My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 217 Your Excellency Naozaburo Okabe, everyone is very busy, or can you settle it yourself?

Chapter 217 Your Excellency Naozaburo Okabe, everyone is very busy, or can you settle it yourself?

"How about the casualties?"

In the headquarters of the North China Front Army, Naozaburo Okabe's inquiry seemed weak.

Super-class artillery fire, unobstructed supplies, and huge troop strength... By the end of February, the Eighth Route Army's devastating attack on the entire Zhengtai Line, Tongpu Line, and Ping-Han Line was coming to an end.

to be blunt

Everything that can be fried is fried.

Everything that can be taken away is taken away.

Although the troops really look down on devils' things these days, they can't be left to the devils. It would be a pity to burn them, so the headquarters organized manpower to sell them in a unified manner, and stipulated that only border tickets were accepted for payment.

This action not only reduced the transportation pressure of the troops, but also further promoted the economic policy of the base area.

of course,

Incidentally, the troops also occupied some county towns close to the base area, and the roads leading to these county towns, some of which were even directly near the Zhengtai Line.

Cut off the positive line completely.

Then, some of the main force regiments were stationed in the newly occupied county to expand the base area, and at the same time organized a road repair team to expand and repair the road, and the remaining main force regiments returned to the base area.

After the troops withdrew, the devils hurriedly connected the various troops to count the specific losses and casualties.

Loss needless to say.

From the devil's point of view, the guerrillas are simply heinous, like demons from hell who only know how to destroy...
On the more than 1000-way-long railway, none of the rails, spikes, ballast, and sleepers has disappeared. On the foundation of the rails, at least 3 bomb craters have been left.

None of the railway stations directly controlled by the army survived,

In all document reports, there is no such word as maintenance, only a description,
Completely rebuilt!

Therefore, Okabe Naozaburo didn't bother to pay attention to the loss, but ordered the troops to count the casualties of the troops along the railway line.

Specific, accurate casualties.

"Total casualties thirty-one thousand five hundred."

The first sentence of the staff officer made Okabe Naozaburo pale.

this number,

The number of casualties was much, much higher than the number of casualties estimated by the staff.

According to the estimates of the North China Front Army Staff Headquarters, there will be no more than 1000 casualties at the railway line strongholds of more than [-] kilometers.

Although the enemy has a huge force and fierce artillery fire, and even large-caliber heavy artillery with a caliber of more than [-] direct fire, the locust army has solid fortifications and a smooth retreat channel.

However, the actual figure was more than half the estimate.

Much more!

In less than half a month's raid, the 30 North China Front Army suffered a full one-tenth of the casualties, but only half of them actually participated in the battle.

"The jade fragments and the number of missing people are more than [-]..."

The staff officer's second number also made Naozaburo Okabe's complexion pale again.

Generally speaking, in a defensive battle, and a defensive battle with strong fortifications and a preset retreat route, among the casualties, the highest ratio of injured to dead is three to one.

Both casualties are four soldiers, of which three soldiers will be injured and one soldier will be killed.

In the statistics of casualties, the number of missing people includes those who were killed in battle, lost their way, lost contact with large forces, and were captured, and the latter accounted for the majority.

But the opposite is the people of the Republic of China, the guerrillas!

This group of people has no quality as a modern civilized army at all, and they are all a group of war madmen.

Well the war just started,
Since last year, especially at the beginning of the Hundred Regiments War, the guerrillas seemed to have undergone a drastic change of character, becoming a group of war lunatics. Among them, the craziest example was the independent regiment commanded by Li Yunlong.

This unit often has meaningless firepower projections aimed at killing the locust army.

such as,

Obviously the machine gun position has been breached, and the machine gun and other firepower weapons have been destroyed, but the opponent still continues to carry out precise artillery strikes, just to completely kill the locust army in the fortress.

Another example,
After surrounding the blockhouse, they did not attack by force, but crazily sprayed flames into the blockhouse until all the locusts were burned to death!Even burned down the gun tower.

Or pile hundreds of kilograms of explosives next to the gun tower, and then detonate.

Therefore, in the battle with the guerrillas, did the locust army's casualty ratio reach two to one, or even higher.If the independent regiment commanded by Li Yunlong participated in the battle, the casualty ratio would even reach one to five.

As for the captives...
Firstly, there are few cowards who surrender in the bushido-spirited locust army, and secondly, it is not easy to find a chance to surrender in the face of the fierce firepower of Tuba Road.

and so!
Fifteen thousand... More than [-] locust army's jade fragments and disappearances, almost fifteen thousand... were killed in battle!
There are two infantry brigades.

"Combined with the loss of fighting in the Jinzhong Basin for nearly a month, that's..."

Jisaburo Okabe silently calculated a number in his heart.

From the first Battle of Ping County to today, in two months, the North China Front Army has more than [-] troops!
Thirty thousand!

Okabe Naozaburo's complexion was as pale as paper.

In this battle with the Tuba Road, the North China Front Army suffered more than 20.00 casualties, with a casualty rate as high as [-]%, and nearly [-] jade pieces, with a death rate of [-]%.


More than 1000 kilometers of railways were completely destroyed by the guerrillas, and nearly one billion imperial properties were destroyed.

Such a major failure, he might not want to go back...
Naozaburo Okabe touched the samurai sword on his waist, and fell into a battle between heaven and man in his heart.

As a lieutenant general of the empire, even if he is dismissed and will never be used again, he will still be included in the reserve service and retire in the country. Although he does not have any power, he can guarantee that he will have no worries about food and clothing.

But for such a heavy loss, the base camp must have an explanation!
You know, since the start of the war, the locust army has never experienced such a heavy loss.Even in the battle where the navy participated in the Shanghai stock market at the beginning of the war, the number of deaths in the battle was not as high as this time.

There is a high probability that he will be dismissed and investigated.

even if,
For the first time, the headquarters did not hold him accountable,

Those fanatical young military officers in the country... I'm afraid they won't be satisfied.

Bushido forged the tyrannical fighting will of the locust army, but also cultivated this ghost that hovered inside the imperial army.

There must be someone with ulterior motives using this ghost to deal with him.

and also,

Commanding such a disastrous battle caused huge losses to the empire. If he returns home in despair, his family will also suffer great shame because of him and affect the future.

His best choice is to commit suicide by disemboweling himself, leaving himself with one last face!

Looking at the samurai sword in his hand, Okabe Naozaburo's hands trembled a little.

He doesn't want to die!


When Okabe Naozaburo was at war with heaven and man, a staff officer ran in:
"Wen County, Ping County, and Qing County were heavily attacked by guerrillas..."


Okabe Naozaburo stood up abruptly, his eyes were wide open, and his pupils were bloodshot:
"What did you say?"

Naozaburo Okabe, whose eyes were about to split, made the staff take a step back subconsciously. The staff lowered their heads and continued to report:

"In the early morning, seven counties including Wen County, Ping County, and Qing County were attacked by guerrillas at the same time..."

"The enemy dispatched a large number of heavy artillery."

"Currently, Qing County has lost contact..."

"General Yoshio Shinozuka of the First Army asks for tactical guidance."

Okabe Naozaburo staggered and sat on the ground paralyzed.

His eyes were dull and his face was pale.

The two consecutive months of war and the cumulative casualties every day made Naozaburo Okabe's mental state into a mania, especially when more than 1000 kilometers of railways were attacked at the same time, and he almost committed suicide by cutting his stomach.

But at this time, the locust general's sanity is still there.

Thinking very clearly.

The moment he heard the staff officer's report, he replayed the two months of fighting in his mind.


He's hit!

He was played in the hands of the Tuba Road commander.

That group's goal from the beginning was to seize the Jinzhong Basin,

Attracting him to mobilize the mobile troops to Jinzhong Basin is just to give the 10,000+ recruits in Jinzhong Basin a chance to practice combat.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to take back any of the county towns by using the elite troops that attacked the railway to defend those county towns.

Hundreds of thousands of mortar shells are fired every day like raindrops. Unless the locust army has a large number of armored troops, or has enough firepower to suppress the enemy's artillery, there is no chance of winning.

And he naively thought that the guerrillas were just trying to delay his sweep.

Not to mention the more than 6 mobile troops he mobilized, even if it doubled, so what?Even if the strength demonstrated by the Tuba Road guerrilla team is doubled, it can only return in defeat.

Even, Tuba Road has an even crazier goal - to encircle the First Army!
And it has been done.

The Tongpu Line, Zhengtai Line, and the two supply channels of the First Army have been destroyed. They are stationed around Taiyuan, around the Zhengtai Line, and nearly [-] locust troops of the First Army around the Tongpu Line have lost their logistical supplies.

Even the locust army near Zhongtiao Mountain lost its main transportation channel.

The First Army has become a lone army.

Either the empire will open the passage quickly,

This is obviously impossible.

Even with the full support of the empire, it will take more than half a year for the Zhengtai line to resume operation, and it will have to be destroyed by all means—this is absolutely impossible.


The first army withdrew from Jin,
Will those stubborn old men in the base camp agree?

as well as!

Will the Eighth Route Army agree?
Now it seems that he still underestimated the strength of Tuba Road. Even if he raised his estimate again and again, the Eighth Route Army could give him a big surprise every time.

The First Army wants to retreat, maybe the guerrillas will not agree!

Thinking of this, Saburo Kobe suddenly smiled strangely, and then picked up the samurai sword bestowed by the Emperor beside him.

These things have nothing to do with him!



Accompanied by a bastard gunshot and the exclamation of the staff, Naozaburo Okabe, the third commander of the North China Front Army, committed suicide in the headquarters at the end of February.

Because he was afraid of pain, Naozaburo Okabe asked his orderly to intervene quickly.

And not long after Okabe Naozaburo committed suicide, the staff officer just announced to the outside world at this time that suicide by gutting is a kind of courage and honor within the devil army, and will be notified in time.

The chief of staff of the North China Front Army rushed in with a big bulletin in his hand.

Looking at the dead commander of his family, and then at the Ta Kung Pao in his hand, the chief of staff had an extremely strange expression for a moment.

The headline on the front page of this latest Ta Kung Pao reads impressively:

"Your Excellency Naozaburo Okabe, everyone is very busy, why don't you handle it yourself? It will save me from doing it."

at the same time.

mountain city,

Director Dai's office.

Looking at the information on the North China region that his subordinates had just sent over, Director Dai looked extremely solemn, his brows almost raised in frown.

As the person in charge of the military command, Director Dai's main task in recent years has been to deal with the Japanese, but he has not relaxed in the slightest about the group of people entrenched in North China and the Shanxi, Gansu and Ningxia mountainous areas.

After the Hundred Regiments War, even more intensive attention.

Director Dai knew that what he had done before made it impossible for him to reconcile with that group of people.

The two sides are endless!

It's just that there is a Japanese who needs to be dealt with at present, and the two sides have restrained themselves.

At this time, the battle reports he collected in the North China region showed that the group's strength had greatly increased at this time.

Equipped with super-advanced weapons comparable to those of the great powers, with a large amount of ammunition supplies, and a large number of 105-caliber barreled heavy artillery, it has the power to directly counter the six-figure devils.

Annihilated tens of thousands of devils, cut off all the supply channels of the First Army, and even surrounded the First Army.

"Who is it..."

Chief Dai rubbed his forehead.

The strength of that group has far exceeded his expectations.

He originally planned to let the Japanese mobilize the main force to deal with the group of Tuhaha, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But now it seems that the opponent's strength has improved too fast, and the Japanese seem to be a little bit unable to stand it.

And he has spent so much time investigating, but he still hasn't found out who provided the weapons, ammunition and technical equipment to those Qionghaha.

He didn't even investigate any clues, and he also lost a lot of capable men.


Looking at the information in his hand again, Director Dai sighed deeply.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if he handed over this information!
You must know that the old man's vigilance against those people is actually not weaker than that against the Japanese.Watching the enemy rapidly become stronger while oneself gradually weakened, it is hard to imagine how crazy the old man would be.

But you can't fail to pay...

And he can only hand it in himself.

"Director, the commander of the North China Front..."

At this moment, a subordinate ran in and reported the news of Naozaburo Okabe's suicide to Chief Dai.

"you sure?"

Chief Dai's tone was serious.

"I'm sure, this is the news that the North China Front Army Staff Headquarters just sent out, and it's definitely not wrong!"

The tone of the subordinate responsible for the report was firm.


After waving his hands to signal his subordinates to leave, Director Dai rubbed his forehead, and raised his eyebrows again.

Those who attacked the Devils officers many times and those who assisted the Tuhaha group must be the same group and the same force. Although Director Dai has no proof of this, he is certain in his heart.

Therefore, what Director Dai is most worried about is that the mysterious forces no longer speak out through the Ta Kung Pao, but instead use the reputation accumulated over the past year to increase the influence of the Tuhaha group.

Although this is inevitable, the preserved fruit really can't bear it.

Preserved fruit is not ready yet...
Today's preserved fruit really needs this attack again and again to enhance its international influence, to attract the steady stream of donations, and to continuously improve morale.

As for when to prepare, it has nothing to do with Director Dai, he has already stated it many times.

(End of this chapter)

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