My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 218 Taiyuan Besieged!

Chapter 218 Taiyuan Besieged!



The city wall is being fortified.

Yoshio Shinozuka held up his binoculars and watched the convoy passing by at high speed on the highway in the distance, and was silent for a long, long time.

It was a patrol convoy of the Eighth Route Army, equipped with thirteen small armed vehicles called jeeps.

The Locust Army has figured out the performance of the Jeep.

It is small in size but solid in structure. Thanks to the extremely sophisticated manufacturing process and materials, it has reliable performance and extremely low failure rate. Its horsepower is greater than that of the Locust truck. The road speed exceeds [-] kilometers per hour. It uses large-diameter and wide tires, and its off-road performance is only slightly weaker than that of the Locust tank.

A convoy of thirteen vehicles like the one in front of us,

The size of the troop is equivalent to a squad in the empire, but it is equipped with six large-caliber heavy machine guns and three 60mm mortars. Each vehicle is equipped with a radio station and has sufficient ammunition reserves.

The fighting power is very strong.

Field encounters require more than six times the strength of the locust army, which can only be handled by two locust army squadrons.

Moreover, the convoy also has a very good air defense capability. With six large-caliber heavy machine guns and an air defense firepower network composed of high-speed general-purpose machine guns, one or two fighter jets may not be able to break through.

"General, why don't we send troops to intercept a few cars?"

Next to him, a ghost assistant officer finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Although the convoy in front of us is very powerful, with fierce firepower and sufficient ammunition, even an infantry squadron can't deal with it, but they are here in Taiyuan, and there are more than 1 locust troops stationed here!

And armored cars and tanks!

Why are you afraid of these dozen or so jeeps?

"Because it's bait."

Yoshio Shinozuka did not speak, and it was Kazuki Yamamoto who answered.

Yamamoto continued:

"An hour ago, the infantry regiment stationed in Qing County sent a farewell telegram."

Around, the restless officers suddenly fell silent.

It is afternoon now, and Tuba Road attacked Qing County in the early morning of this morning.

In other words, in just six or seven hours, Qing County, which had an infantry regiment, more than 2000 locust troops stationed, and was equipped with solid fortifications and mountain artillery brigades, fell?
Kazuki Yamamoto continued:

"The edge of Qing County is less than ten kilometers away from here."

"And they used more than 30 105-caliber howitzers in the battle to attack Qing County. The maximum range of this kind of artillery is ten kilometers."

In the end, Kazuki Yamamoto's voice became lower and lower, and his words became slower and slower.

There is always a question in Yamamoto's mind that he can't figure out.

During the Battle of Qing County, the attacking force demonstrated enormous firepower as always, raining shells, not only barrel guns, but also mortars.

According to Yamamoto's knowledge, the Tuba Road delivered nearly 30 shells in the battle of Qingxian in just over four hours.

An average of nearly [-] rounds per hour.

In such a short period of time, so many troops, luggage and supplies were concentrated in Qing County, and a rapid and violent attack was launched, but the locust army did not notice it at all.

There is no problem with the strength of the troops, and it is difficult for the locust army to come quietly.

But those weapons, as well as the huge ammunition materials of at least several thousand tons, how did they solve the transportation problem?
Yamamoto was puzzled.

More than 30 105 howitzers!
The surrounding officials fell into dead silence again!

A Division A division in the empire was directly under the full-staffed heavy artillery unit, and there were only 24 105mm artillery pieces, while the guerrillas dispatched more than 30 heavy artillery pieces in order to attack a county.

This kind of artillery can also withstand armor-piercing projectiles and destroy fortification bunkers head-on.

No wonder Qing County fell so quickly.

No wonder the general didn't order the troops to annihilate the patrol convoy in front of him.

They all knew that the convoy in front of them had a communication station and could call for artillery support at any time. There were more than 30 105 howitzer heavy artillery, and it was afraid that if a full formation went out, it would also suffer heavy losses.

And because of the recent war, the artillery shells of the First Army were lacking at this time, and the aviation wing also needed to repair and replenish its supplies, so it was unable to launch an effective counterattack.

"Then we'll just watch..."

Some officers were still unwilling, but they opened their mouths, and finally chose to be quiet.

Because the First Army really has nothing to do.

The high-intensity fighting that has just ended for more than a month has exhausted the reserves of the First Army. Not only ammunition and fuel, but the current amount of ammunition is not enough to support a high-intensity battle.

Otherwise, there would be no support from Qing County, which is close at hand.

Shinozuka Yoshio did not join the conversation of the officers, but quietly watched the patrol convoy leave, his eyes a little dazed.

I still remember two years ago,

The locust army's convoy also patrolled the periphery of the Tuba Road base area, and even went deep into the interior, and the opponent did not dare to make a move.

And now...

Is it a reincarnation?


At this time, a staff officer ran over and said:

"Comment from the headquarters, General Naozaburo Okabe committed suicide five hours ago by caesarean section!"


Shinozuka Yoshio suddenly looked over.

He thought of the headline on the front page of the Ta Kung Pao that he saw in the morning.

"Has the message been delivered?"

Shinozuka Yoshio asked quickly.


The staff officer bowed his head and replied:

"The North China Front Army Command has announced to the outside world."

It is a manifestation of courage for a general to commit suicide by caesarean section, so the devils will publicize it to the outside world as soon as possible.



Shinozuka Yoshio cursed loudly.

If it was normal, it would not be a big deal to publicize external suicide by caesarean section, and would be regarded as a real warrior by the Imperial Army, eliminating the impact of punishment for mistakes committed,
The family will also be respected for it.

But with the release of the latest headline on the front page of the Ta Kung Pao, Naozaburo Okabe's suicide by caesarean section will not bring glory, but will be regarded as a cowardly act.

It will also greatly increase the morale of the enemy.

"Send a report to the dispatched army headquarters."

Shinozuka Yoshio took a deep breath, calmed down the anger in his heart, and said to the staff behind him.

Jisaburo Okabe committed suicide, but the mess remains.

The Zhengtai Line and Tongpu Line were completely destroyed. The First Army is now a lone army without supplies. Although there are still roads, the Tuba Road will never let any supply convoy reach Taiyuan.

The locust army is not Tubalu, not that group of mysterious forces.

Through a few dirt roads, it is absolutely impossible to provide logistical supplies for the First Army with a total strength of nearly [-] hundreds of kilometers away. The empire is not the United States.

If it was him, he would definitely choose to abandon Taiyuan immediately, retreat eastward, and preserve his vitality.

But this is not an order he can give as the commander of the First Army, even if Naozaburo Kobe is alive, at least the commander of the dispatched army is needed, and even the decision of the military department and the cabinet is required.

"Okabe Naozaburo was scared to death?"

Shanxi Army Command.

Hearing the news of Okabe Naozaburo's suicide, Yan Laoxi blinked and was stunned for a while.

"Could it be a smoke bomb?"

Yan Laoxi couldn't help but asked in confirmation.

In the latest Ta Kung Pao, the group of mysterious people spoke again.

Although he didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that he planned to attack Naozaburo Okabe.

He is getting ready to watch a play.

As a result, I suddenly received news that Naozaburo Okabe committed suicide?
This plot was really unexpected.

"It's very unlikely."

One of Yan Laoxi's think tanks said affirmatively:
"The news came from the North China Command. It said that they were ashamed of the locust and the empire, and committed suicide. The Japanese, especially the soldiers, believed in bushido and honored suicide by disembowelment. This kind of news cannot be false."

"Otherwise, Naozaburo Okabe probably would have no face to live on."

"Is it?"

Yan Laoxi frowned.

He still couldn't understand it.

As a complete pragmatist, Yan Laoxi finds it difficult to understand the so-called glory, face, belief, and ideals that are pursued by everyone.

What's the use of this thing?

It's better to live without face than to die!

When you die, you really have nothing.

"Demons, is the situation really serious?"

Yan Laoxi changed the topic.

He doesn't care about Okabe Naozaburo, whether he dies or not has nothing to do with him.

He only wanted to regain his Shanxi and his Taiyuan in his heart, but there were more than 7 devils in the First Army stationed in Shanxi, and the First Army also had a superior in the North China Front Army with a total strength of 30.

Not to mention that the strength of the Jinsui Army has plummeted now, even the Jinsui Army at its peak could not even defeat the First Army...

Not to mention the North China Front Army.

"Most likely··"

Yan Laoxi's new think tank spoke solemnly:
"The devils will not be able to defend Taiyuan, Shanxi."

"Can't keep it?!"

Yan Laoxi sat up straight suddenly, and looked at his confidants:

"You mean..."

The think tank continued:

"The Zhengtai Line and the Tongpu Line were completely destroyed by the Eighth Route Army and could not be opened to traffic within half a year. This means that the Japanese First Army will lose effective supplies for at least half a year."

"And after the war not long ago, the Japanese First Army consumed seven or eighty-eighth of its supplies. Now that there is no railway line, the First Army is already a lone army, a remnant army."

"It seems to have a huge force, nearly 10 people, with advanced equipment, but due to serious shortage of supplies, the actual combat effectiveness is not strong."

"Without the railway, the North China Front Army will not be able to provide timely support."

"The combat power is not strong..."

"The North China Front Army was also unable to provide timely support."

Yan Laoxi's eyes lit up.


The think tank gave a wry smile and persuaded:
"Although the Japanese First Army is in a weak state and its combat effectiveness is at a low point, it is not something we can deal with."

"We don't have the powerful artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army."

When it comes to powerful artillery fire, the think tank's tone is obviously amazed and unbelievable.

It was really hard for him to imagine that a year ago, the Eighth Route Army, which was not even as good as the Jinsui Army, could be compared to even the devils in such a short period of time, not to mention leaving the Jinsui Army behind.

In the battle in the Jinzhong Basin, the opponent relied on super-violent artillery fire to beat the elite devils so that they dare not look up.

"That guy, are they really that powerful?"

Yan Laoxi couldn't believe it either.

In just one year, the situation has changed so suddenly. As a Yan Laoxi who has climbed up step by step and accumulated strength bit by bit, it is really incomprehensible.

"It's better than we thought."

The think tank said in amazement:

"In the latter part of the Wenxian campaign, they dispatched 36 105 heavy artillery pieces and fired more than 105 rounds of [-] heavy artillery shells."

"36 105mm guns."

"One hundred thousand rounds of 105 shells."

Yan Laoxi gasped.

There are 36 105 artillery pieces and 105 rounds of [-] shells. Even in his peak period, he could not afford it even if he emptied his family.

Everyone knows that his Taiyuan Arsenal produced a large number of cannons.

But he still can't figure it out?
In my own arsenal, 16 heavy guns with a caliber of more than 105, 18-type 150 guns, and [-]-type [-] guns have been produced, and the quality is worrying.

As for the shells...
In the Battle of Xinkou, the Jinsui Army and the Central Army combined only fired [-] shells.

"This is just 105 grenades."

The think tank continued, in order to dispel his boss's unsuitable thoughts:
"According to the data of the Japanese, there are about 3 defensive troops in Ping County and surrounding positions, equipped with [-] mortars of various calibers."

"Most of them are advanced mortars with a range of more than three kilometers, and there are even new 82 mortars with a range of more than five kilometers."

"During the entire Second Battle of Pingxian, they fired more than 700 million shells."

"One thousand doors..."

Yan Laoxi fell silent.

At the peak of the Jinsui Army, there were nine artillery regiments and one artillery battalion, equipped with more than 200 mountain artillery of various calibers.Including mortars of various calibers, the total number of artillery pieces is about [-].

Moreover, all the artillery are self-made, or old-fashioned imported artillery, with poor quality and weak performance.

"The second time in Ping County, how many days did you fight?"

Yan Laoxi continued to ask.

"Eighteen days."

The think tank replied.

"Eighteen days..."

Yan Laoxi's voice dragged on for a long time.

Throughout the Battle of Xinkou, his arsenal was responsible for the supply of artillery shells, but the total was far less than 30 shells.

More than 30 shells are fired every day, which is an unimaginable amount for him.


Finally, Yan Laoxi sighed deeply.

The situation in front of him, Taiyuan, which he has dreamed of, and Shanxi, which he has held in his hands for nearly 30 years, are getting farther and farther away from him.

Moreover, in the future, there is no hope of returning.

"Let the troops come back."

After another long silence, Yan Laoxi asked the troops to speak suddenly.


Which think tank did not speak, but a subordinate was a little confused about this order.

The order from the mountain city, let them and that group of people get closer, watch closely, and snatch some territory if there is a chance.

Now that the first army has been cut off from its supply line, it will inevitably shrink further. This is a good opportunity to expand its territory. Why should it withdraw its troops?

"The territory has been lost, and the troops can't be lost again."

Yan Laoxi sighed again.

The bald head is far away, and the people below dare not report, so they don't know.

But he, the king of Shanxi, still doesn't know?

The troops adjacent to that group, soldiers and low-level officers were lost faster than the water on the loess of Shanxi.

The army eats well, eats well, is said to have meat every day, wears well, has large cotton jackets per capita, thick-soled cotton boots, and is also paid. The amount is sufficient and there is no deduction. Officers treat soldiers like brothers, and there is very little abuse.

If he was an ordinary soldier, he would go too.

Although it is true to meet devils, it seems that this is also an advantage that attracts soldiers and officers at the grassroots level.

The so-called allies have long existed in name only, and the troops of the two sides have no substantive exchanges, and all matters are resolved by fists. However, they dare to fight on their own side, after all, they can't fight.

Every time I can only bow my head honestly.

The troops don't stay far away, let alone Taiyuan, I am afraid that the Jinsui army will be gone.

(End of this chapter)

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