My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 201 Devils don't understand!

Chapter 201 Devils don't understand!
"Mr. Gangbu is still very courageous and visionary!"

"The latest battle plan for the Tuba Road guerrillas is very bold, but also very highly executable. Even if it cannot solve the security problem, it can greatly ease the situation."

In Tokyo, the base camp of devils, an important meeting is being held, and the controversy over the southward alliance and conservative neutrality is still endless.

Although the conservative faction headed by Prime Minister Minai Guangzheng has suppressed the southward alliance faction after receiving the support of Prince Hanwon Gong Zairen, they still only hold a slight advantage.

The chariot was still split left and right.

So every time the base camp meeting, the two sides are fiercely contentious.

If it weren't for the fact that there is a locust on the top who has no real power on the surface and actually directly controls the army, it is estimated that they will do it directly, no, it should definitely fight.

When the quarrel was raging, an important minister changed the subject and suddenly mentioned the situation in North China, including Naozaburo Okabe, commander of the North China Front Army.

Although it seems that the topic has been changed, in essence, it is still a dispute between going south and conservatism.


Jisaburo Kobe is a southward faction, while Gangcun is a conservative faction.

"Have courage and vision?"

So some important ministers immediately stood up and retorted:

"Have courage and foresight, so the Beiping railway station was attacked, causing the imperial lieutenant general Tada Junyu to be smashed, causing thousands of locust army casualties."

"Is this also courage and vision?"

"Isn't General Tada Hayao frightened?"

At this time, an important minister suddenly interjected.

Immediately, all the important officials of the devil looked at the devil together.

The important ministers who were able to participate in the base camp meeting were divided into two factions, but they were all high-ranking devils. Naturally, they knew that Tada Hayao's jade had been broken, and the body of the kind that could not be broken again was not found.

To lie to other people, to lie to the generals of the empire, is to cover up the truth and avoid affecting the morale of the empire.

Why are you lying to yourself?

The devil's important minister also reacted, looked at the eyes of everyone caring for the mentally retarded, immediately lowered his head in embarrassment, and remained silent.

This scene made Minai Mitsumasa let out a long sigh in his heart.

This kind of idiot actually entered the base camp and became an important minister of the Empire of Japan. It is really no wonder that the empire has spent millions of troops and tens of billions of military expenditures for four consecutive years, but it cannot win the Republic of China.

No wonder there are so many idiots going south...
"Isn't it the negligence of the intelligence department, who was beaten for ten months and still doesn't know who the enemy is and where?"



Immediately, the base camp fell into a scolding war again.

Minai Mitsumasa looked at the scene in front of him, shook his head, looked at the combat records on the table, and remembered what Neji Okamura said earlier.

From the Battle of the Hundred Regiments to the time when the main force of the locust army withdrew from the mountains and concentrated on the lines of communication, in fact, both Hayao Tada and Naozaburo Okabe made the same mistake.

Underestimated the strength of Tuba Road.

far underestimated.

This is also one of the reasons why imperial officers were attacked and killed one after another.

The empire seriously underestimated the true strength of the forces supporting the Tuba Road and attacking and killing senior imperial officers.

But this time, although Naozaburo Okabe's battle plan was hidden, the senior officials of Tuba Road were not only not fools, but also senior military experts and masters of military command.

It must be able to guess, so the other party must be prepared and have a backhand.

It is very possible that Tubalu also hides his strength.

Once the opponent deliberately mobilizes the forces of the North China Front Army to the Jinzhong Basin, the southern section of the Tongpu Line, and then launches the same attack as the Hundred Regiments War in other places, it will be a major blow to the North China Front Army.

In the end, Okamura Ningji finally said that even if he knew it, it would be difficult to deal with it.

Because the main task of the North China Front Army is to maintain law and order around the lines of communication and ensure the smooth flow of lines of communication, this restrains a large number of troops, resulting in very limited mobile forces.

In the Jinzhong area, the key supply line involving the Zhongtiaoshan battlefield, the safety of the southern section of the Tongpu line, is an area that must be completely controlled by the locust army.

Even if they know about Tubalu's plan, they must send troops to reinforce them.

Even if the North China Front Army has a total strength of 30 troops, it is limited by the long communication lines, the troops are very scattered, and mobile support is also quite difficult. Once it encounters a multi-line attack by the Tuba Road, it will inevitably lose sight of one thing and lose another, revealing its flaws.

In the end, the decision to win or lose came to the hard power competition between the two sides.

If the strength of the Tuba Road is compared with those shown, there is no problem with Naozaburo Okabe's plan, but if the strength of the Tuba Road guerrillas increases again, then the empire in North China may suffer another heavy loss...
Once again, Minai Mitsumasa sighed inwardly.

If there is no restraint from the Southward faction,

He can concentrate the power of the whole country and turn the Kwantung Army garrison into a real second military industrial base, which can truly improve the productivity of the empire, instead of the current semi-assembly base, which needs local support and cannot operate independently.

He will be able to deploy more troops into North China and the Republic of China, thus completely solving the problem of the Republic of China.

Even if the preserved fruit cannot be forced to surrender,

It can also truly make up for the deficit of the treasury in the occupied areas, so as to truly support war with war.

It's not like now, the more territory it occupies, the more it costs. Even because of the increasingly large occupied area, the empire has to continue to invest limited troops in the security control of the occupied area, which exacerbates the problem of insufficient troops. .

As usual, the meeting ended with no results. Afterwards, Minai Mitsumasa thought about it and found Ishihara Wanji, the Republic of China expert.

With the changes in the situation in the Republic of China, the threat presented by the Tuba Road guerrillas has even surpassed that of the preserved fruit.

Sufficient supplies, a huge force, a tenacious will to fight, and a unified military goal... If the forces that attacked the high-ranking officers of the empire were included, the threat of the Tuba Road would far exceed that of the fruit.

It's time to really pay attention to this local military force entrenched in the mountains.

According to Neiji Okamura's conclusion, first of all, he needs to thoroughly evaluate the specific strength of this military force, and then formulate a comprehensive countermeasure, instead of the current passive response.

If it is facing a weak local military force, this is fine, and it can save manpower and material resources to the greatest extent.
But the problem is that Tuba Road is no longer there.

It is a military force that has the strength to pose a serious or even fatal threat to the locust army.

at the same time,

Wen County,

This county controlled by the army, only a few tens of kilometers away from Taiyuan, and connected to Taiyuan by a wide road in the Jinzhong Basin, ushered in the second wave of offensive forces from the devils.

The devils of the two infantry brigades!
With the support of all the aircraft of the Air Wing of the First Army and the artillery of a heavy artillery wing, they launched an attack on Wen County and surrounding positions.

There were also reserves of two infantry regiments.

Such a force is the largest single attack force launched by the devils against the army after the Battle of Yangcun.

Fortunately, the troops have long been prepared.

After the devil's first attack, the headquarters ordered to strengthen the defense of Wen County. Based on the experience of the previous battle, the brigade expanded the scope of the position, improved the position system, and,
After receiving the order from the superior, a long-range independent mortar regiment trained by the independent regiment, directly under the headquarters and the brigade headquarters, and equipped with the latest 82 mortars was deployed.

Equipped with a total of more than 200 new 82 mortars.

Thanks to Li Datuan's plan to gather wool, and the participation of independent regiments, each artillery shell has [-] bases of ammunition, that is, each artillery shell has [-] shells.

Calculated by weight, the shells of each gun weighed fifteen tons.

A total of more than 3000 tons of shells.

The total amount exceeds 50 shells.

With the transportation capacity of Devils military trains, four fully loaded standard military trains are required.

Because of the threat of the Devils Air Force, the jeeps could not open their hands and feet for transportation, and the traffic volume of the road was limited. In order to transport these shells, the superior dispatched more than 3000 people and a large number of Pelton horses to transport them.

And this is only 82 mortar shells.

And just a preparation for budget consumption.

You have to know that something like a budget will be used to overspend.

Thanks to the excellent range, the power brought by the large caliber, and sufficient shells, the newly emerged 82 mortars were generous and brilliant in the second Wenxian Battle.

Under the precise cooperation of the forward observation post of the artillery and the gun crew, this 5700 mortar with a maximum range of 4.5 meters, a grenade weighing 82 kilograms, and more than two hundred mortars almost dominated the battlefield.

Yes, the Devil's body-barrel artillery is indeed still an absolute advantage. First, the Devil's artillery is well-trained, has rich combat experience, and has high-altitude aircraft for reconnaissance, and artillery observation balloons. Cannon.

Not to mention confronting the Devils Heavy Artillery Squad, even the [-]-type mountain artillery belonging to the brigade can't do it.

As for mortars, they were not designed for artillery warfare.

Even the Rabbit 80 mortar, which was only in service in the 82s and has a range of the Type 30 mountain cannon, can't beat the heavy artillery with a caliber of more than [-] calibers that the Devils served in the [-]s.

But the mortar, at the beginning of its design, was to support infantry, and its mobility and firepower were its core and key.

Although Wen County is located in the Jinzhong Basin, it is backed by the Luliang Mountains.

The commander of the army in charge of the Wen County campaign was very clear about the comparison between the enemy and the enemy. He did not fight the devils at all, but relied on the mountainous area as a buffer to avoid the sharp edge of the devils. Enter the county seat, and some positions.

When the devil infantry came up, they opened up their posture, and hundreds of mortars fired in unison.
Sufficient ammunition makes it unnecessary for the troops to consider precise bombardment at all, and only needs to fire the largest number of shells in the shortest time.

Artillery coverage.

Cover the devils with fierce artillery fire.

Faced with the mortar group hiding in the mountainous area, they hit and run, and never stayed in one place for more than 5 minutes.
You can only let the mortar group cover, cover, and block the infantry.

Among them, the most ferocious and most feared by the devils is the newly commissioned 82 mortar.

Compared with the 60 mortar, the 82 mortar is far superior to the former in terms of power and range, while the rate of fire is almost the same, and the mobility is hardly reduced.

That means greater damage and wider coverage.

Devil infantry can be described as miserable.

After five consecutive days of attack, although the artillery was almost undamaged, the devil infantry paid the loss of more than one regiment.

It is loss, which can also be called attrition, not casualty.

The little devil is notoriously unable to get out of the line of fire with minor injuries.

Among them, more than 60.00% of the attrition came from 82 mortars.

But the devil's body guns also caused great damage to the troops, especially the heavy artillery regiment equipped with 105 caliber artillery.

With flat terrain, heavy troops assembled, and a maximum range of more than [-] kilometers, the troops have almost no way to deal with this kind of artillery. They can only be passively bombed. Even in mountainous areas, the losses are not small.

"82 caliber mortar with a range of over five kilometers."

In the North Review, Naozaburo Okabe frowned deeply after receiving the latest battle report from Wen County.

In the Battle of Yangcun, Tubalu took out the 60 mortars with a range of more than three kilometers, which caused the locust army to suffer a lot.

How long has it been?

The 5 mortar with a range of more than 82 kilometers appeared.

Although he was prepared in his heart, Naozaburo Kobebe still had a hard time accepting it when it really appeared.

The main reason is that in the second Wenxian battle, this kind of mortar posed a great threat to the locust army. More than [-]% of the offensive was interrupted by this kind of artillery.

However, the locust army has no effective way to counter it.
"Where did they get so many shells?"

The new 82 mortars are just unacceptable to the devils. After all, it has been expected for a long time, but the second Wenxian battle, five days, and the terrible artillery fire displayed on the opposite side is absolutely unacceptable to the devils.

In just five days, more than 82 rounds of 40 mortar shells fell on the devils' heads alone.

[-] per day.

It is really unacceptable for the locust army,


It is also unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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