My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 234 Good Harvest!problem!

Chapter 234 Good Harvest!problem!
"Yo Xi."

"The legal currency has collapsed!"

Tokyo, General Staff Headquarters.

Inside the Army's Ninth Scientific Research Institute,
A bunch of devils excitedly flicked their crowns to celebrate.

War is essentially an economic confrontation between belligerent countries.

The French currency has depreciated greatly, the economy has collapsed, and even the arsenal has come to a standstill. It is estimated that in half a month, the depreciation rate will reach ten times. At that time, the frontline resistance will inevitably decrease.

The empire will definitely take this opportunity to completely defeat the preserved fruit.

"Next, our mission is..."

With that said, Captain Yamamoto Kenzo, director of the Army's Ninth Scientific Research Institute, took out a banknote and placed it in front of everyone:


Everyone looked at it together, and there was a banknote printed with Chinese characters on the table.

Army Ninth Scientific Research Institute.

In 35, the research institute established by Yamamoto Kenzo, a staff officer appointed by the Devil's General Staff Headquarters, was tasked with imitating the currency of the Republic of China. For this purpose, a large number of experts from Devil's country were recruited.

35 years is also the year when the legal currency began to be formally issued.

At first, the little devil thought that this matter was easy to handle.

However, although the technology of the Republic of China was weak, the French currency was actually entrusted to the United States to manufacture. The technical level was much higher than that of the devils. It took a full four years, that is, at the end of 39, to forge the first batch of 500 million French currency.

The little devil immediately used this batch of French currency to buy supplies,

Seeing the benefits, the devils immediately expanded their scale and poured a large amount of counterfeit money into the market wave after wave. While they were used to purchase military supplies, they also seriously damaged the credit system of legal currency.

However, there is one thing to say, the devil's business is actually not very profitable.

It has been 500 years since the first 39 million counterfeit legal currency was released. At this time, the legal currency has depreciated several times, and the actual value of 500 million legal currency is approximately equivalent to 35 million legal currency in 100 years.

100 million French currency.

In four years, the research funding of the Army's Ninth Scientific Research Institute has far exceeded this figure.

Later, although the scale was expanded, the depreciation of the legal currency could not be supported faster, and the devils did not increase in scale because they became monks halfway. The cost of coinage was high, and the cost of research and development had to be evened out.

And, Guoji became alert and began to crack down on counterfeit currency, and the intelligence agency also began to intervene, so that Yamamoto Kenzo finally made a preliminary estimate that his Ninth Scientific Research Institute was at a loss.

Yamamoto Kenzo was hit hard.

Fortunately, now that the legal currency is over, the new goal also allows him to regroup.

The frontier area currency in front of us is genuine and strong currency, and according to intelligence, this kind of currency can be exchanged into silver dollars one to one without restriction in the enemy's so-called base area.

Although no limit is a joke, at most, the value will be depreciated if the exchange is tens of millions, but it still makes Yamamoto Kenzo high-spirited.

This time, I will definitely not lose money, and I will definitely make a lot of money.

After Kenzo Yamamoto explained the value of the currency in front of him,

In the research institute, devil experts are equally high-spirited.

Luojia Bay.

Sun Cang's house.

As the first batch of fruit preserves to join the army, they are still grassroots officers and cadres. With the help of local political workers, Sun Cang's family has now fully integrated into Luojiawan.

And a new hut with double-layer civil structure was built.

Although in fact, it has only been half a year.

Sun Cang's [-]th Battalion of the Independent Regiment was stationed nearby. Was there any war recently? After the training, Sun Cang asked for leave to go home.

All four of his brothers also returned home.

Because today is a good day for harvest.

The three acres of potatoes grown at home are about to be harvested.

"No matter how much you harvest, this is a good potato variety."

Before the harvest began, Sun Cang’s mother was deeply moved:
"From now on, I don't have to worry about being hungry anymore, and I don't have to worry about the severe famine."

Potatoes are tuber crops, and the edible parts are tubers buried deep in the ground. The harvest cannot be seen from the surface plants alone.

But looking at the dense and robust potato plants in front of her, with almost no pests and diseases, the Sun family's mother knew that these three acres of potatoes would definitely have a huge harvest.

The pesticides and fertilizers invested in the money are totally worth it.


More importantly, these potatoes can be planted in the twelfth lunar month of winter. After this harvest, the land can be vacated to grow wheat!

Sun's mother, including the younger sister, a group of six people started in the morning and worked until the evening. It lasted for two consecutive days and finally completed the harvest of three mu of land.

Although everyone had already expected it, the potatoes piled up like a hill still stunned everyone.

"This, it must weigh five thousand catties!"

The third son of the Sun family couldn't help swallowing.

"more than!"

Sun's mother, who has been a farmer all her life, said affirmatively:
"At least six thousand catties!"

Sun Cang didn't speak, he just quietly looked at the potatoes piled up like a hill in front of him, and after taking a deep breath, his eyes suddenly became incomparably tough.

At night, the Sun family borrowed the platform scale of the agricultural production station in the village to weigh and obtain the actual output.

Nine thousand catties!
That is, four and a half tons.

The average yield per mu is [-] tons.

This figure is still far from the average yield of three tons per mu in foreign countries in later generations.

However, considering that this is the first time that new planting techniques have been promoted, and that new potato varieties, as well as pesticides and fertilizers, are also used by ordinary people for the first time, this data is already at the level of a miracle.

After all, the yield per mu is [-] tons, and some small countries in later generations have not reached this level.

This figure was reached in the first year, not only because of the excellent variety, but also because the base area spared no effort to promote new technologies, and the most important thing is the persistence and seriousness of the people in farming.

Also that night.

Luojia Bay.

Deputy head Xing reported to the headquarters excitedly:

"Chief, the statistics are out."

"How many?"

On the other side of the phone, even the boss couldn't help being nervous.

Although Chinese cabbage weighs more than 5000 catties per mu, cabbage is only a vegetable, and its water content is too high to be used as a staple food. Occasionally it is fine, but long-term staple food will cause severe malnutrition.

Especially troops with strenuous physical activity.

However, the appearance of cabbage also greatly reduced the indigestion of staff and soldiers in the base area.

But potatoes are different.

Potatoes are a staple food.

This point, whether it is sweet potatoes, cabbage, or other vegetables, is incomparable.

The only thing that can be compared is the unharvested wheat, but wheat itself is the staple food.

"Our production team counted a total of [-] mu, with an average yield of [-] tons per mu."

Deputy head Xing replied excitedly.

"How many did you say?"

The boss didn't seem to hear clearly, or he couldn't believe it.

"The average yield per mu is [-] tons!"

Deputy head Xing said again.

"One and a half tons per mu!"

The boss almost jumped up for joy.

According to the exchange ratio, potatoes are equivalent to about one-third of the staple food, that is, [-] kilograms of potatoes, and [-] kilograms of fish, rice, wheat and other staple foods.

A yield of [-] tons of potatoes per mu is equivalent to [-] kilograms of wheat per mu. With some Chinese cabbage with an even worse yield per mu, it is enough to meet the food needs of a strong laborer for a year.

This year, in all base areas, farms and ordinary people planted potatoes on a total of more than 200 million mu. According to this data, that is 300 million tons of potatoes, which is equivalent to 100 million tons of staple food.

Although there is no shortage of food in the base area now, no, it cannot be described as not lacking, it is completely rich in food, or in other words, there is no place to put the excess.

The warehouse Zhang Wanhe is responsible for has stored 500 million tons of grains suitable for long-term storage, such as wheat and rice, and more than 300 million tons of processed products such as rice and white flour that are beautifully packaged and suitable for long-term storage.

Enough base consumption for a year.

But it's someone else's after all.

No matter how much is stored in the warehouse, it is still grain.

Only the ones grown by oneself in the land year after year are the most reassuring.

Although the technology was provided by others, the seed companies in the base area have already mastered all these seed technologies and can cultivate seeds by themselves. The fertilizer factory has also sent workers and technicians to train them.

With this output,
Even if Boss Mo leaves in the future, the base area can grow enough food by itself, so much that it can't be eaten.

So much so that even if a famine is approaching, the surplus food stocks every year can ensure that everyone will not be hungry.

"Have we planted 300 million mu of wheat?"

Inside the headquarters, the deputy general staff asked.

Among the agricultural technologies provided by Boss Mo, the first batch is cabbage, potato and wheat. Because of the long maturity period, winter wheat takes 210 days to mature.


Someone from the headquarters answered immediately.

"The estimated yield per mu of that kind of wheat is..."

Before the deputy general staff finished asking, someone immediately answered:

"If you plant according to the standard process, use the right amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and don't encounter natural disasters, you can guarantee a minimum of [-] kilograms per mu."

"Three million mu, three hundred kilograms per mu, that's..."

Everyone at the headquarters felt the joy of a good harvest.


"This border ticket is more difficult to imitate than legal currency."

"Paper, ink, rigidity, and anti-counterfeiting are all technologies that I have never seen before."

At the Ninth Scientific Research Institute of the Army, a group of devil experts were scratching their heads, and the technical director said to the director Kenzo Yamamoto.


Kenzo Yamamoto couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Paper, ink, rigidity, anti-counterfeiting... a currency is composed of these four.

Fortunately, he is not so arrogant that he can imitate it in a month or two, and they have gained a lot in the past four years. The experience of imitating legal currency has allowed them to understand the world's top coinage technology and have accumulated a wealth of experience. imitation experience.

"Estimated, how long will it take to imitate?"

Yamamoto Kenzo asked.

"do not know."

"We've never seen paper like this before."

"So is ink."

"There is also anti-counterfeiting technology... I don't know how this is done."

The devil's technical expert's expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

Apparently, the system master's coinage technology gave the devil a great shock.

"There is no way to estimate it, but it will not be shorter than the fiat currency."

In the end, he gave Yamamoto Kenzo the answer.

It will not be shorter than the legal currency... They have copied the legal currency for four years, and the staff headquarters is already very dissatisfied. Now it will take four years, which is still the minimum, and they will not even think about getting a piece of funding.

"I have a suggestion."

The ghost expert said suddenly.


Yamamoto Kenzo frowned.

"We can get the Americans to help."


Yamamoto Kenzo was lost in thought.

"Now that our relationship with the Americans has improved, spending some money to hire their technical experts and equipment will definitely greatly increase the speed, and it will also save costs more than our own research."

The ghost expert persuaded.

"Okay, I will advise the staff headquarters."

Yamamoto Kenzo nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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