My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 195 Li Yunlong: Our old Li is not enlightened enough!

Chapter 195 Li Yunlong: Our old Li is not enlightened enough!

"No. 20th Battalion, 23rd Battalion, 24th Battalion, and the [-]th Battalion of Baggage Transportation will go to Ling County immediately."

"No. 20th Battalion, 26th Battalion, 27th Battalion, and the [-]th Battalion of Baggage Transport will go to Wen County immediately."

"Be sure to set off today."

Independent regiment.

Li Yunlong issued one order after another, and then Chief of Staff Zhang Dabiao organized the integration of the regiment's staff department, which was divided into more detailed steps and refined into documents, which were handed over to the staff of the staff department for execution after signing by Li Yunlong.

Through radio and telephone, as well as staff oral transmission, order documents, these two orders were conveyed to each battalion station, and the regiment headquarters directly under the logistics department.

After receiving the order,
The logistics department immediately began to prepare materials according to the list of materials given by the regiment headquarters.

Considering that the departure would be as soon as today, the six main battalions immediately organized troops to assemble and held a mobilization meeting at the same time. The officers and cadres of the battalion headquarters worked with the staff officers from the regiment headquarters to jointly formulate the marching route and send people to collect equipment and materials.

Yang Village went to Ling County and Wen County, but the distance was not close.

After receiving the order, the two transportation battalions gathered immediately, and under the leadership of the logistics department officer of the regiment headquarters, they drove their respective [-] jeeps towing large trailers and transporting troops to the warehouse to collect supplies.

Including but not limited to, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, medicine bottles.

In the regiment headquarters, Li Yunlong entered the list of supplies compiled by the staff department into the communicator in his hand.

According to the sales contract,

For all the troops of the Independent Regiment to fight against the devils, Mo Fan needs to provide equipment, food, ammunition, clothing, medicine, etc., and bear all normal and reasonable wear and tear.

Now there are six main battalions, with a total of [-] combat troops, and two supply battalions, with a total of [-] transport soldiers.
Yes, as the troops guarding the gate of Luojiawan and the "warehouse" of Shitouwan, facing the huge pressure of the devils, the independent regiment is still expanding rapidly, and at the same time, the organization is also appropriately changed.

A single infantry battalion was expanded to 1000 men.

The baggage transportation battalion has 500 people, and each battalion has [-] customized jeeps. Although the power system has not changed, the wheelbase has been increased to two-axle six-wheel, all-drive, and the transportation capacity and traction capacity have also increased.

"6000 people..."

"It's difficult to supply the troops on an expedition, and the devils have a lot of troops."

While filling in, Li Yunlong muttered to himself:
"The bullets of the large-caliber heavy machine gun are the support point of firepower, and they bear more than half of the direct fire support of the troops. Let's say [-] rounds per person."

"The 60 mortars are the focus of our troops' firepower, and they bear half of the fire support of the whole battalion. On average, each person gets [-] rounds, which happens to be a base weight for each person."

"The 82 mortar is the only long-range artillery in the army. It not only needs to support the infantry in combat, but also suppresses the devil artillery. It also needs to perform the task of covering and destroying the enemy's bunker fortifications. "..."

Looking at Li Yunlong boldly filling in the communicator, the corners of Zhao Gang's eyes twitched.

The numbers filled in by this guy are getting more and more outrageous.

One thousand rounds of heavy machine gun bullets per capita does not sound like much, but the weight of 12.7mm heavy machine gun bullets is very heavy. One is equivalent to five Mauser rifle bullets. One thousand rounds weighs about 150 kilograms.

150 kilograms of machine gun bullets per capita? !

Twice your body weight, right?
As for the 60 rounds of 1000 mortar shells per capita, it sounds less, but at present there are [-] people in a battalion of the independent regiment, that is, each battalion carries [-] base shells.

A total of 60 rounds of [-] mortar shells.

A battalion of [-] shells?
In the three years before the Anti-Japanese War, the entire army combined did not fire so many shells!

This amount, placed on the preserved fruit side, is also the weight of a battle for troops above the army. This is still in the early days of the War of Resistance. As a result, when it comes to the independent regiment, it is the consumption of one battalion for one battle?

And this is only 60 mortars? !
The number of 82 mortar shells is even more!
Double it right away!
"Old Li, is it too much?"

Zhao Gang was a little worried that Boss Mo would not approve.

"What are you afraid of, it's a big deal to change."

Old Li was not worried at all:
"Brother Mo said that if it is unreasonable, it will not pass the review at all, and will be sent back for revision."

"That's true··"

Zhao Gang nodded, not worried anymore.

He continued to look at Li Yunlong filling.

But as Li Yunlong continued to fill in, he widened his eyes and opened his mouth again.

Li Yunlong continued to fill in:

"Considering the large consumption of combat food, 7000 kilograms of staple food per person, [-] kilograms of various types of meat, [-] kilograms of vegetables, [-] kilograms of canned fruit, and sugar, oil, salt, soy sauce, etc. The total number of people is [-]."

"Lao Li, you are going too far!"

Zhao Gang couldn't bear it anymore, and said again:
"The staple food plus meat, as well as vegetables and fruits, is 450 kilograms per person, not counting sugar and oil, salt and soy sauce."

"More than fifteen kilograms per day, including twenty catties of staple food, three catties of meat, and seven catties of vegetables. Who can eat it all?"

Fortunately, the weapons and ammunition can be used up, and the firepower can be strengthened to pour on the devils. In theory, they can be used up, or even, there may not be enough, and an additional application is required.

But this food, no matter how much you eat, you can't finish it!

It's okay to squeeze the wool, but it can't... Thinking of this, Zhao Gang's thoughts suddenly stopped.

The scale of troops dispatched by the independent regiment this time is 7000 people. Even if it is calculated with 450 kilograms of grain per person, it is only [-] tons. This amount of grain is for Boss Mo...
It doesn't even count as wool.

Even these food supplies are specially customized by Boss Mo according to the nutrition knowledge for the physique of the independent regiment and the soldiers of the army.

But just [-] tons of grain count as wool?

Do you look down on Boss Mo too much?
"Who said that you can't eat [-] kilograms a day? Didn't you eat [-] kilograms that day, and there were [-] kilograms of canned meat in it. I wrote it based on this data."

Li Yunlong said.

"Big stick..."

Zhao Gang immediately thought of the machine gunner in the regiment, who also served as an anti-tank gunner.

Dabang, full name Niu Dabang, is from Jindi.

From this simple and clear name, it can be seen that this is a guy who was born and grew up in the countryside. He is 21 years old this year and has been in the army for half a year.

The most memorable thing about Niu Dabang is that this man is tall, nearly two meters tall, and as strong as a bull. Putting it among the soldiers of the independent regiment, he stands out from the crowd.

As for devils, let alone.

The deeds of this person are also amazing.

During the battle of Yangcun soldiers, the two wings were interspersed, and this person could carry a general-purpose machine gun and a long chain with a thousand bullets on his back. The charging speed was not inferior to any soldier, and he slaughtered seventeen devils by himself. .

Even, it was the battle that finally broke through the devil's barracks. This person also did standing shoulder-mounted anti-tank gun shooting...

On that day, Niu Dabang ate [-] catties of grain, setting a record for the whole regiment.


"This is an exception!"

Zhao Gang said:

"Even if it's a big stick, the usual food intake is not much different from that of ordinary soldiers!"

Niu Dabang was an accident that day, the battle was too expensive that day, and, before that, although the independent regiment had sufficient food supply, the food mix was very unreasonable.

And as Boss Mo began to fully supply supplies to the independent regiment, providing a systematic, scientific and nutritious food supply, a reasonable mix of meat and vegetables, and even energy supplementary food, the food intake of the soldiers has also stabilized, and their bodies have enough energy. During the battle, with a reasonable food supply, there will be no sudden increase in food intake.

"What does it matter?"

Of course Li Yunlong knew it was an accident this time, but what does it matter?
He said triumphantly:
"We have fighters who have reached this food intake, even if it is only once, then follow this data."

"Just change it if you don't pass it."

"Makes sense."

Zhao Gang nodded in agreement.

After typing, Li Yunlong clicked the upload button under Zhao Gang's gaze.

Then the two of them stared straight at each other...

After all, Master System, in the next second, a pop-up window popped up.

"It actually passed."

Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong bared their teeth together.

For a one-month military operation, the size of the battalion-level troops is only 60 mortar shells, which is an ammunition base per capita. This amount, not to mention Zhao Gang, even Li Yunlong himself thinks it is outrageous.

More than 160 82 mortars...

According to this quantity, all the ammunition supplies add up to nearly four tons per capita. After all, a single 82 mortar can import one ton.A six-wheeled jeep specially designed for the logistics force and a fully loaded trailer would not be able to transport it.

Without counting the equipment, the daily consumption of materials and ammunition is 105 kg.

Moreover, according to this approval speed, can more be added?
Brother Mo must be able to bear it, he is rich, and this amount of supplies is estimated to be a drizzle, but can he bear the locust army?
Suddenly, Li Yunlong was a little worried about the devils!
At this moment, a line popped up on the communicator, it was a chat from Mo Fan:
"Brother Yunlong, your transport battalion is responsible for transporting weapons and ammunition to the front line, and you are also in danger. You need to fight devils at any time, and you must be equipped with sufficient weapons and ammunition!"

"I changed the number of weapons and ammunition to seven thousand for you."

"Just fill it out yourself next time!"

Seeing Mo Fan's reply, Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong fell silent.

The task of the baggage transportation battalion is to transport materials from the material transfer station to the front-line material distribution center. Because the transfer station can change its location at any time, the transportation distance is not far, and most of the time it is transported in the base area.

From the distribution center to the hands of the front-line troops, it is either carried by the troops themselves, or it is in charge of a special front-line transport team.After all, the six-wheeled jeeps and trailers of the transport battalion have limited mobility and are not suitable for going directly to the line of fire.

After a while, Li Yunlong murmured to himself:

"It seems that our old Li is not enlightened enough!"

Zhao Gang didn't speak, but his expression was also indescribably weird.

"Why is your consciousness not enough, kid?"

At this time, a hearty voice came from outside the door.


Li Yunlong got up immediately.


Zhao Gang also got up.


"The average daily material consumption is only 105 kilograms, which has not caught up with the average consumption of Americans during the Vietnam War."

"This is too hip-stretching."

On the other side, Mo Fan clicked his tongue, feeling very dissatisfied.

There is also a system for all the horses, and you are still waiting to pick and choose?

If it was him, it would be a battle, and each 82 mortar would start with a minimum of ten bases, that is, [-] rounds, and a maximum of no less than one hundred bases.Depends on transport capacity.

Before the war, come to him for a few hours of artillery coverage, open the eyes of the little devils, and teach them how to fight.

Tell the devils, what is fire coverage!

By the way, treat the firepower phobia well.

It's a pity that only Li Yunlong can fill in this data, so he can only stare blankly.

Gotta hint like a way...

Mo Fan fell into deep thought.

Although the system master didn't let him fill it out, and didn't let him intervene to teach directly, but if you hint at it, it will definitely be fine.

for example···
The quantity of food, medicine bottles and other materials should be at least doubled several times.

The Independence Regiment is a people's army, a member of the people's army. During the battle, when encountering refugees and ordinary people in distress, it is not a matter of course to help. What is the responsibility?
(End of this chapter)

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