My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 194 Training, ammunition and supplies during the battle

Chapter 194 Training, during battle, ammunition and supplies saved
While Yamamoto and Yoshio Shinozuka were discussing.

Headquarters, Logistics Department.


Looking at the list in his hand, Zhang Wanhe couldn't help hey:
"Li Yunlong is so fucking rich."


The logistics officer on the side also nodded in agreement:

"Ten million rounds of 1000mm ammunition, ten million rounds of Mauser pistol rounds, a hundred million rounds of Mauser pointed rounds, two million hand grenades, two million rounds of 12.7 mortar shells, one million rounds of 1000 mortar shells, and 200 tons of fuel and 200 tons of grain."

"In just one month, Commander Li saved so much ammunition and fuel."


Hearing what he said, Zhang Wanhe glanced at the original report from the independent group in his hand, with a strange expression on his face.

Yes, independent regiments are using savings.

Conserve ammo and supplies during training battles.

A month's worth!

By the way, the weapons of many troops were changed, and a lot of weapons and ammunition were consumed.

Otherwise, in this report, there will be more ammunition, and there will be a lot of weapons, as well as jeeps and horses.

"Organize manpower and build warehouses."

Although there are a lot of ammunition and supplies in this batch, compared to the entire army, it is actually the same.

[-] million rounds of Mauser pointed bullets are averaged to each soldier. Even if local guerrillas, county brigades, and district squads are not counted, and only the main force of the army is counted, each soldier will be allocated less than [-] rounds.

50 tons of grain is only enough to consume for a few days for the bases that organize large-scale construction.

But it is foreseeable that next month, the same amount or even more ammunition and supplies will come out of the independent regiment.

These materials are different from those obtained by the independent group from Boss Mo. They cannot be stored in the transfer station, and must be stored by the troops themselves.

As the head of the logistics department, he needs to be prepared to store and manage the huge incoming materials, and establish a sound and scientific management and scheduling system.


"Yesterday, the guerrillas launched a large-scale attack in the Jinzhong Basin, sending out small groups of troops to target strongholds, causing casualties of a large group of the empire, but no strongholds were lost."

"After reinforcements arrived, the enemy quickly retreated into the mountains."

There is always distortion in the delivery of the message.

This is true even in the mature modern army of the Locust Army of the Great Japanese Empire.

For the so-called face, face, but also for the so-called self-esteem and pride, the staff of the North China Front Army made some changes when reporting the battle in the Jinzhong Basin.

Even if there is no difference between the written description and the facts, the order of sentences, changes in intonation, and changes in wording can all cause changes in meaning, or even completely different changes.


Naozaburo Kobebe snorted coldly, with a disdainful tone:

"Do you really think you can defeat the locust army in the plains?"

Because of the distorted news, Naozaburo Kobe still stubbornly believed that the Eighth Route Army launched round after round of attacks in the Jinzhong Basin in order to attract the locust army to increase troops to the Jinzhong Basin in order to delay his large-scale sweep plan.

"According to the scheduled plan, clean up the Tuba Road around the Jinzhong Basin to occupy the county and the base area."

Taking a deep breath, Okabe Naozaburo spoke calmly.

Even, with sarcasm.

Tuba Road tried to harass the Jinzhong Basin and threatened the Tongpu line to buy time.

Then, he will take advantage of the situation, use the river to cross the bridge, abandon the original plan to sweep the Taihang and Taiyue areas in southeastern Shanxi, and instead concentrate his forces to directly sweep the Tuba Road around the Jinzhong Basin, and completely clear the surrounding areas of the southern section of the Tongpu Line. guerrilla force.

That is, including the garrison of the First Army living around the Jinzhong Basin, [-] troops were concentrated to carry out an unprecedented sweep.

Planning on this scale is very difficult.

But with the support from the local base camp and increasing the supply of various materials, Naozaburo Okabe also has enough strength to carry out this battle plan.


The staff officer immediately went to convey the order.

at the same time,


Inside the First Army Headquarters,
Yoshio Shinozuka said to Yamamoto in a earnest tone:

"The biggest problem with the locust army at present is that we don't understand the enemy at all."

"It's not just the mysterious force that organizes weapons, ammunition, supplies, and technical assistance for the guerrillas. Even our current understanding of the guerrillas' Tuba Road is seriously biased against reality."

"That's the scariest thing."

"There is a saying in Sun Tzu's art of war. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles, and even be victorious in a hundred battles."

"But now, we are very clear about our own power, but no one knows the situation and strength of the enemy. The intelligence department of the First Army, the intelligence department of the North China Front Army, and even the intelligence department directly under the headquarters are not clear."

"Tuba Road..."

"How many troops?"

"How much material reserves are there?"

"How about the logistics transportation and supply capabilities?"

"What is the equipment system and combat capability of the combat troops?"

"We don't know all of this."

"What we know is that in September last year, they exposed a total force of more than 40, with a large number of imported light machine guns, assault pistols, grenades, mortars, and individual flamethrowers."

"But now five months have passed, and they are equipped with new 60 mortars with a range of three kilometers, jeeps, anti-tank guns, large-caliber heavy machine guns, and Type [-] infantry guns."

"Also. Artillery has shown a very elite quality, and can also use cars on a large scale."

"But these were deliberately shown to us by the enemy."

"The general is right."

Yamamoto also took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.


Shinozuka Yoshio looked at Yamamoto first, and said solemnly:
"Next, the center of your work is to find out exactly how strong the Tuba Road is."

"And why they can improve their combat effectiveness so quickly."

There was one thing that Shinozuka Yoshio never understood.

Not to mention how the equipment was transported in,
He had no idea about this, and he didn't even want to think about it. The imperial intelligence department had lost all his hair, and it was useless for him to think about it. Yes, high-quality elite artillery.

This is something he can't understand anyway.

In the empire, even a Type [-] infantry artillery gunner needs at least three years of training, enter the battlefield, and fire hundreds of live ammunition before he can grow into an excellent gunner.

But Tuba Road...
In just a few months, a large number of elite mortar gunners emerged.

Even if the training of mortar gunners is far simpler than that of barrel guns, talented people can even master them in a short period of time, but such a large-scale elite gunner - even if someone teaches, you still have to have time to learn!
and also··
Where did they get so many technical soldiers to operate and maintain those cars?

Yamamoto bowed his head.

"I will let Tegao cooperate with you."

Shinozuka Yoshio said.

As the commander of the First Army, Lieutenant General of the Empire, he has a very good relationship with Sasuo Torii, the head of the North China Special High-Tech Division. Of course, there are also reasons for Naozaburo Kobe——

The relationship between the two of them and Naozaburo Kobe is not good.

They all hope that Naozaburo Kobe will step down.


Yamamoto bowed his head.

"That's right, Yamamoto-kun."

Yoshio Shinozuka's tone suddenly changed:
"You have read the Ta Kung Pao, tell me what you think."

"Ta Kung Pao..."

The declaration of war came to Yamamoto's mind.

The headline on the front page of the Ta Kung Pao declared: The group of mysterious forces who repeatedly attacked imperial officers would kill Lieutenant General Hayao Tada on his way back to the train station three days later.

Moreover, Lieutenant General Hayao Tada was also described as a war criminal who committed many crimes and caused countless deaths.


Yamamoto sighed inwardly, and continued:

"That group's repeated attacks on imperial officers are essentially special operations."

"Using small-scale, elite troops, with the support of intelligence, infiltrate into the enemy's rear, carry out attacks on key targets, and decapitate them to achieve major strategic goals."

"Although the target they attacked is not suitable in my opinion, there is no doubt that they have killed imperial officers many times with a small force, which has caused huge strategic impact."

"The Imperial Locust Army is full of worries, and has organized multiple intelligence leak reviews. The officers of the Empire are terrified, and they dare not go out of the city casually, and even dare to stay in the barracks where the heavy troops are assembled."

"It also dealt a huge blow to the prestige of the Imperial Locust Army and boosted the morale of the rebel forces."

"As far as I know, due to the impact of a series of raids and killings, the foreign economic aid to the fruit has nearly doubled, and it has also encouraged a large number of overseas Chinese to join the fruit. These are excellent intellectuals."

"Just don't talk about the domestic impact."

"What I'm asking is, how do you see things three days from now?"

Shinozuka Yoshio frowned.

Today's Yamamoto is a bit long-winded.


Yamamoto bowed his head.

When it comes to the profession he has devoted his whole life to, seeing his lifelong dream carried forward in the hands of the enemy and showing results in his own locust army, Yamamoto naturally has mixed feelings in his heart.

"From the theory of special operations, after three days, there is no need to worry about Tada Hayao's safety."

Yamamoto said:

"Special operations emphasize surprise attacks."

"When the enemy is not prepared, launch an attack unexpectedly to achieve the combat goal and retreat quickly."

"Because no matter how elite an army is, facing an army with an advantage of tens or even hundreds of times in strength, unless the opponent's strength is too weak, like a cold weapon against a hot weapon, there is no chance of winning."

"This is also the reason why I chose to retreat after encountering the Tuba Route troops in Yangcun. Once the enemy knows about it, there is no point in continuing to carry out the mission."

"But now, we know that the enemy will attack Commander Tada Hayao in three days..."

Shinozuka Yoshio was thoughtful.


Yamamoto continued:

"This is a maze deliberately set up by the enemy to attract the attention of the locust army, so as to carry out the hidden plan secretly."

"Either, the enemy has sufficient strength, or some kind of technical means. On the way to the train station, General Tada Hayao succeeded. Launched an attack."

"According to what I know."

Shinozuka Yoshio said:

"This time, there are three infantry brigades, 1000 locust troops, more than [-] intelligence personnel, special high-tech personnel, and more police officers who are in charge of the security of General Tada Hayao."

"Even, there are air forces covering the airspace."

"Unless the attacker is inside the locust army, or even the person responsible for Tada Hayao's safety, it is impossible to succeed."

His tone was firm.

Jisaburo Okabe is directly responsible for Tada Hayao's security this time. Based on his relationship with Naozaburo Okabe, what he knows must be the tip of the iceberg, and there must be more security forces hidden.

"General, I'm not optimistic about the result."

Yamamoto sighed:

"Since the other party dares to declare publicly, they must be sure, and the cooperation has made a plan."

"Judging from the results of the multiple actions of this group of mysterious attackers, General Tada Hayao may..."

He did not go on.

Although the Ta Kung Pao declared that it would attack General Tada Hayao on the way to the train station, the high-level officials believed that if Tada Hayao could successfully board the train, it would be able to damage the morale of the enemy and eliminate the negative impact of this group of mysterious people's repeated successful attacks on the empire. And the morale boost caused by the Republic of China.

But as long as General Tada died in the end, none of this mattered.

In this war, we only look at the outcome, not the process.

As long as General Tada Hayao dies, the impact of this incident will be the same as the previous monthly attack on the imperial generals, which will greatly damage the morale and confidence of the imperial locust army and boost the morale of the enemy.

Once the attackers actually killed General Tada Hayao on the way to the train station, then·
The impact of the event will be far greater than before.

But is it really possible?

With thousands of locust army security forces, under the full vigilance of the imperial intelligence department, to attack and kill General Tada Hayao?
(End of this chapter)

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