My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 219 Big Artillery!

Chapter 219 Big Artillery!
Yang Village.

Independent regiment resident.

At this time, Yang Village has grown from an unknown small mountain village to a huge military base with multi-lane roads extending in all directions, more than a thousand residential buildings, warehouses, garages, closed training grounds and other buildings, which can accommodate six-figure troops.

The Engineer Battalion of the Independent Regiment, with the support of technicians, design and construction plans, equipment and facilities, and raw materials provided by the system master, completed this miracle by breaking mountains and cracking rocks.


The miracle of construction is still growing rapidly.

In late February, with approval, the Engineer Construction Battalion launched a road improvement plan.

It is planned to use half a year to replace all the roads around Yangcun and the five main lines leading to the headquarters, Luojiawan, and Jinzhong Basin with four-lane asphalt roads and bridges with reinforced concrete bridges.

In addition, a number of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings will be built in Yangcun as a military cultural education and training base for technical non-commissioned officers.

But this time, construction technicians and engineers will have talents trained by the troops themselves.

as well as,

Construction of Yangcun Airport.

End of February.

Independent regiment.


Li Yunlong's roar came from the combat conference room in the regiment headquarters:
"Naozaburo Okabe committed suicide?"

The voice was so loud that the busy regiment staff outside the house heard it and all listened.

According to the order of the regiment headquarters, the special operations battalion led by Chief of Staff Zhang Dabiao must formulate and execute a plan to attack and kill Naozaburo Okabe within three days, and quickly kill this evil old devil.

Although the target is the commander of the North China Front Army, Lieutenant General Devil, but the task is not difficult,
It could even be said to be simple.

With Boss Mo's accurate information, the super maneuverability brought by the Black Hawk helicopter, and the ultra-long-range precision strike of the Scud, it is absolutely impossible for Naozaburo Okabe to survive.

But unexpectedly, before they did anything, Okabe Naozaburo actually committed suicide.


Immediately afterwards, Li Yunlong's cursing voice came:
"It's cheap, old devil!"

"Old Lee..."

The political commissar seemed to want to persuade him, but Li Yunlong at this time was a dynamite.

"Damn it, Old Zhao, it's all your fault."

Li Yunlong's tone was not good:
"What should I write to let Saburo Kobe take care of himself? Now it's done, it's better for this old devil!"

"You fucked up your nose, didn't you?"

After working together for more than a year, Zhao Gang is no longer the good boy he was before. He started to complain about Li Yunlong, not used to it at all:

"Didn't you agree with Laozi's copywriting?"

"Besides, doesn't this save a lot of trouble? Anyway, Boss Mo has already said that if the target commits suicide, the mission is also considered completed, and the new large-caliber mortar can be obtained earlier."

"I'm not happy!"


Outside the house, the staff officers of the regiment headquarters, including Zhang Dabiao, all lowered their heads and breathed carefully, for fear of getting bad luck and being scolded in vain.

After a long time, the scolding ended, and there was a brisk sound from the regiment headquarters, Zhang Dabiao, who had lowered his head, looked up subconsciously.

This is the voice of Boss Mo's communicator.

"New deals for March are here!"

Then, Li Yunlong's voice came from inside.

"What is it?"

Zhao Gang completely forgot about the scolding before, and went straight over.


Li Yunlong spit out every single word.

"Blow up the Hiei!"

Outside the house, in the staff meeting room, Zhang Dabiao let out a deep breath.

This goal is exciting!


In the headquarters of the First Army, a communications staff officer ran in and handed a message to Yoshio Shinozuka:
"Campus orders."

Shinozuka Yoshio hurriedly gave the order.

The First Army is now in jeopardy, and he is waiting for this order.


"A bunch of trash."

After reading the telegram, Yoshio Shinozuka's complexion changed, and he immediately cursed.

After scolding for a while, Shinozuka Yoshio regained his composure, and threw the telegram in his hand to the curious Yamamoto.

Yamamoto took the telegram, looked at it, and frowned.

The First Army is now a lone army.

Lost supplies and lost reinforcements. Although the army has a huge force of nearly 10 people, with full equipment and sufficient food reserves, there is a serious shortage of ammunition reserves and morale is also very low.

Such a force should retreat logically in order to preserve its vitality.

The empire was severely understrength.

As long as the troops are still there, the territory can be reoccupied.

However, the base camp actually ordered the First Army to shrink its troops and use important towns as its bases to wait for the traffic lines to be reopened.

Yamamoto couldn't understand.

Even without the destruction of the Tuba Road, the locust army would not be able to open up the two railway lines within half a year. The damage this time was too serious, and the repair required a lot of manpower and material resources.

In fact, if you want to re-open the supply channel and meet the supply needs of the First Army, you must first clean up the Eighth Route Army stationed near the Zhengtai Line and Tongpu Line.

Even if the No.11 army came over, this would be an extremely difficult task.

What is the top of the empire thinking?
But they are just a few generals, even if they are high-ranking and powerful, they are still pawns and have no decision-making power.

"Order No.20 Ninth Brigade, Seventh..."

Although Yoshio Shinozuka wanted to disobey orders, he was not a grassroots officer, and the troops in his hands were not a squad or a brigade, but the First Army with nearly 10 people.

He doesn't have the right to throw a huge amount of money, so he can only follow the orders of the headquarters.

Shrink the defense and stand by for help.

"What are you going to do, little devil?"

At the brigade headquarters, the information that the devils were shrinking their defenses was passed to the brigade commander immediately.

"The [-] to [-] devils in the First Army don't want it anymore?"

The Brigadier couldn't figure it out.

The current total size of the First Army is about 3, but about [-] are stationed on the east side of the Zhengtai Line, near Shijiazhuang. These devils are not in the encirclement of the army.

Therefore, only about [-] devil soldiers actually fell into a state of isolation.

"I don't know."

The chief of staff also did not understand.

In the battle in the Jinzhong Basin, the troops have shown their strength and are fully capable of eating up most of the First Army of the surrounded devils.

The little devil's strength is largely due to the equipment system, which also has a great demand for logistical supplies. The first army without logistical supplies is like a plucked chicken.

If it wasn't for the rapid expansion of the army and the need for repairs, it would have been a storm, but if you boil the frogs in warm water, the end will be the same.

Little devil, unless all the North China front forces are dispatched, it is absolutely impossible to get through the Zhengtai line and the Tongpu line.

Moreover, even if the line of communication is opened up, the current Zhengtai line and Tongpu line do not have the ability to provide logistical supplies for tens of thousands of troops.

As for transport by road…
Isn't this a record for the troops?

"It is estimated that the little devil is still dreaming of getting through the Zhengtai and Tongpu lines."

The chief of staff sneered.

"Then let the devil have more sweet dreams."

The brigade commander also sneered, then changed the subject and asked:

"The number of fighters participating in the training has been set, right?"


The Chief of Staff said:
"The ten main regiments of the brigade sent a total of 7000 people to the Yangcun base for training, including 5000 from the artillery team, 2000 from the logistics and transportation team, and [-] company and platoon-level officers and brigade staff officers will go to training in two batches."

In the Jinzhong Basin and the railway raid, the core reason why the troops were able to rub the devils on the ground was the powerful artillery and sufficient logistical supplies.

To put it bluntly, the overwhelming and continuous stream of shells blinded the devils.

This is not covered by artillery fire, but buried alive by artillery fire.

But in this battle, many problems of the troops were also exposed.

There is a lack of excellent artillery, the aim of the shells is too low, a lot of them are wasted, there is not enough transport drivers, and the brigade headquarters is inexperienced in transport scheduling, which makes it impossible for the rear shells to be transported to the frontline troops in time.
as well as,

The staff of the brigade headquarters lacked unified planning, and the artillery fire was improperly arranged, resulting in a serious waste of artillery fire.

To put it simply, for the series of equipment that Li Yunlong brought in, due to the lack of skills of the entire brigade and the improper command of the superiors, [-]% of the strength was only used to less than [-]%, which gave the devils many opportunities to survive.

Now, the war has come to an end for the time being. Which Boss Mo has provided enough training for elite instructors, and Yang Village has also prepared the training grounds. Naturally, it is necessary to train the technical units well and improve the overall quality of the troops.

"Ha ha··"

The brigade commander smiled happily and said:
"When this round of training is over, let the devil be sober."

It's not just large-scale training of technical arms, staff officers and grassroots officers. This time, Li Yunlong also brought in new good things.

After the training is over, the strength of the troops will definitely be improved again.

When the time comes, I will swallow the devil's first army in one gulp, and then...
The brigade commander slapped the North China region on the map with a murderous look.

"Damn it..."

At the 772 Regiment Headquarters, Cheng Shifa couldn't help but bared his teeth when he saw the orders from his superiors.

With the growth of the army, even if the entire brigade is not counted as the independent regiment, the new first regiment, the new second regiment and other monsters, there are ten main regiments of the same size as his regiment.

as well as,

Three car transport groups and two mule and horse transport groups.

There are also three light mountain regiments.

The brigade ordered that the 772 regiment send 530 people, including the artillery staff of the regiment and battalion, to the independent regiment to participate in artillery technical training, and 300 people were also selected to go to Yangcun to participate in car driving and maintenance training for a period of three months.

This order really shocked Cheng Shifa.

Today, his 3000nd Regiment is organized into three infantry battalions, an artillery reinforcement company, and a logistics transportation company, with a total of [-] combatants.

Equipped with 270 jeeps of various types (three-axis transport type, two-axis ordinary type, armored type), sixteen 82 long-range mortars, 42 60 long-range mortars, and one [-]-type infantry gun.

The superior means to further strengthen the mechanization and artillery strength of the 772 regiment?
He can understand the strengthening of mechanization.

With the equipment of a large number of jeeps, although the 772 regiment lost the same foot maneuvers as before, it could only move along the road, because there were not enough vehicles, and there was no way for every soldier to sit on wheels, especially in areas lacking roads, the speed was not as good as walking.

But the increase in combat effectiveness is real.

The equipment towed by nearly 772 jeeps and the supplies carried have doubled the combat effectiveness of the [-] regiment several times.

Cheng Shifa dared to speak boldly. Even if he encountered a sudden ambush, he could win the five 722 regiments a year ago. If he was given time to occupy a favorable position, ten of them would be useless.

The gap in firepower cannot be made up by personnel.

If the number of jeeps is doubled to one for six people, the combat effectiveness of the 772 regiment can be further improved.

But to strengthen the artillery ...

He now has 58 artillery in a regiment, how can he strengthen it?

Could it be that he was asked to form a regimental artillery battalion, and then equip it with 105 howitzers?
The 105 howitzer is really easy to use, with a long range, high accuracy, and great power. It can suppress the devil's 75 mountain guns, and even the 105 artillery. It can also shoot flat, can deal with bunkers and fortifications, and has good mobility.

However, as an infantry regiment, the 772 regiment, even if it is an old numbered main regiment, its main combat mission in battle is just to deal with the devil infantry regiment, and it does not need to be equipped with 105 howitzers at any time.

It might as well be the same as now, usually belong to the troops directly under the brigade and division artillery, and delegate to the main regiment when necessary.

Devils don’t actually have many artillery pieces!

Relying on the superiority of the number of mortars, it has been completely suppressed.

What the 772 regiment needs more is a more powerful anti-infantry artillery, which is used to annihilate the devil's infantry and kill them efficiently and quickly.

Or, more convenient, more powerful, and longer-range direct-firing artillery can destroy the devil's solid fortifications. After all, the 105 howitzer is a barrel suppression artillery, which is very useful for destroying the devil's blockhouse.

The 105 howitzer is actually not suitable.

If the 772 regiment can come with two 105 howitzers, it is really good. With a range of ten kilometers and a warhead of more than ten kilograms, it can considerably strengthen the combat effectiveness of the 772 regiment.


The superior asked him to send 530 people to participate in artillery training, excluding the artillery staff officer and the artillery observation team, that is [-] artillery groups.

Could it be that he planned to equip a regiment with [-] artillery pieces?
If the Jeep is doubled, or equipped with a car with more haulage, it will be fine.

I just don't know, the devil can't resist...

Cheng Shifa suppressed the thoughts in his heart and began to arrange staff.

During this period, Cheng Shifa couldn't help humming a ditty.

Compared with the new 105 howitzer that may be equipped, the artillery crew, grassroots cadres, and regiment staff training organized by the superior this time are more attractive to him.

It just ended a few days ago. During the assault on the Zhengtai Line, even the 772nd regiment exposed serious problems such as inexperienced artillery crews and improper command of the artillery by the regiment headquarters.

It caused a serious waste of firepower and gave the devils many opportunities to retreat.

However, the expansion of the troops was too fast, and new equipment was overwhelmed.

In just one year, his 772 regiment has gone from only a few old-fashioned 60 and 82 mortars, and the whole regiment has been digging for dozens of shells. Now, there are a total of 58 advanced mortars of various calibers, and more than 2 mortars are fired in one battle.

The span is too large.

It is true that mortar gunners are easy to train, but the new mortars have a long range, requiring the artillery crew to master indirect shelling, and the requirements for the artillery crew are higher. Moreover, there are too many of them. In addition, a large part of the backbone has been transferred to form other regiments. The 772 regiment cannot gather so many excellent artillery crews for a while.

as well as,

One or two mortars are easy to command, but dozens of mortars, especially the sixteen 82 mortars with a range of more than five kilometers, cover the firepower, and the coordination between the artillery fire and the front-line infantry battalion,
The 772 Regiment Headquarters is also seriously inexperienced.

These are all issues that seriously affect the full strength of the 772 regiment's current equipment system.

On the other side of the independent regiment, those elite instructors and the perfect training system can quickly solve these problems.

After three months of training, his 772 regiment will be able to fully exert the full combat effectiveness of the 56 mortars in his hand. Compared with the present, the combat effectiveness can almost double.

Then the artillery adds another part...
At that time, even if he encounters the devil's permanent infantry unit, he will twist the head of the devil's unit leader and kick it as a ball!

(End of this chapter)

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