars, there was a huge new heavy machine gun. The huge barrel showed the extraordinaryness of this heavy machine gun.

"this is not···"

Zhang Wanhe's eyes widened immediately.

Because of the handover of statistical materials, he has been to the independent group many times.

At this time, the headquarters in front of him is directly under the cavalry battalion. Apart from people, what is the difference between it and the first battalion of the independent regiment?
Two hundred jeeps, one hundred new large-caliber heavy machine guns, and six new 5700 long-range mortars wrapped in tarpaulin that he participated in the test with a range of 82 meters.

And [-] tons of fuel, ammunition, food, medicine and other supplies.

Standard independent regiment first battalion configuration.

"What exactly is this artillery building..."

After being stunned for a long time, Zhang Wanhe subconsciously wanted to complain, but he didn't finish complaining in the end.

Where is this going to fight the gun tower?

It's basically going to eat meat with the independent group!

At the same time, the [-]th regiment, the regiment headquarters.


Chu Yunfei looked at the information from his superiors about Tuba Road taking down the three counties in the Jinzhong Basin and further extending into the basin, couldn't help shaking his head again and again, and kept marveling in his mouth.

"It's impossible!"

Fang Ligong, the chief of staff at the side, directly expressed doubts about the accuracy of the information.

Even if, this was passed on by the senior officials of the Jinsui Army.

Where is the Jinzhong Basin?
Shanxi cornucopia, one of the wealthiest areas.

It has a large population and a developed economy. The Tongpu Line, one of the two major railways in Shanxi, also passes through here. To the north is Taiyuan, which is also one of the terminals of the Zhengtai Line. The terrain is flat and the transportation is convenient. It is an area where the devils gather heavily.

One-third of the main force of the Japanese First Army is stationed here.

The main force of the North China Front Army can also pass through the railway and go for reinforcements at any time. Even in the current situation, the devils can gather more than two divisions in a short period of time, with a total strength of more than [-] devils.

And it is the main division.

Not to mention the Tuba Road, even in the peak period of the Jinsui Army, in this kind of plain area, you have to weigh it.

"That's why it's incredible."

Chu Yunfei spoke solemnly:
"Or, this is a false attack, the purpose is to delay the devil's next large-scale sweep, they are buying time."


Having said that, Chu Yunfei paused for a while before continuing:
"They already have strength, or are about to have strength, and they will meet the devils head-on in the Jinzhong Basin."

"It's impossible!"

Fang Ligong couldn't refute the words from the group seat, but he still couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, it's incredible."

Chu Yunfei sighed again:
"But you think about what happened recently..."

recent events
Fang Ligong recalled the past few months.

During the Hundred Regiments War, the [-]th Regiment took the opportunity to recapture a county seat and stationed there.

Because of the sudden large-scale attack, the devils were busy protecting the transportation lines and fighting the Eighth Route Army, and had no time to deal with the [-]th Regiment. They even took the opportunity to expand a lot of territory.

It has been fully enlarged by three times than before.

The [-]th Regiment was stationed adjacent to the base of the opposing group. There was a village between the troops of the two sides, and the nearest position was separated by a ravine. They could see the machine gun bunkers on the opposing side without binoculars.

What was stationed opposite the [-]th Regiment was not the elite troops of Li Yunlong and his group, but an ordinary regiment.

In the Military and Political Department, there is no regiment without a serial number.

That is the so-called base group.

The establishment time is only five months, and the total force is less than 1000. The equipment is mainly shell guns and machine guns. The rifles are some old sleeves made in Hanyang and other goods from the last century. Most of the fighters are disheveled and have not yet formed combat effectiveness.

It can be said that if the [-]th Regiment randomly pulls out an ordinary battalion, it can wipe out the regiment.

But in the past few months, Fang Ligong witnessed the changes in this regiment with his own eyes.

In just three months and about one hundred days, the strength of the miscellaneous regiment stationed opposite the 1000th regiment increased from less than 500 to more than [-].

The equipment can be seen with the naked eye. Submachine guns and machine guns have spread to squads, 60 mortars have spread to companies, and 82 mortars have spread to battalions. Of course, they also have these in three, five, and eight regiments.

But even the directly subordinate anti-tank guns and individual flamethrowers made Fang Ligong jealous.

This is a good thing that can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of troops, and the [-]th Regiment does not have such a good thing.

as well as,

In the eyes of the group, the most important thing is,
The core regiment, which was formed only eight months ago, has undergone several battles with the devils, and its momentum has been reborn, and its stature has become stronger visible to the naked eye. Tough morale.

Become an elite team capable of fighting tough battles.

For the latter, Fang Ligong disagreed,
With the opponent's logistics, enough rice and noodles, as well as weapons and equipment, and ammunition supplies, any army can grow up.

Fang Ligong is very clear that recently, the group has more and more ammunition, and they will regularly arrange live ammunition shooting, not only rifles and machine guns, but even mortars. In the last month, they will conduct live ammunition shooting training.

It really made him envious.

Large-scale live ammunition shooting, even including recruits, the [-]th regiment does not dare to be so extravagant now.

"Leader, the county magistrate is on the phone."

At this moment, a communications staff officer ran over.

"The county magistrate?"

Chu Yunfei was stunned for a while.

They are soldiers, so it's not their responsibility to manage such things locally, but now is a time of war, facing devils, enemies, and 'allies', it's a special period, so Chu Yunfei holds a lot of power in his hands.

"what's up?"

Chu Yunfei asked directly.

"Recently, there have been a large number of people who have brought their families to the other party's base area. He asked us to intercept these people."

The staff officer replied.

"Drag the family with the mouth!"

Chu Yunfei frowned deeply.

The county where the [-]th Regiment is stationed is currently under the control of Guo Kui, and the supplies and even military pay of the [-]th Regiment actually largely depend on the county where the [-]th Regiment is stationed.

There is no way. Although the current preserved fruit economy has improved due to the continuous remittances from abroad, it is still severe.

He knew that there were a lot of people in the county going to work in the group's base area.

That group of people is doing a lot of construction in the base area, building roads, building water conservancy facilities, and opening up wasteland farms. They need a lot of manpower, and they pay enough wages, and they never default on them.

Although it is the other party's side currency.

However, border coins can be used to buy food, and they have even been exchanged for silver dollars recently. This has completely suppressed the gradual compilation of border coins and guaranteed purchasing power.

Those who went to work, after getting the border currency, would buy supplies or exchange them into silver dollars, and bring them back to the county where the [-]th Regiment was stationed, which would relieve the local economic pressure and increase the county's finances.

This is a good thing for the [-] regiment.

But dragging their families to the other party's base area means that these people will never come back.

A few people are fine.

But if it's not small...
Chinese people love home, and few people like to relocate. Although there are many problems at the grassroots level of Guofu, the county where his [-] regiment is stationed will not be too serious. Under such circumstances, a large number of people will migrate, so...

"Go and see what's going on!"

Chu Yunfei got up immediately.

If this matter is not handled properly, the troops of the [-]th Regiment will lose their morale.

Also at the same time.

Opposite the [-] regiment.

The 212th Brigade of the New Army, on the position of the new Sixth Regiment.

"Regimental Commander, the brigade has sent a telegram that a company from the Independent Regiment will arrive in an hour, let us get ready."

The guard rushed into the regiment headquarters cheerfully and reported to his regiment leader.

"Haha, is it finally our turn?!"

The head of the New Sixth Regiment rubbed his hands and was also very excited.

It can even be said to be long-awaited.

Obviously, the arrival of the Independent Regiment is a good thing for the New Sixth Regiment.

Great thing.

The New Sixth Regiment was formed along with the New Second Regiment, but its foundation was far weaker than that of the New Second Regiment. Whether it was the level of officers and cadres or the level of soldier training, it was far inferior to the New Second Regiment.

In just a few months, although there is still a gap from the new second regiment, its combat effectiveness is no worse than any of the main regiments. The core reason is that most officers went to the headquarters training class for training, added some good equipment, and transferred the whole regiment The [-]st Battalion, whose main force was strengthened, went to Yangcun to support the Independence Regiment in the fight, had several tough battles with the devils, and brought back some good weapons and ammunition.

The latter is key,

The morale of the troops returning from the horrific and huge actual battle has undergone a radical change, and it is even a little bit like an independent regiment.

These elite veterans who had experienced the tragic battle in Yangcun returned to the army and became the backbone of the combat effectiveness of the New Sixth Regiment, which also gave the whole regiment a new look.

The weapons and ammunition brought back even allowed the brigade to let go and arrange regular live-fire training for the troops.
After the Battle of Yangcun, out of consideration for the coordination of various troops during the battle and the next attack of the devils, the independent regiment would often send small groups of troops to each regiment to hold simulated combat exercises to improve the coordination between the troops.

Some regiments will even jointly conduct military operations against the devils.

After the actual combat simulation training or the joint military operation is completed, the troops of the independent regiment will leave weapons and equipment, ammunition supplies, lightly loaded, or even return to Yangcun without equipment.

Most of the remaining equipment belongs to the troops participating in the training.

Although only one company came this time, the independent regiment is now equipped with cars. A company has dozens of cars and dozens of tons of ammunition.

Even a third of it can still support Xinliutuan.

(End of this chapter)

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