My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 233: Economic Suicide!

Chapter 233: Economic Suicide!

"Adou who can't help it!"


In a mountain city, outside a not-so-small steel factory, Su Hang looked back at the steel factory behind him that he had been fighting for for more than four years, waved his sleeves in resentment, and walked away.

At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the steel industry began to move westward.

Compared with the light industry that was driven around by the devils and had to rely on itself, as a heavy industry, the iron and steel factory set its sights on the mountain city in the rear from the beginning.

In 38, with the help of the government, Suhang and his steel factory settled here.

Because of the background of the Ordnance Industry Department of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, the steel factory where Suhang is located is developing very smoothly. The funds are directly loaned out, and the equipment is replenished through various aspects, and it is quickly put into production.

Compared with private iron and steel factories that have difficulty getting loans, small scale, and incomplete equipment, life is much easier.

Most of the orders come from the Ordnance Department, so there is no need to worry about sales.

Just produce with all your heart and soul.

Over the past few years, thanks to the efforts of Suhang and other technicians, the output and quality of the iron and steel plant have been rising steadily, contributing a lot to the war of resistance, and Suhang has always been proud of it.

Of course, there are many problems,
Corruption within the factory is common, the depreciation of legal currency leads to losses in steel factories, small wage increases, soaring prices lead to difficulties in life, serious production safety problems, and so on.

But at least the factory can continue to operate without any problem, and it can provide sufficient and good quality steel for the arsenal.


Half a month ago, the fiat currency suddenly plummeted,
In less than half a month, the value has depreciated by more than three times. Although their salary has also increased by half, in the end, the salary is actually only half of what it was half a month ago.

Coupled with the sharp fall in legal currency and the subsequent soaring prices, the increase is even greater than the depreciation of legal currency.

It's not the most important thing,
What's more serious is that as a heavy industry steel factory, it is slow to pay back. Because of the sudden depreciation, the steel factory suddenly broke its capital chain and it is difficult to sustain. Although the government has provided some loans, the amount is seriously insufficient.

In the end, helplessly went bankrupt.

He didn't know why the legal currency suddenly plummeted, but he thought it had something to do with the preserved fruit, those big shots, and those families.

At this moment, Su Hang was really disheartened.

"A miracle."


"It's a miracle!"

In Yangcun, Ding Wei looked at the information he had brought from the headquarters, and couldn't help but shook his head, not knowing what expression to show for a moment.

"In just half a month, the legal currency has depreciated by more than three times."

"And the depreciation is accelerating..."


In the end, Ding Wei could only sigh.

Although with the current situation and the speed of the army, this group of people is not so important anymore. They can win without it, drive the devils out, and even take revenge with their own hands.

But Ding Wei still couldn't help sighing.

After all, he once fought devils in a trench, and he is still a friendly army.


When this happened, the unlucky ones seemed to be the common people in the fruit-controlled area.

"How could it depreciate so quickly?"

Aside, Kong Jie couldn't help being curious.

Due to the devils making troubles, creating counterfeit money to disrupt the market, the poor foundation of preserved fruit itself, and the stupid economic policy, the legal currency has been depreciating, and the speed is very fast, but it is not possible to depreciate three times in just half a month.

In terms of economic knowledge, Kong Jie is far inferior to Ding Wei.

In fact, Li Yunlong's level is the highest, but Li Yunlong is at the radar station at this time, and Kong Jie really doesn't want to ask Li Yunlong.

"The reasons are somewhat complicated and multifaceted."

Ding Wei explained:
"The preserved fruit relies on the US dollar to stabilize the value of the fiat currency. You should be aware of this."

Kong Jie nodded.

In 35, Guoguo started currency reform. At that time, it was the condition of anchoring the US dollar in exchange for exporting a large amount of silver to the United States, so as to obtain sufficient US dollar reserves.

Because of the strength of the U.S. dollar internationally, the fiat currency can also be maintained in a fairly stable range in the early days, which has greatly promoted economic development.

It's a pity that only two years later, the devils entered the customs.

"They're out of dollars?"

Kong Jie speculated.

Although not as good as Ding Wei, Kong Jie was also very serious about his study during this period of time, and he still has a lot of foundation in economics.


Ding Wei nodded and continued:

"The dollar reserves of dried fruit are depleted."

"No wonder, but how could it be so fast?"

Kong Jie didn't understand again.

During this period of time, thanks to Li Yunlong and his mysterious friend fighting against the devils, they killed dozens of devil generals and even sank two King Kong-class battleships.

As a newspaper reporting first-hand news, Ta Kung Pao has benefited a lot from candied fruit, and foreign remittances have increased a lot, most of which are in US dollars.

Thanks to these U.S. dollar foreign exchange, the depreciation of legal currency has actually been relatively low this year.

"The dollar reserve of preserved fruit has been exhausted, those remittances..."

Speaking of this, Ding Wei said in a tone of hatred that iron cannot be made into steel:

"The whereabouts of most are unknown."

With the strength of the army, the intelligence power is also increasing day by day, and the news inside the fruit is naturally very clear.


Kong Jie was speechless for a moment.

It's already this time, are you still eating in the back?
No wonder the fiat currency has depreciated so much.

Although this kind of thing is almost unavoidable, after all, people's hearts are complicated and unpredictable. With the rapid economic development, the base area has also been troubled by this problem recently.

A lot of money is thrown out, and a lot of people use it to get opportunities, and some moths will inevitably be exposed.

And there are quite a few.

If Li Yunlong hadn't persuaded the higher authorities to use his friend's experts to supervise, and assisted in formulating perfect rules and regulations for investigation and implementation, there might have been troubles long ago.

Even, it may affect infrastructure construction.

I have to say here that those experts are really incredible, not to mention their technical level and operational level.
However, the high-level executives of Guoguo publicly and generally do this, which is really too speechless.

"But it won't depreciate so quickly, right?"

Kong Jie looked at Ding Wei.

Although Guoguo deceived himself and the high-level officials were greedy and stupid, but for these reasons alone, it is impossible for the currency to depreciate three times in a short period of time.

Not depreciation multiples, but time.

Unless the fruit gives up the legal currency, or the devils beat the past and the society collapses, in a fairly stable social environment, currency depreciation is a continuous and slow process.

It takes time for foreign exchange reserves to be depleted and then passed on to the market, currency depreciation, and prices soaring.

No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to depreciate more than three times in half a month, and it is still depreciating at a high speed.

"of course."

Ding Wei's tone was full of sarcasm:
"They, during this period of time, also issued banknotes on a large scale."


Hearing this, Kong Jie couldn't help but a big question mark appeared in his mind, and then he opened his mouth wide, speechless for a long time.

The foreign exchange reserves are about to be exhausted, and Guogui himself must know that, and at this time, the large-scale issuance of currency... This operation directly left Kong Jie speechless for a long time.

Suicide, right?

"These legal currencies are mainly used to increase the salaries of soldiers at the grassroots level, and to purchase military supplies to improve the quality of life of soldiers at the grassroots level."

Ding Wei continued.


Hearing this, Kong Jie also snorted coldly.

Raising military salaries, purchasing supplies and improving the treatment of soldiers, the starting point is good, although they are forced by their own side, but they don't weigh their own abilities?

People are still addicted to vegetables.

"There are also some international factors."

Ding Wei continued:
"Guoguo has been borrowing from the United States, using tung oil and bristles as collateral. It seems that it has been negotiated before, but not long ago, the Americans seem to have suddenly changed their minds."


There was a sharp light in Kong Jie's eyes.

Americans are not a good thing.

Recently, the Americans talk about neutrality, but in private, they secretly hook up with the little devils and sell a large amount of industrial raw materials and supplies. This move is obviously helping the devils.

And, dealing with them.

After all, when the preserved fruit collapsed, the devils would have more power to deal with them.

The attitude of the Americans is most likely due to Boss Mo's reason. The strength shown by Boss Mo has made Americans start to be vigilant.

"And one last reason."

Having said this, Ding Wei paused before continuing:

"The North has also stopped financial aid to preserved fruit."


Kong Jie was taken aback for a moment, then he stood up, frowning deeply:



"how can that be!"

It is understandable for Americans to stumble, but in the north, Kong Jie cannot understand or accept it.

"Why is it impossible!"

"There are only interests between countries, but no friendship."

Ding Wei's tone was cold:

"Even if we are guided by the same concept, we are people who strive for the same goal."

"I understand the truth, but..."

Kong Jie sighed again:

"I didn't expect that they would favor the Japanese."

"It's good if it's biased towards the Japanese."

Ding Wei snorted again:
"According to the information Li Yunlong got from Boss Mo, they plan to sign a treaty of friendship with the devil and agree to the devil's satisfaction..."



Kong Jie clenched his fists.

This is already betraying them.

Ding Wei finally snorted coldly:
"They are unkind, so don't blame us for being unrighteous."


Kong Jie subconsciously wanted to touch the big blade, but his hand was empty.

"Still thinking about your big knife?"

Seeing this, Ding Wei sneered:
"Study hard, you don't need to be able to command the Scud, at least you have to be able to command the tanks and cannons."

"Otherwise, we will really fall behind."


Kong Jie's eyes lit up.

Theoretically, the level of domestic traffic is not suitable for tanks to play.

But compared to the increase in combat effectiveness brought by tanks, this is not a problem.

When encountering water, build bridges, and when encountering mountains, open roads. The army engineers are fully capable of this ability. If they are slower, they will be slower. With the current level of equipment in the army, there is no need to race against time to deal with devils.

Just run over the track all the way.

As long as it is on the battlefield, as a combination of mobility, armor and firepower, tanks can play a decisive role even if their mobility is limited.

Not to mention the tank provided by Boss Mo.

The performance is definitely the top in the world, beating the top tanks of all countries in the world.

"Listen to Li Yunlong's words, guess."

Ding Wei is mysterious:

"The tank is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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