My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 200 Devil: Increase troops, continue to increase troops!

Chapter 200 Devil: Increase troops, continue to increase troops!

North review.

North China Front Army Command.

"Regardless of the purpose of this group of people taking out this weapon this time, we cannot back down."

Naozaburo Okabe spoke resolutely:
"A weapon with such power and performance must be difficult to manufacture, and the quantity will not be too many."

"According to the traces left at the launch site, the preparation time for the launch of this weapon may be very long, at least more than six hours, and the preparation work is also very cumbersome."

"As long as it is discovered in advance, maybe the locust army can capture it and imitate this weapon."

At the end of the talk, Naozaburo Okabe obviously started talking, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

The chief of staff at the side glanced at his commander, and silently lowered his head.

The launch traces found 25 kilometers away from the train station are just some iron frames. Although some experts researched and investigated there, they actually found nothing useful.

Long preparation time?
How can this be seen? !
The only thing that is clear is that when the aircraft is launched, it will emit high-temperature tail flames, which are the same as rockets, and even higher in temperature, which can almost melt the soil layer on the ground.

Therefore, some domestic military experts speculated that the aircraft that attacked the train station was actually a super-large manned aircraft equipped with rockets to control the rudder surface.
As a result, some people in China have proposed to conduct research.

However, General Gangbu's attitude at this time was instructed by the base camp, and the purpose was to suppress the impact of this matter as much as possible. The locust army continued to carry out military missions according to the original plan, so he couldn't say anything.

Under the impetus of Naozaburo Okabe, the huge attack at Beiping Railway Station, the death of Tada Hayao, and the casualties of thousands of locust troops seemed to have no effect on the devils.

Team after team of devils took the train and went to Taiyuan for reinforcements.

Nearly [-] devils began to gather at the southern section of the Tongpu Line,
Naozaburo Okabe promoted his sweeping plan step by step.


With the sound of high-pressure steam releasing, a military locomotive stopped in the train station.

In the rear compartment, heavily armed devils came out one after another, and assembled at the train station under the command of the officer.And at the train station, there are already many devils waiting in line.

Its size is impressively that of a devil infantry regiment.


A captain of the devil's army came out of the second carriage. The moment he left the military column, the devil's army subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the sky, and a trace of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

As the infantry unit directly under the North China Front Army, this commander once saw the scud that appeared over the Beiping Railway Station a few days ago...

that terrible scene,
The power beyond the salvo of the heavy artillery brigade is still engraved in his mind...
If that terrifying weapon is fired now, his alliance...
"Who is that guy?"

"What are those weapons?"

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the Colonel couldn't help thinking.

As the commander, he naturally knows that three days ago, several locust army planes patrolled the sky over Beiping, but they still couldn't stop the fifteen terrifying weapons from coming, and still couldn't stop General Tada Hayao's jade fragments, and thousands of locusts at the train station. Army casualties.

But because he is only the commander, he has no access to further information. The high-level investigation information on weapons, range, specific power, etc. are not accessible to him.

Fear comes from the unknown,
It was precisely because of this that he was even more afraid.

It's not that he is afraid of being killed by this weapon suddenly.

He was just a senior commander, and that group of mysterious people, the mysterious force that had attacked and killed the imperial generals many times, hadn't made a move for another senior commander so far, so he wasn't worried.

And he's far from being a general...
In the past, this was what troubled him, but now, it was the Colonel who was lucky.

Fortunately, he is only a big assistant.

What he is afraid of is because next, he needs to lead his unit to fight against the Tuba Road.

If such a weapon is dropped during the battle, it doesn't need too many, only two, or even one if it is more precise, can cause heavy losses to his alliance.

If there are three pieces, and the accuracy is very high, then the weaving may be lost.


He murmured silently in his heart:

"That group is not in the same group as Tubalu."

Because of the lack of actual evidence, and to avoid panic and unnecessary troubles, the high-level officials have not confirmed the disclosure, but the bottom-level officers in the devil are not fools.

The Eighth Route Army obtained a large amount of weapons, equipment and supplies, and the forces that have repeatedly attacked the officers of the Locust Army are most likely to be the same group.

But now, that group of people has shown astonishing power in the Beijing Review.

Not only can it attack and kill senior officers of the locust army time and time again, it can even demonstrate super-large-scale lethality, and has the ability to intervene in large-scale battlefields and determine the outcome.

This made the devil very entangled.

If Tubalu has this kind of weapon and puts it into battle, then the next large-scale raid will not be a matter of uncertainty...

"Such a terrifying weapon, there shouldn't be too many of them, right?"

The Colonel continued to pray in his heart.

at the same time,

A battle also took place in Wen County in the Jinzhong Basin.

Wen County,

It is currently controlled by the army and is the closest county to Taiyuan.

It can be said that it is under the nose of the devil.

Recently, the army has used Wen County as its rear base, and has repeatedly dispatched small groups of troops, driving jeeps, equipped with large-caliber heavy machine guns, and mortars to go deep into the Jinzhong Basin to attack the devils' strongholds and roads.

Therefore, Wen County has long been regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh by the devils.

However, although Wen County is only tens of kilometers away from Taiyuan, and there is a good wide road leading directly to Taiyuan, it only takes three hours for the devils to arrive from Taiyuan.

However, Wen County is backed by a mountainous base area, and the troops rely on mountain roads, plus the unreasonable transfer of materials by the system master, so supplies are very convenient.

It is true that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The devils suffered from insufficient troops, and after suffering several losses, they could only swallow their anger.

Now, with the continuous reinforcements from the North China Front Army, they naturally sharpened their swords and gathered nearly 105 devils. With the support of tanks, aircraft, and more than a dozen heavy artillery with a caliber above [-], they launched an attack on Wen County in three routes.

It is necessary to take Wenxian County in one go.

But the headquarters had already expected that the devils would attack Wen County as soon as they had enough troops, so out of the twelve infantry battalions supported by the Independent Regiment, five were deployed around Wen County.

Including other troops, the total force directly deployed in the positions around Wen County reached more than [-].

There are also six new regiments, a reserve team of more than 8000 people.

There are only a lot more troops than the devils.

Although due to the rapid expansion, the overall expansion has nearly doubled in just a few months. This has led to the problem that even the independent regiment has poor training of soldiers and a decline in average combat ability.

And very serious.

However, because of the grass-roots officer cadre training program that started in February last year, the quality of officers and cadres at the company and platoon level has not declined much even if the quality of officers and cadres at the company and platoon level has been doubled.

Especially the independent regiment, after the system master stepped in, he provided instructors, corresponding teaching materials, and systematic training methods, and the quality of grassroots officers has steadily improved.

Thanks to the good grass-roots company and platoon officers, the average level of soldiers is poor, and the problem of inexperience can be partially compensated effectively.

Sufficient food supplies, weapons and ammunition, large doses of live ammunition, maximum simulation of actual combat training, a carefully constructed defense system, and strong morale,

In order to face the devil's nearly ten thousand troops and the fierce offensive under the cover of aircraft and artillery, persist for four days and tenaciously hold the position, the devil finally had no choice but to retreat.

Of course, I have to repeat,
Even though the Wenxian garrison is absolutely superior in terms of strength, it has a greater advantage in light firepower, which is twice or even more than that of the devils. The supplies are so sufficient that the devils are drooling, and the ammunition consumption is more than five times that of the devils.

But this defensive battle is still very difficult.

During the four-day battle, the devil troops rushed into Wenxian County several times, and the two sides launched a tragic street battle.

The reason, or the reason,
The recent expansion of the army is too fast.

During the Hundred Regiments War, the total strength of the troops was 40.
But now, only four and a half months have passed. According to the headquarters documents, the size of the militia units, district squads, which can be effectively counted, controlled and commanded by the troops, and carry out regular military training, has more than doubled in size!
The total strength is close to seven figures.

This has led to a rapid decline in the combat level of soldiers in the army in the near future.

Even if it is an independent group, it is the same!

Of course, the main reason for the battle this time was that the troops responsible for defending Wen County were all newly formed battalions of the Independent Regiment. Except for the officers and cadres who were drawn from the old battalion, the ordinary soldiers had only been trained for a month.

The same goes for other troops, Yishui's newly formed troops, two of which even completed their formation last week,

There is only one veteran main regiment that is really capable of fighting.

If it weren't for the trained officers and cadres who maintained the overall airs of the army, the technical support of the reserve team, and even the emergency dispatch of reinforcements by the superiors to support them, and the devils' supplies couldn't keep up...

I'm afraid that Wen County will be taken down by devils.

After all, the devil still has an absolute advantage in long-range artillery fire, and this time, all the old devil divisions participated in the attack, and the troops were almost all new recruits.

But in the end the troops still defended Wen County.

After this battle, the dozen or so regiments that participated in the defensive battle have all been baptized in actual combat, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

The latter was the fundamental reason why the headquarters deployed a large number of new troops in Wen County.

In the plan of the headquarters, as long as the military training plan can be completed, even if Wen County is lost, it doesn't matter.

"It seems that Tubalu is planning to hang on."

When nearly [-] troops failed to attack Wen County, but the news of their own heavy losses reached the ears of Okabe Naozaburo. Contrary to everyone's expectations, the commander of the North China Front Army was not angry, but very happy.

Excited even.

"General? Why are you so happy?"

Although he knew the reason in his heart, the chief of staff still made a joke at the right time.

"the reason is simple."

Naozaburo Okabe's tone was rare and brisk:
"Although the attack on Wen County failed this time, we have also obtained some information."

"Tuba Road has deployed nearly a division's troops near Wen County, built a large number of strong and permanent positions, and stored a large amount of combat materials."

"Obviously intending to stick to it."

The devil knew that there was a mountainous road in Wen County that connected to the rear base, and it was easy to find it through aerial reconnaissance.

But that long and thin road has quite limited transportation capacity.

And the little devil obviously doesn't know that there is a cheating device called the transfer station of the master of the system. After analyzing the transportation capacity, as well as the five-day battle, the firepower displayed by the troops, the people mobilized with food, etc...

The devils took it for granted that in Wen County, the army had stored a huge amount of supplies.


Speaking of this, Okabe Naozaburo's tone became more and more excited:

"It can be seen from the battle in Wen County."

"Although the Tuba Road has a large force, advanced light weapons, and sufficient ammunition, due to the rapid expansion, insufficient officers, and lack of training for the soldiers, the combat capabilities of the troops are poor."

"Now is the time when Tubalu's strength is weakest."

"So, we have to take advantage of this opportunity to kill them completely and not give them time to grow."


The surrounding devils and major generals all responded in unison.

the next day.
"Headquarters information."

Yangcun, the Independent Regiment Headquarters, Ding Wei held a piece of information in his hand, and his tone was excited:

"The devils have increased their troops to the Jinzhong Basin again."

"Not bad. The little devil is quite good."

Li Yunlong raised his eyebrows.

According to the plan of the headquarters, the initial stage of this battle against the Jinzhong Basin was to lure the devils to increase their troops to the Jinzhong Basin.

The more the better.

Now the devils are sending troops to the Jinzhong Basin wave after wave, just in line with the troops' wishes.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong turned his attention to the Zhengtai line on the map, looking excited.

Phase two, coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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